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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 36

by Katharine E Hamilton


  Alayna marked her quill through the drawing before her in frustration and growled underneath her breath as she leaned her hands on the tabletop and surveyed the maps of the Realm. She moved her finger around the outline of the Lands. Why this spot? She pointed to the center of her Realm. Why would Lancer choose a spot exactly in the middle of the Realm to create his Land? Her eyes flashed from kingdom to kingdom. The mysterious darkened stain covered mostly the Northern Kingdom’s southern boundary across the Rollings River and spread to the edges of the Eastern and Western Kingdoms and the Northern tip of the Southern Kingdom. It was right in the middle of the Realm. There had to be a significance, she wondered. She traced around the Unfading Lands and studied it carefully. “Talk to me, Edward.” She whispered to the air. “I need something to go on.” Defeated for the moment, she eased back into her chair and propped her chin on her hand. Her eyes never leaving the maps. She grabbed some parchment and began to make her notes.

  Lancer desires power and strength.

  Targets center of Realm. Why?

  Did not want Southern Kingdom’s help.

  Darkness? Where does it come from?

  Bloodline able to cross? Must speak to King Eamon about his wife’s connection to Lancer.

  She set the notes aside and studied the spot again. The Northern Kingdom was the strongest in the Realm and Lancer’s lands were slowly edging its borders over it more and more. Why? “Because we are the most powerful.” Alayna stated aloud and leaned forward in her chair. “The South offers to help Lancer overcome the North in trade for his favor in the Unfading Lands. Lancer denies their offer. Why? Because they are the weaker kingdom.” She reached for her notes once again and listed her thoughts. “He only wants power.” She repeated to the empty room.

  The sun began to set and Alayna found herself rushing around the Council Room lighting lanterns for light. She could not stop now. She was on the verge of something, she could feel it. She leaned on the table and looked at the map, her finger resting on the Southern Kingdom’s boundary line with the Unfading Lands. “The South has no king. It is weak. Crumbling. Lancer ignores it. The East has a king and two princes willing to fight for not only their kingdom but also the Northern Kingdom, and they are attacked. The boundary line pushing further into their lands. Attracted to the power.” Alayna muttered. She knew her boundary line had not shifted the last few weeks. The Northern Kingdom, though weakened by the assault of the South, remained strong. “But Lancer sees us as weak, so his attentions are diverted elsewhere… to where the power sits.” She sat in her chair and smiled to herself. “You think I’m weak, Lancer.” She softly giggled. “Perhaps I will just let you keep on believing that then.” Smugly, she reached for the quill and marked a deep ‘x’ over the Land of Unfading Beauty, the ink filtering into the map and leaving her permanent mark of satisfaction.


  Samuel tugged his reins and slipped to the ground. Two armed guards blocked his path into the castle. Would he ever be welcome anywhere? He thought. “I am here to see Prince Clifton and Prince Ryle. I am Samuel, future king of the Southern Kingdom.” His voice rang of confidence and Ryle stood in the shadows with a wide smile of appreciation.

  The guards glanced at one another unsure of whether or not to let the teenager pass.

  “My business is urgent. If you should hinder me from delivering a message from the future queen of the Realm, I assure you your resistance will not be rewarded.” Samuel stood firmly, his arms at his sides and feet planted. His fists clenched, and he narrowed his gaze. “I must insist you let me pass.” He barked.

  The guards stood resolute.

  Samuel gritted his teeth. He could not fail the queen. He had to deliver Edward’s message to the princes, and also seek out Elizabeth’s condition for the queen.

  “You refuse to let the future king of the South pass?” Ryle stepped from the shadows and the guards stood at attention.

  “Prince Ryle!” Samuel exclaimed with pleasure. “I mean, Captain.” He bowed. “I must speak with you and your brother immediately. It is most urgent.”

  Ryle smiled in greeting. “Of course. Come Samuel.” He waved his hands at the guards and they stepped aside for the two princes to enter the castle. “Welcome to the Eastern kingdom. I am sorry our guards have not received the message of your friendship just yet. I will make swift work on that.”

