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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 50

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Everyone turned towards Samuel and noted he had moved ahead of them into the great hall where his father’s throne sat. A blackened stain of dried blood remained from that dreadful day Prince Eric, his own brother, killed their father. Samuel fell to his knees and hung his head in his hands. Melody stepped forward and stopped as Isaac placed his hand on her shoulder. King Anthony studied his daughter closely, his eyes narrowed in question as she looked up at him.

  Clifton slowly walked towards Samuel and knelt before the throne as well. He heard the young prince softly clear his throat so as not to let on that he was crying, and Clifton lightly placed a hand on his shoulder. “There is much to overcome, Samuel.” His deep voice calming and encouraging. “You will have your work cut out for you. But you have friends to help you. We are all in this fight together.”

  “I know.” Samuel’s voice was faint, uncertain, and sadness swamped his demeanor.

  “It is hard to lose someone we love.” Clifton continued. “Especially a parent. But your father would be proud of the man you have become and the king you will be. The South deserves a fresh start, Samuel. They have been through much. They have gone a year without an authoritative presence. Mosiah has kept watch over your lands and the castle, along with several Northern guards, but it is your turn now. It is your place.”

  “I fear I am not ready for such responsibility.” Samuel admitted quietly.

  “We never feel ready, my friend.”

  Samuel looked at Clifton closely. Yes, the Eastern prince had been tossed into the role of future king as well. He had never planned to inherit the throne, much like Samuel. Eric was to be king. Not him. Much like Ryle was to be king instead of Clifton. “It is comforting to know that you relate with my position, Prince Clifton. However, you are older than I am. More experienced. People will not trust a child.”

  “You are no child, Samuel, and they will see that. You are the rightful heir to the throne, and you will take it with authority. An authority they will respect.”

  “But they have seen such darkness from my family. I fear their distrust of me. Of another Renaldi.”

  “You are a man of the light, Samuel. The darkness of the South was revealed through your brother, but you… you decided to oppose that darkness. Darkness vanishes with light. Be the light for your people to see. And they will see it, Samuel. Oh, they will see it. And when they do, it will give them hope.” Clifton slowly stood to his feet, followed by Samuel. He lightly squeezed Samuel’s shoulder and turned towards their remaining friends and family. He nodded in recognition of their sympathetic looks, and when Samuel turned, those expressions changed to encouraging smiles.

  “The armory is in the East Wing.” Samuel stated. “I do not know if there are any weapons remaining, but we must check.”

  “We will get to that.” Alayna stated. “But first, I think we must bring in the servants from the North to set this house to right.” She walked to the front doors and opened them to an awaiting crowd of faithful servants to the North, and they flooded inside. Samuel watched as Mary, Elizabeth’s attendant, quickly directed several servants up the stairs and towards one wing as Jessa, Alayna’s attendant, quickly directed maids towards the opposite. Mosiah entered and nodded his greeting. “Welcome home, Prince Samuel.” He bowed. “If you will follow me, please.” Samuel slowly stepped forward and solemnly followed the former Captain as he led him towards the back of the castle. Everyone followed. “I can only imagine the state of our gardens.” Samuel muttered as Mosiah reached for the doors. He pulled them open and Samuel’s eyes widened at the sight of the crowd of men. Cheers erupted as black tunics spread over the expanse of the gardens. Dead flowers and shrubs encompassed the landscape, but a cheerful army awaited him, the number greater than any of them imagined. The cheering exploded louder as the other royals stepped out onto the back landing. Surprise covered all of their faces at the loyal group in front of them and Samuel eased down the steps to accept handshakes and greetings. Pure wonderment filled his expression as he slowly relaxed at the joyful welcome.

  “Seems our future king has quite the army.” Clifton murmured to Ryle.

  “Indeed. I must say, I am surprised.” Ryle turned to Mosiah. “How did you manage this?”

