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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 23

by Katharine E Hamilton

  A tear slipped down her cheek and landed on his hands and he lightly patted her hair again. “Now, my queen,” he stated and lightly nudged her chin for her to raise her face. “Go. See to your kingdom, and when your sister returns, please bring her to me.”

  “Yes, Father.” Alayna forced a watery smile as she leaned forward and kissed his cold cheek. She flashed a cautionary glance towards Tomas as she exited. Her father’s faithful servant nodded in understanding.


  “Ah, Princess, I hate to be a ninny here, but we should wrap this— whatever it is you are doing— we should wrap it up and head back to the castle. It is not safe.” Prince Isaac watched as Elizabeth nudged the small rabbit across the line, his brow rising as the small creature made its way to a small hollowed log and rested comfortably. Elizabeth brushed her hands together with a satisfied smile. “I had to leave a letter for Edward, prince. He must know the latest news.”

  Elizabeth watched as Prince Isaac’s eyes widened and he pointed behind her. She turned to see her brother swiftly dismount off of his horse and walk straight towards them, halting within inches of the boundary. Elizabeth smiled in relief and pointed to the log Thatcher slept inside. Edward snatched the letter off the rabbit and held it up and slipped it into the pocket of his tunic. He nodded in the direction of Isaac, and Elizabeth nudged Isaac forward. “He wants to meet you.”

  “I really don’t think there is time for formalities, Princess. We must head back. I have a bad sensation working its way up my spine.”

  She pointed at Isaac and then made a symbol with her hands representing the West. Edward nodded and bowed to Isaac.

  “Okay, okay, nice to meet you.” Isaac waved a dismissal hand and then turned to walk away. “Let’s move.”

  Elizabeth cast Edward an apologetic glance before turning to find Prince Isaac standing with his hands held up in surrender as a blade pointed directly at his throat. Gasping, Elizabeth froze as black tunics began to filter through the trees.

  “Ah, Princess Elizabeth.” The tall man with broadened shoulders and dark eyes slipped off of his black horse and stepped towards her. She watched Isaac’s back stiffen as a guard continued to hold him at the tip of the sword.

  “W-who are you?” She asked, her eyes never leaving Isaac.

  The man chuckled, the sound creeping up her spine and making the hair on the back of her neck stand up. “I’m surprised you do not recognize a Renaldi when you see one, Princess. I am Prince Eric.” He bowed regally and then laughed at her stunned expression. “I know you have heard of me.” He added. “Most people have.” Elizabeth stepped lightly as he walked towards her, making her way towards Isaac. She reached his side and felt him tense.

  “I see you are keeping company with the West’s very own disappointment.” Prince Eric pointed towards Isaac. “I’m afraid the pompous prince cannot help you, Princess. That would require him thinking of someone other than himself.”

  Elizabeth shot Isaac a quick glance and noted the embarrassment from Prince Eric’s words in his flushed cheeks. Elizabeth reached a slow and steady hand towards Isaac and rested it on the crook of his arm.

  “Sympathy is for the weak, Princess. He will die. There is no point in trying to comfort him. You, on the other hand, well… let’s just say I have great plans for you. How is your brother?” Eric asked, pointing across the boundary line at Edward’s infuriated figure. Elizabeth caught her brother’s stormy expression and he narrowed his gaze at her and nodded towards Isaac. Elizabeth nodded. She knew what she had to do to give them a chance of escape or even a chance to fight.

  “You will see your brother soon enough, Princess, when I take you with me across the boundary line.” Eric grinned as he walked circles around her and looked her up and down. “Yes, you will do nicely.” He complimented. “It’s a shame Prince Clifton died earlier today. I hear you two were to be wed. Pity.” His last word dripped with disdain, and Elizabeth’s heart shattered at the news of Clifton’s death. Her lip quivered, and she fought for control over her emotions. There was no time for tears, she thought. Eric nodded over her shoulder to one of his guards and Elizabeth heard one of the men dismount and begin walking her direction. “I wish to keep you safe from harm, Princess, as we invade your father’s kingdom.”