  “Yes, no problem, my Lord. That is of little importance to me.”

  Ryle assessed Samuel carefully. “Yes, well, let us find my brother.” Ryle led him through the elaborate castle, the marble stone archways billowing higher than even the Northern Kingdom’s castle. The light drapes of pale blue covered the windows, and though it was dark out, the castle interior held a lightness to it that welcomed. Much different than his own castle, Samuel reflected. Dark fabrics, paintings, and statues made the Southern Kingdom less inviting than his current surroundings. Ryle turned down a long hallway and up ahead stood King Eamon outside a large door that stood partially opened. He smiled at the sight of Samuel and embraced the young prince. “My dear Samuel, my is it a pleasure to have you in the East.”

  “My King.” Samuel bowed.

  Eamon continued to smile as he looked to Samuel for an explanation of his visit. “I must speak to Prince Clifton.”

  Ryle motioned through the doorway as Samuel entered. He immediately froze when his eyes fell upon the princess’ figure. “Come, no need to be frightened. The princess is improving. Right, Cliff?”

  Clifton finally glanced up and his green eyes sparked with gratitude at the presence of Samuel coming to check on Elizabeth. “Prince Samuel.” He greeted and slowly stood from his chair beside Elizabeth’s bedside.

  “My prince.” Samuel bowed.

  “It is good of you to come.” Clifton reached out and placed a hand on Samuel’s shoulder and Samuel did the same. He studied the tired lines of the prince’s face, and the slight tinge of pain lurking in his usual kind eyes. “I hate to intrude upon you, Prince Clifton, but I have been sent on a task that only I may fulfill. It is my duty to talk with you and your brother.”

  King Eamon lingered in the room and Clifton turned towards him. “And what of my father?”

  Samuel slightly fidgeted. “I am not sure, my Lord. He was not included. Perhaps I may speak to you and your brother first, and if you feel it necessary to share with him, we shall then?”

  Clifton nodded. King Eamon quietly slipped out unoffended and shut the door. “Come Samuel, have a seat and a drink. You must be tired from your journey.”

  “I must say, I am quite surprised Princess Alayna sent you on such a journey knowing I had just departed.” Ryle stated quizzically.

  “Princess Alayna does not know the true nature of my visit, my Lord. Nor shall she, just yet.”

  Ryle’s back stiffened. “You snuck out?”

  “No.” Samuel shook his head. “I just did not tell her the true reason of my departure.”

  “So you lied to the future queen?” Ryle stepped closer to Samuel and towered over him. Clifton reached a hand to his brother’s chest. “Calm yourself, brother. Let him speak first.”

  Samuel turned a grateful glance towards Clifton and then took a comfortable step away from Ryle. “When you left, my Lord, I felt the need to ride to the boundary line… to Princess Elizabeth’s former place. I sensed Prince Edward may be awaiting news from the Realm, and I was right. He was there. I had overheard your conversation with Princess Alayna,” he looked to Ryle in apology. “I had heard you discussing Princess Elizabeth’s condition. I felt her brother should know. I wrote him a letter and sent it across the boundary as I had seen you do countless times before.” He looked to Clifton. “I asked for anything that might heal the princess since the Lands have healing power.”

  “It doesn’t work like that.” Clifton stated quietly.

  “Yes, I know. He explained that to me.” Samuel continued. “However, he did give me something else.”

  The t
wo princes stepped closer in eager anticipation at the thought of a possible way to heal Elizabeth. Samuel withdrew the letter from Edward. “He asked me to give you this. Only you two. I was not told I could read the letter, therefore I do not know of its contents. It is my hope, my Lords, that Prince Edward has provided a way to heal the princess.” He relinquished the letter into Clifton’s palm, the strong prince suddenly weak in the knees. He sat in the chair next to Elizabeth’s bed and lightly clasped her hand and kissed it in hope. “Go on, Cliff.” Ryle prodded, waiting to hear what Edward had to say. Clifton unfolded the letter and began to read, his hope slowly diminished, and a glower marred his handsome face.

