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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 29

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Elizabeth lightly tossed a decorative pillow her sister’s direction, Alayna’s mouth widening at the contact as she felt the silk cushion hit her cheek. She blushed under Prince Ryle’s amused expression and cleared her throat as she stepped several paces away from Elizabeth’s bed to avoid future assaults. “What brings you by, my Lord?” She asked.

  Prince Ryle studied her carefully and then dropped his voice to barely above a whisper. “I wondered if your father had discussed my military wishes any further, my Queen.”

  “Oh.” Alayna looked to Elizabeth’s now dozing figure and motioned for him to follow her outside into the hall. Once the door closed behind them, she smiled warmly. “I do not believe the matter has been discussed with your father as of yet, but my father accepted Mosiah’s resignation this morning. I believe the discussion will take place at tonight’s Council meeting.”

  A relieved smile fluttered over his handsome face and he grabbed her hand in thanks, the contact making them both blush and separate quickly. “Apologies, my Queen.”

  She waved away the comment and then began walking towards the main stairwell. “I was just addressing your family’s departure with my sister. I plan to have arrangements for her wedding complete today, so that she may accompany Prince Clifton back to your kingdom. I feel the occasion will offer a sense of hope to the people after such a war.”

  “Indeed it will. And how does Princess Elizabeth feel about being the future Queen of the East?” Ryle asked.

  “I have yet to tell her.” Alayna stated as she stepped off the last stair into the main hall.

  “You have not told her that marriage to my brother will lead her to the throne?” Ryle’s gaze narrowed as he studied Alayna.

  “No. One step at a time, Prince Ryle. We have yet to even tell your father of your decision. I do not wish to worry or burden my sister until the matter is a certainty.”

  “Burden her?” Ryle asked. “You think she will not want to be Queen?”

  “It has never been her desire.” Alayna stated simply.

  “But what of my brother? Would she back out of their marriage if he were to be announced future King?”

  Alayna sighed and then stopped in her tracks. She placed a small hand on Ryle’s arm. “I do not think Elizabeth would ever pass up the opportunity of marrying your brother, Prince Ryle. She loves him.”

  Relief washed over the man’s face.

  “All I am saying is that the idea might take some getting used to.” Smiling softly, she squeezed his elbow before walking away. Ryle studied her figure as she left, the lavender skirts sashaying behind her. Elegant and regal. A true queen, he thought. A queen he would serve faithfully. He turned at the sound of boots entering the hall and found his brother walking towards him with a wide smile.

  “You seem pleased this morning.” Ryle commented as Clifton glanced around and spotted Alayna’s retreating back. “I am. I have successfully left King Granton conversing with his son at the boundary, and both men were eager to talk. I think it is a very good morning. Which reminds me, King Granton wished for me to bring Father back with me when I returned to retrieve him.”

  “I believe he was in the conservatory with Anthony and Melody last I checked.” Ryle offered.

  Clifton smiled. “I may wander my way upstairs and tell Elizabeth the good news. She will be quite pleased, and mad as a hen to have missed out on it.”

  Ryle chuckled. “As much as I think she would enjoy your visit, you may hold off for a while, Cliff. I just left her chambers and she was sleeping.”

  Disappointment washed over Clifton’s face. “Oh. Very well then.”

  Ryle laughed and slapped him on the shoulder. “You can see her later, brother. No need for the sour face.”

  Clifton grinned, and he shrugged. Placing a hand on his heart he sighed. “She does funny things to me, brother. I never thought I could be so happy.”

  “I am happy for you, as is everyone else. We all see the love between the two of you. It is one of the most encouraging topics during this dark time. It is also why Princess Alayna wishes to wed the two of you by week’s end.” Ryle explained.

  Surprise fluttered over Clifton’s face. “Week’s end? Why so soon?”

  “She feels the marriage will be uplifting to the people of the Realm and also an opportunity to transport Elizabeth back with us when we leave for the East.”

  “I see.” Clifton rubbed a hand over his chin. “That does put a rush on things, now doesn’t it?”

  “Were you hoping to drag the engagement out longer?” Ryle asked with amusement.

