The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 47

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Do not place your nose in their business, Sister.” Alayna warned. “Just because you have found happiness with Clifton does not mean everyone else is ready for that next step.”

  “I know.” Elizabeth looked disappointed at her plans being thwarted. “But I can still be excited, can’t I?”

  Eamon reached over and squeezed her hand. “Of course, dear. I believe the Realm could use a little more happiness spread around, and your smiles seem to do the trick.”

  Elizabeth grinned and then turned towards Alayna, her sister’s mind wandering to the clearing, to Ryle. Though Alayna refused to admit her feelings for the former prince, now Captain, the anxious hold her teeth held on her bottom lip told otherwise. Elizabeth nodded towards Alayna’s direction and Eamon turned to witness the princess’s attentions. Blinded by her worry, Alayna did not notice the small exchange of smirks between the other two, but instead focused all her hopes and prayers on the small gap within the trees.


  Ryle flexed his fingers at his sides, his palms sore from his fingernails digging within his clenched fists. He took a deep breath, felt Clifton’s hand on his shoulder, and stepped towards the boundary line. “Is it supposed to feel this way?” He asked quietly, a slight hum of energy lacing through his toes as they neared the line.

  “Yes.” Clifton replied. “It is not painful, Brother. Trust me.”

  The two brothers stepped through the veil and into The Land of Unfading Beauty and Edward awaited them. Ryle exhaled slowly as his sharp gaze travelled around the new surroundings. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but he could not shake a slight niggling at the base of his neck. An itch that only meant something was not right. Edward walked forward and shook his hand heartily. “You are most welcome here, Prince Ryle.” He bowed and waved a hand towards Cecilia. She stepped forward quietly and curtsied shyly.

  “It is nice to meet you both.” Ryle nodded in greeting.

  Edward waved him towards a break in the forest and Ryle and Clifton followed. Ducking beneath branches and thicket, they quickly emerged in a vast clearing filled with men and women of various statures. “This is where the Uniters hide.” Edward explained. “Prince Ryle, meet your army.” Edward waved his hand over the crowd that began to emerge around Ryle and Clifton. Many men shaking their hands and excited to see faces of authority from the Realm. A hush fell over the forest and Edward pointed to a large stump for Ryle to stand upon. He climbed atop the trunk and rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. “I am Ryle of the Eastern Kingdom, I serve the Realm of Future Queen Alayna!” His voice carried strong across the clearing drawing everyone’s attention. “The time has come for us to unite together in overcoming Lancer and overcoming these cursed lands! It is my understanding that you pledge your loyalties to the Realm and that you will fight with us to break down this blasted boundary!” Several cheers erupted, and he lowered his hands to calm the noise. “Over the next couple of weeks, we will be training, preparing, and planning for our moment! Prince Samuel of the Southern Kingdom will be supplying us with weapons and armor! He thanks you for your loyalty and service! We must be secret, stealthy, and serious in our task! We are the only hope of our Realm! Fight with me! And let us take back our lands!”

  A roar of yells and whistles followed, and several men awaited him as he hopped back to the ground. He shook more hands and met more faces, yet his anxiety over his crossing lingered at the front of his mind. Edward finally stepped in and waved away the remaining troops as he turned Ryle and Clifton back towards the boundary line.

  “Now for the fun part.” Clifton whispered, nodding towards the looming boundary. Edward, Cecilia, Ryle, and Clifton walked out of the clearing and back towards the veil and Isaac and Samuel quickly rose to their feet at the sight of them.

  Ryle turned to Edward with a weighing gaze. “I will be back in the morning at first light. Make sure they are prepared.”

  Edward nodded. “Of course. We are all eager to prepare.” He swiped a hand through his hair and then pointed for Cecilia to head back to the clearing. Once she disappeared, he stepped closer to the brothers. “I do not know if I will be here in the morning. Lancer is quite needy at the moment. Should I not be here, please know the Uniters serve the Realm whole-heartedly. You will have a resilient and loyal army.”

  “Thank you, Prince.”

