The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 48

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Always.” Cecilia replied with a sweet smile. She lightly rested her head on his shoulder as he continued murmuring about different plans of attack and locations. Her heart was torn. On the one hand, Lancer and the Unfading Lands saved her from an ordinary life that held future promises of bitterness and loneliness. Crossing into the Lands had been the best decision she had ever made. She was with Edward because of that decision. To destroy the boundary line, to destroy Lancer’s power… well, she didn’t quite want to think of the consequences. She did not wish for her old life as Edward did. She only wished to live a life of happiness with him. Free from her past. He rose to his feet and began to pace, and she watched him closely. She loved him, wholeheartedly. How could she think of losing him in a battle against the Realm, when she could easily keep him here? Where he was safe. Where he was respected. Where he was loved. Nervously, she stood and quietly slipped back through the trees. She would need to think about the coming events in peace, and she only knew of one place to set her mind at ease. The place she originally crossed. The place she first left her old life behind. The place she first embraced her immortality. And the place she first met Lancer.


  The carriage pulled to a stop and Katarina jolted at the opening of the door as the Western guard extended his hand inside. “Come, my Lady.”

  “Have we arrived?”

  “Not yet. However, we have a special visit.” He smiled warmly as she slowly stepped out of the carriage onto a forest-lined road that held the scent of moss and pine. A scent unfamiliar, but lovely all the same. She brushed a hand over the front of her skirt to try and minimize the wrinkles from her travels until she heard a throat clear. She glanced up to find Prince Isaac standing before her, dressed in his finest tunic and great wolf pelt strung over his broad shoulders. Her breath caught at the vision and she beamed. He bowed and she obediently curtsied, neither stepping forward, but gauging the other from a distance. “I am glad you agreed to come.” His deep voice fluttered over her raw nerves and her face blossomed into another smile. “I am excited to journey to your land, Prince Isaac. So far the journey has been quite invigorating.” Her eyes then shifted to a young man walking up beside Isaac, his black tunic bearing a double sword crossing beneath his left shoulder. She was unfamiliar with the symbol, but though his colors were of a dark nature, his eyes held a light to them that eased her nerves.

  “Ah, this is Prince Samuel of the Southern Kingdom.” Isaac introduced. “Or should I say, Future King Samuel.” He grinned at his young friend as Samuel stepped forward and bowed politely. “It is an honor to meet you, Princess Katarina.”

  “Future King.” She curtsied, her eyes wide with wonder at all the excitement. “Such a welcome party. I must assume I have officially crossed out of my father’s lands into your Realm.”

  “That is correct.” Isaac winked and stepped forward offering her his arm as he led her back to the carriage. “I thought I might escort you the remainder of the way.”

  “That sounds lovely.” Katarina’s awe remained as Isaac opened the carriage door and she slipped inside. He tossed a nod towards Samuel, the young prince trekking back towards the front of the caravan, as Isaac slid into the carriage as well and shut the door. Katarina’s eyes widened at his presence. “Is it alright if I join you?” He asked, noting her shyness.

  “Of course, your Grace.”

  He chuckled and waved away her words. “Please do not call me that, Katarina. Call me Isaac.”

  “Oh I do not know, my Lord. For standard manners and protocol determine titles to be used. I am a visitor to your kingdom, and as such, I must address you with formality and respect to your title.”

  Isaac burst into laughter again and then lightly reached forward and squeezed her hand. “Oh Katarina, I do hope you see how different my realm is from yours. And please, call me Isaac. However, if you must remain so formal, just call me Prince Isaac.”

  She nodded, and her hand tingled from his light grasp. He removed his hand and leaned back in a relaxed posture against the seat.

  “How much further until we reach the Northern Kingdom?”

  “Only a couple of hours.” He stated. “Once we cross into the Realm of Future Queen Alayna, the travel is quite smooth and passes quickly. Did your father give you any trouble in regard to my letter?”

  “No. Surprisingly not.”

  “That is surprising, especially considering his guards attacked me on my way out. Thank you for that warning, by the way.”

