The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 67

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “I am sure they will return shortly.” Elizabeth added, playing along. “Do you know where they went?”

  Shaking her head, Isabella rested her chin in her hand as she stared out the window. “Heaven knows. I’m sure Anthony is checking on that blasted prisoner, and Isaac is probably chasing tail somewhere, and Melody is more than likely off daydreaming.”

  Elizabeth smirked at the description of Isaac before she realized what the queen had said. “I’m sorry, prisoner? What prisoner would the king be tending to?”

  “That one in the hills. The one Abner asked for me to keep guards on. Didn’t I tell you?” She turned from the window and looked at Elizabeth. “Oh, never mind. I’m sure he is just another criminal that stole from the market.”

  “But why would Abner wish for you to watch him here and not take him back to his kingdom?”

  “How am I to know, Rebecca? You and your questions. I honestly do not know how Granton deals with you all the time. Questions are pestering.”

  “I apologize, Queen Isabella. I did not mean to offend.”

  “Oh, pish posh, don’t apologize for asking them. They annoy, Rebecca. I did not say they were pointless.”

  Elizabeth looked up as King Eamon entered the room. “Eamon,” Isabella greeted. “You look well today. Did you sleep okay?” Knowing it was now well into the evening, Eamon reacted as if he had just awoken. “Slept fine, Isabella, thank you.”

  “King Eamon, “Elizabeth began. “Queen Isabella was just telling me about a prisoner in the hills.” Her voice had a leading tone and she narrowed her gaze at her father-in-law to silently plead for him to ask more questions.

  Eamon straightened. “A prisoner? What type of prisoner?”

  “My goodness,” Isabella shifted her crimson shawl and folded her hands in her lap. “Do you not have prisoners in the East? The both of you, goodness, carrying on as if I discovered a new realm. I was just telling…” she paused and focused upon Elizabeth as if to figure out whom she was.

  “Elizabeth.” Elizabeth offered.

  “Of course, Elizabeth. How are you dear? How’s the baby? Oh to think, I am going to be a grandmother!”

  Elizabeth deflated. The queen was losing track of her thoughts.

  “The prisoner, Isabella.” Eamon prodded, ignoring the queen’s confused ramblings. “What of this prisoner?”

  “Oh, right, of course. Abner asked that he be able to keep a prisoner in the hills. His prison chambers were too full, and he asked me for the extra housing.”

  “Did he say what this criminal was responsible for?”

  “No. I did not ask. Anthony was gone, and I just granted his request thinking Anthony would see to it when he returned. Where is Anthony? Did he go out to the gardens? I should go find him. Excuse me.” She stood and wandered off before either of them could respond. Eamon looked to Elizabeth and she nodded. “I think we found him.”

  “I will find the Captain.” Eamon stated, excitement lacing his voice.


  Samuel nodded to the guard ahead of him as the man ushered him to move through the castle hall quietly behind him. Dressed in the uniform of an Unfading Lands guard, he moved silently through the stone halls, careful to avoid contact with any others. He heard footsteps up ahead and darted into an alcove, as the footsteps grew louder. He prayed the person was not heading toward the doorway he blocked. He shifted as close to the wall as possible as a man walked by. Edward. He watched as he carried on down the hall and entered a room at the end. His personal chamber, he assumed. He waited a few breaths and then continued his journey down the hall. His fellow guards emerged from their own hiding places and followed behind him. When he reached the prison chamber, he motioned for his guards to stand at the door and he entered alone.

  It was dark, the only light coming from a small lantern in the far corner and the room smelled of stale blood. He heard a gasp and Cecilia’s face appeared behind the first cell.

  Samuel continued walking until he spotted a man’s form leaning up against the wall in the far cell. “Prince Ryle.” He whispered, his voice sounding like a scream in the quiet room.

  The man’s boots shifted, and he pulled himself up. “Samuel?” Ryle moved to the light and the door of his cell. A wide smile appeared on his face as Samuel stepped closer.

  “What are you doing here? Ryle asked.

