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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 14

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “And you as well, my Lord.”

  He smiled and patted Clifton’s shoulder affectionately before exiting.

  They sat in silence for a moment.

  “Your father is a great man.” Elizabeth complimented.

  Clifton smiled at the thought of his father. “Yes, he is. I’m glad you like him.”

  “Do you have any other brothers or sisters?”

  “At one time. We had a younger sister, but she did not live past infancy.” Clifton replied.

  Elizabeth placed her hand on her heart. “I am sorry to hear that.”

  Clifton sighed and leaned back in his chair. “It is not uncommon.”

  “But still sad.” Elizabeth replied kindly.

  “Indeed. But Ryle and I gave my parents enough to worry about and fill their time on our own.”

  Elizabeth grinned. “I imagine you did. Two boys so close in age. I imagine you two were quite a handful.”

  “Is that so?” Clifton smirked. “I guess we were.” He admitted. “What of you and your siblings, Princess?”

  “Alayna has always been the tame child in the bunch, I’m afraid. Edward and I tended to test the boundaries of our father’s patience.” She chuckled softly. “I think I still do now and again.”

  “I find your adventurous personality quite intriguing.” Clifton stated, causing a slight flush to rise to her cheeks.

  “Thank you.”

  “May I find you later? Perhaps we can continue your lessons?” Clifton stood straightening the edges of his pale blue tunic.

  “It is raining, my Lord. My lessons may have to wait for another day.”

  He glanced out the floor to ceiling windows and surveyed the steady rain. “I suppose you are right. Then may I escort you somewhere, Princess?”

  Elizabeth stood and nodded to Mary across the room. Mary followed obediently behind. “I wish to make a visit to the stables, my Lord, but you do not have to escort me there. I know the way.”

  Needing time alone with her thoughts, Elizabeth hoped her request did not sound too harsh. Instead of being insulted, Prince Clifton beamed. “How about I escort you to the portico and then leave you in the capable hands of Mary?” Sensing the Princess needed her space, he did not wish to hover.

  “That would be lovely, thank you.” Elizabeth replied with relief. They reached the edge of the hall and the imposing bolted doors. Clifton gestured for the guards to open them. Granting his bid, the two guards pushed open the doors, the scent of rain and wet earth seeping into the castle. “Give Henry a hello for me?” Clifton asked for his horse as he released her arm and bowed before her.

  “Of course.” She smiled and blushed when he lightly kissed the back of her gloved hand. She watched as he made his way back down the hall and turned around the corner.


  Edward stood before the guards, each wearing the colors of the Unfading Lands. A sea of golden tunics covered the armory. Edward glanced to the guards at the doors, Lancer’s faithful followers. “Thank you gentlemen, but I believe I can take it from here.”

  The guards nodded and exited. Edward faced the men before him and took a deep breath. “Grab your weapons men, we are going for a ride.” Without waiting for them to obey, Edward exited the room and hopped into the saddle on an awaiting Triton. A few minutes later, he led the men deep into the trees of the Unfading Lands. “Kill them, Edward. Kill them all.” Lancer’s words echoed in his mind as he led the lambs to their slaughter. The Southern Kingdom guards had trained well, and he considered them a strength for the Lands. Lancer’s request was rash, Edward thought. But as he pulled his reins and stopped in the shadowed clearing, he waited patiently for the other men to dismount and face him.

  “You have been relieved of your duties in The Land of Unfading Beauty. Lancer has released you of your duties to the Guard. From this moment on, you have two options: Death or Life.”

  He watched as shock spread over the faces before him… and fury. He held his hand up indicating for no one to speak. “You have been brought here for slaughter.” Edward explained, noting the panic rising in their eyes. “UNLESS!” He yelled to be heard over the murmurs. He finally had the attention of all the men. “Unless you join me. We all know Lancer’s power is great, but the Realm strengthens day by day. I offer you a choice, gentlemen.” Edward pulled his sword to attention. “You can join me, Prince Edward of the Northern Highlands and of the Realm, and fight for the Realm of King Granton, or you can stay members of Lancer’s guard and die. He has ordered me to kill you. I lead a band of Uniters who wish to overthrow Lancer’s power and reunite the Realm. If you join us, you not only live, but you will have served King Granton and the Realm faithfully and your service will be rewarded. Now make your decisions. Those who wish to die remain here. Those who wish to live and fight for the Realm, follow me.” Edward turned his horse towards the river and men began to follow. All of the men followed. He led them to the clearing near the river, not far from his meeting spot with Elizabeth. He turned around and noticed the men lining up and awaiting instruction.

