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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 61

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “It changed when you killed my father.” She stated. “For your realm to have the reputation of mercy, you did not think twice about killing my father and granting him mercy.”

  “Again,” Isaac stood, straightening to his full height and tilting his chin, “your father was trying to kill me. Mercy was not on my mind at that moment.”

  “No. It was not. And it should have been. A future king should know when to show mercy.” Katarina’s eyes flared, and Isaac scoffed.

  “Yes, well perhaps you should speak of mercy to Lancer’s family. I’m sure they would love to share with you how your father extended mercy to them. Oh wait, that’s right, they are all dead. Because of your father.” He took a step back. “One suggestion before I leave you.” He held up his finger in thought. “Should these feelings of resentment continue to fester, you will find your way back to your realm without the aid of the Realm of Queen Alayna. As it stands currently, we wish to help you and your realm during this transition. You can be mad at me, Katarina. You have every right to be. But should you turn that anger towards the Realm, you will only be hurting yourself and those in your realm in the long run.” Isaac rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. “You will lose the help we are offering. Think on that before you take your grievances to Queen Alayna.”

  He turned and began making his way back to the castle with a purposeful stride. His mind whirling at what he had just encountered with Katarina, her bitterness towards him surprising. Had he thought she would be grateful for him removing her evil father from her life? Yes. He honestly thought so. Had he considered that she would be upset by his actions, would the outcome have been different? No. He knew deep down within his core that he would still have killed Abner given the opportunity. With that decision settled, and his mind at peace with the results of his actions, Isaac entered the castle before allowing his body to relax. He made his way to his chamber, the day’s tasks having utterly depleted what little energy he had stored up.


  The dining hall was steeped with tension as everyone gathered for the evening meal. The delectable ham was tasteless on Elizabeth’s tongue as she forced herself to swallow. Alayna sat at the end of the table glowering. Isaac sat stiff-backed within his chair. King Eamon sat quietly brooding, and Elizabeth found herself struggling with each bite due to whatever had begun to ail her. She had felt poorly all day and had yet to figure out what had decided to sneak into her system. She did not have the need, nor time, for sickness, and she considered it a hindrance to her plans should she be sent to bed for days on end. So, she kept her mouth shut and avoided the probing gazes of Clifton as he surveyed her face as if knowing she withheld something from him. If she even sniffled, he would guard her closely and not let her venture to the West. She squeezed his hand under the table and smiled so he would relax, the gesture giving him the satisfaction he sought. She heaved a sigh of relief as she turned towards her sister again. It was time to play dirty. She cleared her throat, and everyone glanced her direction.

  “So, Alayna, when do you plan on summoning the first Council meeting?”

  Alayna straightened in her chair and rolled her shoulders back. “I have yet to decide, Elizabeth.”

  “I imagine there is much to discuss.” Elizabeth glanced Isaac’s direction and widened her eyes as if to signal him to share his news of the boundary visit. He did not interpret the hint and Elizabeth pounded her peg into his shin under the table. He jolted in his seat and a flash of annoyance crossed his face. He grumbled and then angled his body towards Alayna.

  “If I may, Alayna,” he began. She waved her hand to continue and Isaac set his fork aside. “I believe we should all gather after the meal to discuss current conditions and happenings in the Realm.”

  “Is that so?” Alayna asked, her words held a slight trace of bitterness at being, as she felt, told what to do. “What is there to discuss? We have yet to do anything of importance.”

  “I disagree with that statement entirely.” King Eamon chimed in, his voice stern as if scolding her for childish manners.

  Isaac sent a nod towards the king and then turned back towards Alayna. “There is much to discuss. Like, oh I don’t know, my trip to the boundary line this morning.”

  The baiting worked and had several surprised glances flash his way. Alayna’s brown eyes sparked. “You did what?”

  “I went to the boundary line. And thank goodness I did, because Edward has been frantically awaiting us.”

  “He has?” Alayna’s voice briefly softened.

