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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 31

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Good evening, Council.” Alayna stated. “I know we all gather with heavy hearts tonight, but my father would have wished for us to continue on in his stead.” She glanced around the room and surveyed all the different faces. Allies and friends.

  Samuel sat awkwardly beside Prince Isaac. Alayna had asked him to join in on the meeting now that he represented the Southern Kingdom, a position she knew would invite questioning. “My father’s funeral proceedings will be tomorrow afternoon in the main hall. The castle doors will be open for anyone in the kingdom to enter. Mosiah has assured me that the guard will be available to stand watch.”

  Elizabeth shifted uncomfortably as she adjusted one of the leather straps circled around her waist. Alayna briefly caught the motion and waited until her sister’s fidgeting had subsided before continuing.

  “I do not wish to prolong current topics of discussion. The East and West will return to their kingdoms at week’s end as planned. The royal wedding will take place day after tomorrow as planned.” King Anthony started to speak, and Alayna held up her hand to stop his words. “Other topics I wish to bring to the table are the matters of the Southern Kingdom and the current position of Realm Captain of the Royal Guard.”

  Eamon looked to Mosiah in surprise.

  “I have relinquished my position as Captain, as previously planned and discussed the matter with King Granton and Princess Alayna prior to this meeting.” Mosiah stated. “I will, however, remain on duty in the guard until a new leader is selected.”

  “And what of the Southern Kingdom?” King Anthony asked. “Prince Samuel is too young to take the throne. Should we not be searching for a steward?”

  “And has anyone stepped forward in hopes of the position of Captain?” King Eamon inquired.

  “I will address both of these issues, my Lords.” Alayna stated confidently. “First, in regard to the South, I believe Prince Samuel should have the right to choose.”

  Everyone turned to look at Samuel, the young man’s eyes widened in surprise and Elizabeth smiled at him.

  “It is his right to claim the throne after his father and brother passed. If he feels he is ready, we will support him.”

  “Well?” Anthony pushed. “Are you ready to be king, little one?”

  “I am fifteen.” Samuel stated. “I am not a boy, nor am I a man. I understand I have much to learn in order to manage a kingdom, but I also know what it is I wish not to do. I do not wish to rule the South as my father and brother did. If the Queen should support me with an aid, I wish to fulfill my role as king as soon as possible and establish an amicable ally to the rest of the Realm.”

  Isaac slapped Samuel on the back in a brotherly pat and smiled at the kid. “I will assist you.” He nominated.

  “As will I.” Clifton and Ryle stated at the same time.

  Alayna and Elizabeth shared a smile of encouragement at the comradery around the room.

  “It is settled then. We make plans for the coronation of our King of the South, King Samuel.” Alayna nodded in resolution. “Now in matters of the Captain of the Guard.” She began. “A request has been submitted before the former king and myself just recently, prior to the war between the kingdoms.” Her gaze locked onto King Eamon as she spoke, and the man held upon her every word. “Prince Ryle of the Eastern Kingdom wishes to protect the Realm in the role as Captain.”

  Eamon’s eyes widened as he turned to his son. “Speak now.” His voice was calm, but his eyes held a restrained fire that had Ryle and Clifton both shifting in their seats.

  “It is true. I approached King Granton and the future Queen just prior to the Eastern Kingdom’s battle. I wish to relinquish my rights as future king to my brother.” He turned to Clifton and placed his hand on his shoulder as he continued. “So that I may serve the Realm as protector of the throne.”

  Everyone fell silent as the weight of Ryle’s decision carried throughout the room. Elizabeth studied King Eamon closely at his son’s announcement. “We have prepared for your kingship since your infancy, Ryle. The kingdom expects you to be king.” Eamon stated, his hand lightly tapping against the table as he spoke.

  “I know Father, but I also know our kingdom will equally respect and serve Clifton as their future king as well. Trust that I have pondered my decision thoroughly.”

  King Eamon leaned back in his chair and rubbed a hand over his beard as he let the matter sink into his brain. “Have you even asked your brother if he would be willing to accept the throne?”

