The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 25

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Baffled, Edward reached forward and hugged him in a brotherly hug. “Welcome, brother.”

  Clifton took a deep breath, the crisp clean air filling his lungs.

  “You healed?” Edward asked, swiping a hand over the hole in the front of Clifton’s tunic.

  “Yes. Fully. It is an odd sensation.”

  “I bet.” Edward grinned. “How did you do it, Prince Clifton? How did you cross?”

  “I do not know.” Clifton answered honestly. “I just… did. Is there a trick? Or a hole?”

  Edward shook his head. “No.”

  Several people emerged on the edges of the forest and Edward waved them forward in greeting. “Don’t be scared, my friends. This is Prince Clifton of the Eastern Kingdom. He is our friend and ally.”

  Eyes widened in surprise and Cecilia stepped forward. “It is a pleasure, your Grace.” She curtsied and slid an arm around Edward’s waist.

  “This is my Cecilia.” Edward stated proudly.

  Recognition dawned on Clifton’s face and he smiled. “Ah, Cecilia, yes, I have heard much about you from Elizabeth.”

  Cecilia smiled. “Will she be alright, my Lord?”

  “Aye, I pray so. Prince Isaac was to take her back to the castle. I must head back soon myself. The South has been defeated.” Clifton answered.

  Edward stepped forward and draped his arm over Clifton’s shoulders and walked him away from the group back towards the veil of the boundary. “We must figure this out, prince. Why you are able to cross. Why Lancer is able to cross. What is the connection?”

  “I do not know, your Grace, but I agree. We must figure this out. Have you been within Lancer’s personal chambers again?”

  “No, not yet, but I aim to tonight. He expects me to tonight.” Edward replied. “I must say it is quite… eerie.”

  “I imagine so.” Clifton studied the prince closely. He stood healthy, strong, and young. “You have not aged a day?” The question slipped out before he could restrain it, and Prince Edward chuckled. “No. I am the same age now as I was then. Odd, I know.” They walked another turn of the clearing and then reached Clifton’s spot of entry once more.

  “I shall return once things calm down. Find out what you can from Lancer, and I will do my best to work on my end. A connection is there, we just have to unmask it.” Clifton stated.

  Edward shook his hand. “Take care of my sister, Prince Clifton. She adores you almost as much as you do her.” He winked at Clifton and at the slight blush that crept up the man’s neck. “Yes. I will most definitely see to her care, my Lord.”

  “And tell my father—” Edward paused and sighed, running a hand through onyx hair the same shade as Elizabeth’s. “Well I do not know what to tell him other than I am sorry to have caused him pain, if I did.”

  “Aye. I believe you will find your father a forgiving man, Prince Edward.” Clifton stepped towards the line and ran his hand through the fog of the boundary. Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward and into Elizabeth’s clearing. He turned and nodded in farewell as he mounted his horse and vanished from view.

  Edward accepted the comfort from Cecilia as she rubbed a hand over his back. “He will return, my love.” She stated quietly.

  Edward lightly kissed the top of her head and released her. “I must go to Lancer now and report the Southern guards crossed over. I will also be entering his reflection chamber tonight.”

  “Do not let the darkness take you.” Cecilia pleaded up at him, her sapphire eyes full of worry.

  “I will fight it, my love, especially now that we know it is not needed in order to cross the boundary. Now, away with you. Hide. I shall return soon.” Edward clicked his reins and headed in the direction of Lancer’s castle.


  Edward rushed into his chambers and shut the door, quickly washing away the blood on his face and hands and changing into a fresh tunic. He hid his satchel within his wardrobe and ran a hand through his hair. As he opened his door, Lancer stood on the other side with a quizzical expression.

  “My Lord.” Edward fumbled nervously. “I did not realize you were coming to see me.”

  “Aye, indeed.” Lancer stood waiting for Edward to step aside and when he didn’t, Lancer rolled his eyes and playfully slapped Edward’s jaw. “Are you not going to let me in?”

  “Oh, of course. Please.” He gestured with a wave of his hand and Lancer waltzed inside.

  “I thought we discussed your need for color in here, Edward. Seriously how do you live in such plainness?”

