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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 12

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Understanding hit Clifton and his eyes widened. “He joins Lancer’s guard. You join the Realm’s Council. You two have been strategizing on how to overcome the Unfading Lands all these years?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  Overwhelmed by what Elizabeth was saying, overwhelmed with her bravery, intelligence, and beauty, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her soundly on the mouth. He released her as quickly as it happened and turned towards the boundary line with exuberance. “This is brilliant, Princess!”

  Elizabeth lightly traced her fingers over her mouth, her lips still humming from the contact. She had never been kissed before, much less by a prince. He turned and spotted her, realization of his previous action hitting him full force. His smile faded, and he reached for her hands. “I apologize Princess. I meant no disrespect. I…” He trailed off. How could he be so stupid? He inwardly kicked himself and lightly brushed a curl out of her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. “I am truly sorry, milady. I lost myself in the wonder of the moment.”

  Elizabeth shook her head to clear her thoughts. She tilted her head up towards his. “No apology necessary, my Lord. I understand how something like this,” she waved her hand around the area, “could be quite shocking.”

  He flashed a quick grin before he began to pace around the clearing. “And you have told no one of your interaction with Prince Edward?”

  “No. Only you.”

  “Only me.” He repeated and gazed at her in amazement. “I am honored you would trust me with such a secret, Princess.”

  “Can I trust you with my secret?” She challenged, their conversation outside the tree line finally making sense to him.

  “Yes. Most definitely.” He heartily agreed.

  Elizabeth flung herself into his arms and hugged him tightly in relief. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, Prince Clifton.”

  He peered over her shoulder at Edward as he laughed. He nodded towards Clifton and then mounted his horse. He saluted towards Clifton and rode away. All the while, he held Elizabeth tightly in his arms. She felt perfect. She felt right. She eased out of his embrace and smiled. “I should hope to include you in my conversations with Edward and our strategizing from now and in the future.”

  “I am honored, my Princess.”

  Elizabeth nodded in approval. “Wait here.”

  She walked through the tree line and then led both their horses into the clearing and retied them to a branch. “I normally bring Lenora inside the tree line so as not to draw attention to my location.” She explained. Clifton stepped towards her and was quickly taken aback as she spun around unsheathing a sword and penning him towards a tree. The blade held steady and strong with capable hands, and he felt his heart in his throat. Was she meaning to harm him? Was he to die here on the banks of the boundary for learning her secrets? Then he saw it. A small flash of a devilish grin as she backed away slowly. “Arm yourself, Prince. For you are about to find yourself in a duel.”

  She struck a pose of defense as he reached to the hilt of his sword and brought forth his blade. He mimicked her pose and they studied one another a moment. Elizabeth’s heart raced at the sight of him. A warrior, indeed, she thought. His green eyes flashed with power and strength, and a little amusement at their current circumstance.

  She lunged forward and the sound of blade on blade echoed in the clearing. Parrying back and forth, Elizabeth’s footwork and quickness matched his own. She lunged in response and had him beat attacking her with which she expertly countered in a circle parry, regaining her control. He nodded his head in acknowledgment of her skill and smiled.

  He attacked again and this time overpowered her and disarmed her, her sword flying towards the edge of the river. He held his blade firm as he backed her up towards the same tree she had held him. She panted breathlessly as she studied his gaze. “You are quite good.” He complimented, his blade lightly flicking her braid off of her shoulder. She did not flinch at the movement earning another level of his respect. “I practice every day, what did you expect?” She challenged, the slight tilt to her stubborn chin making his heart turn and his face to break into a smile. He dropped his sword and swooped in, cupping her face in his hands and claiming her mouth with his. He kissed her deeply, relishing the taste of her and the feel of her soft lips. He felt her fingertips nervously brush along his jaw as her lips glided over his. He then pulled away slowly, studying her carefully. He leaned his forehead against hers and placed his hands against the tree on either side of her. Both breathless, neither of them spoke.