  “I’m rescuing you, of course.” Samuel grinned as Ryle stood dumbfounded.

  “How did you- why would y-” His questions tapered off as he stood in complete shock at the Southern king’s sacrifice to come to his aid. “You crossed?”

  “Obviously.” The young prince stated with a small shrug. “Now, where does Edward keep the key?”

  Ryle pointed to a hook across the room by the door. Samuel hurried over and began filtering through the keys to try and find one that fit the lock. He unlatched Ryle’s door and opened it. The two men embraced in a brotherly fashion, surprising Cecilia.

  “I cannot believe it.” Ryle’s eyes held restrained tears and his gaze wandered to Cecilia. He bowed his head and stepped away from Samuel. “I cannot go with you.”

  “What? Why?” Samuel asked. “The whole point of me crossing was to rescue you. Everyone has been so worried. Queen Alayna has been completely lost without you.”

  Ryle sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. “I am sorry, Samuel, but if I were to escape with you, Edward would know the Uniters attempted a rescue without informing him. He is not stable. He could then turn Lancer’s guards against the entire camp. We cannot lose our only chance of an army.”

  “Edward would kill them? Has he been lost to the darkness?”

  “Not completely.” Ryle continued. “But it is a struggle. I do not wish to give him any reason to take that final step. Making him look bad in front of Lancer would definitely be the final step. I cannot go with you.”

  “But what do I tell the others? Alayna? Isaac? Your brother?”

  “Tell them exactly what I have told you.” Ryle explained. “They will have to understand. When the time is right for the battle against the Lands, then and only then can you come for me. I will be waiting.”


  Ryle held up his hand to ward off Samuel’s protest. “Do not let your attempt be in vain. Rescue her.” He motioned towards Cecilia and to her surprise and Samuel’s, Ryle pulled his cell door closed.

  “But she betrayed us.” Samuel whispered. “How can I show up with her and not you?”

  “I believe she still has a part to play.” Ryle looked to Cecilia. “You will leave with him and should Lancer ever approach you for information about the Realm you will be ignorant of such matters. Understood?”

  “What of Edward?” She asked.

  “I will handle Edward. You must go. Hurry Samuel.”

  Samuel filtered through the keys once more and found the one fitting Cecilia’s lock. She waited impatiently at the ready. Before he clicked the lock open, he peered into her face. “Should you betray us again, Prince Edward will be the least of your worries.” Her eyes widened at the young king and she nodded hastily.

  “I will return for you.” Samuel reached through the bars and shook Ryle’s hand.

  “I know. Now go. Be safe. And give,” he paused and ripped off the Northern seal from his tunic, “give this to Alayna.”

  Samuel pocketed the seal and nodded. He grabbed Cecilia by the elbow and ushered her forward and out the door.


  “So see Edward, it only makes sense that we move the training grounds further to the West. With Abner gone, and the state of that kingdom potentially weak from his armies trailing through, our boundary may expand further in that direction.” Lancer pointed to a map before them and Edward nodded.

  “But why not the East? The king and his other son are still in the North. We have Prince Ryle in our custody, surely they are weak as well.”

  “No. Not like the West.” Lancer answered.

  “But if we—”

sp; Lancer slammed a fist onto the table. “You are trying my patience, Edward. Do you remember who I am?”

  Edward pulled back his shoulders and raised his chin. “Of course. I am only trying to be helpful, my Lord.”

  “Well I do not like it. I am the leader of these Lands. You are my subordinate. When I say where we will expand that is where we will expand. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, my Lord. Apologies.”

  “Now. How is our prisoner?”

  “Still maintaining his allegiance.”

  “You must not be trying hard enough.”

  “Trust me, my Lord, I am doing everything in my power to torment and convince him, but he refuses.”

  “Excuses, Edward. You know how I feel about excuses. This is our opportunity to take a record expansion while the Realm is weak. If he turns then we will have enough strength to take half of the Western Kingdom into our possession. But only if he turns.”

  “I am trying.” Edward stated. “He is stubborn.”