  “I have yet to have the time, my Lord, but I will mark it as a priority.” Edward stated. “I am afraid I was just about to come find you, my Lord.”

  “Really? What for? More exciting news?” Lancer’s eyes sparkled at the prospect.

  “Yes, quite a lot actually.” Edward replied curtly as he motioned for Lancer to sit. “I fear the South has been defeated.”

  “No surprise there.” Lancer mumbled in annoyance as he waited anxiously for Edward to continue, his foot tapping incessantly on the floor.

  “Yes, well, several Southern guards crossed the boundary again.” Edward held up his hands to ward off Lancer’s comments. “Don’t worry, I took care of them. All are dead.”

  “Very good.”

  “I must say, however, that Prince Eric is dead. I watched Prince Isaac of the West kill him with my own eyes.”

  “Is that so?” Lancer asked in amusement. “I bet that did not sit well with the king of the South.” Lancer mused on a laugh.

  “I am not sure, my Lord. Although, I do wish to explore the current status of the Southern Kingdom. From what I have seen and heard, my Lord, the battle was a bloody one and the South has been annihilated. I wish to see for myself. I wish to cross and see if perhaps the Lands can now simply take over what is left of the Southern Kingdom. There should be no resistance and I feel it may be of great use to us.”

  “You wish to cross?” Lancer asked pointedly, his eyes narrowing at Edward.

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  “Oh Edward.” Lancer sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “You realize if you want to cross you must embrace the power, right?”

  “I do.” Edward lied.

  “And you are willing to embrace the power?”

  “Yes.” He lied again.

  “Then we shall try tonight.” Lancer stated. “Prepare to sacrifice of yourself, Edward.”

  “Is that all that is required of me?” Edward asked.

  “I believe so.” Lancer replied on a shrug. “But there are some things I do not even know the answer to, my friend.”

  They both stood silent a minute to contemplate the dilemma until Lancer broke the silence. “Meet me at the door in an hour.”

  Edward smiled and bowed gratefully. “Yes, my Lord. Thank you.”

  Lancer nodded in approval and walked out leaving Edward alone with his thoughts. His gaze roamed around his room and he sat on the edge of his bed. “Please let me cross.” He whispered to the air.


  A celebration took hold of the Northern Kingdom as festivities of a battle won swept through the villages. The castle bustled with music and joy as food was served in the dining and main hall. King Eamon, King Anthony, Prince Ryle, Prince Isaac, Prince Samuel, and Princess Melody sat at the table awaiting King Granton. He emerged at the doorway with Alayna, the princess’ tear stained face causing Ryle to sit up straighter in his chair. Granton sat in his designated spot and nodded his welcome. He reached for his glass. “It is with great honor and pride that I share my meal with you all tonight. The Realm is strong despite the uprising of the South. I thank you all for your aide, your friendship, and now your fellowship. Hail the victorious.” He raised his glass as everyone raised theirs in response and echoed the sentiment.

  Alayna watched Prince Isaac pick at his food, his gaze constantly fluttering to the spot on the table stained by the color of her sister’s blood. No doubt, the prince haunted himself with his gruesome task fro
m earlier. She found Ryle’s understanding gaze and offered a weak smile as she saw the pain in his own eyes at the loss of his brother, who had yet to return. Elizabeth and Clifton, she thought sadly. Young and in love and neither able to join in the celebrations of victory for the Realm they both cherished. The thought saddened her heart and she fought for control of her emotions.

  Princess Melody gasped quietly and reached for her brother’s hand. Shaking Isaac’s attention away from the tabletop she nodded towards the door at Prince Clifton, standing firmly on his feet, his emerald gaze sharp and direct. Prince Isaac stood abruptly, drawing everyone’s attention to his face and then to the man he studied.

  King Eamon and Ryle immediately left the table and ran to Clifton, embracing him and patting him on the back as they welcomed him into the room. Clifton’s gaze sought Isaac again and he walked over to the Western prince and placed his hand upon his shoulder. Isaac did the same. “This, my friends, is my brother.”

