The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 68

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Tears streaked Cecilia’s face and Samuel’s hold on her arm released. She used both hands to cover her face as she sobbed.

  “However,” Clifton began, causing Cecilia to slowly look upon his stern face once more. “My brother wishes to show you mercy, so I will. If he feels you may be an asset to us, I will trust his judgment. For now. But should I hear one word of you betraying us again, I will handle your punishment personally.” He looked to Samuel. “Am I clear?”

  Samuel nodded. “I will keep my eyes upon her, Clifton.”

  “Very well. Now leave us.” He ordered Cecilia. She gathered her skirts and rushed through the clearing with no hesitation.

  “Any ideas on how we may utilize her?” Clifton asked.

  Samuel shook his head. “Not yet. Though perhaps we may use her in the same way she betrayed us last time. An informant to Lancer.”

  Clifton rubbed a hand over his face. “Possibly.”

  “He was okay, Clifton.” Samuel offered, knowing the prince still worried about his brother. “His body is badly injured, but his heart remains strong.”

  “That is good to hear.”

  “He worries about Edward. He said the Northern prince struggles fiercely with the darkness and only grows more powerful. He feared should I rescue him that Edward would retaliate due to wounded pride. I do not believe we have an ally in Prince Edward any longer. If we do, it is merely temporary. Therefore, I suggest we keep all of our plans secret from him.” Samuel reached into his trouser pocket. “Ryle wished for the queen to have this.” He handed over the Northern seal from Ryle’s tunic. Dried blood and dirt smudged the image of the crown, but the symbol remained. Clifton gripped the fabric in his hand. “Thank you, Samuel.”

  “I will see you tomorrow, Prince Clifton. I wish to hear more news from the Realm, but I do not wish to leave Cecilia without my supervision for too long.”

  “I understand.” Clifton shook his hand. “You serve us well, Samuel.”

  Samuel bowed in response and then darted through the trees.


  Katarina walked through her father’s castle with an air of leadership she had not known she possessed. Her chin up, she faced the guard before her. “I wish to enter.”

  He nodded. “Yes, my Queen.”

  Queen. The title had yet to settle upon her with comfort, but the last several weeks had been pleasing. The people of the Valleylands had rallied behind her in support, the previous queen glad to relinquish the responsibility. Though she did not wish to serve the Valleylands like her father had, with a stiff-arm and fear, she did wish to maintain a strict hold on loyalty. Her father, though a harsh man, remained loyal to his family and his lands. It was through this loyalty that King Abner had left her a special gift. As if he had known his potential fate in the last war and knew she would take his position as the crown of authority. She smiled to herself as she stepped into the dark room. A precious gift. A gift of choice. A flirtation in her mind to satisfy her vengefulness or to acclimate to a friendship of support to the Realm of Queen Alayna. She was just not sure which choice she preferred. Until she did, she maintained her secrecy and silence.

  As she lowered the stone steps, she heard the sounds of screams echoing off the walls making her cringe. She was not cut out for torture and she had called a stop to it as soon as she was queen. It seemed her guards had other ideas and she walked into the room to a bloody mess. Shaking her head at the limp body before her, she turned to the guard. “Who gave you such an order?”

  The guard had the nerve to look sheepish. “I realize you were ordered to do these things under my father. Perhaps even worse things. But as for me, I will not have such treatment, no matter the prisoner. Take him back to his cell, and report to the Captain at once. He will hear of your disobedience and will deal with you accordingly.”

  The guard bowed and quickly unchained the unconscious man from the posts before her.


  Ryle stepped into the light as Edward cleared the steps and emerged in the prison chamber. His eyes darting towards Cecilia’s cell with a passing glance before it settled upon Ryle. “It’s that time, Prince Ryle.”

  Ryle slowly stood to his feet, biting back the groan that wished to escape his lips. He offered a smile to Edward.

  “You seem cheerful for someone who is about to be tortured.”

  “I have had a good day.”

  “Really?” Edward’s sarcasm and disbelief evident in his tone.


  “I guess there is much to do down here in the dirt.”

  “Sometimes.” Ryle baited.

  “And what has you in such a good mood, Prince?”

  Ryle nodded towards Cecilia’s cell and Edward followed his line of vision. “What about her?” Edward asked.

  Ryle tilted his head towards her cell again and Edward released his chained hands and walked towards the cell. “Cecilia, come out here?”

  No sound.

  “Cecilia.” Edward called again. He turned to see Ryle’s smug smirk. “Where is she? Did Lancer find her? Did he come down here?” Edward’s words were laced with panic.

  “Are you worried he found out you arrested his loyal servant? That would definitely look bad on your part.” Ryle continued.

  “Do not mock me, Prince. Where is she?” Edward’s eyes darkened, and Ryle sighed.

  “She was rescued.”

  “What? By whom?” Edward stepped closer and gripped the front of Ryle’s tunic in his fist.

  Ryle shrugged.

  “You will tell me!” Edward yelled.

  “Let’s just say someone found her services to be useful elsewhere.” Ryle added. “For your sake, it is best she is gone.”