  “Yes. He gave me a letter and specific orders to share with you. So, if the queen is willing, after dinner I wish to share it with the entire Council.”

  Alayna nodded. “Of course.” Her voice quiet as her mind wandered to what her brother needed desperately to tell her. “We shall convene after dinner.”

  Elizabeth could not help the smile that spread over her face at finally, a step in the right direction. The smile was short lived, however, as she suddenly felt green. She stood abruptly, everyone watching her. “Excuse me a moment.” She hurried out of the dining hall, grabbing the arm of her new attendant on her way out.

  “What has gotten into her?” Alayna asked.

  Clifton shrugged. “I do not know. She has been quite secretive today. I have a notion that my wife is feeling the beginnings of a bout of illness and refuses to tell me, as she knows I will worry.”

  Melody set her utensils aside. “Would you like me to check on her for you, Clifton?”

  He nodded. “Yes, thank you, Melody. Perhaps she will allow someone else to aid her.”

  “If you didn’t hover so much, maybe she would let you tend to her.” Isaac teased.

  Clifton smirked. “Your time will come one day and you will be accused of obsessing over your wife’s well-being as well.”

  Isaac shook his head. “Nonsense.” Though he grinned as he took a sip of his wine.


  Melody knocked on Elizabeth’s chamber door and her attendant answered. She waved Melody inside and her gaze found Elizabeth sprawled on the bed lying on her back.


  Elizabeth glanced up with a weary smile. “Hello Melody.”

  “Are you feeling okay? You had us worried.”

  “I am fine. Just a bit of a stomach bug, I think. It will pass.”

  “Clifton is worried it is more serious.” Melody explained as she eased onto the side of the bed.

  Elizabeth grinned. “He always worries about me. I cannot but sneeze and he fears my other leg will fly off.”

  Melody giggled, and Elizabeth crossed her eyes in jest.

  Sighing, Melody lay on her back as well and both women stared up at the canopy draping over the bed. “But it must be nice to have a man worry about you so.”

  Elizabeth turned her head to face her friend and offered an encouraging smile. “It is, and you will know one day soon.”

  Melody turned to her and her smile faded. “I hope so.”

  “Hope is the best thing to do, Melody. Hope leads to faith. And having both hope and faith allows some pretty incredible things to happen.”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  “It’s not.” Elizabeth added. “Trust me. But I have seen the results of hope in my own life, not just with Clifton, but with other events and people as well, and it never disappoints.”

  Melody smiled. “You are right. Thank you, Elizabeth.”

  “Of course.” She squeezed Melody’s hand and the Western Princess arose.

  “We should probably head to the Council Room, if you are up for it.”

  Elizabeth sat up quickly and scooted herself off the bed. “Oh, I am more than ready for this meeting.” Her smile widened as she lightly placed a hand to her stomach at the sudden movement. “I’m a bit queasy, but I would never miss a Council meeting.”

  Samuel passed by as the women entered the hall and he paused.

  “Ah, King Samuel.” Elizabeth bowed extravagantly and
grinned as the young king flushed. “We were just headed to the Council meeting. Are you headed there as well?”

  “I am, yes.” He flashed a smile towards Melody and a hint of pink stained the Western Princess’ cheeks.

  “Perfect.” Elizabeth linked her arm through his. “Melody, grab his other arm, we have an official escort of the highest caliber.”

  Melody slipped her arm in Samuel’s and shyly smiled at him as he stood in surprise. Elizabeth looked up at him. “Well, are you not going to escort the two prettiest princesses in the Realm to the Council meeting?”

  He caught the light of teasing in her eyes and smiled. “Of course. I shall be the envy of all as I enter with the both of you.”

  Elizabeth laughed as they walked down the hall and turned onto the main landing towards the large double doors that housed the Council Room and her sister’s ill temper. “Deep breaths everyone.” She stated, “For the next battle has just begun.”


