The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 24

by Katharine E Hamilton

“Elizabeth, just… hold still.” Clifton managed as he struggled to maintain a hold on her as she thrived in pain. Isaac slid down towards her feet and gripped her ankles his eyes surveying the damage to her leg. He glanced up and caught Clifton’s worried gaze and shook his head. Tears clouded Clifton’s vision as he brushed her hair back from her face. He glanced towards the boundary line and saw Edward staring back at him. The boundary, he thought. If he sent her across the veil she would heal. Clifton turned to Isaac. “We send her across the line.” He began lifting Elizabeth into his arms as she struggled to remain conscious.

  “No. We cannot.” Isaac stated rushing beside him.

  “The Lands will heal her!” Clifton barked. “If we send her across, she will live.”

  “If we get her to the castle now, she can live here too.”

  “That is too big a risk.” Clifton stated as he neared the boundary line. He pointed to Edward and back to Elizabeth’s leg. Edward shook his head no. Isaac motioned towards him in a toss of his hand. “See, her own brother is telling you no.”

  Clifton eased her to the ground again and lightly cupped her face. “Elizabeth,” he softly patted her cheeks and her eyes flickered open.

  “You cannot do this!” Isaac pleaded. “Her sister, her father. They would be devastated.”

  “Her death would be more devastating.” Clifton barked.

  Clifton lightly kissed Elizabeth’s hand as she reached up to hold his hand. He kissed her knuckles as tears slipped down his cheeks. “You must cross, my love. You will heal.”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “No. No, I cannot. Please, Clifton. No.” Her voice was weak and her face pale as she struggled to maintain consciousness.

  “You have to my love… your leg.” He gripped her hand as she sat up and leaned against him. Her eyes traveled to her mangled leg and then to Isaac’s worried gaze. Isaac shook his head no. She turned to Edward who echoed the Western prince’s sentiments.

  “No, Clifton. I will not cross.”

  “But you could die.” Clifton stated.

  “Then we hurry. I wish to be with you. I do not want to cross.” Her words began to slur, as her body grew faint. “Please, Elizabeth.” Clifton begged softly as he kissed her temple. She gripped the lapels of his tunic as he leaned over her. “I wish to stay with you.”

  He watched as her eyes closed and her body went lax. He quickly checked her wrist for a pulse and found it faint.

  “We must hurry.” He stated, as he began to stand. “I will fetch my horse. Guard her.” He ordered Isaac. Isaac nodded and quickly began to make a tourniquet with his belt. He cinched it tightly above her knee and wrapped his tunic over her wound, pulling the sleeves into a knot, to try and stop the bleeding. He heard Clifton return and glanced up as Prince Clifton held the reins of two horses. “We ride along the tree line towards the stables. We will have more cover that way.” Clifton stated.

  “My father’s troops should be arriving from the West at any moment. The Western side would be safer.” Isaac countered.

  Clifton nodded. “Fine, but we—” His words were silenced by a sword piercing through his back and out the front of his chest. A ragged groan escaped Clifton’s lips. Isaac’s eyes widened as the sword disappeared and Clifton fell to his knees. Isaac pulled his dagger and flung it at the Southern guard standing over Clifton’s body, piercing the man’s heart. Growling, he finished the man off by plunging his sword through his chest. Retrieving both weapons, he knelt beside Clifton as he panted for breath, his chest pouring crimson over the ground. Isaac glanced up at Edward who began pointing over Isaac’s shoulder. Isaac turned to find two more guards making their way through the trees. He turned back to Clifton and began dragging him towards the boundary line. He could not save them both, he thought. And Clifton would not make it back to the castle in his condition. He gripped the prince’s shoulders as he thrust his upper body over the line and motioned for Edward to pull him from the other side. Edward knelt and made easy work of retrieving Clifton’s body and spreading him out on his side of the line. Isaac turned, took a deep breath, mustered what little strength he had left and began battling the two Southern guards.


  Edward knelt next to Prince Clifton and tapped his cheek. The prince’s sharp green gaze opened, and he panted in shock as he ran a hand over his chest. His entire body tingled. Clifton looked up and found the calm and steady gaze of Prince Edward. “I-I crossed?”

  “Yes, my Lord. Prince Isaac sent you across the boundary to save you. Lie still, your wound will heal in a moment.”

