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Fiending for His Love

Page 10

by Angel Williams

  Blaze was in his car in the back seat, receiving a blowjob from one of his partner’s hoes; something that he shouldn’t have been doing. He heard the commotion, but didn’t know that it was Candy until Cinnamon came pounding on the car window.

  Blaze held the girl’s head down so she wouldn’t be seen. “What you want Cinnamon? You know damn well not to be running up on this car while we out here. The Po-Pos or FEDs could be watching us.”

  Cinnamon waved his paranoid ass off. He always thought someone was watching him. “Daddy, get out here now! Some pimp out here beating Candy’s ass.”

  At the words, Blaze quickly hopped out of the back seat with his pants wrapped around his ankles. Cinnamon stared him up and down, but dismissed the thought of questioning him. Blaze didn’t go for the questioning thing and she was very aware of that. I hope that bitch is paying him, Cinnamon thought as she looked back at the girl who was hiding on the floor of the car.

  Blaze made it to the scene, seeing many heads gathered around Candy who was laid out on the ground. He couldn’t tell whether the hoe was dead or alive. Knowing Candy, it was her mouth that had gotten her in trouble. Being Blaze, he approached the situation with no confrontation intended. “Aye pimping! What’s happening?” Blaze broke through the crowd.

  Confirmation of Candy being amongst the living was received because as soon as she heard Blaze’s voice she got up and ran to his rescue.

  “Aye hoe, back the fuck up,” Blaze snapped.

  Candy stood on the side of Blaze. Everything that she told Blaze was a lie. She tried to make it seem like the pimp beat her for no reason.

  Snow White hopped out of a trick’s car and approached the scene. Walking up on them, she heard pieces of the conversation. “Daddy, that hoe a lie,” Snow White interjected. “She was bad talking that nigga all up in his face and everything.”

  Blaze looked around. Now other pimps were approaching the situation. He couldn’t dare look weak in front of the next because if he did shit would never be put to rest. He pinned Candy up by her collar. “Bitch, I’ma have to put your ass in check today!” he said through clenched teeth.

  Snow White moved in even closer. At that moment she wished that she had a Pepsi soda and a bowl of extra buttery popcorn to watch the show front and center.

  “Daddy, please,” Candy whined. It was bad enough that she had just gotten her ass beat, but a second ass whooping in one night was just a little too much for her.

  Blaze threw Candy on the ground like a rag dog and began stomping her. “I done told your hot ass about this shit before! You gon’ learn today!” he screamed in rage.

  After a few good stomps, Snow White whipped a Kleenex from out of her purse then rushed over and began wiping the sweat off of Blaze’s head. No matter what, she always catered to her king. Candy’s ass whooping didn’t put any limitations on the job that she was destined to do.

  “Hoe, get up and get my fucking money,” Blaze roared.

  Candy got up and ran to the nearest corner.

  “Bitch, I told you before. You need to chill out before that nigga kill you. If you don’t want to be here, then get to stepping,” Cinnamon pep talked Candy as she helped her fix herself up.

  Neither cinnamon nor any of the other girls ever understood Candy’s action. They started taking it as Candy loved the ass whoopings and the unwanted attention that Blaze gave her from acting up. They had it right on the nose. She was indeed an attention-seeking hoe. She wanted what she’d never gotten before: Love. To her the ass whoopings that Blaze dished out to her were the first steps to admitting the love that he had for her. She couldn't help that she was fiending for his love at all times. She was wrong, Blaze cared for the hoe, but his money was why he kept Candy around. If her pussy was to stop selling he would drop her quickly, like a bad habit, and that went for the rest of his hoes too.

  ~Chapter 10~

  All four of the girls bunched up in the back of Blaze’s Cadillac sitting straight up. Enjoying the breeze in the front seat was Blaze’s newest edition to the family, his teacup Yorkie that he named Kitty. Every time Snow White looked at the dog she sucked her teeth with anger. She was Blaze’s main bitch and always occupied the front seat but now a damn dog was taking her place.

