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“A Song for My Warrior”

Page 7

by Justus Roux

  “Nina was with me.”

  “That was the only reason I didn’t.”

  Anne looked around and saw Nina sitting down next to Demos. She glanced over at Niro and Robin, then Tomar and Sasha. The large room was filled with Dascon and Larmat warriors.

  “Niro tells me you are a healer of animals,” Tomar said.

  “I was training to be an animal doctor back on Earth.”

  “There are so few animal healers here on Malka, perhaps I could persuade Alistair to let you train with me.”

  “Tomar is an excellent healer of Rundals, barbarians and animals,” Sasha added.

  “Would you like that?” Alistair asked.

  “Yes I would.”

  Alistair watched Anne talk with Tomar, the way her face lit up as they discuss animal healing. She fascinated Tomar Alistair could see that as well.

  “Your female has much in common with Tomar,” Niro said as the dinner was being served.

  “It looks that way.”

  “Then you should allow her to study with him. It is a great honor.”

  “I know…but…”

  “Alistair, you must focus on joining the clans. What Demos has told me about Ivor…he targeted your female.”

  “He hates having a half-breed lead his people.”

  “Demos thinks there was more to it than that. He believes Ivor was a spy.”


  “The rumors of rebels forming must be true.” Niro watched Alistair stare at Anne as she continued talking with Tomar. “Alistair, I am sorry but you can’t let your female distract you from your goal. Alistair…”

  Alistair turned to Niro.

  “I will send half of all Dascon warriors down here to force the Larmat to adapt. I will not chance the Larmat warriors forming a large force and attacking Dascon. This is why I am here to see how far you have come to helping me join the two clans.”

  “I know…I am sorry Niro. I will send warriors out to search the villages for any sign of a rebellion and I will have them kill the Larmat warriors who wish to revolt.”

  “I have already sent several warriors to search each village.”


  “You have more pressing issues. You have to convince the Larmat people that we wish them no harm, that both clans can live in peace.”

  “They can’t see beyond who I am.”

  “You are the son of the great Larmat warrior Tibor.” Niro motioned to a weaker male. “Go get that book I showed you earlier from my chamber,” Niro said to the small male.

  “Yes Niro.”

  “You shouldn’t have brought him. Larmat despise the thought of using weaker males.”

  “Robin wanted to bring Laigne with us. He is her favorite weaker male.”


  “I give my female whatever she wants. I am sure you can understand that now.”

  “Yes…I would give Anne anything she wanted.”

  “Then let her train with Tomar. Look at her…”

  Alistair looked over Anne again. She was enjoying her conversation with Tomar. Alistair could fell a pang of jealousy. But Niro was right she would love to train with Tomar.

  “Tomar, I would be honored for you to train Anne.”

  “Thank you Alistair.”

  “Really…” She smiled at him. “But what about what you need to do. Surely I can help you somehow.”

  “Training with Tomar will make you happy. I can take care of what I need to do. Besides it will give you something to do while I am busy.”

  “Alistair.” Niro handed Alistair a book. “Read this.”

  “What is it?”

  “A book my father had written for you. He wanted to wait until you were ready. He died before he had the chance to give it to you. Robin found this while she was helping me organize all of father’s writings to give to the Dascon history vault.”

  “Hakan wrote this for me?” Alistair lovingly caressed the leather cover.

  “Yes, when you are ready read it.”

  Anne looked over at Alistair. She watched him lightly caress a cover of a book then he motioned for a female to come over to him. “Take this to my chamber and set it on my desk.”

  “Yes Alistair.”

  “What was that?” Anne asked.

  “A gift from Hakan.”

  Anne placed her hand on his leg and gently squeezed. She knew in that book contained the real truth about Alistair’s father, it had to be. After what she read about Tibor from the Larmat history vaults he sounded like a great man. Would Alistair read the book? She felt his large hand cover her hand on his thigh. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

  Chapter Seven

  Rodan managed to get his warriors out of the village of Exoida before Niro’s warriors arrived. He had anticipated such a move from Niro and was rather pleased that the leader of the Dascon clan wasn’t a fool. It would make Rodan’s victory all that much sweeter. His only fear was that his brother Ivor would fail in his mission to bring Niro or Alistair’s mate to him. He didn’t want to wait much longer to attack the main Larmat village. Niro was too smart a warrior to leave the main village of Dascon unguarded. Their only hope was to regain control of the main Larmat village. This would encourage the other Larmat warriors to join them in their revolt.

  “Don’t fail me Ivor,” Rodan whispered as he looked over his warriors. Each one of them was ready.


  Anne waited in Alistair’s chamber. Alistair was meeting with Niro again and would be back soon.

  She removed her covering and sat down on the bed. She felt a little nervous about taking charge of their lovemaking, but she craved for Alistair to take her like an animal. She couldn’t stop thinking about it. The feel of his large body covering hers, the sounds he made as he bit her shoulder…her body shuddered just thinking about it.

  She jerked when she heard the chamber door open. She slowly looked up and saw Alistair just staring at her naked body. That look on his face fanned the flames of her desire to a raging inferno. He slowly walked over to her, kicking the door shut behind him. He quickly removed his sword, then his loincloth.