  Finally, he raised his head and met her gaze. “You bewitch me, Princess Elizabeth.” A smile spread over his handsome face, his blonde unruly hair disheveled from their duel and from his nervous hand as it swiped through the golden locks. He lightly ran a hand over his face and smile as if trying to erase it, but it remained. Elizabeth found herself smiling in much the same way. She reached into her skirt pocket and pulled out the smooth white stone from the pond in the garden a few days prior and tossed it to him. “For the victor. You win this round, Prince Clifton.”

  He laughed heartily and rubbed his thumb over the stone before slipping it into his tunic pocket. He bowed and she curtsied.

  “Shall we head back to the castle?” She asked.

  He nodded. “Aye, I believe we should.” He walked up to her and saw her sharp intake of breath as if bracing for another kiss they both wished would happen. Instead, he offered his arm. She slipped hers in it and laughed as he led her to her horse.

  “Race you back?” She asked with a slight glint in her eye.”

  “I was counting on it.” He replied quickly as he hopped into the saddle and slapped his reins, leaving her behind. Elizabeth gawked at his dismissal and then shook her head with a smug smile as she slapped her reins and raced after him.


  Edward whistled as he brushed the coat of his horse. Prince Clifton and Elizabeth. He shook his head and smiled. His sister was blind if she did not see the love the prince had for her. He ran his fingers through Triton’s white mane and removed the small blades of grass that hid beneath them. With Prince Clifton on their side, new ground could be covered. His heart burned with excitement at the possibility of overthrowing the Lands.

  “My Lord?”

  Edward jerked to attention as one of his guards stepped into the stable area and bowed. “Lord Lancer wishes to speak with you.”

  “Ah, very well then.” Edward tossed the man his brush. “Finish up for me, will you? I shall return to check your work.”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  Edward bounded up the castle steps and slipped through the heavy doors. There Lancer sat in the single chair at the end of the grand hall. He beamed when he saw Edward.

  “Ah, Edward!” He stood and clapped his hands together before embracing him. Edward’s brow furrowed as Lancer pulled back and looked him in the eye.

  “Exciting news, Edward.”

  “Oh?” Edward asked curiously. He watched as Lancer’s dark eyes danced and he grinned.

  “Yes, oh yes, Edward. The Southern Kingdom prince has made contact with me.”


  “Not a half hour ago.”


  “And he wants to unite forces.”

  “But I thought you wished to remain independent from allies.” Edward stated.

  “I do.”

  “Forgive me, my Lord, but I am slightly confused.”

  Lancer laughed heartily and slapped him on the back leading him into his personal chamber. “Oh Edward, I love you for a laugh. I am excited to discuss the news with you. I have had the guards looking for you all day. Where did you run off to?” Lancer waved his hand. “Never mind, I don’t want to know. Have a seat.” He gestured towards the plush sofas and sat across from Edward. He snapped his fingers and a servant stepped forward. Lancer pointed to the fireplace. The servant diligently began preparing a fresh fire. Once finished, Lancer merely waved him away.

“Now, where were we? Oh yes, the South. I was in my reflection chamber,” Lancer began, mentioning the room no one was allowed to enter, “and I had a sudden urge to ride along the boundaries of the Lands.”

  Edward’s heart sank; he prayed Lancer did not see his interaction with Clifton or Elizabeth.

  “I immediately arose and called for my horse. I searched for you as well, but you were away doing whatever it is you do, and so I decided to set out on my own. I was told to go along the boundary line.”

  “Who told you?” Edward asked, hoping the ruler would divulge some information of the source of his knowledge.

  “I told you, I was in my reflection chamber.” Lancer replied with slight annoyance at the thought of Edward not paying attention.

  “Of course.” Edward replied. “Please continue.”

  Lancer shrugged and poured himself a drink. “As I neared the boundary line of the Northern Kingdom, I saw an increased number of Realm royal guards, except along the river. All that was happening there was a young couple sneaking kisses in the trees by the river, however, I continued on and came to the Southern boundary.”

  Edward sighed. He had not seen him. How did Lancer not see him? And the young couple kissing in the trees near the river? His mind stopped. Elizabeth. Prince Clifton. Kissing? It would seem Lancer rode past their meeting place after he had already left. Thank goodness for timing. And Elizabeth… kissing? He smirked at that news but trained his mind to concentrate on Lancer’s words. His sister’s heart would need to be contemplated later.