  “Oh really?” Edward asked. “Why is that?”

  “Because looking at her fills you with anger, and with your anger comes the darkness. Perhaps removing her from the equation will allow you to keep your senses.”

  “I am in complete control over my actions.” Edward defended. “I grow more powerful by the day and it has no effect upon me.”

  “I believe it does.”

  “Well you are wrong.”

  “Am I? I watched you replenish Lancer’s source of darkness with my own eyes. I watched you throw the woman you love into prison. Even now, you struggle, your very body rejecting reason.” He motioned his head down towards the firm grip Edward had on his dagger that aimed at Ryle’s chest. “Though I have wondered why you have yet to attempt destroying the boundary yourself. You obviously have the strength.”

  “I cannot take it down.” Edward growled, stepping away from Ryle.

  “Why? Is it because you inwardly wish for it to remain?”

  Edward spun around and narrowed his gaze. “Never. I crossed into these Lands to destroy them. If I could, I would. The boundary was sealed with Lancer’s blood, not mine. Only his blood can take it down.”

  Ryle rolled that thought around in his head. “I see.”

  “Do you?” Edward asked, walking up to Ryle and standing a mere inch from his face. “The fact that I risk my very being for the Realm seems to be forgotten. I will destroy these Lands as best I can, but I cannot do that when you secretly plot behind my back.”

  Ryle felt the tug on his chains as Edward began leading him out of the cell and towards the reflection chamber. He tried to muster strength for what he knew would be a debilitating day ahead.


  A twig snapped, and Elizabeth cringed, pausing in her secret pursuit of her father-in-law and the Western guards. None of the men noticed her presence behind them and continued onward towards the cave. She took a deep breath and tread even more carefully behind them as they neared the entrance. Still two guards. She watched as the men in front of her unsheathed their swords and she too, pulled hers silently from her side. The Captain lunged out of the darkness, the two guards turning in surprise as they scrambled to find their weapons. As the Captain attacked one guard, King Eamon and the other Western guard followed
and clashed blades with the other man. It did not take long for the two guards to fall.

  The Captain slipped his sword into its sheath and turned towards the others. “That wasn’t so hard. Now, let’s go find our king.”

  Before anyone could step further towards the cave, a blade pierced through the Captain’s chest, his eyes bulging with surprise and then fear. Elizabeth covered her mouth from the shrub she stood behind and watched as five more of Abner’s guards emerged from the cave. The two extra Western guards ran onto the scene with cries of vengeance and blades at the ready as they watched their Captain fall lifelessly to the ground. Eamon battled the largest guard of all and though he was skilled with the blade, felt himself losing ground. Elizabeth surveyed the surroundings. It was five against four. If she joined in the fight, they would be evenly matched. She took a deep breath and stepped from her hiding place.

  She watched as Eamon was pinned against a boulder, his blade and his opponent’s blade inches from his neck. Elizabeth ran forward and thrust her blade through the man’s side, surprising both men. The guard attempted a swing in her direction, but she ducked out of its path and kicked him to his knees as her blade withdrew from his side. He fell to the ground, his eyes glazing.

  Eamon grabbed her arm. “I did not call for you. You cannot be here.” His voice was cut off as two guards darted towards them and had them both dodging swords. “Cliff would have my hide if something happened to you!” Eamon yelled as he nailed a kick to the man’s chest and sent him stumbling backwards.

  Elizabeth spun as she avoided a sword to the arm and rotated back around, her sword finding her target of the man’s stomach. She wrenched her blade free as he fell to the ground and ran towards Eamon. She reached him just as he brought the guard down with a single blow. Panting, he gripped her arm. “You will leave. Head back to the horses.”

  She shook her head. “No. We have them beaten.”

  “There may be more guards inside.”

  “There isn’t.”

  “You do not know that.” Eamon’s jaw remained firm as he led her to a small thicket and shoved her down behind it. “Do not move.” He ordered. Elizabeth huffed in frustration as she watched him, and the other guards finish off Abner’s small army. Eamon grabbed a limb from the fire and walked towards the mouth of the cave. Slowly, he and the other guards disappeared, and Elizabeth waited impatiently.

  “Come on, come on, come on.” She whispered as she slowly began to let her worry take her over. They should be back by now. As she stood to defy her father-in-law’s orders to check on them, he emerged at the entrance and waved her over. “It is not Anthony.” He stated with disappointment.

  “What?” Elizabeth walked towards the dark as figures emerged. Beaten, weatherworn, and half-starved Western soldiers emerged.

  “It is Anthony’s royal caravan.” Eamon explained. “They have been here since their journey home from Samuel’s coronation.”

  “That was months ago.”

  Eamon nodded. “Come, we must take them back to the castle. They are struggling.”

  Elizabeth stepped forward and draped a man’s arm over her shoulders as she gripped his too thin waist. He moved slowly, his limbs weak with lack of use and he smelled of urine and blood. She battled against her reflexes and kept her dinner in her stomach, though she did not know how she managed. She watched as he climbed upon her horse, another guard behind him as she walked towards Eamon’s mount and he hoisted her behind him.