  My New Brother,

  I hope this letter finds you well, though I fear it may not. Prince Samuel has updated me on Elizabeth’s health, and I must say I am deeply saddened by the news. I know you are providing her with the best care known to the Realm, so I will not waste precious time or words on the matter more than my deepest thoughts and prayers go towards her.

  I wish my letter could consist of great tidings and joyful announcements, but we do not live in such times. I wish to share with you the latest development for me in the Unfading Lands and what I have come to discover.

  After the death of my father, I lost myself in grief and sadness. I ventured into Lancer’s reflection chamber to try and unearth the beast responsible for separating me from my loved ones, so that I might destroy it and Lancer’s power. What I found, was something entirely different. I had seen the darkness before. I had seen Lancer accept it into his own body. But I had never been able to. Until then. I found what makes it possible. What sustains the boundary line.


  It was my hatred towards Lancer and the Unfading Lands that drove me to my knees in that chamber. Hatred opened my heart to receive the darkness. I now possess it. Lancer does not know, nor can he. But now… I have the same power as he. I have yet to test the limits of this new strength. I do not yet know if I can cross the boundary line. But I will be trying soon. I wish to speak with you soon, Prince Clifton. We must meet at the clearing. I know you do not wish to leave my sister’s side, but I fear I cannot venture to the Eastern boundaries without drawing attention from Lancer. I need you to come see me in the North.

  I await your response.


  “What does it say?” Ryle asked.

  Clifton lowered the note and ran a hand over his face and mouth. He handed the letter to Ryle who scanned over it quickly. “He has the darkness.” He mumbled, his eyes flashing over to Clifton. “This changes things.”

  “I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.”

  “Good! What do you mean it could be bad?!” Ryle beamed in excitement. “Don’t you see?! If Edward can cross back into the Realm, we will have control over half the forces within the Lands and aide our armies here in an attack against Lancer.”

  Clifton shook his head. “But did you not read the part about hatred? Ryle, pure evil is guiding him. His hatred towards Lancer, yes, but it is still evil. We cannot join forces with darkness. There has to be another way.”

  “Cliff, we have searched for a way to breach the Lands. We thought it was your ability to cross by being a relative of Lancer. What if it wasn’t? What if it has nothing to do with bloodline after all?”

  “What do you mean?” Clifton asked.

  “What if the reason you were able to cross was because of the feeling you had when you did?” Ryle explained. “You saw Elizabeth about to be killed and you lunged at the Southern guard. I guarantee you it was not love for the man that filled your heart. It was hate. Hatred is the key.”

  Clifton shook his head vehemently. “No. I refuse to believe that. I crossed to save Elizabeth. My thoughts were only on her, not the guard. Besides, how was I able to cross back and forth since then? I was not full of hatred the second, third, or fourth times of my crossing.”

  Ryle lightly rubbed his chin. “It’s worth looking into.”

  Clifton glanced towards Samuel. “And what do you think, Samuel?”

  Samuel stepped forward, his hands clasped nervously behind his back. “I think it wise to be cautious, my Lords. Evil lurks in those lands. I have seen the effect it has on men. It draws out the worst of our hearts and tempts us to act on its behalf. Whether or not Prince Edward is a positive resource for us, I feel we must tend carefully to our interactions with him. Nothing good comes from darkness.”

  “I agree.” Clifton replied.

  Ryle bounced his blue eyes between the two men. “There may come a time when we have no choice but to utilize the very darkness Lancer possesses against him. Surely you both must know that.”

  Clifton stood and took the letter from Ryle. “Perhaps so. But until that desperate moment, I suggest we consider other options.” Clifton’s voice held warning, and Ryle noted the slight rise of defense against his younger brother’s reprimand. He took a calming breath. “Of course. A last resort. But we must inform Father of this.”

  “Agreed.” Clifton stated. He handed the letter to Samuel. “I trust you two can take care of that. Now, if you will excuse me, my wife needs me.”

  Ryle watched as Clifton resumed his seated position next to Elizabeth and lightly brushed his fingertips over her cheek. She would not make it if she did not awaken soon, Ryle feared. Her body could only go so long without water and food, and two days had now passed. He turned towards Samuel and lightly patted him on the back to motion him towards the hallway. “Come Samuel, let’s find my father.”