  Blaze tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he thought about how he could better his situation, make his stable stronger, and bring in a bigger profit. The stress and the headache was putting a toll on him and he felt like the hoes he had weren’t worth all the bullshit and the extra baggage they brought with them. The money wasn’t flowing like it had months ago. He didn’t know whether or not he was slacking on his pimping or if his hoes were slacking on their missions. Regardless, shit had to change.

  All of the girls sat in the back seat with their minds in different places. Snow White was pissed that the damn dog was occupying her front seat. It was the only thing she could think about. Dottie was lost in her own thoughts, thinking about a better way. She was already growing weary with the lifestyle that had chosen her more than she chose it. Cinnamon was thinking about a luxurious shopping spree. She loved money, clothes, and the finer things in life. As long as she got those items she didn’t give a damn about anything else. Candy was just thinking about life period. All she wanted in life was love. Her daddy’s love at that.

  Blaze pulled up to the house and placed the car in park. Tonight he wasn’t into entertaining his girls. He had a lot to think about. “Y’all gone ‘head in there and get some rest. Tomorrow be up early,” he told them.

  Snow White huffed as she got out of the car and slammed the back door in Cinnamon’s face. “So we ain’t getting any tonight?”

  Blaze didn’t bother looking at Snow White. “Bitch, gone and get out my face before you find yourself picking your face up off this ground!” Blaze roared.

  Snow White sucked her teeth, storming into the house. “It’s Blaze’s way or no way,” she mocked to herself.

  Blaze laid in bed alone. He was torn for many different reasons. He was tired of just making it or faking it until he made it. He put his life on line every day, all for the game that had chose him; the game that he had fallen in love with. The money, the fast life, the expensive cars, and the lavish things were all things he couldn’t see himself living without. But, it felt like trying to maintain all of those things was slowly killing him. He wasn’t ready to settle for the stress that the game came with. Things just had to change. As soon as the money came in, it felt like it went right back out. He had to generate a bigger profit. Blaze’s mind drifted off to his father and how he ran his business. Never a day did he see his father stress over money.

  Blaze got out of bed, grabbed his robe, and made his way to the basement where his safe was located. He stared at the picture of his mother, which hung on the wall. The portrait had been hand painted by one of his old hoes. Blaze’s thoughts wondered back to his mother for a New York second. He carefully removed the painting and proceeded to the safe that rested in a hidden compartment behind it. Emptying the continents out the safe he began to count the money.

  “All this fucking work and I only have $212,000 to my name. If these hoes left me tomorrow I wouldn’t be able to survive,” Blaze said aloud, talking to himself like he always did when he was in deep in thought or if something was bothering him.

  Blaze got dressed and went to meet with one of his partners. He needed some legit advice. He needed a better plan.


  Blaze sat across the table from Pretty Boy Fly. Fly was one of the most well known pimps coming out of Chicago. He swore up and down that he originated pimping. He had been in the game for over twenty years. Pimping was his life. Pimping was him. He was one slick man. His mouth and his plans were even slicker. Since his first month of pimping he had been living like a king and never once did he turn back. His whole life was established and he didn’t mind bragging about it either. He had some of the baddest, most loyal hoes. Majority of his hoes were from exotic countries. Black girl
s were always off limits to him. He was in love with tan skin, long hair, and exotic eyes. None of his girls walked a hoe stroll. Fly’s hoes were way too high maintenance for that. One look at one of his girls and you would never think they were sleeping around with the highest bidder. They always remain well kept.

  Blaze stared Fly up and down, checking out his fanciness. He made a mental note to himself that he was indeed going to get fly like Fly. For sure Blaze was already one fly slick nigga, but Fly was on a totally different level; a level that Blaze dreamed to be on. Fly sat across from Blaze wearing a black mink coat. Even though it was way too damn hot for the mink coat he still decided to wear it. He was pimping Fly and he could do stuff like this. He was laced in diamonds and gold from his earring to the big medallion cross that he wore around his neck.

  He began to toy with his oversized diamond and gold pinky ring as he eyed his longtime friend, Blaze.

  “What brings you here today?” Fly smiled.