  “When I reached the Southern Boundary line, Prince Eric had just shoved one of his guards through the boundary line and into the Lands. The man was wounded, and his wounds began to heal instantly due to the Lands’ healing nature. Don’t you see, Edward? Prince Eric is using my lands for his own gain!” A storm brewed in Lancer’s eyes.

  “We knew they were crossing, my Lord. Half of our army are Southern Guards now.”

  “Yes, but I did not realize he was sending me his weaklings!” Lancer boomed. He slammed his glass down on the small wooden table and began to pace. “How dare he send me his cast offs. I was so angered by the sight, I dismounted and walked to the boundary line with my sword. Every man that came over the line I killed. Fatal blows so no healing could take place. Every. Last. One.” Lancer’s voice grew dark and his eyes flashed with fury.

  “So, what is your exciting news, my Lord? I thought you said you met with the prince?”

  “Ah, indeed. To his horror, I stepped from the shadows and revealed myself. I then crossed the boundary and held my sword to his throat. Most exciting. The shock on his face.”

  “You crossed? Into the Realm? But how?”

  “I told you there were ways, Edward.”

  “Yes, but… I did not know anyone still could.”

  “I can.” Lancer corrected. “I told the prince that if he sends me one more cast off guard then I would personally cross back over and annihilate him completely. He then pleaded with me for his life and also for a position of power here in the Lands. Ha! Can you believe he dare ask me to share my power with him?! I think not.”

  Edward’s head spun. Lancer could cross the boundary! He had to tell Elizabeth and Clifton about this sudden news. There was a way. Lancer said there were ways, but how? Who could cross and how?!

  “The prince then begins spilling his guts about his ideas of conquest over the Northern Kingdom. He wishes to kidnap your youngest sister and bring her here to the Lands to be his bride. I assured him that she was not his prize to gain him access into my inner courts. It would take more than a princess of the North to share my power. It would take—” He paused and caught himself. “Never mind that.” He added. “The point of this meeting, Edward, is that I want you to gather up all the guards that have come from the Southern Kingdom. We will rid ourselves of them tonight.”

  Edward’s eyes widened. “Rid ourselves? But they are our army, my Lord.”

  “We will train others. I do not wish to fight with a mediocre army. Kill them all.” Lancer drained the rest of his drink and then waved Edward away.

  Edward stood obediently and bowed before exiting. He jogged to his chambers and immediately set about writing a letter to Elizabeth telling her of the news. He then found himself walking to the armory and arena where his guards awaited him for training. Kill them all, he reminded himself. Kill them all.


  Alayna swiftly made her way down the main stairwell and into the main hall of the castle. Her father had felt weak this afternoon and asked her to fill in for the open doors. A concept her father had created to allow people of the kingdom to appeal to the throne for needs that may arise. She eased into the large, sturdy seat. The carvings ornate and detailed, she traced her fingertips over the wings of a dove. The room was empty, minus the guards at the door and she felt small. Her chest felt heavy as she took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves.

  “May I stand guard for you, my Princess?”

  Alayna jolted to attention at the sound of Prince Ryle’s voice as he eased into step next to the throne. “Mosiah is with King Anthony and my father discussing matters for the Eastern Borders. I volunteered to fill his position, if the matter is approved by you.” Ryle awaited and watched as Alayna surveyed him closely. She nodded and then placed her hands in her lap.

  “Princess?” He whispered softly.

  She glanced up, her brown eyes soft and fearful.

  “Are you nervous?”

  Alayna took a deep breath and nodded. “I apologize, my Lord.” She stated shakily. “This is the first time for me to sit in my father’s chair. I must admit, I do not feel adequate.”

  Ryle smiled softly. “Well this is my first time to play Captain of the Guard, so how about we learn together?”