  Clifton sank his head back to the ground and waited until the tightening in his chest seized and the throb in his right shoulder disappeared. He took a deep breath and sat up quickly. “This can’t happen.” He pushed to his feet and felt Edward help him rise. “Elizabeth… she did not wish to cross. She wanted to stay with me, be with me. This can’t happen.” He barked in panic as he watched Prince Isaac battle the two guards on the other side. “This is what it feels like? To be helpless?” He looked to Edward and Edward nodded. “I do what I can.”

  “Yes. Thank you. I did not wish to sound ungrateful for what you have been doing. But how can I just stay over here when...” Clifton’s words faded as he scurried the ground to find his weapons.

  “Turn.” Edward yelled through the veil though he knew no sound would reach the other side. His gaze carried through the boundary. Clifton glanced up to see what the prince referred to and his gaze hardened. “No!” He screamed as a Southern guard made his way towards Elizabeth’s still body, sword at the ready. Clifton grabbed his sword from the ground and screamed, racing towards the boundary line. Edward tried to restrain him knowing he would only be shocked back several yards, but the prince plunged forcefully through the veil without even a shimmer. Clifton landed on top of the guard on the other side and tackled him to the ground. Edward stood with mouth agape at the sight. The prince could cross.

  Prince Isaac turned around at the scuffle and stopped, his face full of equal confusion as he lowered his sword and watched Clifton kill the guard and stand. His body completely healed.

  “You can cross?!” Isaac belted as he looked to a stunned Prince Edward. Edward pointed to Elizabeth and the horse for them to hurry.

  Clifton rushed to Elizabeth’s side and scooped her up.

  “Carry her back.” He ordered. Isaac flew into his saddle and reached down to accept the injured princess. “You can cross?!” He repeated.

  “I will be along shortly. Speak of this to no one.”

  “You find me when you reach the castle.” Isaac stated firmly. “We report this together.”

  Clifton nodded and slapped a hand to the horse’s hide and watched as Isaac rode away.


  King Eamon watched as Ryle and his troops emerged within the village and rushed to the aide of the Northern guards. He reined in his stallion as his gaze travelled to the West and he caught sight of King Anthony and a full army of Western soldiers. A smile broke out on his worn face and he held up his sword in salute. Anthony mirrored his action as a sea of red swarmed through the village. Black tunics grew sparser as the East, West, and North united in their efforts to protect the Realm.

  Eamon brought his horse to the gate of the castle and dismounted as an attendant accepted his reins and saw to his steed. He rushed inside to find Princess Melody tending to the wounded. She smiled when she spotted him.

  “Your father has arrived, my dear, just in the nick of time.”

  Relief washed over her face and she brought him a goblet of water. “You are a sight for sore eyes, my Lord. An encouraging sight.”

  “The Southern army is retreating. What little forces they have left will be gone within half an hour or so. Success is ours.”

  “That is good news indeed, my Lord.” Melody replied. Her gaze made quick work over his appearance to check for injury. Pleased she saw none, she lightly placed her hand on his arm and squeezed before walking away and continuing her duties
. Eamon’s gaze surveyed the room and he caught sight of Princess Alayna as she rushed by. Rejuvenated with hydration, Eamon turned back around and stepped outside onto the castle steps. Standing upon the parapet he watched as the colors of the Realm clashed upon the fields before him and the sounds of war began to fade. He thought of Clifton and Ryle and prayed they made it safely back to the castle. He watched the sun begin to set, the colors of the radiant sky casting shadows over a bloodied Earth. He had seen many battles in his days, but this one he knew would forever plague his mind.

  “My Lord, your son calls for aide on the Eastern ridge.” Eamon turned to find his captain holding the reins of their horses. Without hesitation, he vaulted into his saddle and rode out to aide Ryle in his victory.


  Alayna rushed through the main hall carrying a load of linens for several wounded soldiers as her father entered the room. He eased himself into his throne and Tomas provided him with drink and food.

  “Father, I thought you would be resting.” Alayna scolded as she rushed to his side.

  “I am fine dear. Anymore news?”