  “Of course he is. He is Eamon’s son. I could have told you that, Edward.” Lancer chuckled, releasing a portion of the tension in the room. “However, should he not turn, we may need to take drastic measures.”

  “And what might those be?”

  “Perhaps he will be of better use to us dead.” Lancer offered. “Nothing speaks more clearly than death.”

  “But how would that give us strength?”

  “Loss and devastation are powerful attributes to our success as well. The boundary line moves when the Realm is weak. A loss of a prince would definitely weaken them.”

  “But he is captured and there has been no change in strength.” Edward clarified. “His death will not move the line any more than his capture has. And I also know that his death will only make the Realm grow stronger because they will seek retribution.”

  Lancer rubbed his chin and smirked. “Fine. Then bring him to me.”

  “I’m sorry?” Edward asked.

  “I said, bring him to me. If you are so convinced his death will not strengthen us, then I will try other ideas.”

  “But what do you want with him?”

  “Edward!” Lancer growled. “Again with the questions! I am your leader. Just because you saved me from losing the darkness does not mean you have the upper hand. This is my realm. Now do as I say.” He walked to his favorite seat and poured himself a glass of the tasteless concoction Edward loathed.

  “You wish for me to bring him to you now?”

  Lancer did not respond, his eyes said it all as Edward immediately exited to retrieve Ryle.


  Four guards accompanied King Eamon to the back entrance of the Western castle, the Western Captain of the Guard in their company. Elizabeth stood to the side, arms crossed, and waited.

  “With the cover of darkness, we will be able to move across the mountains freely without the fear of being seen. Should we come across any of Abner’s guards we know we have reached our destination.”

  “This entire kingdom is full of mountains.” Elizabeth cut in. “There has to be a way to narrow the search. Are there any caves?” She looked to the Captain.

  He nodded. “There is one I suggest we look into first. It is an abandoned cave we used to confine our most vicious criminals inside. We have not used it in decades, but perhaps Abner discovered it.”

  “Where is it?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Towards the North.”

  “That would make sense.” Eamon stated. “Abner would need a place in between here and his route to the Northern Kingdom. We check there first. Full breastplates, gentlemen, we must be prepared for anything.”

  “I am going too.” Elizabeth untied her skirt and pulled it aside revealing the trousers Mary had previously made for her to use during her swordsmanship lessons.

  The guards looked at one another and then to their captain. King Eamon shook his head. “It is too dangerous, Elizabeth. You must remain here.”

  “I am going.” Elizabeth waved her hand and her attendant stepped forward carrying her sword. “I promised Isaac and Melody that I would find their father and I intend to do so. I will not be rash.”

  “You cannot participate this time, my dear. Not in your condition.” He motioned towards her stomach.

  “I will hang behind until you give me the all clear, and then I will retrieve Anthony. Please. I have to be there.”

  She watched as her father-in-law debated with himself before finally nodding. “You do not move unless I say, understand?”

  She jumped for joy, her peg leg’s clatter echoing down the hall. She noticed the guards look down in surprise. She kissed Eamon on the cheek as she followed closely behind the Captain.

  The ride through the mountains was rough and the moonlight only allowed a few feet of visibility. Elizabeth trusted the horse beneath her and prayed for safe travel. The sound of hooves crushing against rocks filled the night until suddenly the Captain quietly called back to them for no movement. They had been riding for several hours and Elizabeth felt fatigue from her head to her toes. Her legs burned from riding in the saddle, an irritation confirming that she was out of practice. She refused to show it, however, because she was determined to find King Anthony. She owed it to Isaac.

  “Up ahead. I saw a light.” The Captain spoke into the night and though Elizabeth could only see shapes of the men before her, she knew the Captain rode up front. “I will go investigate.” He dismounted. “I will return before making a move.” He slipped into the night as Elizabeth dismounted with the rest of the group and stretched out her back.

  “How are you feeling, dear?” King Eamon lightly tapped her elbow.

  “I am fine.”

  “You would tell me if you were tired?”