  Mosiah smiled. “When I first arrived, they were living in front of the castle in tents and huts. It seems that those loyal to Prince Eric burnt most of their homes if they did not show allegiance to the fight against the East and North. They have yet to fully recover in the villages, but those loyal to Samuel and to the throne of the South and the Realm, remained protective of the castle. It did not take long to convince them of the young prince’s honorable character, and they are willing to serve him.”

  “These are great numbers.” Ryle commented. They both watched as Samuel walked through the crowd attempting to learn names and embracing old acquaintances. “He will be the greatest king the South has ever possessed.” Mosiah stated confidently.

  “I believe so too.” Alayna stepped up and added. “It pleases me to see this, Mosiah. Good work.”

  “Thank you, my Queen.”


  “Yes.” Ryle turned towards her. “How about you take Mosiah to the armory and see what we have to work with for our upcoming battle against the Lands.”

  “Yes, your Grace.” Ryle and Mosiah bowed before exiting and headed into the castle.


  Lancer watched as the Prince of the South patrolled the boundary line with several guards and the newest Captain of the Royal Guard, Prince Ryle. So the South would have a new king, he thought. A young king. Lancer sneered as he imagined the possibilities of manipulating Samuel’s allegiance to the Lands like his brother. He chuckled at the thought of Prince Eric’s delusion of grandeur before the first war. He thought he could join up with the Lands and defeat the Realm. The idea made him laugh. However, that very belief caused the South’s downfall. If this young prince was like his brother, Lancer knew he could easily sway him. Especially since the Southern Kingdom was extremely weak and almost uninhabited from the war and self-destruction it placed on itself. He caught sight of Queen Alayna as she rode by on a horse, wait… His horse, he realized. He growled in anger as he stepped towards the boundary line. He found a rock upon the grass and tossed it through the veil and it landed near the hoof of his horse. The horse jostled a moment as Alayna’s gaze wandered towards the boundary. Surprise lit her gaze as she spotted him, and she slowly smiled as she stroked a hand over his horse’s neck. She pulled her reins and slowly slipped to her feet, causing everyone to halt. She walked towards the boundary line and stood before him, her gaze hard and unwavering. She lifted a hand in a light wave. The Captain of the Guard quickly dismounted and ran towards her side and pulled her back from the line. “You must be careful, Alayna. Objects can now pass through the line. What if he had a sword that reached through?”

  “He’s not going to hurt me.” She stated calmly and pulled her arm from his grasp. “Trust me. He is just spying to see what all is happening here in the south.” She stepped towards Lancer again and considered him. His mouth began to move as he shouted at her. She placed a hand to her ear and smirked which made him angrier.

  “I will kill you!” Lancer yelled. “Do you hear me?!” He knew she could not hear him, but the yelling felt good. It felt freeing, and he wanted her to see his intentions. His intentions of destroying her and all she held dear. He watched as her eyes widened and he turned to find Edward emerging from the tree line to his right. His smiled broadened and he draped his arm over Edward’s shoulder. “Ah, Edward. I’m so glad you could join me. I was just having a conversation with your sister.”

  Alayna lifted her hand in a small wave of uncertainty at her brother and Edward nodded. “She wears my mother’s crown. The coronation must have taken place.” Edward stated.

  “Looks that way.” Lancer agreed. “They have been surveying the Southern Kingdom the last few days. It seems the young prince thinks he can become king.
” Lancer laughed. “We may have a new ally soon.”

  Edward knew that would not be the case at all but held his tongue. Alayna took a step back from the boundary line and nodded her head in dismissal. Ryle helped her onto her horse and she turned to Lancer once more as she happily slapped her reins and began trotting away.

  “That is your horse, my Lord.” Edward pointed out.

  “Yes. She taunts me with it.” Lancer’s voice held a sharp edge and Edward watched as the others passed. Elizabeth saw him and though her eyes held excitement she did not wave for fear of giving him away. Wise, Lizzy, he thought. He felt the inward relief of seeing her alive and well. “Your family disgusts me, Edward. They must be stopped.”