  She shook her head. “No. Though I aim to hear word from Samuel soon.” She pressed the back of her hand to her father’s forehead and felt for a fever. Relief washed through her as he reached up and grabbed her hand. “I am fine.” He restated warmly. She listened to his breathing, pleased to find the wheezing had subsided. She heard the shuffle of boots as Samuel burst into the room and slid to a halt before them.

  “Prince Samuel?” Alayna asked curious as to his form of entry until her gaze looked over his shoulder and saw Prince Isaac stumbling into the castle carrying her sister.

  Alayna and King Granton rushed forward.

  “W-what happened?” Alayna asked, eyeing the blood-soaked tunic wrapped around her leg and the deep gash in her sister’s arm.

  Prince Isaac’s face, bruised, swollen, and bloody, showed no signs of conversing as he struggled lifting one foot in front of the other.

  “Get her in here.” Granton ordered, pointing to the dining hall in the next room. He waved his hand and Isaac gently laid Elizabeth on the tabletop. “Gretchen, fetch some water and linen strips! Renee, we need blankets!” Granton ordered. He lightly shoved Isaac into one of the chairs and watched as the young man’s chest heaved in exhaustion.

  Samuel stood in awe and awaited direction. King Granton caught the young man’s gaze and directed him to a chair as well. “Samuel, I need you to hold down Elizabeth’s right leg, okay?”

  Samuel nodded and gently placed his hands on the Princess’s uninjured leg as King Granton unwrapped Isaac’s bloody tunic from his daughter’s calf. He grimaced as he pulled it back. Alayna gasped and began to cry as she ordered Tomas to fetch the healer. “Leave it, Father. We must wait for assistance.”

  “We cannot leave it, Alayna, or infection will spread and she will catch fever.”

  Isaac stood and removed his sword from his belt. Alayna’s eyes widened in horror. “No! No, we cannot do this, Father! Please?!”

  Granton turned to Alayna and gripped her face in his hands. His stern blue eyes peered into the panicked brown gaze of his daughter. “Alayna, I need you to be strong. Your sister will die if we do not do this.” Granton released her and turned to Mary who rushed into the room at the news of Elizabeth’s return.

  “Mary, take Princess Alayna to the main hall.” Mary nodded and allowed Alayna to grip her arm for stability as she struggled leaving her sister behind.

  Granton turned back and looked at the pale face of Prince Samuel. “Are you able to do this son?”

  Samuel nodded, a green tinge working its way into his cheeks. Isaac studied him carefully. “He is fine, my Lord.” Isaac answered for the young man. Samuel looked to Isaac’s dark gaze and nodded, trying to mirror the Western prince’s confidence.

  “Hold tight to her other leg, Samuel.” Isaac stated. He looked to King Granton who held Elizabeth’s shoulders against the table. Isaac took a deep breath and raised his sword over his head and brought it down with brunt force. Elizabeth’s leg separated at the knee in a clean cut. Samuel immediately turned and vomited on the floor at the sight of the hemorrhaging stub. Granton quickly grabbed linens as Isaac retied the tourniquet.

  The healer rushed into the room at the sound of the amputation and swiftly took over King Granton’s position as the king eased into a chair to catch his own breath. The king lightly patted Samuel’s back as the boy sat with his head between his knees. Isaac continued aiding the healer, Granton impressed with his strength and service. When the healer had cauterized Elizabeth’s leg, he turned towards King Granton. “We must not move her until the bandages have set. Then we must lay her somewhere comfortable, my Lord.”

  Granton nodded. “We will ready her chambers.” He turned and spotted Tomas and waved him forward. “Find Mary and have her ready Elizabeth’s chambers.”

  Tomas bowed and exited quickly. Granton studied Isaac closely. “Do you have any injuries, Prince Isaac?”

  Isaac’s stoic brown gaze that had been staring at the princess finally drifted up and he shook his head. “I am fine, my Lord. Nothing a good rest will not cure.”

  “You saved my Elizabeth’s life. I am forever in your debt.” Granton’s voice choked as he fought back tears in his throat.

  Isaac’s eyes became glassy as he shook his head and cleared his throat. “No, my Lord. She saved mine.”

  Granton’s brows rose slightly as the prince swiped a hand over his face and stood. “I must see if I am needed in the ranks.”