  Alayna glanced up as Elizabeth entered with Samuel and Melody and watched as her sister accepted the quick kiss on the lips from Clifton before sitting in her seat. Clifton followed suit and sat next to his wife, tenderly swiping a hand down the back of her onyx hair before glancing across the table to Isaac for him to begin discussion.

  “Now that we are all here, well, what there is left of us,” Alayna began, “Prince Isaac, please tell us your news.”

  Isaac nodded and pulled Edward’s letter from his trouser pocket. “Edward was at the boundary line this morning. He sent over a letter with pertinent information in regards to the person who betrayed the Realm. It was Cecilia.”

  Elizabeth gasped. “Cecilia? But why?”

  Isaac motioned towards the letter. “According to Edward she is one of many who do not wish for the boundary line to fall. However, it does not seem like she betrayed Edward’s allegiance to us. She just wished to maintain the boundary line and the life contained therein.”

  “I do not understand why anyone would wish to remain in such a place.” Samuel stated.

  “She may have had a difficult life here in the Realm,” Melody added. “Perhaps she fears losing a life she loves and having to go back to what she was before she crossed.”

  “Good point.” Elizabeth chimed in. “Still. Her betrayal is a tough pill to swallow. I cannot imagine Edward’s heartbreak.”

  “His heartbreak is not the point of the message,” Isaac continued and looked at Alayna. “Lancer wishes to meet with you at the boundary line tomorrow.”

  Alayna’s brows slowly rose. “Whatever for?”

  “He did not say. I do not think he knows, to be honest. He just stated that Lancer wished to speak to you and show you something.”

  “He intends to gloat, I’m sure.” Alayna scoffed and crossed her arms. “I do not wish to go.”

  “You must.” Elizabeth pleaded. “We must know what Lancer’s feelings are right now. You, yourself, have wanted to launch an attack upon him thinking he was in recovery from the battles. This is your chance to see if he seems worried or confident.”

  “She has a point.” Clifton tilted his head towards Alayna. “I will go with you, so will Isaac and my father.”

  Isaac nodded his thanks for being included.

  “I want to go too.” Elizabeth stated and had all men shaking their heads. Her shoulders slightly slumped in disappointment, but she did not challenge their statement.

  “Fine, I will go.” Alayna uncrossed her arms and waved her hand. “Is there anything else we should discuss?”

  King Eamon cleared his throat. “Elizabeth and I intend to travel to the Western Kingdom to check on King Anthony and the current conditions of the kingdom.”

  “So I heard.” Alayna looked at her sister before turning her attention back to King Eamon. “When did you intend to leave?”

  “We were hoping at week’s end.” He stated. “It will be a good day’s ride to reach the kingdom, and should we intercept any hostility from Abner’s people, I have guards from the East accompanying us.”

  Isaac sat up in his chair. “You are leaving to find my father?”

  Elizabeth nodded with a smile. “It must be done. His silence is disconcerting, and we must find out what has happened in the West.”

  “Thank you.” Melody chimed in and had King Eamon nodding towards her.

  “I must share some information in regards to the Western Kingdom with you before you leave.” Isaac explained to Eamon and Elizabeth.

  “Why don’t you explain it to the entire Council?” Alayna asked. “That is why we gather.”

  Isaac cast a cautious glance towards Melody and his sister nodded solemnly.

  “Alright,” Isaac began. “It’s in regards to my mother, the Queen.”

  Intrigued, Elizabeth leaned forward, and everyone held his or her breath in anticipation. No one ever mentioned the Queen of the West, Queen Isabella.

  “You should know my mother is not well.” Isaac stated.

  “Should we send for a healer?” Elizabeth asked.

  He shook his head. “No. A healer can do nothing to help her. Her ailment resides in her mind. Her memory is clouded and some days she may remember everything about you, and others she may not even know your face. Most days she acts as if she is a brand-new bride just getting acquainted with my father and the kingdom. She cannot decipher the passing of time. We have guarded her condition because we feared should people find out, that people may think our family unfit to rule. Up until now, my father has kept close watch over her and her interactions within the castle. She does not leave the castle, and few enter inside the castle walls. It is best that way. My fear, is that if my father has not returned to the castle since King Samuel’s coronation… if he never made it back… my mother may be an issue.”