  A relieved smile washed over her face as she set her shoulders and nodded towards the guards at the doors. When they opened, a long line of people stood in hopes of speaking with the king. The first man stepped forward and bowed. “My Princess,” he began, “It is an honor. I thank you for letting me speak with you today.”

  “You are welcome, sir. Please, state your request.” Alayna’s voice strengthened as she spoke and Ryle watched as she comfortably settled into the role.

  “I hear your request, dear sir,” she stated. Ryle focused upon the man’s face as he listened intently. “I will have our guards look into the matter today. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.” She turned her head to Prince Ryle, “Prince Ryle, will you retrieve two guards for me please?”

  Ryle nodded and swiftly walked to an open corridor and grabbed the first guards he saw, they followed him obediently and bowed before Alayna. “Please go with this man and check the forest behind his house. He believes two thieves have been stealing from his sheep herd. If you should find said thieves, please bring them to the castle for disciplinary action immediately.” The guards bowed again and the man bowed towards Alayna and exited.

  Ryle resumed his position next to her throne as a woman stepped forward carrying a small baby wrapped in a ragged piece of cloth.

  “Milady,” the woman began, “I must beg you for help.”

  Alayna took a deep breath and nodded. “Please, state your request.”

  “My lad is only but a few days old and he will not eat.”

  “Have you visited with the village healers?”

  “Yes, milady. They gave me a tonic, but he has yet to respond to it. I fear he will die.” Surprising the woman and Prince Ryle, Alayna extended her arms for the baby. The woman stepped forward and placed the baby in Alayna’s arms. She held the baby close and glanced down into its innocent face. She lightly rubbed a hand over its head and kissed its nose. She then handed the baby back to the woman. “Prince Ryle, please have a guard escort this woman and her beautiful son to the castle medical wing.”

  Ryle bowed and gestured for the woman to follow him to the corridor on the right. He then explained to the guard his duty and left the woman in his c
are to be escorted through the castle. He returned to Alayna’s side swiftly. She glanced up at him and smiled. He winked at her as she awaited the next guest.

  A sudden pounding of hooves flooded to her ears as several in the line whispered in excitement. Alayna could not see past the sea of people to catch the reasoning for such a stir until she spotted her sister’s dark hair dismounting from a horse.

  Elizabeth and Prince Clifton walked through the entryway both with wind flushed cheeks and radiant smiles. Elizabeth stopped to greet people as she went and then caught sight of her sister sitting in her father’s chair. She froze in shock and then a slow smile spread over her lips. She walked forward, followed closely by Prince Clifton. As she approached the throne, she curtsied. “My sister.” She greeted warmly and then curtsied towards Prince Ryle. “I must say you two make a most welcoming sight.”

  Alayna smiled and then reached for Elizabeth’s hand. Elizabeth could feel her sister’s nerves and sweetly kissed her cheek. “Father wasn’t feeling well.” Alayna explained.

  Elizabeth’s face blanched. “Is he alright?”

  “Yes, yes he is quite alright. Tomas is looking after him. He just asked me to step in for the day.”

  “I find it quite fitting.” Elizabeth stated confidently.

  “And where have you two been off to?” Alayna asked, glancing from one smile to another. Elizabeth looked adoringly over at Clifton and linked her arm in his. “We went for a wonderful ride through the meadows of the kingdom.”

  “Lovely.” Alayna replied.

  “Do you wish for me to stay with you?”

  “Actually, I would like that very much.” Alayna replied warmly. “You as well, Prince Clifton, if you do not mind.”

  Clifton bowed politely. “I would be honored, my future queen.” Elizabeth beamed at his response as she stepped into place beside her sister and Clifton stood next to her. The four of them, united, welcomed the remaining petitioners.

  King Eamon, King Anthony, and Mosiah walked into the main hall astounded at the large crowd that lingered in line to speak with King Granton. King Eamon smiled as he spotted his two sons next to the throne and it spread even further when he realized Alayna occupied the throne instead of Granton. Granton was not lying when he said he wished to extend some of his duties to his daughter. She sat regally, her emerald dress showcasing her beautiful blonde hair and fair skin. His sons stood proudly, and Ryle expertly attended each matter she requested.


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