  King Anthony’s eyes widened in surprise and then proudly smiled as the two princes embraced in a brotherly hug. “How is she?” Clifton asked Isaac. Isaac shook his head, the words bitter in his mouth as he thought of poor Princess Elizabeth.

  Clifton’s face fell, and he glanced to King Granton and Alayna’s sad faces. “Sh-she’s dead?” Clifton asked quietly.

  They shook their heads and relief washed over his features. “Then where is she?” He asked louder.

  “She is resting.” King Granton answered.

  “I must see her.” Clifton stated, turning to make his way towards the stairs.

  “Halt son!” Eamon called after him. Clifton turned back around. “She is resting. You must rest as well, see to your injuries.” As Eamon made the comment his brow furrowed as he surveyed his son’s health. “What happened to your injuries, Cliff?” He asked in confusion.

  Clifton’s gaze found Isaac’s and he slid into an open chair, resting his hands on top of the table. “I am healed.”

  “Healed?” Eamon asked in disbelief. “But you took an arrow to the shoulder, and by the looks of it a sword to the chest.” He motioned to the shredded front of Clifton’s bloody tunic.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “But how?” Eamon continued.

  Sighing, Clifton glanced around the table at the curious glances and he looked to Isaac again.

  Isaac nodded. King Granton noted the exchange between the two princes with curiosity.

  “I crossed the boundary line.”

  Gasps circled around the table and Granton stood, his chair teetering behind him. “Dare to repeat yourself.” He ordered.

  Clifton ran a hand through his shaggy hair nervously as he glanced up. “I can cross the boundary line, my Lord.”

  “How?” Granton barked.

  “I do not know.”

  “How do you not know when you have done it?!”

  Eamon held up a calming hand towards Granton that was ignored.

  “Did you see my son? Did you see Edward?”

  “Yes, your Grace. Your son is alive and well.”

  “And?” Granton prodded.

  “And he sends his regards.”

  Granton fell back into his chair and placed a hand over his heart, his breathing unstable. Alayna leaned towards him and lightly squeezed his arm. “Careful, Father.”

  “So how did this happen?” King Anthony asked, as he looked to his own son’s lack of surprise.

  “I was… stabbed.” Clifton motioned to the front of his tunic. “There was no saving me. Princess Elizabeth lay dying, and I lay dying. The princess wished to stay in the Realm. It was her last wish before she passed out. Prince Isaac continued to battle the remaining guards after I fell. When he secured the clearing, he did not have time to bring us both back. He pushed me over the boundary line to heal. Prince Edward saw to me immediately.” Clifton finished.

  King Eamon looked to Isaac. “I am forever in your debt, Prince Isaac.”

  Isaac shook his head. “No, my Lord. You are not.”

  “But how did you know you could cross back?” Alayna asked, her voice carrying over the whispers around the table.

  “I didn’t. I saw another guard trying to sneak upon Elizabeth’s body as Prince Isaac battled more guards and I just— I just ran at him.” Clifton’s eyes were distant as if he relived the moment, and confusion laced his voice as he continued. “It was… incredible. When I first crossed over, my body healed within a minute or two. I felt stronger than I have ever been. When I saw Elizabeth vulnerable, there was no thought of whether the boundary could hold me back or not. I just… crossed.”

  “I brought the princess back,” Isaac picked up, “because Prince Clifton wished to remain behind at the boundary. I’m assuming to test his crossing again.” Isaac turned to Clifton as the prince nodded.

  “Yes, I crossed back over easily. Spoke with Edward more and crossed back to the side of the Realm just as easily.”

  “This is incredible.” Granton whispered to himself.

  “This is what we have been looking for.” Prince Ryle chimed in and looked to his brother. “If Cliff can cross, then there must be others that can also. There must be a trick.”

  “No, there is no trick.” Clifton supplied. “Though Prince Edward stated his plan of entering Lancer’s reflection chamber again tonight to see what he could unfold. He is convinced the key lies within that room.”

  Granton shook his head in disbelief, his heart heavy. “Well, there is much more to discuss. For now, let us be grateful for everyone’s safe return.” He raised his glass towards Clifton and then took a sip.