  “What do you suggest? We cannot attack them because we cannot cross. Plus, our armies are preparing for Abner… or are you not worried about him anymore?”

  “I will never forget Abner.” Lancer gritted his teeth as he began walking back towards his current horse and climbed into his saddle. “I am headed towards the Western boundary line next to see just how threatening Abner will be.”

  “Why would he be in the West, my Lord?”

  “It is closest to his realm. If he has spies, they will be in the West.”

  “And what happens if we do find Abner has intentions of an assault? We cannot take the fight to him either. And I know my sister’s realm would never dream of crossing the boundary, so why do we assume Abner would risk crossing too?”

  “Abner will do whatever it takes to overcome the Unfading Lands. He would cross quite willingly if it meant a war with me.” Lancer’s voice slightly fell as his eyes clouded with uncertainty.

  “But we are strong, my Lord.” Edward reassured. “Abner could not defeat us. And his army would be trapped and at a disadvantage.”

  “Never underestimate him, Edward. Never. We prepare for the worst.”

  “If he has intentions. I do not believe Abner a threat, my Lord. Though he seems to have established relations with my sister’s realm, I do not see why he would even care to venture here. I think our intentions should be focused elsewhere.” Edward shifted on his feet, hoping his idea of shifting focus was rejected, yet hoping it was believable enough that Lancer assumed his concern as genuine.

  “We remain focused upon Abner and your sister’s realm. The fact Abner is establishing relations with your old realm shows his true colors, Edward. He sees them as weak. He will conquer them. And as soon as he does, he will target the Lands next. We must have a guard ready. I must have my full power back. My lack of strength is going to be our downfall if the darkness does not return to me fully.” He clicked his tongue and the horse turned to leave the small clearing. Edward glanced up at the empty trail opposite him. He had just seen his sister’s entire royal court, and he could not greet them. He shook his head. He missed them terribly and seeing Alayna as queen sparked a slight tinge of jealousy in his gut that he tried to tamper down. He gave up the throne to come to the Land of Unfading Beauty. He deserved his role now, and she deserved hers. But he felt the sting in his heart of being overlooked. They could have held off on crowning anyone until he was back in the Realm. The thought fluttered through his mind quickly, but still settled upon his heart. No. He would not allow the darkness to turn him against his family. He had a good life with Cecilia, and when the boundary line fell, and they were free, he would stand beside his sister in support, as Edward Prince of the North, and Cecilia his princess.


  Abner read the letter from Katarina once more and sighed in frustration. “Is everything alright, dear?” His wife asked quietly.

  “It will be.” He ran a hand over his beard and read over his daughter’s words for a fourth time and his anger grew even more. His daughter did not provide one ounce of information in regard to the Realm’s military structure or strength. All she spoke of was the kindness of Prince Isaac and all the other royals. She was falling for the Western Prince, and he could not have that if Isaac was not to be useful for him. He hated when his plans did not evolve how he wished. Katarina was to provide him insight into the weaknesses of the Realm and win over Isaac to support Abner’s quest to overcome it. Now was the time since Granton was dead. How could his daughter not see that?! He slammed his fist on the arm rest of his throne and stood. His response would need to be harsh and demanding, as was his usual tone with Katarina, but he needed her to know the importance of her role in his future plans. His plans failed if she did not succeed. He needed Isaac’s allegiance so that he could freely move forces across the Western Kingdom. He sat within his personal chamber and wrote vigorously. His hand cramping from the forceful exertion as he let his anger spill forth. Katarina would shape up or he would send for her to return. No questions asked.

  He inquired of Lancer and what she knew of the Unfading Lands. She did not mention them in the first letter. He needed to know the relationship between the Realm and Lancer as well. Where did the boundary cross the Northern Kingdom? Where did the Eastern boundary lie? Important questions that Katarina had better answer. As he folded the parchment and sealed it with wax, he yelled for a messenger and sent it on its way with a brisk warning that if the messenger did not return with an adequate response, his life would be forfeit, and Princess Katarina was to blame. The messenger, fearful for his life, hastily made his way out of the castle and on his way.