  She smiled, though she knew he could not see it. She lightly squeezed his hand. “Yes. I would.” Hearing his sigh of relief, Elizabeth said a silent prayer of thankfulness for a caring father-in-law as they heard the Captain returning.

  “There are only two guards at the mouth of the cave. I could not see inside, but I do not believe there are any others. Could be the reason we never noticed them here. Few in number are easier to hide.”

  “If Abner only left two guards, you can bet they are two of his best.” Elizabeth stated.

  “Aye. I agree.” The Captain motioned for two guards to come forward. “Circle around the backside of the cave and only approach if I call for you.” They nodded and slinked into the darkness.

  “King Eamon, Andrew, and I will approach from the front. Princess, you hang here until we give the all clear.”

  Elizabeth forced a nod though she bit her tongue in protest. She gripped the hilt of her sword and followed wordlessly behind them at a safe distance. She would not miss this fight.


  Clifton waited in the clearing for Samuel to appear on the other side of the boundary line. The light breeze drifted over him and calmed his restless heart. He had not heard from Elizabeth in over a week, an issue he struggled with pursuing. Should he travel to the West to check up on her? He shook his head. His father was with her, there was no need to worry. And yet he did. Sighing, he watched the Rollings River flow by him, the sound peaceful, yet the pace in which it moved held unrelenting turmoil hidden beneath the calm glass surface. He heard a thud and turned towards the veil to see Samuel standing on the other side pointing to the rock he had tossed across the line. There was no letter attached to it and Clifton realized he was only making himself known. Clifton could cross freely, and so he stood, straightening his pale blue tunic, the horse emblazoned seal over his heart taut over his muscular frame. He walked towards the line and stepped across on a deep breath.

  Samuel smiled. “It is good to see you.”

  “You as well.” Clifton accepted the firm handshake Samuel offered. “Any news?”

  “Much. Do you have the time?”

  “Of course.” Clifton motioned towards the log that had served as a meeting spot for several months no
w and he and Samuel sat.

  “I attempted a rescue of Captain Ryle.” Samuel stated.

  Clifton’s brows rose. “Attempted?”

  “I would have been successful, but he refused to come with me.”

  Dread filled Clifton’s stomach and he gritted his teeth against the bad news he was sure to hear. His brother had given into the darkness or to Lancer’s demands.

  Samuel’s knees bounced as he spoke as if he tried to contain the anxiety that rushed through him. “It is not what you think, Clifton. He has not betrayed us.”

  Clifton’s shoulders did not relax so Samuel continued. “When I arrived in the prison chamber, he was not alone. Edward had arrested someone else.”

  Tilting his head in interest, Clifton waved for him to continue. Samuel hopped to his feet. “Ryle refused to let me rescue him, instead wanting me to rescue her.” He walked to the tree line and leaned through the thicket. “Come.” His young voice held a new authority Clifton had not heard from the young king. Cecilia emerged slowly with trepidation in her steps. Clifton stood. “Her?”

  Samuel nodded. “Edward arrested her for betraying the Realm, and Ryle feared for her safety.”

  “He wished to set her free over himself? She is a traitor.” Clifton’s kind eyes stormed with restrained anger. “Why would he do such a foolish thing? Let her receive what is just.”

  “Those were my thoughts as well.” Samuel gripped Cecilia’s arm as she attempted to walk away and forced her to stand in the clearing. “But Ryle feels she may have a part to play in the near future.”

  “As if she would.” Clifton motioned towards Cecilia. “Do you have any idea what you have done? What your actions have cost us?”

  She lowered her head.

  “Look at me.” His voice was fierce, and she fearfully raised her gaze. Clifton stood resolute as he forced Cecilia to witness his anger. “You have cost the Realm multiple lives. You have cost my brother his freedom—”

  “I only wished—”

  “Do not interrupt me.” Clifton ordered. “Your actions have cost the Realm all of these things. And Edward, well, you may very well have cost him his soul. You are a traitor and you deserve every punishment worthy of such a crime.”


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