  Elizabeth took a deep breath and slipped her hand from Isaac’s arm to the hilt of his sword. In the blink of an eye, she unsheathed the blade and made quick work of a spin and stab to the guard holding Isaac hostage. The man dropped his arm and Isaac quickly snatched the wounded guard’s sword as other guards began dismounting and pulling their swords. Prince Eric laughed at their attempt but did not draw his own sword. Elizabeth battled blades with the next assailant as Isaac did the same. They stood back to back as they worked in circle formation to combat all angles. Elizabeth lunged forward, her heavy dress skirts tangling around her ankles. She groaned under her breath at the added weight and the hindrance to her usual speed and agility. She caught sight of Edward on the other side of the boundary line, sword drawn and ready for battle. Her brows lifted as an idea came to her. “Push them towards the boundary line.” She muttered to Isaac. She heard him grunt as he locked blades and pushed off the man’s chest. “Working on it.” He gritted his teeth as he thrust his fist into the jaw of the soldier. The man stumbled, and Isaac planted a kick in his chest sending him through the foggy veil of the boundary. Prince Eric watched as his guard stumbled for balance. Prince Edward grabbed the man’s collar and pulled him towards him, driving his sword through the man’s stomach. Edward withdrew his sword, the blood tarnishing the blade and he met the surprised gaze of Prince Eric with a smirk.

  Elizabeth felt a blade strip the side of her dress and briefly thanked the stars for the annoying skirts, but she felt the fabric strip away. Lighter, she assaulted the next guard and ducked under his swipe, meeting his blade on the other side of his circle parry. She caught Prince Eric’s amused gaze and thrust all her strength into shoving the guard in his direction. She watched annoyance flash across his face as he reached for his own sword.


  King Eamon brought his horse to a halt as he watched black tunics surround the Northern Kingdom’s outer village. He barked orders for his captain to take a third of their troops to the opposite side of the kingdom to bring strength to the offside. He turned to Clifton. Face pale with pain, his son looked ready to faint, but the fire in his green eyes told Eamon he would not back down.

  “I’m going to the boundary line.” Clifton stated. “My ranks will assault from the South.”

  “Move in when my troops have reached the citadel.” Eamon ordered. “Be careful, Cliff.”

  “Aye, you too.” Clifton clicked his reins and branched off with another third of the Eastern army as King Eamon rallied his troops onward.

  Clifton made his way along the tree line and the low valley south of the castle. He dismounted and turned to his guard. “We infiltrate on foot. There is a small clearing on the other side of the tree line that backs up to the Rollings River. Be on guard. I fear we will encounter the Prince of the South. Be cautious of the boundary line. If you should cross, you serve Prince Edward of the North. Understand?” The guard nodded and addressed the troops as Clifton slipped a dagger into his waist belt and repositioned his sword. The pain in his right shoulder reminded him to take caution. He listened closely and heard the clash of blades from Elizabeth’s arena. He prayed they weren’t too late.


  Samuel rushed into the main hall and found Alayna sitting in her father’s throne and Princess Melody seated next to her. Alayna took calming breaths, and approached every question or concern from guards, servants, attendants, and maids with ease. Everyone’s nerves and fears blossoming forth as the South began attacking the outer villages. She spotted Samuel as he rushed into the room. His eyes landed upon Melody first and then moved to her. “My queen.” He rushed forward out of breath and pointed over his shoulder. “King Eamon and Prince Clifton have arrived from
the battle in the East with victory. Prince Ryle has asked that I report to you that the King charges full force towards the citadel at this very moment. The Southern guards are being assaulted from both sides, my Lady.” He stated excitedly.

  “And what of Prince Clifton?” Alayna asked, worried for her younger sister’s betrothed and Elizabeth’s safety.

  “He plans to bring Eastern troops from the Southern point of the kingdom.”

  Nearest the boundary line, Alayna thought. Clifton was going to save her sister as if he knew exactly where she would be. Her respect for the man grew and she sighed in relief.

  “And where is Prince Ryle?”

  “He has made his way towards the clearing, my Lady. I showed him Princess Elizabeth’s whereabouts. His troops are entering on foot, my Lady. I have their horses reserved in the valley.”