  She blushed. “I am sorry my father sent the men to follow you and to harm you. He was testing you.”

  “I figured as much. I’m assuming I passed since he agreed to send you here?”

  She shrugged. “I am not sure. He is a difficult man to read.”

  “I imagine so. Yet I will hope he has decided to give me a shot. Perhaps he will find me worthy to escort his daughter around the Realm of Alayna.” He winked at her again and smiled as a light blush stained her cheeks.

  “Prince Samuel seems kind.” She stated.

  “He is. Very kind. The very opposite of his father and brother.”

  “Are they of the harsh sort?” She asked curiously.

  “They are dead.” Isaac replied without feeling.

  “Oh, I am terribly sorry.”

  “Don’t be. They are the ones who initiated the attack on the Realm. Samuel warned us and saved the Realm as we know it. He is a good man and will be an even better king. The South will have a new beginning with him as their leader.”

  “It is endearing, the way you champion him.” She studied Isaac closely as he spoke of the young prince. “You have a soft spot for him.”

  Isaac smirked. “Somewhat. I believe we all do. Though I have to say I take interest in him for personal reasons as well. I believe he intends to court my sister.”

  Katarina’s brows rose. “Are they to be wed?”

  Isaac rubbed a hand over the back of his neck and feigned a grimace. “I sense it one day soon. However, my father does not see what is clearly sparking between the two. I do not know how he will swallow the news.”

  “Does he not like Prince Samuel?”

  “He does. It’s just… my sister is a special woman. It will be hard to part with her. I do not think any man would ever measure up.”

  “That is a sweet sentiment. I look forward to meeting her to see her greatness for myself.”

  “Ah, you will. You will also enjoy the other princesses as well. Elizabeth is quite the fighting spirit. Should she overwhelm you, just let me know.” He smiled at the thought of his dear friend quizzing poor Katarina upon her arrival. He prayed Elizabeth would take it easy upon the gentle spirited Katarina.

  “Such powerful women in your Realm. I should like to witness them all. I imagine they are a sight to behold.”

  “You will fit in nicely.” He complimented, noting her slight embarrassment again. He could get used to making Katarina flush. He liked the fact he actually could and made a mental note to compliment her more often.


  Alayna’s skirts draped over the side of the parapet as she sat outside along the castle wall. The slight breeze teased the tendrils of her blonde hair with the scents of jasmine and fresh earth and she felt her shoulders slowly relax as she leaned her back against the stone wall. How many times had she come out here as a child to gaze upon her father’s lands? Too many to count, she realized with a faint smile. But that was the difference then. They were her father’s lands. Now they were her lands. A fact that caused a tightness in her chest and a slight wave a panic to threaten her calm demeanor. She would not give into the feelings of inadequacy. King Eamon and King Anthony both seemed impressed with the conditions of the North, and that encouraged her more than she could say. But to rule an entire realm? She lightly brushed a stray curl back behind her ear. No room for doubts now, she thought. A battle set upon the horizon of the near future and she could only be prepared for it. She was to remain brave. People looked to her
for answers, for courage, and for hope. She must remain strong despite the inner fears of failure that lurked within her mind. Ryle was confident in their decision as well. His trip to the Unfading Lands that morning had proved to be an encouragement. His first day of training showed the Uniters a strong force, and their skill more advanced than any of them had hoped. War would arrive sooner than first planned. Tomorrow she would be announced queen. Then their focus would move to the South. From there, plans would begin to forge and by the time she arrived back in the Northern castle in a week’s time, a battle would be underway. A battle that had been brewing since she was a teenager. A fight against what seemed an untouchable enemy. Only through Ryle and Clifton, the untouchable became touchable. She sent up a silent prayer that the brothers would remain safe from harm. Though she had yet to hear the plans for Clifton during the war, she knew that Elizabeth would be devastated if anything happened to her husband.

  “I thought I might find you out here.” Elizabeth’s voice carried over as she slowly walked her way towards Alayna.

  “You are mobile again, I see.” Alayna beamed as Elizabeth eased next to her, swinging her legs over the side of the parapet and letting them dangle in the breeze.