  “Wait,” she quietly said.

  “I can’t wait. I want you…now.”

  “Alistair,” she purred his name making him lunge for her. “Wait…” She gently pushed on his large body.

  He rolled off of her. His breathing was labored as he tried to control his urge to ravish her.

  She rolled over on her stomach then got up to her hands and knees. She lowered her upper body to the mattress. “Take me like this, my male.”

  “Rrrrssss.” Alistair grabbed her hips and positioned himself behind her.

  “Mmm, my male.” She rubbed her ass against his hard cock.

  He grabbed the head of his cock and positioned it at her opening then rammed his cock deeply into her. He leaned over her body as he continued to thrust his cock harder and harder.

  “Oh Alistair,” she moaned.

  He leaned further over and bit her shoulder keeping her pinned under him.

  “Yessss,” she hissed as she enjoyed his grunts and growls while he thrust faster and harder. “Yes, yessss.” Her orgasm ripped through her body with such a force she thought she might die from the pleasure of it.

  “My female!!” he cried out as his body arched up, he continued to drive himself into her, slowly he thrust as his seed spurted out. He pulled his cock from her and let the remainder of his seed splash across her ass. “My female,” he whispered as he watched his cum trickle down her ass.

  “That was so good,” she cooed as she stretched her body out. She gasped when he flipped her over and straddled her chest. He rubbed his cock across her breasts as it started to grow hard again.

  “I need more of you,” he groaned.

  She reached up and grabbed his ass, pulling him closer. Her tongue teased the head of his cock. She looked up and saw him watching every movement of her tongue. She loved this feeling of power she had at this moment, love
d the look of pleasure etched on his face. She gently suckled on the head of his cock as her hands kneaded his firm ass. He reached down and tangled his hands in her hair, lifting her head up closer to him.

  “This feels so good,” he said breathily. “So good.”

  She took more and more of his cock into her mouth. She purred when she felt him slowly begin to thrust and his hands tightening in her hair. She let his cock popped from her mouth briefly. “You taste so good, my male.”

  “Ahhhooo.” He grabbed her head more firmly and eased his cock back into her mouth. “I am going to spill my seed…”

  Anne slowed her sucking—she didn’t want him to come yet. She took his cock from her mouth then lathed his cock with her tongue all the while watching his face. “You are so beautiful, Alistair,” she purred.

  “I need to come…Anne…ohhsssmm…”

  “Grab your beautiful cock and stroke it for me. I want to taste your cum.”

  Alistair immediately did what she asked. He stroked his cock as she opened her mouth in anticipation of tasting his cum. He stroked faster and faster until his cum spurted from his cock into her mouth. She drank down every drop then licked the head of his cock.

  Alistair climbed off her and laid on the bed beside her. “Say it again,” he whispered as he pulled her into his arms.

  “Say what again?”

  “Tell me I am your male.”

  “You are my male, Alistair.” She snuggled up against him. “My beautiful male.”

  Alistair kissed the top of her head and laid there just holding her closely to him. He never dreamed a female would willingly want him, or ever call him her male. His mind desperately scanned the conversation he had with Niro and Demos, he tried to remember what they said to their females when they wanted her to know just how much they adored them.

  “I am not sure these words are right…” he paused. “I love you, Anne.” His heart pounded in his chest. Perhaps it was too much to expect that she would have any feelings for him. She did call him her male…he held his breath waiting to see how she would react to his words of love.

  Anne looked up into Alistair’s pale blue eyes. “I love you too, Alistair.” Her heart about melted when she saw the tears form in his eyes.

  “Am I dreaming…am I dead?”

  “What?” she propped herself up on her elbow.

  “You love me, is this really true?”

  “Yes, Alistair.”

  “You are a gift from our God. I never dreamt I would ever hear those words of love from a female.”

  “Oh Alistair.” Her heart burst with love for him, but also ached knowing that he has never had someone say those words to him before.

  “I swear I will make you happy and that I will protect you with my life,” he said softly as he caressed her hair and gazed into her beautiful face.


  “Niro will be leaving tomorrow,” Alistair said as he walked with Anne around the village.

  “Does that mean Nina and Demos will be leaving too?”

  “No, Demos is staying to command Niro’s warriors that will be staying here for a little while. And where Demos is Nina will be.”

  “Do you honestly believe Nina is a good warrior? I think she is brave for wanting to be the first female warrior.”

  “Demos trained her, she must be a good warrior, though it is hard to see a female as a warrior. I was taught since I was very young that females are precious that they need a male’s protection. So when I saw Nina for the first time it did throw me off balance. I have sparred with her and she is rather good, but still no match for a warrior of my caliber. She still has much to learn.”

  “But she is good right?”

  “Oh yes, but the fact is a male is so much stronger than a female. Demos has taught her when to evade and when to strike. I believe she will be a grand warrior in time.”

  “You are a grand warrior.”

  “I have trained many years to get to this level.”