  “Good.” Alayna stated. “Any word from King Anthony?”

  “No, my Lady. There has been no sign of troops from the West as of yet.”

  Alayna stilled the panic rising in her chest. Anthony had to provide aide or they could not withstand the attack from the South. She lightly swiped a hand over her lap brushing away a piece of lint as her mind worried.

  “Thank you, Prince Samuel. You are serving well.”

  “Yes, my Queen.” He bowed. “I will go. I am assisting Mosiah in protection of the village. I will send word should more news arrive.” He turned towards Melody and bowed, holding her gaze for a brave moment. Alayna caught the slight flush to the quiet princess’ cheeks and hid her pleased smile. “Be safe, Samuel.” Alayna called to him as he exited.


  “I want ten soldiers on point.” Ryle whispered as he motioned for his troops to immerse themselves in the trees. He paused and held up a hand to halt their movements as he caught sight of his brother appearing over the hill. He smirked and held up a hand for his troops to stay put. He then slinked towards the edge of the valley to await his brother, knowing full well, Cliff would come to the clearing for his princess.

  Clifton stalked the tree line and his troops spread along the veil of trees and the river. He took a deep breath and waited for the sounds of blades again. He heard a snap behind him and whirled his sword at the ready only to find his brother creeping towards him. Both brothers grinned in relief and gripped each other’s shoulders in embrace. “You hear what I hear?” Ryle asked. Clifton nodded. “We go in quietly. I feel Prince Eric awaits on the other side.”

  They heard a loud pitched scream, female, Elizabeth. Clifton jerked to his feet from his crouched position. Ryle grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back down to the cover of brambles. “Patience, brother.” He whispered. He signaled his troops to move in and released Clifton’s shoulder so they could move together.


  Elizabeth cringed as she felt the blade pierce through her arm and screamed. Isaac briefly turned and stepped towards her only to be brandished by two more guards. Elizabeth recovered quickly and forced herself to continue. She watched as Prince Eric stepped forward and waved his sword in several rotations of flourish as he watched Isaac and Elizabeth battle his guards. “There is no use, Princess. You might as well give up. You are mine now.” He taunted.

  Isaac shoved one of the guards in Eric’s direction, the man slipping and stumbling across the boundary line. Edward immediately cut the man under the knee bringing him to a kneeling position and then decapitated the guard. Ryle’s eyes widened at the brutality as he and Clifton cowered behind the trees near the boundary line. “Edward.” Clifton whispered, knowing his brother’s curiosity. Ryle nodded. “We move now.” Ryle stated. He waved his hand and his guards filtered through the trees.

  Isaac ducked and pulled Elizabeth’s injured arm to pull her down with him as the blade of another guard swiped over both of their heads. He heard her grunt at the pain, but she never wavered. If he were not fighting for his life, he might take the time to be impressed by her skill, he thought. She had saved him earlier with her spontaneous attack. He threw a punch and received an answering one in his ribs. He dodged another one and landed his knuckles in the man’s temple. He heard a loud clash, as he spotted the pale blue tunics filtering through the trees. The East had returned. He heard Elizabeth snarl in annoyance as she pulled a hand on her skirts. “You’re stepping on me.” She mumbled as she twirled to avoid another blow. Isaac grinned despite himself and quickly ducked and snatched his dagger from his waist. He slid to his knees behind Elizabeth and blocked a sword thrust to her back. He swiped his blade over the bustle of her dress and pulled, the heavy skirts ripped away and left her standing in her cream underskirts and emerald corset. He heard her sigh as he tossed her skirts in the faces of two guards who battled the obnoxious load of fabric.

  “Thanks!” She yelled breathlessly as she ducked another blow and moved faster than she had previously been able. She heard it then, the loud thunder of footsteps coming from the trees. She turned to brace herself for more Southern guards, but instead caught sight of Prince Ryle as he barreled through the trees a dagger flying from his hand and landing in the chest of the guard behind Elizabeth. Relief washed over her face at the sight of him. He headed straight for her, removed his dagger from the dead body behind her and flanked her side as guards attacked again.