  Elizabeth shifted, her body aching, her throat scratchy. She blinked, the soft lantern light shrouding her room in shadows. “M-Mary?” Her voice sounded as if she had swallowed a handful of rocks.

  “Princess Elizabeth?!” Mary rushed to her side and quickly set about tilting up her head for a sip of water. Easing her head back against the pillows, she offered a small smile.

  “It is good to have you back with us, my Lady. We have all been so worried.” Mary lightly brushed Elizabeth’s bangs out of her eyes as she brushed the back of her hand against Elizabeth’s forehead checking for a fever.


  “Safe, my Lady.”


  “Also safe.” Mary beamed. “All of you are home safe.”

  Elizabeth shifted to her elbows and began to push herself into a sitting position. Mary helped her rise and adjusted her pillows accordingly. “Are you hungry, my Lady? Or thirsty? Are you warm enough?”

  Elizabeth placed a stilling hand on Mary’s. “I am fine for now, Mary.”

  “Alright.” Mary readjusted Elizabeth’s blankets to make use of her nervous hands.

  Elizabeth leaned her head back against the feathered softness of her pillows and sighed. “Mary?”

  “Yes, Miss Elizabeth?”

  “Will you fetch the prince for me?”

  Mary smiled. “Of course, my Lady. Prince Clifton has been eager to see you since his arrival.”

  “Not Clifton.” Elizabeth stated and turned to her attendant with sad eyes.

  “Oh?” Mary asked.

  “Isaac, please.” Elizabeth stated softly.

  “Yes, my Lady.” Mary curtsied and hurried out the door.


  Alayna’s head popped up at the sight of Mary entering the dining hall, her gaze flashing around the table in search of someone.


  Mary curtsied to the room.

  “Is my sister awake?” Alayna asked with a hopeful glance.

  Mary nodded and held up her hands as several stood to rush out of the room. “She is quite tired, my Lady.”

  Clifton rose from his chair and Mary quickly waved him back to it. “No, my Lord. She asks…” Mary paused knowing Prince Clifton would be upset with the request.

  “She asks?” Alayna prodded.

  “For Prince Isaac, your Grace.”

on’s heart lurched in his chest with disappointment. He looked to the equally surprised Prince of the West and Isaac rose. “Me? Why?”

  “I do not know, my Lord.” Mary stated. “I am just here to fetch you.”

  He turned towards King Granton for permission. The king nodded. He then turned to Clifton. Swallowing his wounded pride and heart, Clifton nodded grimly. Isaac stood. “I shall return with a full report.”

  Alayna offered an encouraging smile to the prince, sensing his awkwardness and shock to her sister’s request. Isaac covered the floor to Mary in quick strides and everyone heard the echo of his boots on the stairs as he ascended towards Elizabeth’s chambers.

  “Don’t worry, Cliff.” Prince Ryle stated in a low voice.

  “Who said I was worried?” Clifton grumbled under his breath.

  “Your face.” Ryle stated with a smirk. Clifton shot him an annoyed glare before taking a sip of his drink. “She will call for me in time. I just have to be patient.”

  “That is right.” King Granton stated, embarrassment flashed over the two princes’ faces at their being overheard by the king. “Elizabeth will call for all of us in her own time.” He finished.

  Granton lightly squeezed Alayna’s hand and smiled at her, knowing full well she was disappointed not to be Elizabeth’s first request as well.


  Isaac entered Elizabeth’s chambers and made his way slowly to the side of her bed. She looked small and frail beneath the heavy coverings. Her black hair splayed across the cream pillows in silky waves. Her face was bruised, but her regal bone structure and delicate brows made her a picturesque sight.

  “My Lady?” Mary whispered, lightly touching Elizabeth’s hand.

  Elizabeth’s eyes opened, and she smiled at the sight of Isaac. She reached for him and he slid to sit on the edge of her bedside as she gripped his hand. “I am pleased to see you.” She stated.

  “And I you. You had us worried.” Isaac stated. He gently held her hand in his and his brow furrowed. “Why did you ask for me, Elizabeth?” He asked bluntly, his voice low and his eyes haunted.


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