  Ryle turned to his stunned younger brother and smiled. “I feel Cliff is more than ready when the time comes, and he will now have a strong queen to support him.” Ryle nodded at Elizabeth. She inhaled deeply and waited for King Eamon’s next statement.

  “Well, Cliff?” Eamon asked. “Do you accept your brother’s crown for kingship?”

  Clifton looked to Elizabeth across the table, their eyes briefly holding as he wished to assess her feelings on the matter.

  She nodded her blessing.

  “I will.” Clifton stated, his voice confident. He felt Ryle squeeze his shoulder in thanks as their father leaned back in his chair with a look of exasperation. “Well I guess that is settled then. Who am I to withhold protection to the royal crown?”

  Alayna smiled. “All kingdoms in approval of the appointment of Prince Ryle of the Eastern Kingdom as the new Captain of the Royal Guard of the North and of the Realm, please raise your right hand.”

  Hands rose around the room and she smiled. “The matter is settled.”

  Mosiah nodded his approval.

  “Now, my friends, are there any other requests or concerns?”

  “I think there are many.” Elizabeth replied. “We must not forget that during this time of grieving for the king, or the celebration of new leadership,” she motioned towards Samuel, Ryle, and Alayna, “or the merging of two kingdoms,” she motioned between herself and Clifton. “We have an underlying threat across that boundary line. We are misguided if we believe Lancer is not a threat. He is a lion on the prowl.”

  “I do not believe anyone has forgotten, sister.” Alayna stated.

  “I am just stating that all of these events that are currently happening do not need to blind us from the task at hand. Our task as leaders of the Realm is to protect the Realm. What are we doing right now, in this very moment, to counteract the strategies being plotted against us on the other side of the line?”

  King Eamon held up his hand to calm Elizabeth. “I do not think taking time to grieve or to celebrate is diverting us away from Lancer’s threat. Trust me, we are aware of his power and the darkness that resides in him. But the Realm cannot afford to go up against the Lands until we ourselves have recuperated from the battles and regained our strength and leadership in all kingdoms. We must remain patient, Princess Elizabeth.”

  Alayna squeezed Elizabeth’s hand. “Patience has never been my sister’s strong suit, your Grace.”

  Elizabeth agreed by nodding, causing several to smile at her honesty.

  “But I believe King Eamon is right.” Alayna announced. “In order to overcome the Lands, we must first prevent our own Realm from being overcome by the recent events.”

  “If I may?” Prince Isaac held up his finger and waited for Alayna to nod. “I think an importance needs to be placed upon Princess Elizabeth’s concern.”

  “Isaac, we already established what the Realm will be doing.” King Anthony scolded.

  “Aye, I understand that, Father. But what I am trying to convey is that right now we are all gathered around this table together. We are here for one another and supportive. By the end of the week, however, we will all be venturing to our separate kingdoms and living life as we have always done. How long before we meet again? How long before we discuss the matters of the Unfading Lands? How long until Lancer sets a force against us? We need to establish a set time to reconvene before we all depart, or the Unfading Lands will fall behind us until it is too late.”

  “I agree.” Samuel
stated, his voice slightly edged with nerves as he contributed to the conversation.

  “Yes.” Clifton added. “Prince Edward was very open with me about his attempts at crossing the boundary. He and Lancer both attempted to cross into the Southern Kingdom because they believe it to be weak. Edward is still not able to cross, but Lancer passes freely. His eye is already on the Southern Kingdom. I, for one, am uneasy with that.”

  “Aye, me as well.” Samuel quietly agreed.

  “We all are.” Alayna stated. “That is why Mosiah will be accompanying Prince Samuel back to the Southern Kingdom with a wave of ranks from the Royal Guard. Samuel will have protection while he reestablishes his kingdom. We will also be visiting back and forth to provide him with guidance. “Alayna replied.