  Edward dismounted and handed his reins to one of his fellow Uniters. He glanced over the small army and breathed a sigh of relief that he did not have to kill anyone. “You now live in secret. These woods are your sanctuary. We train, we prepare, and we wait for our opportunity. We have communication across the boundary with the Royal Guard of King Granton. Success is ours if we wait patiently for the right moment.”

  The guards watched as more and more Uniters stepped forward from the forest and stood guard around the clearing. “Should you betray me, your fate is left to that which Lancer has ordered for you, death.” Edward stated firmly. He turned to one of his guards. “Continue their training.” Edward caught Cecilia’s gaze through the trees and smiled at her as he mounted his horse. He slapped his reins and road back to Lancer’s castle.

  As he walked through the main doors of the castle, Lancer’s chair was empty. Edward glanced around and saw no one. He walked over to Lancer’s personal quarters and knocked. Nothing. His eyes then travelled to Lancer’s room of reflection. He had to be in there, Edward thought. He walked to the door and raised his knuckles to knock when a maid rounded the corner of the hallway.

  “No, my Lord!” She shouted and hurried over. “You must not interrupt him.”

  “What does he do in there?” Edward asked her, hoping someone in the castle knew of the room’s contents.

  “I do not know, my Lord, but no one dares enter the room. The last few that went inside never came out.”

  Edward’s brows rose at that news and he narrowed his gaze at the door. “Thank you for the warning.”

  “Aye, my Lord.” She curtsied and hurried away.

  Edward glanced at the door once more. He would wait until Lancer emerged and then he would sneak into the room. It was time he found out what lie behind that door. Until then, he would write Elizabeth a letter and update her on the current news of his growing army. He darted out of the castle once more and headed to his spot near the river. He noticed the rain on the side of the Realm and realized Elizabeth would not be riding out to meet him whilst it poured. He sat on the boulder and began to write.


  So much has happened I feel I have put you at a great misfortune for not writing you until now.

  I must assure you that I am well and so is Cecilia. I also must say it was quite an extraordinary day to meet your Prince Clifton and to know he is helping us in our quest. I sense his attention towards you is more than his duty, however. I believe the prince may have feelings towards you, little sister. Be careful with his heart and yours. I know that look. I see it when I gaze upon Cecilia. The man would do anything for you, sister. It lessens my worry knowing he is looking out for your safety.

  Aside from that, I wish to report the Uniters band has grown rapidly the last few days. Many Southern Kingdom guards have joined our forces. Lancer came across the Southern Kingdom sending their wounded guards across the line for
healing. Lancer informed me he witnessed the act with his own eyes and spotted Prince Eric as the enforcer. Lancer crossed the boundary and threatened the prince. I hope you read that sentence again, sister. Yes, Lancer can cross the boundary. It was news to me as well. He had told me there were ways, but I did not know he could willingly cross back and forth. I’m afraid that provides a heightened since of danger to the Realm. He has yet to tell me how he is able to cross, but I aim to find out. So many questions whirl in my mind now. Who can cross? Just him? How does he cross? Please inform Prince Clifton of this news as well. Perhaps if we all three think on the subject a solution will arise. Meanwhile, I will continue recruiting these Southern guards. Have you received any threats from the Southern Kingdom?

  Also, please fill me in on the latest military talks from the Council Room. I hope your first meeting went well and that the other kings and guards took your presence seriously. How great an asset you are, Lizzy. If only they knew…

  I hope you stressed the importance of our meetings to Prince Clifton. He seemed quite taken aback by the whole matter, but I sensed his trust. I pray he becomes an asset for us as well.