  Ryle studied Edward closely a moment longer, the Northern Prince’s demeanor fidgety and antsy. Clifton patted Ryle’s shoulder to turn him to leave, his intense gaze never wavering as it moved from Edward to the boundary line. Without hesitation, he stepped forward and easily passed through the veil back into the Realm. A collective breath released from Samuel and Isaac as both Eastern princes emerged on their side of the line. “Glad to see you can cross.” Isaac slapped Ryle on the back and smiled.

  “Me too.” Ryle admitted lightly placing his hand over his chest in relief. He turned a suspicious eye back towards Edward as he offered a small wave of success at his crossing. Edward nodded with excitement and then hurried back through the trees.

  “You seem distracted.” Clifton stated.

  “He just seems off.” Ryle’s eyes finally turned back to his brother and friends and he shrugged. “I guess that will be for me to investigate further.”

  “It’s the darkness. It makes him a bit distraught. There is no telling when the last time he slept or ate.” Clifton explained. “It is one of the effects he said is quite interesting. He says he feels completely fine.”

  “And you trust him?”

  “For now.”

  Isaac and Samuel listened intently as the two brothers discussed Edward. Isaac’s attention then spanned towards the boundary line and he stepped closer to see Cecilia emerge. She offered a small wave as she hurried towards a clothing line near the river and retrieved several articles of clothes and placed them in a basket. “She’s a pretty thing.” Isaac stated.

  “That is Cecilia.” Clifton explained. “The woman Edward crossed to be with.”

  “Ah. Makes perfect sense now.” Isaac grinned and turned back to the group paying her little mind. “Shall we head back? Our mission was successful. I imagine you will educate the council on what was discussed in tonight’s meeting.”

  “Yes. I will.”

  “Did they seem pleased, my Lord? Pleased that I had not forgotten them?” Samuel asked curiously.

  “I believe so, Samuel.” Ryle admitted and noticed the slight relaxation to the young prince’s shoulders. “We will have a strong army.”

  “But?” Isaac asked, his eyes narrowed as he studied the two brothers.

  Ryle huffed in frustration, but tried to tamper down his annoyance, knowing they brought Isaac for his gift of discernment.

  “I have potential concerns about Edward. But that is not a discussion for now. Let us reconvene at the castle first. I am sure the Future Queen is anxious to see us.”

  “Speak for yourself.” Isaac mumbled playfully, earning the collective chuckle from the other men as Ryle’s neck slightly flushed. Embarrassed at the insinuation, Ryle slapped his reins and galloped a full length ahead of the others as they headed across the highlands back to the castles of the North.


  Elizabeth hopped to her foot and balanced herself on the back of the sofa as she heard footsteps emerging at the entry to the conservatory. Her face split into a large smile as Clifton emerged followed by Isaac and Samuel. Clifton immediately embraced her, burying his face in her hair until she softly giggled. “I say! It must have been a good trip.” Her eyes then carried to Ryle standing in the doorway, silence deafening the room as Alayna turned from the window and their eyes met. Elizabeth lightly nudged Clifton with her elbow as everyone watched.

  “It would seem it is indeed bloodline that can cross.” Clifton stated proudly, as Ryle stepped further into the room and accepted the relieved hug from his father. Alayna blinked and lightly shook her head as she walked forward and gently placed her hand on his arm. “I am glad to see you h
ave returned, Captain.” Her voice held formality, but Ryle noted the light spark within her eyes that held something entirely different and he smiled as he squeezed her hand. “It is good to be back, Alayna.”

  “I trust we will all receive an earful at the council meeting tonight.” Eamon stated with excitement.

  “There is much to discuss.” Ryle stated, his eyes never leaving Alayna.

  Isaac walked by and stumbled into Ryle’s shoulder breaking his trance on Alayna. “Oh, terribly sorry. I am just headed to the dining hall for some food. Please… continue.” He heard Elizabeth chuckle as Clifton carried her by Ryle and Alayna, and she lightly slapped Isaac on the back of the head at his embarrassing the two.

  When they stood alone, Ryle turned towards her once more and grabbed her hands in his. “I am most relieved, Alayna. I must admit I feared I may not return this evening.”