  “In regard to Lancer, I wish for Prince Clifton to maintain interactions with my brother across the boundary line. I am sure you two can establish a meeting place near the Eastern Kingdom. It is imperative that we utilize my brother and his forces. If Edward should confess a fear of an attack, we will then begin our preparations for war. Until then, our focus is to build up our strength during these times of change.” Alayna stood in dismissal. “From now until the end of the week we have a funeral and a wedding. A time for grief and a time for joy. I wish you all a good evening.” Alayna and Mosiah exited, and the rest of the room sat quietly for a few moments.

  Prince Samuel stood and quietly pushed his chair under the table. Isaac reached out and grabbed his arm before he departed. “I will assist you whenever, my Lord. All you have to do is send word to the West.”

  A relieved smile washed over Samuel’s face as he nodded. “Thank you, Prince Isaac.”

  “The East is at your assistance as well.” King Eamon stood, his presence towering over the young king, but his smile welcoming. “Granton had high hopes for you, son. I know you will be an honorable king.”

  Samuel did not respond as the king passed by him and exited the room. He glanced to Elizabeth and she winked at him. “Well, I for one am starving, gentlemen. Shall we make our way down to the dining hall for some of Gretchen’s delicious creations?” She eased to her feet.

  Several agreements fluttered through the room as she stood. “Prin- I mean, King Samuel, will you please track down Princess Melody and bring her to the dining hall as well?”

  “Yes, my Lady.” He bowed and quickly exited. Clifton smiled at Elizabeth as she slipped her arm in his. “Do you have a plan circulating up there?” He lightly tapped her temple and she grinned. “I do not know what you mean, Prince Clifton.” He chuckled softly as he trailed a finger down her soft cheek.

  “You realize you marry one another in two days, do you not?” Ryle asked on a sigh of false annoyance.

  “Aye, how could I forget?” Clifton beamed as he glanced down at Elizabeth’s dazzling gaze.

  “Then perhaps you two can move a bit faster and enjoy one another’s soft eyes when others are not starving.”

  “How insulting your brother is, Clifton.” Elizabeth jested. “To insist we rush ourselves when I only have the use of one leg.”

  Everyone stopped, and Ryle’s face blanched at the thought of insulting the princess.

  It was the slight quirk to her brow and sassiness to her lips that had Clifton bursting into laughter and surprising everyone. Elizabeth laughed as well as she patted Ryle’s stunned face in passing.

  Isaac and his father smirked at one another at the princess’ humor and all made their way down the stairs to the dining room in equal uplifted spirits at Ryle’s embarrassment.


  The next couple of days flew by in a blur and before she could blink, Elizabeth found herself standing before her mirror watching Mary tie ribbons in her hair for her wedding day. The pale blue dress was made of the finest silk she had ever brushed her hand against and she found the delicate stitching beautiful. Alayna had chosen every detail perfectly. She tilted her head as she surveyed herself in the mirror, her blue eyes blazed against her creamy skin, the blue of the dress aiding in their brightness. Blue eyes like her father. A sadness tugged at her heart as she thought of the day before and the outpouring of love from the people of the kingdom as they ventured into the castle to say their goodbyes to the king. She prayed today that they would be rejoicing instead of mourning. She felt her stomach flutter at the thought of marrying Clifton. His handsome face and unruly hair. Smiling, she straightened as Mary stepped to the side to survey her work. “Beautiful, my Lady. Absolutely beautiful.”

  “You think he will like it?” Elizabeth asked nervously, lightly touching the tips of her black hair. The cascade of curls that draped over her shoulders and down her back looked smooth as silk.

  “We will not place your veil in your hair until we are near the main hall.” Mary explained.

  Elizabeth nodded, stunned at the image she made. A blushing bride, she thought, full of love and wonder and nerves.

  A throat cleared, and she gasped as she turned thinking Clifton had come to sneak a peek at her. She relaxed, and a slow smile spread over her lips as she spotted Prince Isaac standing in his red formal tunic and white wolf’s fur. “You look stunning, princess.” He complimented.

  “Do I?” Elizabeth asked, her worried smile making him laugh.

  “Yes, but only if you stop fidgeting.” He warned.

  She accepted the arm he offered, and they made their way out the door.

  “The crowd is set. The groom is waiting. The only thing left is you.” Isaac stated as they made their way down the stairs. Mary followed closely behind.