  The last time he’d seen Blaze the young pimp was asking him for a loan. The time before that, Blaze was asking him for yet another loan to purchase his home. He didn’t mind giving Blaze loans because he was somewhat like a loan shark. People borrowed from him and paid back the high interest rate that he charged.

  Blaze glanced around at one of Fly’s businesses that they were sitting in. Fly owned a strip club, two nightclubs, and three restaurants. All of the money for the businesses came from the goods of one of his girls. In Fly’s eyes, pussy made the world go around.

  “Man, I’m slipping.” Blaze admitted. “I just been thinking lately, I’m living this shit all wrong. Hell I’m supposed to be living good like you.”

  “Now you realize that you are selling yourself short? Your allowing all these hoes to sell themselves short. It’s time for you to change your game up. I’m promise you, follow my lead and you’ll be right where you want to be. Right where you need to be,” Fly assured him.

  Blaze sat back and sipped on his Henny and Coke as Fly planted seeds in his ear.


  Snow White sat on the edge of her bed pissed as shit. Blaze called her hours ago and told her to wake the girls up yet he didn’t show up nor was he answering his cell. She went into her top drawer and snatched $10 out and rushed out the house. A dime bag of Kush was going to settle her mind. When she came back Candy and Cinnamon were sitting on the front stoops laughing and drinking and having a good time.

  “What y’all lazy asses doing?” Snow White raised her eyebrow. When Blaze wasn’t around she found it her duty to question the girls, interrogating them like they were on her payroll.

  Candy rolled her eyes and continued her conversation with Cinnamon. Snow White got the hint that they didn’t want to deal with her so she stormed off into the house. The first thing she noticed was that the house was a mess. Neither of the girls got up and bothered doing any cleaning. She was tired of cleaning up after some filthy, lazy chicks. She went into her room and slammed the door behind her before throwing herself on the bed, landing on her back. Minutes later Snow White was laying with her right arm behind her head as she smoked a big, fat blunt to ease her mind. Her tolerance was very low. It only took a few inhales of weed for her to get high and a few shots of alcohol for her to get drunk.

  Her mind wondered off to when she was a little girl. Snow White was only eleven years old when she discovered she was different from the rest. You couldn’t tell from just looking at her. Her outer body was just fine, but her mind was very dangerous. Her mother, Mia, worked hard and partied even harder. Her father? She never met the man a day in her life. Not that it mattered, she figured the bastard was off doing what he did best: being a dead beat father, getting women pregnant and leaving them just the way he’d done her mother.

  While her mother worked so hard, she always kept a man around. Around this time she had Kevin around who was much younger than the men she usually preferred. But then again, who was to say that? Mia didn’t have a particular type of man that she preferred. Her preference always changed. One day he could be young, the next man could be old. One day her type was white, the next day she was no longer into white men. Point blank, as long as he had a penis and he was willing and able then she kept him around.

  Mia was a young mother. She’d had Sasha at a very young age. After giving birth, she was left on her own with no guidance what so ever. So, she taught herself how to be a mother and never had anyone’s help aside from welfare. Too bad welfare didn’t train young mothers on how to parent.

  ~Chapter 11~

  Charisma and Michelle had been hanging around one another an awful lot. Both of the girls had their own reasons. Michelle felt like the more she hung around Charisma the more she could keep an eye out on her boo, who happened to be sleeping with two best friends and thought that Charisma had no clue.

  They pulled up to the local hair store where Michelle went monthly to purchase overpriced wigs and weaves. She had so many wigs, lace fronts, and weaves that every other day she was changing up her look. Michelle slammed the door to her Mustang and switched her voluptuous ass over to the front door of the store with Charisma in tow. Charisma rolled her eyes. Michelle’s bipolar, mad-one-minute-and-happy-the-next minute, nasty attitude ass was getting on her last nerves. She crossed her arms across her chest as she followed behind Michelle. Michelle opened the glass door for herself and let it loose. Charisma damn near got smacked in the face with the heavy glass door. Michelle never turned back around as she kept on moving.