  Elizabeth felt a grip on her arm and turned swiftly, sword raised bringing the blade down upon the man’s wrist and slicing through. The man screamed as his hand and sword fell to the ground. Isaac made swift work of shoving the man across the boundary line and Edward finished him off.

  Clifton emerged from the tree line shoving a guard over the boundary line. His eyes met Edward’s and the Northern prince nodded in welcome as he drove his sword into the black tunic at his disposal. Clifton then rushed into the clearing to find bodies scattered and blood streaking the surface of the rocks and trees. He then saw Elizabeth as she whirled on a guard and saved his brother from an attack from behind. She pushed passed two more guards, heading in the direction of Prince Eric who battled an Eastern guard. Isaac spotted him and tossed him the sword of a Southern guard that had fallen at his feet. Clifton caught the hilt midair and brought the blade down quickly upon the arm of another guard and then plunged it within the man’s side. Withdrawing his blade, he glanced up just as Elizabeth caught sight of him. She froze for a split second as her bright blue eyes shined in relief. His lips tilted in a small smile as she quickly dodged a dagger and continued her pursuit. Ryle surveyed the numbers and accepted the victory of the clearing as they narrowed in on the remaining few Southern guards. “My troops will pull back and aide in the citadel.” Ryle stated. “Finish here and do the same.” He barked to Clifton. Clifton nodded and watched his brother and his troops pull out and leave the clearing. His troops remained. Isaac remained. Elizabeth remained.

  “I fear your usefulness has worn out, Prince Isaac.” Prince Eric baited. He brought his sword hilt against Isaac’s temple, the prince of the West falling to his knees as his vision blurred. Elizabeth lunged towards him, throwing her body in front of Isaac and blocking Prince Eric’s final blow with her sword, the force rocking her back on her ankles. The prince growled as he back handed her across the face and heaved her aside. Again, Princess Elizabeth had saved Isaac and bought him more time. He mentally thanked her as he spotted Prince Clifton fighting his way towards him to come to his aide. Isaac grasped his sword firmly in his right hand and as Prince Eric extended his reach above his head, Isaac plunged upward with all the strength he had left, his shoulders ramming into the Southern prince as his sword emerged on the other side of the man’s body. Eric’s body jerked from the attack and Isaac withdrew his blade as the prince collapsed. Elizabeth froze at the sight. Prince Clifton stared as Isaac hoisted himself to his feet, leaning heavily upon his sword as a cane. He staggered from loss of strength. “He is done.” He growled as he spit a mouthful of blood onto the earth. “We need to head back to the castle. If guards are rushing the citadel it is only a matter of time before they reach t
he inner courts.”

  Elizabeth dropped her sword and rushed towards Isaac, wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight embrace. He lightly patted her back with a light laugh of surprise. He met Clifton’s appreciative nod with one of his own and released her. Elizabeth remained by his side as she turned to face Clifton. Love shined in her gaze as she smiled at him. Blood streaked her face and clothes, the injury on her arm still bled slowly, but she had never looked more beautiful to him. Clifton’s guard emerged. “My Lord, we have cleared the area. The men headed back to the horses and will be riding for the citadel from the Southern direction as ordered.”

  “Good. See to it then.” Clifton responded. The guard bowed quickly as he rushed through the trees.

  Elizabeth spotted Edward on the other side of the boundary with several of his Uniters clearing away the bodies of the slaughtered Southern guards that had crossed over. No doubt, hiding them from Lancer’s watchful eyes.

  “We must get you back to the castle, Princess.” Clifton stated warmly.

  “Indeed.” Elizabeth beamed. As she began to step forward a grunt coursed through the air as a swish from a blade swiped Elizabeth’s left leg from underneath her. She crumbled in a cry as Isaac spun around to find Prince Eric clinging to life and gripping his sword with a bloody fist. A menacing smirk made his eyes dark as he used his last breath to take down the Princess of the North. Isaac, growling, plunged his sword into the prince’s heart as Clifton rushed to Elizabeth’s side. Pulling her into his arms, Clifton knelt beside her. Her calf bled profusely, and Clifton’s stomach twisted at the sight of the damage. Isaac finished off the Southern prince and knelt to help as well.


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