  “Me too.” She agreed. “I am quite pleased myself, Ryle.” She lightly stood on her tiptoes as she grazed a soft kiss against his cheek before bypassing him towards the dining hall.

  King Eamon lingered in the hall, and as Alayna passed by, he met his son on his way out.

  “Tell me you were not spying.” Ryle stated with frustration.

  “Indeed I was.” Eamon admitted with a pleased smirk. “I’m a father. It’s my right.” He slapped his son on the back in a friendly pat. “You have no need to be embarrassed, son. She fancies you as well. My goodness the girl barely sat a moment today, pacing back and forth worried over you.”

  “I am sure she was worried about everyone.”

  “I’m sure that is partly true. However, Elizabeth made quick work of teasing the poor girl, and it seems her attentions were focused upon you.” Eamon studied his eldest son a moment and he frowned. “I see you are carrying a burden.”

  “Well there is much about to happen.” Ryle’s patience with his father began to wane as he neared the dining hall and the smell of a feast made his stomach grumble in anticipation.

  “But you do not have to face it alone, Ryle. Therefore, the burden must be shared as well.”

  “I just—” he paused as a servant passed by them. “I just want this all to be over. No more Lancer, no more Unfading Lands, and no more fear.”

  “As do we all, son. But matters are only going to intensify in the coming weeks. You must learn to enjoy the present while preparing for the future. Relax this evening. It was a successful day, yes?”

  Ryle nodded.

  “Then bask in that, and tomorrow we will face what needs to be faced.” Eamon squeezed his son’s shoulders before entering the dining hall with a warm smile. He nodded towards Anthony in welcome. “How was the village, my friend?”

  “It was quite nice. I always enjoy seeing a village rebuild after a war. Things seem to be almost back to normal. A good sign.” Anthony reported, nodding his impression towards Alayna’s acts of reconstruction in her kingdom.

  “Ah, the signs of a good fit to the throne, yes?” Eamon beamed as he lightly toasted towards Alayna. She accepted the praise with gratitude that her father’s eldest friends approved of the work she had accomplished. Two successful kings praising her effort, she inwardly sighed in relief as she leaned back in her chair to make room for the servers.

  Footsteps sounded from the great hall and a messenger in Western apparel emerged at the edge of the dining room. Tomas walked over to retrieve the letter and then carried it to Prince Isaac. His brows rose in curiosity as he unfolded the parchment. A brief flash of a smile emerged, and he glanced up towards his father. “Katarina will be arriving come tomorrow.”

  “What wonderful news!” Elizabeth cheered across the table.

  “I think I will ride to the border lines and intercept her carriage and escort her the rest of the way.” Isaac stated.

  “Would you like some company, my Lord?” Samuel asked.

  “Aye, that would be most welcome, Samuel. Thank you.”

  “We will house her on the third level.” Alayna announced. “Down the hall from your chambers, Elizabeth.”

  “Wonderful.” Elizabeth winked at Isaac. “I am sure Katarina and I will have much to discuss.”

  “Actually, yes, I am hoping so.” Alayna continued, causing everyone to glance her direction. “We are not to assume she is here without hidden motives. If her father is as ruthless as we have heard recently, then we must remain on guard. You, Sister, have a way with people. I wish for you to befriend her and see what else she may know.”

  “You mean you would like me to pretend to be her friend?”


  “No.” Elizabeth crossed her arms in disappointment at her older sister.

  “Pardon?” Alayna asked in shock of being questioned.

  “I will not pretend to be her friend, Alayna. From what Isaac has told us, Katarina is a kind woman. I will treat her as such unless she gives me reason otherwise. I do not wish to treat her suspect.”

  “Just be cautious.” Alayna warned with finality.

  “I always am, but I think it rude for us to assume she is up to no good, when she has yet to even arrive.”

  Clifton lightly clasped Elizabeth’s hand under the table and offered a small smile. “You are a great judge in character, love. Just befriend her in your special way, and you will know whether or not there is need to be cautious. That is all Alayna is asking. We need you to use that friendly disposition of yours to welcome her, and that incredible discernment you possess to aid us in deciphering whether or not she is friend or foe.”