  Granton waved his hand. “Sit, Prince Isaac.” Isaac stared at the king and slowly eased back into the chair. “You have done enough for today. Your body is tired and needs its rest. Your battle has been fought.”

  Isaac’s gaze dropped to his hands until he heard a gasp as his sister rushed into the room. Melody dropped to her knees beside him, cupping his face in her hands as she cried with joy. She hugged him tightly around the neck, Isaac lightly patting her arm in response. She pulled away and quickly began swiping a damp cloth over his face. Isaac smirked and gently pulled her hand away from his face. “I am fine, Melody. Please.”

  She stopped and sat next to him. “What happened, Isaac?”

  Isaac shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “Much, Melody. Much has happened. But I do not wish to speak of it just yet. I await Prince Clifton’s return before we speak of such matters.”

  “Prince Clifton? He’s alive?” Melody asked with hope in her voice.

  “Yes, he is very much alive.” Isaac stated.

  “Oh, thank goodness!” Melody squeezed his hand. “We will have victory soon. King Eamon stated so just a few minutes ago. Father has arrived with troops from the West and all will be over soon.”

  Granton perked up at that news and sent up a silent prayer of thanks. Isaac nodded. “Good. Why don’t you see to Samuel, sister? He could use some tonic.”

  Melody cast a worried look to Samuel and quickly helped him to his feet as she escorted him out of the room.

  “She has served well.” Granton complimented.

  “I am glad.” Isaac replied. “I am truly sorry, my Lord, for the princess.” Isaac’s gaze saddened as he glanced back to Elizabeth’s still figure lying on the table.

  “You mustn’t be. You brought her home.”

  Isaac shook his head. “It was my fault though.” He admitted softly, guilt slumping his shoulders. “I thought I had killed him.”


  “Prince Eric.” Isaac stated.

  Granton’s eyes widened. “Prince Eric did this?”

  “Yes, my Lord. It took us all off guard I am afraid. Prince Clifton tried to get Elizabeth to cross the boundary, to send her to Edward so she could heal, but she wished to remain on this side.”

  Granton’s heart ached for his youngest daughter but swelled in pride at her courage. “Was Edward there?”

  “Yes. He fought for us as well. We would have been severely outnumbered if h
e had not helped.”

  “Did he cross?” Granton asked.

  “No. He cannot cross, my Lord. We pushed soldiers over to him as often as we could. It was actually Elizabeth’s idea, smart one really.”

  “Indeed.” Granton replied.

  “She is a skilled swordsman, my Lord.” Isaac complimented.

  “That seems to be the consensus. I have read her box of letters and Edward speaks highly of her skills as well.” Granton explained.

  “She saved my life today… twice.” Isaac admitted in disbelief.

  “And you have saved hers.” Granton added.

  Isaac’s mouth was grim as he studied Elizabeth’s leg. He felt a comforting hand on his shoulder as an attendant offered him a goblet of water. She flashed him a charming smile and he recognized the woman as one of his stairwell maidens. He nodded his thanks but did not return her flirtatious nature and took a sip of his water. Granton watched him closely, realizing the days’ events had quite hopefully altered the prince’s usual ways. Though his eyes were haunted, Prince Isaac’s demeanor spoke of maturity. Character was defined on the battlefield, Granton knew that to be true.

  “You think you have the strength to carry her?” Granton asked, nodding towards Elizabeth.

  Isaac stood, his body aching from head to toe, but he gently slipped his hands under Elizabeth’s small frame and lifted her into his arms. Granton slowly followed him as they made their way slowly up the stairs to her chambers.

  Mary awaited them at the door and rushed them to the bed. “Give me a few minutes to wash her and change her, my Lord.”

  Isaac eased Elizabeth’s body onto the bed and stepped outside with King Granton. “You are probably anxious to see your Father.” Granton stated. “Please, feel free to seek him out.”

  Isaac nodded at the dismissal and bowed. “Thank you, my Lord.”


  Clifton stared at Edward across the line and ran a hand over his chest where his wound had previously just been. Edward stood just as perplexed. Clifton stepped towards the boundary again and Edward waved his hands for him to stop. Clifton nodded. He had to see if it were his emotions at the time of his crossing that allowed him to cross or if he were just able. He felt the slight hum in his toes as his boots crossed through the veil and he emerged on the other side.


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