  “I am. Though I am having to get used to the feeling again, I have to say I quite like it.” She lightly slapped a hand on Alayna’s thigh. “And what brings you out here to your thinking spot?”

  “What is there not to think about?” Alayna replied honestly.

  “True. I imagine there is much going on in that brain of yours. Coronation, war, love…”

  “Love?” Alayna shook her head.

  “Do not deny your feelings for Ryle, Sister. It is just you and I out here on the ledge, and I know better. Besides, I am quite familiar with the feeling.” Elizabeth softly smiled, as Alayna no longer denied her feelings.

  “It is complicated.” Alayna stated.

  “It always is.”

  “Yes, but this is—” she paused and then softly chuckled in disbelief. “Extremely complicated.”

  “I admit there are a few things that would need to be worked out, but I have no doubt all hindrances can be overcome.”

  “Spoken like a true champion.” Alayna giggled as Elizabeth placed her hand over her heart and sighed in exaggeration.

  “In all honesty Alayna, have you and Ryle discussed the possibility of a courtship between the two of you?”

  “What?! No!” Alayna gasped in horror, her head turning to make sure they were indeed alone. “There is too much happening right now, Lizzy. I wouldn’t dream of proposing such a thing. Besides, he is Captain now. He is no longer a prince from a neighboring kingdom. I do not even know if a courtship with a guard is possible.”

  “You are the queen. Can’t you make that decision?” Elizabeth challenged.

  “Well… I guess I could. But… no. There is too much going on right now. Perhaps when life slows down a bit. Perhaps once we have victory in the Unfading Lands I will think of such matters. By then Edward will have returned and take his rightful place as king, and I will go back to being a princess. Just a princess.”

  “You believe Edward will be king?”

  “It is his right.”

  “That he gave up.” Elizabeth’s voice slightly rose in distaste.

  “I thought you would be happy about the possibility of Edward returning.”

  “I am excited about his return. But I do not agree with him being king. You are to take the throne. Father entrusted it to you, Alayna. Edward has been gone for years; our people do not know him. They know you. They respect you. They are prepared to embrace you as queen. Edward no longer deserves the right to rule a people he no longer knows.”

  Alayna studied her younger sister carefully. “I just assumed everyone would expect me to relinquish the throne once he came back. I did not realize there might even be a slight chance of resistance.”

  “You assumed wrong. I believe in you, Alayna. And I will help in any way I can. You are not in this alone. Right now, you have a Captain who will fight until the ends of the earth for you, and you have surrounding kingdoms willing to do the same. If that does not show support, then I do not know what does.” Elizabeth’s blue gaze travelled towards the horizon and she smiled. “Looks like Prince Isaac and his future bride have arrived.”

  Alayna chuckled. “You sound confident.”

  “I am. I have never seen Isaac speak of a woman as he does Katarina. I am excited to meet her. Perhaps love is in the air, hm?”

  “You are a romantic, Sister.” Alayna stated. “You always have been.”

  Alayna turned her head at the sound of footsteps and Mary walked up. “Ah, hello Mary.”

  Elizabeth groaned. “He sent you for me, didn’t he?”

  Mary nodded with a smile. “Yes, my Lady. He just wished for me to check on you. To make sure you—”

  “Weren’t over doing it.” Elizabeth finished. “I swear my husband worries more than a duck over her ducklings.”

  Laughing, Alayna lightly patted her sister’s knee. “He loves you. And someone has to look out for you. Mary and I both know how strong-willed and stubborn you can be.” Alayna shot a wink towards Mary as Elizabeth swung her legs back over the parapet and eased to her feet. “Yes, well perhaps I will go find that husband of mine and give him something to really worry about.”

  “Now that sounds dangerous.” Alayna slid to her feet as well and followed as Elizabeth cast a devious smile over her shoulder on their way through the doors.

  “Ah, there you two are.” King Anthony smiled warmly as he met them on the stairwell and nodded his approval at Elizabeth’s mobility. “It seems Isaac has arrived with his Katarina.”