  As they neared the entrance to the main hall, King Anthony, King Eamon, Prince Samuel, and Prince Ryle awaited. They all smiled as she stepped to the front entrance. King Eamon beamed, his smile slightly faltering as tears of joy beckoned to fall. “My dear,” he hugged her tightly. “You look gorgeous.”

  “Thank you.” Elizabeth replied as Mary lightly pinned the cathedral length veil in her hair. Mary then stretched the thin lace out across the floor behind Elizabeth.

  “Are you ready to be escorted down the aisle?” King Eamon asked, extending his arm.

  Elizabeth glanced shyly at Isaac. “Actually, my Lord, I wondered if perhaps Prince Isaac could do the honor.”

  Isaac’s brows rose along with the other men’s.

  King Eamon nodded. “Of course, my dear.” He stepped out of the way and smiled just as the doors opened and music fluttered through the air. The two kings made their way down the aisle and towards the front where Alayna stood nearest the priest. Princess Melody stood along the steps to the left as Clifton awaited Elizabeth in the middle. Prince Ryle and Prince Samuel made their entrance and stood along the steps lining up towards Clifton. Ryle lightly patted his brother on the back as the music changed and Isaac stepped forward with Elizabeth on his arm. They waited at the back of the room until Mary waved them forward.

  “Thank you, Prince Isaac, for escorting me on such a special day.” Elizabeth whispered to him.

  “I am honored you would ask me to.” Isaac stated looking down on her. He winked at her as he began leading them down the aisle.

  Alayna’s brow rose at the sight of Isaac as Elizabeth’s escort, but knew her sister and the prince of the West had formed an odd bond since their battle against the South. She watched as Elizabeth’s pale blue dress shined and the white roses billowed from her hands. She made a stunning bride, Alayna thought. She moved elegantly, her limp almost nonexistent as she made her way towards them. She studied her future brother and grinned at the love shining on his face as he witnessed the sight of his gorgeous bride.

  Clifton felt the breath leave his lungs and the entire room as Elizabeth stepped into the doorway. He heard nothing as his gaze roamed over her beautiful dress, the colors of his kingdom, the kingdom they would one day rule together. His eyes roamed from her feet to her face, and the small nervous smile she carried widened when their eyes met. He felt his chest swell in pride at the thought of being her husband. He caught the
amused gaze of Prince Isaac as he slowly brought Elizabeth towards him.

  When she reached the platform, the priest addressed the congregation. Elizabeth did not hear a word as she gazed at Clifton’s bright green eyes and perfect smile. He looked handsome, she thought. His usual unkempt mane combed back away from his face. His formal tunic crisp and clean. She sensed his nerves and knew they shared a similar feeling. She watched as Alayna lightly dabbed a tear away, and her gaze found the sweet smile of Prince Ryle as he stood proudly by his brother.

  “And may you give this woman to this man.” The priest waved for Prince Isaac to hand Elizabeth over. He slipped her arm from his and gently squeezed her hand, bowing on his knee as he kissed her knuckles. He then stood and gently placed her hand in Clifton’s. The two men exchanged a look of confirmation. Isaac’s challenge for Clifton to protect Elizabeth, and Clifton’s acceptance. Elizabeth watched as Isaac found his place next to Ryle and then she turned her attention to Clifton. She repeated words, sonnets, prayers… she wasn’t quite sure what all she said, all she knew was that she loved the man before her.

  A cheer erupted in the crowd as the time came for Clifton to claim her as his wife. He leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips over hers, Elizabeth’s hands finding the lapels of his tunic and holding him to her. Everyone cheered louder at her insistence for a longer kiss. Clifton kissed her again and a slow smile spread over his face as he felt her slide a small white stone into his palm.

  They turned to face the guests and everyone cheered again as white rose petals rained down on them from the balconies. The music then began to play as they slowly made their way out of the castle and to the parapet where their marriage would be announced to the kingdom.

  Elizabeth sighed as soon as the sunshine hit her face and she turned to find Clifton studying her closely.

  “What are you thinking, prince?”


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