  Abner rose and walked towards the window and watched as the messenger and his horse travelled out of the castle walls and faded into the horizon. His gaze washed over his beloved Valleylands and he smiled to himself when remembering the Overcoming. The fall of Lancer’s household, and the coward Lancer running for his life. It humored him to think of Lancer creating his own realm. However, the power that Lancer stumbled upon seemed unrealistic. How could such a weak man have such power? And why would power choose such a pathetic vessel? Matters that he aimed to answer. Matters Katarina better provide answers for. In the meantime, he would prepare his army. For if he attacked a realm or the Unfading Lands, he rather didn’t care which came first. He just ached for bloodshed and victory. And he would have victory. It was in his nature to win. And he never knew a time he didn’t. Minus Lancer’s escape. However, the poetic justice of demolishing his realm a second time would be quite pleasing, he mused. He stepped away from the setting sun and made his way down to the dining hall. His eagerness for Katarina’s response inspired his appetite and he felt pleased in the days that would lie ahead.


  “Ha! You are dead again.” Prince Isaac holstered his sword as his chest heaved from exertion.

  “I did not die,” Princess Elizabeth corrected, “I merely lost my other leg.”

  Isaac threw his head back and laughed. “I’m sure your husband would love to have a wife with two wooden legs.” He teased as he bent over to collect his red cape from the burgundy chaise. He made swift work of fastening it around his neck and turned to find the princess doing the same. He watched as her pale blue cape puddled around her feet and she tucked her sword into its sheath that Mary held. “My husband loves me with one wooden leg, I do not see why another would be so awful.”

  Isaac grinned. “Very true. You could be hairless, toothless, and legless, and the Prince would still fall all over himself when it comes to you.”

  Elizabeth beamed. “I know.” She sighed in happiness at the thought of Prince Clifton and the marriage they had so swiftly accepted less than one year ago. How her life had changed the last year, she thought. The Unfading Lands threatening the Realm, the Southern Kingdom revolting, her father passing, her marrying, and her sister, Alayna, being crowned Queen… she shook her head at the overwhelming nature of it all.

  “Are you to be useless now that I’ve mentioned the prince?” Isaac jested.

  “Not at all.” Elizabeth walked over to the stairwell, her limp barely noticeable, and held her hand to her lips. “Clifton!” She yelled.

  “Really?” Isaac winced and lightly tapped his ear in mock annoyance earning him a sm
ug grin from Elizabeth. Footsteps waltzed to the edge of the stairs. “My Elizabeth? What is it, love?” Prince Clifton stood alongside his brother, with his brow etched in concern.

  “I wish to inform you that Prince Isaac killed me twice today.” Her voice held distaste at the topic and had all men laughing.

  “Is that so? Why, perhaps I should seek my revenge.” Clifton began trotting down the steps towards his beautiful wife and met her on the last step. He lightly kissed her lips as her sparkling blue eyes danced before him.

  “No, no revenge just yet.” Elizabeth penned Isaac with an amused gaze, “I wish to keep him around a little bit longer.”

  Isaac swiped a hand over his brow. “Phew.” He sighed. “And here I thought I would be sent packing and have to leave dearest Katarina.” He shot a wink to the pretty princess as she walked towards them after watching their parry.

  “We wouldn’t dream of sending you back just yet, Isaac.” Elizabeth draped her arm around Clifton’s waist as she spoke, the handsome future king and queen of the East looking regal and kind. “Besides, my feet have been itching to parry with you these last few months.”

  “Don’t you mean foot?” Isaac corrected, his lips tilting into a smirk.

  Elizabeth laughed until she could barely breathe, Clifton and Isaac looking at her in amusement. “Oh my goodness,” she wiped the tears that streamed from her eyes, “My… I have no idea why we tolerate you.”


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