  “Oh…I see, so you are saying that after a few more years of training Nina will be just as good as the rest of the warriors.”


  “I have been hearing what a lot of these male warriors think about her.”

  “She doesn’t care what they say. That is one of the things I really like about her. Besides if you notice most of these warriors won’t say anything directly to her.”

  “They are afraid she might beat them in a match.”

  “No, they are afraid of Demos. He is a warrior of exceptional caliber. Not even I can beat him in a sparring match. I believe he can even beat Niro too.”

  “It sounds like you have great respect for Demos.”

  “Oh yes. I think all Dascon warriors respect him.”

  “Umm…can I ask something?”

  “You can ask me anything, Anne.”

  “Why aren’t you in charge of Niro’s warriors?”

  “I have to focus on getting the Larmat people ready to merge with the Dascon clan. If I command the Dascon warriors Niro brought with him this might bring fear to the Larmat people. I don’t want this, Niro doesn’t want this. We only want peace.”

  “I think I understand. I just thought maybe Niro was dissing you or something.”


  “Disrespecting you. If he was I was going to have a few words with him.”

  “Niro has great respect for me. You needn’t worry about that, though I am touched that you are willing to challenge the leader of the Dascon clan for my honor.” Alistair chuckled.

  “Well…nobody better say anything bad about you in front of me or I will have to become the second female warrior on this planet.”

  Alistair’s laughter warmed her.

  “Tomar wants to start your training today.”

  “Really? This is so exciting.”

  “I will escort you to his chamber. You will be safe with the Rundals. Don’t wander away from them.”

  “I won’t. What are you going to do today?”

  “I have to meet with Niro and Demos. Later on today I would like to spend time with little Zenos. Would you like to join me?”

  “That would be wonderful.”

  Chapter Eight

  Anne walked with the two Rundal guards to the conja’s stable. She couldn’t take her eyes off the reptilian males. Their body form was so much like a human males, she wondered if there was some human in their genes.

  “Tomar is in the stable with one of the conjas,” one of the males said.

  Once inside the stable they led her to where Tomar was. He was examining a female conja.

  “Hello Anne,” Tomar said as he gently pet the conja.

  “She is going to give birth isn’t she?” Anne said. She went over to Tomar.

  “Yes, any moment now. She is having a bit of trouble pushing the baby out.”

  Anne went to the other side. She petted the female conja’s leg. “It’s alright girl.” She watched Tomar place his hands inside the conja and gently turned the baby. “It’s alright,” Anne said again, trying to calm the conja. Within moments a tiny baby conja emerged from its mother. “Oh…congratulations girl.”

  Tomar released the baby and reached for Anne. “We must leave them be now.”

  Anne went with Tomar to the other side of the pen. She watched the mother conja start to clean her infant. The little infant was so cute. “I would have thought a conja laid eggs.”

  “Only the birds and my people lay eggs to have offspring on this planet.”

  “Your people…really?”

  “You seem surprised.”

  “It’s just that you look…well almost human I would assume your females would have live births.”

  “Almost human huh.” Tomar chuckled.

  “Look at your body form, other than the tail, scales, rubbery skin and your reptilian facial features, you otherwise have the form of a human male.”

  “I guess we do.”

  “Is your reproductive organs the same as a
human male too? Oh…I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked that.”

  “Your curiosity is pleasing to me. I have seen the male and female barbarian’s reproductive organs and yes my people are very similar.”

  “Really?” Anne quickly looked away from him. She wanted to see for herself but there was no way that it would be proper to ask him.

  “Juanas come here,” Tomar said to one of the guards. “We Rundals are not bashful when it comes to our bodies. Juanas please take off your clothing.”

  Anne watched the male Rundal take off his loincloth. “Oh my…” she said, gazing at his black rubbery looking cock. “You are remarkably similar to human males.”

  “Thank you Juanas you may put your clothing back on. Anne don’t tell Alistair that Juanas stood before you unclothed. Alistair may hurt him. The barbarian males are very jealous and protective of their females. So you can understand why I ask this of you.”

  “Of course. Is it possible for your people and the barbarians to mate?”

  “Yes, but it doesn’t produce offspring.”

  “Have the barbarians try to…”

  “Sometimes, only if a female wishes it. Some of our females have started to crave the barbarians’ rather rough mating.”

  “The male Rundals don’t mate with the barbarian females?”

  “No, the only female barbarians the male Rundal have a chance to encounter are those of the Dascon clan. Since almost all females of breeding age have a protector I will not allow any of my males to touch a female for fear that the barbarian males will hurt them. I am afraid I can’t sate your curiosity about mating with any of the Rundal males. Alistair would kill any male, be it barbarian or Rundal that touches you.”

  “Oh…I didn’t want to mate with…I am sorry I guess I should stop asking such personal questions.”

  “You may ask anything you wish.”

  Anne followed Tomar around the village as they checked various domestic animals. She even watched as he tended to the sick barbarians. His medical knowledge was awe-inspiring.

  “How did you find Earth? How did you know that the females would be compatible with the barbarians?” Anne asked as they stopped for something to eat.


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