  I must go now. I am to meet with my guards for training in a few minutes.

  Take care, sister.

  Edward tied his letter to Thatcher and sent the small rabbit across the boundary from sunshine into rain. The rabbit quickly scurried into his burrow beneath the brambles to await Elizabeth. Satisfied, Edward mounted Triton and disappeared into the woods.


  A knock sounded on the door. King Granton and Princess Alayna glanced up as King Eamon slipped inside the Council Room. The two sat alone, despite the room normally being the crowded place of generals and guards of the Realm’s military.

  “Ah, Eamon, do come in.” King Granton sat in the oversized mahogany chair and began sorting through different parchments as Princess Alayna sat across from him doing the same.

  “Afternoon, Granton. Princess.” He bowed. “I wonder if I might have a word.”

  “Of course.” Granton replied. “Do you wish for the Princess to leave?”

  “Fantastic, and no, that will not be necessary. What I have to mention can be heard by the both of you. Perhaps she can provide insight into the matter.”

  “Please, sit.” Granton motioned to another chair and then pushed his papers to the side. “You seem— excited, Eamon.”

  King Eamon beamed. “Yes. Quite so. I wanted to speak to you on the topic of a merger.”

  Alayna’s eyes widened as she sat quietly, curious as to what the king would propose.

  “A merger?” King Granton asked curiously, his left brow rising and disappearing into his gray hair.

  “Yes, my Lord. It has come to my attention that our two youngest, Clifton and Elizabeth, have been spending quite some time together and, well, they seem to enjoy each other’s company. I have yet to speak with Cliff on the matter, but it would seem the two are headed in the direction of courtship, my Lord. I thought it best to bring the matter to you now in case something does derive from their interactions.”

  King Granton stroked his beard and glanced at his other daughter. Alayna sat primly and properly as she listened to the king. He noted the softening in her gaze at the mention of Elizabeth and Clifton. “What say you of this, Alayna? Do you have any inclinations of Elizabeth’s feelings for Prince Clifton?”

  “No Father. I mean— well, she has mentioned him once or twice and I have questioned her intentions. But she has yet to admit to any personal feelings beyond friendship, Father.”

  “Do you think her feelings towards the prince are advancing towards courtship?” Granton asked, pleased to note Elizabeth had mentioned the prince to Alayna and that Alayna seemed pleased with the current conversation.

  Sighing, Alayna briefly glanced down at her hands in her lap. Should she advocate a relationship for her sister knowing Elizabeth wished to make those decisions by herself?

  “Alayna?” Granton prodded.

  “Yes.” She stated simply. “Yes, I believe there is potential for courtship.” She answered curtly. If Elizabeth wished not to be courted, she would make her feelings known, but until then, Alayna felt, she could help the plan set in motion for Elizabeth to marry into the Eastern Kingdom.

  “Wonderful!” Eamon exclaimed as he clapped his hands.

  King Granton held up his hand to halt his friend’s celebration. Eamon sobered and waited his response. “Eamon, we need to ask Clifton and Elizabeth if this suits them before we allow our excitement to overcome us.”

  “Of course, my King. I celebrate prematurely. I assure you Cliff will agree to your terms. I have hope that Princess Elizabeth will as well.”

  “Alayna, seek out your sister and find out the conditions of her heart and wishes. Eamon, please send Prince Clifton to me when he has a moment.” Alayna and Eamon stood, bowing as they exited. Once outside the doors, Eamon turned to Alayna. “Was my request too bold, Princess? Do you think your sister will be insulted I spoke to your father on her behalf?”

  Alayna smiled at the sweet king. “No, my Lord. Elizabeth has a mind of her own, of which is no secret, but when someone as kind as you is trying to offer her a chance at happiness, I do not see how this would upset her.”

  Relaxing, Eamon nodded. “Thank you, Princess, for that reassurance. I best seek out Cliff now.” Bowing, he walked down the hall towards his chambers.

  Alayna took a deep breath. Elizabeth. Married. She giggled softly as she rounded the corner and slammed into Prince Isaac. Gasping, Alayna straightened her dress and hair as if the small encounter had tousled her appearance. “My Lord, I am terribly sorry. I did not see you.”