  “Well when you put it like that.” Elizabeth lightly kissed Clifton’s cheek at his subtle way of complimenting her while also bestowing his requests. “He has a better way with words, Sister.” Elizabeth stated.

  Alayna playfully rolled her eyes and then nodded her thanks towards Clifton at initiating her request in a way Elizabeth would accept. She did not wish to make Katarina feel unwelcome, but she did plan to keep her eyes and ears open to the possibility of Abner sending his daughter as a spy.


  Edward paced the boundary line and mumbled under his breath as he began to sort through strategic plans of attack for the Realm to take upon Lancer’s army. The day was warm, too warm, and he felt the sweat seeping through his tunic as he inwardly ranted different military tactics. The only passage would be through the forest on the backside of the castle, he mused. Ryle would need to circle around without being seen. The trees would provide decent coverage of his movements, giving Edward enough time to move Lancer’s army away from the castle. But how? What reason would he give for moving Lancer’s guards? He scratched his head as he stared off towards the trees. He heard a branch snap and he quickly turned, sword at the ready, until Cecilia stepped through the thicket. “Cecilia love, you scared me.”

  “I’m sorry, Edward.” She lightly kissed his cheek and then cupped his face in her hands. Her eyes stared into his a moment longer and she shook her head. “You are not well, Edward.”

  “What do you mean? I feel fine.” He holstered his sword and lightly nudged her hands away as he continued to pace. “There is something you are not telling me.” Cecilia stated. “I wish you would though. I love you. And I can tell something is wrong.”

  Edward studied her a moment and then reached for her hands leading her to the same log he and Ryle had sat upon the day before. “I am just stressed about coming events, dearest. There is much at stake.”

  “Not least of all is your life.” Cecilia pointed out with concern.

  “There is that.” Edward forced a smile. “But it is worth it. My whole purpose in these Lands is to bring down Lancer.”

  “And what about me?” Cecilia asked curiously, her blue eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

  “Ah, you are the love of my life, Cecilia. I want us to be free of this cursed place so that we may lead a normal life outside the veil. How I wish to give you the life you deserve. No more hiding in the woods but living in a castle. No more rags for wear, but beautiful dresses of the
finest silk. I want to give you those things, but I cannot if we remain trapped in these wretched lands.”

  “Our time here has not all been bad.” Cecilia quietly pointed out. “You are a leader. You are Lancer’s Captain, Edward. How do you expect to successfully blindside him when you serve him as well? I fear he will kill you if he learns of your treason.”

  “That is why he will not. There is no reason for him to. Prince Ryle will lead the Uniters against the army of the Lands. I will be captaining the opposing forces. In Lancer’s eyes I will be serving him and performing my duty as Captain to the Unfading Lands. He will never know of my betrayal until the Lands come crashing down around him. By then, it won’t matter, Cecilia. Don’t you see? He will have no choice but to give into defeat. The boundary line will fall. We will all be set free. Free of the darkness that he possesses. Free from the grip of death he holds upon us.”

  “It is death that he withholds from us, Edward. We do not die here. That is his gift to us. Eternal youth.”

  “And it is unnatural. We may have originally wanted this life, Cecilia, but a life that makes us lose our families… is that what we imagined? Did we even think about the consequence of seeing our loved ones die? Time passes and so do they, yet we remain.” Edward shook his head. “I do not wish to see another one of my family members die before my very eyes. I already regret not being with my father all those years. Do you not miss your mother? I see you watching her every now and then through the veil. Do you not wish to speak to her once more?”

  Cecilia nodded. “I do, but—”

  “There are no buts.” He cut in. “We can do this, Cecilia. We just have to believe Lancer can be overcome. Hate is what guides him. What if our love for our families and each other is what can defeat him? Our love for the Realm has to be stronger than his hate. It has to be. I believe it to be. And I know Prince Ryle believes it too. We just have to think of a way to guide his troops against Lancer’s army, so that it is a surprise attack. That is the current dilemma I am faced with. I do not know how I am going to maneuver a strategic position for the Uniters just yet.” He squeezed her hand. “Are you with me, love?”


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