  Samuel cast one last look at the princess’ immobile form and walked out.


  Isaac awoke to the sweet smell of orchids and the faint hint of lavender circulating his room and blinked several times to acclimate himself with his surroundings. Realm of King Abner. Seven daughters. Isaac rubbed a hand over his stubbled chin and rose to find his attendant laying his clothes on the chaise. “Morning, Prince Isaac.”

  “Morning Rupert.” He grumbled as he stumbled towards the vanity to wash his face. The cold water awakened him quickly and he slipped into his trousers and shirt to avoid a chill. Rupert made haste of helping him slip into his tunic and managed to clasp the buckles and belts properly all while Isaac attempted to shave his face. He ran a hand over his smooth jaw and rinsed away the soap. That would have to do, he smirked at his reflection and then walked towards his boots.

  “A maid sent for you earlier, my Lord. It seems breakfast is to be served in a few minutes in the main dining hall.” Rupert reported.

  “They sent a maid?” He asked.

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  Isaac tried not to be insulted. Normally the king’s attendant sought out royal guests. A maid?

  “You will join me, Rupert.” He stated.

  Rupert nodded.

  Isaac never disliked Rupert, the young attendant took weeks to season into his position over a year ago, but Isaac now found him a comfort outside the realm he was accustomed to. He brought a sense of home with him, Isaac presumed, that allowed him to look past certain faults in the young man. Truth be told, Isaac was not sure how old Rupert truly was. He could not be more than a couple of years younger than himself, he thought. Rupert followed faithfully behind him as he rounded the corner into the main dining hall. All the daughters stood behind their chairs as their father began to seat himself. He looked up at Isaac’s entrance. “Ah, Prince Isaac. Good of you to join us. Please, have a seat.” He motioned to a chair next to him and across from his daughter Katarina. Isaac waited until the king and queen took their seats before sitting himself.

  “Thank you.” He acknowledged the servant who filled his goblet. She froze in her movements a moment as if taken aback by his kindness. He offered a warm smile as he reached for his glass. She intercepted a harsh glance from King Abner at her lingering and moved on.

  “So how is your father?” King Abner asked.

  “He is quite well, thank you. He sends you his best.” Isaac smiled poli

  “I hear the Northern Highlands has suffered quite a bit with the uprising from the South.” Abner continued.

  “They did, but all is well now. The North shall make a quick recovery, of that there is no doubt.” Isaac added.

  “And what of this Lancer fellow? The mysterious lands in the center of the Realm. What is the story on that?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine, my King. The Unfading Lands have a dark hold on much of the lands in the Realm. Though currently weakened by the merger in the East and the defeat of the South, I fear we have only seen a smidgen of Lancer’s true strength.”

  Abner measured him with a steady gaze. “I had heard Prince Clifton of the East married Princess Elizabeth of the North. I was not sure if it was true.”

  “It is. They had a beautiful wedding not but two weeks ago.”

  “And you were in attendance?” Katarina asked intrigued. Isaac caught her gaze and nodded.

  “Yes, I had the luxury of escorting the princess down the aisle.”

  “Well that is just unheard of.” Abner protested.

  Isaac’s back stiffened at his condescending tone. “It is quite out of the norm, but I believe you will find Princess Elizabeth to be a free spirit and one to stray from the norm.” His lips twitched into a small smile at the thought of Elizabeth in her trousers.

  “I suppose with her own brother’s betrayal of crossing into those dreadful Lands there was a need for a substitute.” Abner interjected.

  Isaac felt the heat rising in his chest at the small insults to the Northern family. “Prince Edward’s departure from the North was quite a blow, but he has proved to be quite loyal despite his current whereabouts.”

  “Is that so?” Abner asked. “And how is that?”

  Isaac’s brow slightly arched at the line of questioning from the curious king. How much did this man know of the Unfading Lands and of Lancer? After all, Lancer originated from his realm as well as King Eamon’s wife.


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