  “Yes, we saw them approaching the gates.” Elizabeth stated. “Are you excited to meet the woman who seems to have stolen your son’s heart?”

  Anthony studied Elizabeth with a keen eye and then glanced towards Alayna. His original suspicions of Isaac’s feelings for Elizabeth flashed across his face as he walked down the steps. “Yes, well I am curious to see his interactions with her.” He finally added.

  Clifton awaited them at the bottom of the stairs. “And there you are. I see Mary found you.”

  “Yes, Alayna and I were sitting on the parapet for some fresh air.” Elizabeth reported with a light kiss to his cheek.

  “That is good.” Clifton allowed Elizabeth to slip her arm through his as he escorted her through the great hall towards the main entrance of the castle. Guards opened the main doors, and everyone stepped out onto the landing to offer a formal welcome to their arriving guest. The carriage pulled to a stop and Isaac emerged, a slight nervousness to his grin as he reached a hand inside. A head of long brown hair emerged, the silky curls hanging over narrow shoulders, a slim neck, and a stunning face. Elizabeth felt herself smiling as Katarina’s caramel eyes widened in surprise and awe at what stood before her. Isaac draped her hand through his arm and escorted her up the steps towards his father. “Father, this is Princess Katarina.”

  Katarina curtsied and flashed a nervous glance up at King Anthony. The stately king offered a welcoming smile. “It is a pleasure, Katarina. My son speaks highly of you.”

  “Thank you, my Lord.”

  Her gaze then fell upon Clifton and Elizabeth, the Eastern couple posing a wondrous sight for a stranger as they stood with grace and regality. “This is Prince Clifton and Princess Elizabeth of the Eastern Kingdom.” Isaac introduced.

  Katarina curtsied, and Elizabeth undraped her arm from Clifton and quickly pulled the girl in a tight embrace. She chuckled as she pulled Katarina out to arm’s length. “I am sorry to bombard you, Princess Katarina, but I have been most excited to meet you.”

  Katarina smiled shyly. “That is very kind, Princess Elizabeth. Thank you for such a welcome.” Her words were soft, uncertain, as if small kindnesses were unfamiliar to her and Elizabeth caught the diligence in Isaac as he respectfully offered a comforting hand in guiding her to the next people. Clifton lig
htly patted Elizabeth’s back and winked down at her in approval of her greeting.

  “And this is Future Queen Alayna.” Isaac watched as Katarina hesitated in her curtsy, so in awe of Alayna and the role she would soon possess.

  “It is a great honor, your Grace.”

  Alayna smiled warmly. “And it is a pleasure to have you as our guest, Princess Katarina. I hope you find the Northern Kingdom to your liking.”

  “I am sure I will, your Highness. Thank you. Thank you all for such a kind welcome.” Her gaze travelled over everyone one last time and settled upon King Eamon. She had heard so many stories about the Eastern King, to see his warm disposition in person only made all the rumors and stories more believable. No wonder Lancer’s sister wished to leave her father’s realm, she thought. He seemed kind. They all did. And Katarina was unaccustomed to genuine kindness. She wasn’t quite sure how to react.

  “My sister, Melody, will show you to your chambers if you wish to get settled and rested before dinner.” Isaac stepped away so that Melody could approach. She smiled cordially, and Isaac could hear essence of small talk as the two women wandered off.

  “She is beautiful.” Clifton complimented. “And sweet.”

  “Yes. I believe she is.” Isaac agreed.

  “However did you manage that?”

  Isaac turned to the Eastern prince in shock and Clifton laughed heartily. “I am teasing, my friend.”

  Isaac lightly flushed and then shook his head as Elizabeth emerged next to her husband. “She seems wonderful, Isaac. I cannot wait to chat with her more.”

  “Thank you, Elizabeth. And I must say it is good to see you up and about on your own.”

  “Why thank you.” She lightly kicked her falsie out from under her skirt. “I feel quite independent again. Not long now and I will be challenging you to that promised duel.”

  “Is that so?” Isaac baited. “Well I look forward to it then. May the best man win.”


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