  “No. I mean… well, sort of. I had hoped Elizabeth would have enough time to fully heal before such an endeavor.”

  Nodding, Ryle began walking towards the conservatory. Clifton fell into step beside him. “I’m afraid that will not be the case, brother. I think this may just be the first surprise in store for you.”

  Clifton’s brow rose as he pondered his brother’s words. He sensed a tension in his brother’s demeanor and wondered if Ryle were upset with him for something. Before he could lose himself to deep thoughts, they entered the conservatory to find their father.

  “My boys!” Eamon greeted. “I see you two have awoken to find the day beautiful.”

  “Yes.” Ryle stated as he found a seat next to Melody on one of the long sofas. He nodded in greeting as she continued working on a stitching pattern of some sort.

  “Cliff, how is that future wife of yours?” Eamon asked cheerfully.

  “Apparently resting. I have yet to see her this morning.” Clifton eased into a chair opposite the two kings. “I spent the morning taking King Granton to the boundary line to visit with Edward.”

  Both kings looked at him in surprise.

  “Granton rode out this morning?”

  “Yes. He was weak, but he insisted.” Clifton replied. “He also wished for me to bring you with me when I returned, Father.”

  Eamon and Anthony exchanged concerned glances. “Anthony will come too.” His father stated firmly, booking no room for argument. “We should go now.”

  His father stood quickly. “Ryle, please fetch my attendant and tell him to ready our horses.”

  “Of course.”

  “Is something wrong, Father?” Clifton asked curiously as he sensed the urgency behind his father’s actions and King Anthony’s willingness to ride out at a moment’s notice.

  Clifton held up his hand, “Whoa now Father, I told King Granton I would return for him at noon.”

  “No, we ride now, Cliff. Hurry now and fetch your horse.”

  Eamon rushed by him towards the main entrance as his horse was brought around from the stables.

  Henry still lurked at the front of the castle retrieving special attention from several children in the market square as Clifton bounded down the steps. He smiled as the kids looked up at him in surprise and adoration. He vaulted into his saddle and clicked his reins to quickly catch up to his father.


  Dear Father,

  My, is it good to see you! I fear I am at a loss for words in your presence. I have not read your letter as of yet, but will while you read this one.

  Much has happened the last few weeks. Elizabeth to be married. The South’s uprising. The battle in the East. It is times like this the Realm is fortunate to have you as king. I do not wish to waste time with pleasantries of welcome and longing. We both know there are more dangerous topics of discussion. However, I wish to take a moment and soak you in. It has been a long five years, Father, and I do not wish to cover up the fact that I have missed you.”

  Edward watched as his father read his letter, the slight tremor in the king’s lips proving he was moved by his son’s words.

  I have heard of your failing health. Elizabeth keeps me informed, and now so does Prince Clifton. I hate to see you ill, Father. I trust that you have tried all methods of treatment for your condition, so I will not berate you on possibly seeking wisdom elsewhere. I am sure with Alayna
and Elizabeth hovering over you, their attention is enough at the moment.

  Elizabeth tells me Alayna has begun to take the throne of the Realm. I am proud of her. I am proud that you have allowed her to do so. She will be a great queen. I also know that Prince Clifton and Elizabeth are to be wed soon. I cannot tell you how pleased I am to hear of this. He is a most splendid match for her. They will be very happy together and she will forever be loved.

  And speaking of love, I had hoped to introduce you to my Cecilia, but she is currently with the other Uniters within the woods. I would say perhaps next time you visit you two can meet, but I sense this may be our only opportunity to share together. So perhaps in another life. She has made my time here in the Lands better than could be expected.

  By now, you must have learned of my position with Lancer’s guard. I assure you Father that my heart and loyalties will always remain with the Realm.

  Granton looked up at his son and offered a sad smile. Not disappointed in his son, but disappointed that he had missed so much time getting to know the man before him. His son was an honorable man. He sniffed back the tears in his throat as he began to pen a response.

  My dearest Edward,

  I cannot tell you how it feels to gaze upon your face after so many years. A face, I must admit, that has plagued my mind every day and every night since your departure. I am sorry, my son. I would like to continue my apologies, but my first letter I wrote you that Prince Clifton handed to you, speaks more on that line. This letter I wish to just speak with you, a task I have longed for quite some time.