  “Damn, bitch! You damn near took my face off with that door,” Charisma huffed.

  “Girl, what I look like? Your man? I ain’t about to be holding no doors for your prissy ass,” Michelle huffed back.

  Charisma bit her tongue. She had some things on her chest that she wanted to get off but decided against it for now.

  Michelle walked up to the counter, turning her nose up from not seeing her usual sales girl that always gave her the hook up. She was not about to pay full price for some hair when she’d been getting it for next to nothing all of this time. “Hey, Kim!” Michelle smiled, calling the Korean lady by a name that sure as hell wasn’t hers. Michelle did that with all foreigners. She called Arabs Ben Laden, Korean women Kim, and she even went as far as calling African men Kunta Kinte.

  The Korean lady gave Michelle a friendly smile.

  “Is Lady here today?” Michelle questioned.

  “No work today,” the friendly lady replied.

  “Huh no work? What you mean?” Michelle questioned as if she mistakenly heard the lady wrong.

  “She means what she said. Lady ain’t here today.” Charisma laughed.

  Michelle stormed off, searching the aisles for the items that she needed while she waited for Lady to magically appear. Annoyed, Michelle whipped out her iPhone and dialed Lady’s number. “Girl, where you at? I’m at the store,” she told the woman.

  “Oh shit. Michelle, I totally forgot that you were coming today. I took the day off to spend time with my boo before he turned himself in,” Lady replied while propped up in the doggy style position as her man dug in her ass from the back. He was receiving the best go away present one could receive. He was going to prison all right. In fact the double life he was living was starting to take a toll on him. Spending the next six months with his wife and three kids was like jail.

  “Bitch, please get that dick out your mouth and be on your way here now,” Michelle hissed.

  “Huh? Oooh. No, girl. Not today. I’ll holla.” Lady rudely hung up in her ear.

  Oh no this bitch didn’t. I know this bitch didn’t just have me drive all the way to Upper Darby to stand me up. That’s that hoe’s ass! I’ma dig all up in her shit when I see her, Michelle thought as she blankly stared at her phone’s screen.

  Charisma was at the counter looking at some Indian Virgin hair. She had to get the 28 inches. She could already picture how it was going to look lovely on her head and freely flow down her back. She already had long hair, but ev
en longer was much better to her.

  Michelle stormed up to the counter and immediately got jealous of the hair that Charisma was looking at. “I was going to get that hair too.” Michelle sucked her teeth.

  “Then do you,” Charisma replied.

  Michelle, being the cheap person she was only when the expenses came out of her hard earned money, started trying to get deals on the hair like she was at an auction or something.

  Kim knew money when she saw it. She went into the glass display and pulled out some of her best virgin weaves and lace fronts.

  Michelle’s eyes got big like she was in a candy shop. “Oooh. I likey Kim, you got good taste.” Michelle smiled. Michelle grabbed the hair, holding it to her head. The color was a perfect match. The hair was meant just for her. She couldn’t resist it. “How much?” she questioned.

  “$500 a bundle. You buy three bundles I give it to you for discount for $450 a bundle.” Kim kindly smiled.

  Being so money hungry, Michelle did the math in a New York second. “Oh hell no! That’s over $1300 for some hair. I’m a fucking stripper, not a damn trophy wife. How about I give you $500 for all three bundles?” Michelle began to negotiate.

  “How much is the total for my hair?” Charisma interjected.

  “For you, $1200. It’s Virgin, never been processed,” Kim, told Charisma.

  Charisma began smiling from ear to ear. She usually would pay a little more for hair on Trent’s behalf. She went into her Armani bag and began digging out the $1200. Michelle folded her arms across her chest, seconds away from having a hissy fit or an evil outburst. She couldn’t stand that she was giving up all her goods to the same man that Charisma was and the other chick was being taken care of like a queen while she on the other hand received hard dick and canceled sex dates. If this bitch keep on flaunting my nigga shit, then I’ma expose her to some real shit. Once she finds out that her man isn’t so faithful that frail bitch’ll probably end up committing suicide, Michelle thought and rolled her eyes.


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