  Isaac bowed. “No, milady, it was my fault. I am terribly sorry. May I ask what has you in such a rush?”

  “I seek out my sister.” Alayna replied. “Do you know where she may be perhaps?”

  Isaac glanced out the large window and smiled. “What little I know of the princess, I imagine she is with her horse on a day like this.”

  Alayna’s brown gaze warmed. “You know, Prince Isaac, you are right. I imagine she is. Thank you for your insight.” She curtsied and bustled away.

  Isaac’s deep brown gaze followed the future queen as she exited out the doors and into the portico and then shot towards the large tapestry hanging on the wall opposite him. He leaned back against the stone wall and surveyed the wall hanging. A tapestry of the royal family. King Granton, Queen Rebecca, Prince Edward, Princess Alayna, and Princess Elizabeth. He rolled his eyes as they fell upon Edward. The man gave up his right to the throne of the Realm just to be with a woman. He snickered as his gaze then followed one of the maids of the castle as she bustled by carrying a handful of linens from King Granton’s chambers. There were plenty of women to keep a man occupied, why settle for just one? Especially one that required relinquishing your rights to the throne. He shook his head and studied the prince’s face. Why would he risk everything to cross? There had to be more to his story, Isaac thought. No man in his right mind would give up his rule to live as a simpleton, no matter how stout of heart. He heard footsteps coming from the main stairwell, but he continued his brooding hoping to unmask Prince Edward’s secrets.

  “Prince Isaac.” Prince Ryle and Prince Clifton emerged at the top of the stairs and followed his gaze to the tapestry.

  “Princes.” He greeted smugly. “I hope you two are enjoying your rainy day.”

  “We are.” Ryle stated. “You?”

  “Somewhat, yes.”

  “Admiring the tapestry?” Clifton asked as his gaze fell upon the elaborate stitching of Elizabeth’s face.

  “Indeed. I was just pondering over Prince Edward.”

  Clifton’s back straightened as he surveyed the prince.

  “Oh?” Prince Ryle asked.

  “What sort of man gives up his right to his father’s throne just to be with a woman?” Isaac asked the two men. His gaze bounced between the two brothers and then he pushed himself off th
e wall and crossed his arms.

  “I imagine there is more to the story.” Ryle stated, making Clifton’s pulse race. What did his brother know of Prince Edward?

  Shrugging, Prince Isaac sighed. “I don’t know. I just don’t understand it. I cannot imagine giving up my claim to my father’s throne.”

  “Even if it were for the good of the kingdom?” Clifton asked curiously.

  Isaac’s eyes narrowed. “And why would my giving up my right be good for the kingdom?”

  Clifton held up his hands in peace. “I did not say that for you specifically. I think maybe our Prince Edward may have felt that way at the time of his crossing. Yes, he would be with the woman he loved, but perhaps he felt it was the best decision for the kingdom as well.”

  Relaxing a bit, Isaac tilted his head in consideration. “No, I think he was just being selfish.” He concluded with confidence. “I will be seeing you, princes.” He bowed as he nonchalantly strolled in the direction of the maid he saw prior.

  The brothers watched him leave and then both turned to face the tapestry. “You believe Prince Edward crossed for other reasons than for his girl?” Ryle asked Clifton quietly.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “What other reasons would he have had?”

  “Plenty, I would think.” Clifton provided. “You tend to feel weighted by the responsibility of filling in our father’s shoes one day and you would just be ruling the Eastern Kingdom. Imagine having to rule the entire Realm. I imagine that looming responsibility could be quite intimidating. Perhaps he sensed an unforeseen threat from the Lands and felt his crossing could help matters.”

  “How could crossing ever help matters?” Ryle asked dumbfounded his brother would even suggest such a ludicrous notion.

  Clifton studied his brother closely. “I think, brother, that in time, that question will turn into our only option to defeat the Lands.”

  Ryle’s brow furrowed as he met the calm, steady green of his brother’s gaze. “I hope you are wrong, Cliff. I hope you are wrong.”


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