  Yes, the last few weeks have been full of battle and war, but hope settled upon the horizon, the kingdoms united in a way I have never seen. Though Prince Eric of the South corrupted his purpose, Prince Samuel, has emerged a most pleasing future king. He served us well over the last few days. He will also serve well under Alayna. Alayna will be a wonderful Queen of the Realm. She is ready for the position.

  Despite Prince Eric’s hopes of destroying the Realm, I fear his assaults only made us stronger. Our allies are close. I feel we can weather the next wave of storms successfully. I have read your letters to Elizabeth, and I know the bigger threat is Lancer. The Land of Unfading Beauty has been a silent threat for many years, and I know it is but a sleeping giant. I thank you for your insight and sacrifice to provide the Realm with information. But please be careful. In the next few months, your presence in the Lands will be of great importance to Alayna and the Realm’s guards. A war is coming, Edward. I feel it within my soul. Your role is but just beginning. I am pleased with the newest revelation of Prince Clifton’s ability to cross. Lancer’s bloodline is strong and may be his very undoing. Utilize the friends you have in the Realm, Edward. Sacrifices will need to be made, lives will be lost, but the Lands must be defeated. Lancer must be destroyed. If the darkness and evil he possesses spreads any further, we will all come to ruin. It must be contained and destroyed.

  King Granton slipped the parchment upon Thatcher’s neck and watched as the brown ball of fur slipped across the veil straight towards Edward. He gasped and held a fist to his heart as a sharp spasm pierced through his body. His lungs tightened, and his breaths sputtered as he tried to calm the passing wave of pain. He spotted Edward’s gaze of concern and waved his attention away and to the letter he held in his hands. Edward lifted his letter and read.

  Granton eased onto the rock and rested. He felt the cold sweat dripping down his back and the heat of the morning sun filtering through the trees on his face. He watched as Edward read his words, his son, his handsome son. A leader, a guard, a Uniter. His lips twitched into a sad smile as his thoughts then carried to his daughters. He withdrew the letters from his emerald cape’s pocket. One for Alayna and one for Elizabeth. He brushed his thumb over their names as his wheezing breath shuddered.


  “The East’s horses must be groomed and ready for departure come tomorrow.” Prince Ryle ordered the stableman. “We will be departing after the wedding of Prince Clifton and Princess Elizabeth.” The lanky caretaker bowed and set about his duties as Prince Ryle stepped out of the stables to walk back to the castle. He stopped as he stumbled upon Prince Isaac leaning against the wooden planks of the structure, sound asleep. The prince had not bathed from the prior day’s battles, and his hair lay matted from the morning’s dew. Ryle knelt beside the man and lightly nudged his shoulder. Prince Isaac did not move. Concern bloomed in Ryle’s crystal blue eyes as he nervously placed a hand to the man’s neck to test for a pulse. His fingers found cold skin and he jerked back and fell to his behind as Prince Isaac jolted from his slumber. The prince reached for his blade out of habit as Ryle held up his hands in surrender. Isaac towered over him. “What are you doing?” He barked.

  “My apologies, Prince Isaac. You looked… I was just making sure you had a pulse.”

  “You thought I was dead?” An amused smirk tilted the prince’s lips as he extended a hand to help Ryle to his feet.

  “Well you were sleeping as if you were and your whereabouts have been unknown since yesterday evening.”

  Isaac grunted in response. “I wished for some air last night. I must have fallen asleep and forgotten to make my way indoors.”

  “You mean you have been in this very spot since last night?”

  “Yes.” Isaac sheathed his sword and brushed his pant legs. “I must say, I do look a bit ragged. Perhaps I shall go bathe. I suppose I now see why you thought I was dead.”

  Ryle chuckled and nodded. “Yes, your appearance was quite sobering. I am pleased to find you alive and well.”

  “So, what have I missed so far this morning? It looks almost midday.”

  “Aye, it is. King Granton left early this morning with my brother for the boundary line to speak with Edward. My brother and both our fathers have gone to retrieve him. Other than that, the only other matters of the day are Princess Alayna planning Princess Elizabeth’s wedding.”