  “I am sure we can handle her with tenderness and care, Isaac. You have my word.” Elizabeth stated.

  His smile was faint. “What I’m trying to say is, should you arrive and my mother has begun to rule and make decisions, you must have her detained within her bed chamber. She rarely leaves her chambers, but should my father not be there to see her looked after, she begins to roam. And when she roams the castle, she may take liberties she does not need to. I fear my mother will realize she is still the queen and begin making unwise decisions in place of my father. We cannot trust her mind.”

  “I am sorry to hear of Isabella’s condition.” King Eamon lightly patted Isaac’s shoulder. “Your father had spoken of her to Granton and me in the past, but we had no idea her mind had been lost to such a degree. We will handle her with diligent care, Isaac. You have my word.”

  Isaac caught Elizabeth’s sympathetic gaze from across the table. “Thank you.”

  Alayna sat with an intrigued face and rolled her shoulders back. “Well, it sounds as if the journey to the West is happening, and though I wish for us to be in battle by then, I understand the need to check on the queen and the kingdom. I suppose battle plans can be postponed until we all reconvene again.”

  Elizabeth looked to her sister with gratitude.

  “Now, once we have a status update from the West and I have spoken with Lancer tomorrow, perhaps we will have a better idea of what lies before us. Perhaps by the time you two return from the West, Captain Ryle will have returned as well. We will then be able to address the topic of war. If that is all, I believe we should all call it a night and get some rest.” Alayna stood and exited the room, everyone quietly following and splitting off in different directions.


  The morning air was cool, the dew still held fast to the grass and the air was still, a heavy dampness that permeated the clothes and chilled the skin. However, to Ryle, the morning had never been more beautiful. It had been days since he had been outside and smelled the fresh air. He promised himself he would never take it for granted again. He stumbled as his bound hands pulled in front him. Edward turned around to check on him as the rope pulled tight behind his horse. Ryle continued to be led, trying
not to distract himself by his surroundings so as not to trip and fall. He was a prisoner being pulled behind Edward’s horse on parade. As they made their way towards the clearing, several people cheered as Lancer and Edward journeyed through the castle gates and streets. Ryle felt several blows to the back as he passed through the markets, unsure of what items had been tossed his way, but knowing none of them were good.

  As they neared the edge of the forest, all sounds of the people faded and quiet beckoned them further until the familiar clearing appeared before them. Edward stopped his horse on the edge of the tree line, Ryle unable to see through the foliage and make out who awaited them on the other side. He knew Alayna would be there, Edward had explained that much. He wondered if his brother would be as well. What he wouldn’t give to talk with his brother again. He did not realize how much he valued his family and friends until he no longer saw them.

  Edward dismounted his horse and turned to him. “I imagine it will not be long and you will get to see Alayna. Lancer wishes to wait and see how the discussion goes before allowing her to see you.”

  “I am not much to look at.” Ryle looked down at his bloodied and bound hands, his shredded tunic, and dirty skin. “I fear the queen may be more disappointed than Lancer believes.”

  Edward’s lips tilted into a smirk. “Trust me, the dirtier and bloodier you are, Lancer will find that better.”

  “Joy.” Ryle grumbled as Edward patted him on the shoulder and stepped through the tree line and disappeared. With nothing else to do, Ryle sat upon a broken log and waited patiently soaking in his time outdoors for as long as it lasted.


  “All hands ready.” Isaac stated as Lancer and Edward appeared through the trees and emerged in the clearing. Lancer spread his arms wide and smiled as if greeting them to his presence. He bowed with gusto at Alayna and motioned to Edward.

  “Bow, Edward.” He ordered and smiled broadly as Edward bowed towards his sister. She acknowledged them both with a hard stare.

  “Do not stand too close to the boundary line, Alayna.” Clifton warned and placed a hand on her forearm to restrain her from stepping closer.


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