  Isaac nodded. “And what of the villages? Are Mosiah and the guards handling the clean up?”

  “Yes. I will be riding out shortly to assist.”

  “Well,” Isaac inhaled a deep breath and stretched his back. “I guess that means a relaxing day for me. Everything is being handled already.”

  Ryle rolled his eyes at the prince’s aloofness. Princess Alayna was right about him, his heart had not changed.

  “If you should wish to seek out company, I know Princess Elizabeth wished to speak with you.” Ryle stated. He then noted a swift change in the prince’s face. Worry flashed in his dark eyes. “Is she alright? Did she catch fever?” He began pacing down the portico towards the castle.

  “No.” Prince Ryle stated, causing Isaac’s steps to slow. “She just wished to talk with you, I believe.”

  “Oh…” Isaac’s brow rested, and a small smile tilted the corner of his lips. “Well, I guess I will visit her chambers for a bit if she is not resting and see what is on her mind.”

  He turned to walk away, and Ryle grabbed his arm in a firm clasp. Isaac glanced down at the prince’s restraint and then to his fierce gaze. “Problem?”

  “The Princess’ sudden interest in you causes worry to the future Queen, Prince Isaac. Should you have ill intent against her or my brother, I wish you to know where I stand.” Ryle’s voice held a threatening note and Isaac shrugged away from his grasp.

  “Yes, well, your feelings are noted.” Without providing a defense or even a reasoning, Isaac decided to let the prince stew about his evasiveness. He knew people doubted his character, but Elizabeth knew his heart. He bounded up the stairwell to her chamber door and knocked. Mary answered almost immediately and smiled in welcome. “My Lord.”

  Isaac bowed. “Mary.” He greeted. “Is the princess up for company?”

  Mary stepped back for him to enter and waved him ahead. “Miss Elizabeth, Prince Isaac is here to see you.” Mary called into the room. Isaac’s gaze adjusted to the dim lighting of lanterns in the room and he glanced around in sea
rch of Elizabeth. He noted the presence of a man seated in a chair by her fireplace. The man nodded in greeting.

  “Isaac! I’m so glad you are here.” Elizabeth’s voice carried from behind her trifold changing boards and she poked her head around the side. “You are just in time.”

  His smile quirked and his brows rose. “In time for you changing? Why Princess, I did not realize we were to meet like this.”

  She rolled her eyes and laughed. “In your dreams, prince.” She heard him laugh as she slowly eased herself from behind the boards. She stumbled slightly and gripped the side of the wooden frame as she emerged wearing her trousers.

  “Ah, I see you have resorted back to your lesson attire.” Isaac stated. He noted the pant leg of her left side rolled up to her knee and a series of leather straps connecting from her waist and shoulders and wrapped around a wooden frame of a half leg.

  “Prince Isaac, I would like you to meet my new leg.” Elizabeth motioned to the dark wood and giggled as she attempted to stand straight without holding the changing boards. She held her breath as the pain shot through her leg and up her spine. Isaac sensed her discomfort but knew her pride held back her gasp.

  “It is a beauty.” Prince Isaac complimented. “In fact, I believe you now have the prettiest legs I’ve ever seen.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Coming from you, I take that as an extreme compliment.” She teased playfully. He shrugged his shoulders and grinned.

  She took a cautious step forward. Grimaced. Softly moaned in pain. “My wound is still not fully healed. It’s rather tender. But Mary bandaged it with plenty of cushion.”

  “You do not need to rush this, Elizabeth.” Isaac stepped forward and extended his arm. She gladly accepted and allowed him to lead her slowly around the room. The other man stood and surveyed her mobility. “He is the talented craftsman for my leg.” Elizabeth motioned towards the man in a friendly gesture of appreciation.

  “I see.” Isaac stopped and unlinked her arm from his and released her. “Now you try it alone.” He had made sure to leave her standing in the middle of the room, so she did not have a support system to catch her. Elizabeth stepped forward onto her wooden leg and quickly brought her next leg forward. It was a hobbled gait, but Isaac knew she would soon walk fluidly as if the wood was as much her leg as the real one. He nodded in approval and stepped back forward.


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