  Alayna rushed towards the front of the castle as the Eastern carriages pulled to a stop. Clifton darted past her, his shoulder brushing hers as he rushed to the door of his father’s carriage. The footman opened the door and he all but dove inside as he reached for his wife and pulled her into his arms. She heard her sister laughing as she pushed her husband out of the carriage and stepped out. She then let him sweep her into his arms and spin her around. As they reunited, King Eamon stepped from within with a smile on his face as well, until he gazed upon Alayna. He shook his head.

  “You did not find him?”

  Everyone froze and looked to the king. “No. I am afraid not. We shall fill you in once we are inside.”

  Clifton cupped Elizabeth’s face. “You are alright? I was worried. I did not receive a letter this week.” He kissed her heartily on the lips.

  She grinned. “I am more than fine. Your father took great care of me. As well as Queen Isabella.” She looked over his shoulder to Isaac and Melody, their shoulders slumped in disappointment, but still happy to see Elizabeth and Eamon. Elizabeth squeezed Clifton’s hand before walking towards Isaac.

  “I am sorry, Isaac.”

  A muscle in his jaw ticked as he nodded. Clearing his throat, he motioned towards the castle. “I wish to know everything.”

  She reached for Clifton’s hand as they entered the castle and Alayna ushered them quickly to the Council Room. “Sit, sit, sit. Please, tell us everything. What happened? In your last letter, you seemed hopeful that you had found him.”

  “It was not him.” Eamon reported. “Turns out Abner had convinced your mother that he needed extra prison space for some of his criminals. So she agreed to let him use a cave in the hills.”

  “Yes, I know that cave.” Isaac said. “We have not used it in years.”

  “That is what your Captain reported as well. When we approached there were two of Abner’s guards standing guard, but there were more inside the cave. The ambush was swift, and though we lost your Captain, a fine man, we found victory. However, the prisoner inside was not your father.”

  Isaac slammed his hand on the table in frustration and then ran his hand through his hair. “Then who was it?”

  “His caravan.” Elizabeth cut in. “All the men that travelled with him from Samuel’s coronation. They never even made it back to the Western castle. They were ambushed by Abner on his way to the North and he took your father hostage. They did not know where Abner took him.”

  “So those poor men have been living in a cave these last few months?” Melody asked in horror, her hand over her heart.

  “Yes.” Eamon replied. “We now have them back at the Western castle and Queen Isabella is seeing to them quite diligently.”

  “How was… how was my mother?” Isaac asked.

  “She is fine.” Elizabeth lightly patted his hand. “Confused a bit every now and then, but still fine. She has not grasped the fact that your father is missing. She sees him as being away on travels. For her sake, we let her keep believing that until we know for certain his whereabouts.”

  “Thank you.” He tapped his finger on the back of Elizabeth’s hand and nodded. “Thank you for handling her delicately.”

  “Of course.”

  “So now we are back to square one in regards to King Anthony.” Alayna sounded disappointed. “It seems our plans of recuperating have slowed considerably. Any reports from Samuel?”

  Clifton shifted in his seat. “Some. He attempted his rescue of Ryle.”

  Alayna held up her hand. “You’re just now telling me this?”

  “I debated telling you at all.” Clifton reported truthfully.

  “So, I take it his efforts were unsuccessful?”

  “No. He was able to reach Ryle; however, Ryle did not wish to be rescued just yet.”

  “What?” Alayna stood to her feet, her chair teetering on its back legs. “Why?”

  Clifton held up his hand for her to calm down and she began pacing about the room as he continued. “Samuel rescued Cecilia.”

  “Cecilia?” Elizabeth asked. “What was she even doing there?”

  Clifton sighed and ran a hand over his face as if the story was too much to explain. “Edward arrested Cecilia for betraying him though Lancer does not know that. Ryle wished for Samuel to rescue her instead of him because he feared Edward would kill her and then he would truly be lost to the darkness. Ryle also feels we can utilize Cecilia later on. Did I leave anything out?”

  Elizabeth patted his l
eg under the table and he threaded his fingers through hers.

  “But- He- What?” Alayna studdered. “I do not understand why he would not wish to be free? He is beaten every day. Does he know that his life could be forfeit?”

  “Yes. He seems to know his circumstances quite well.” Clifton replied and reached into his trouser pocket. “He told Samuel to give you this.” He slid the Northern seal across the table and Alayna picked it up, her eyes immediately clouding and her thumb slowly brushing across the emblem. “Ryle remains loyal to the Realm, but he wishes to play a role there in the Lands. I say we let him.”

  Alayna shook her head and Eamon lightly tapped her arm. “He must have a plan, Alayna, or he would have come. We must trust him.”

  “I’m glad to hear someone has a plan, but we need action. What of Edward? Have you conversed with him?”

  Clifton shook his head. “Nor do I intend to for a while. Ryle claims Edward is slowly retreating into the darkness. He is not stable for us to use as an ally. We must operate without him. Samuel’s position in the Lands is now more vital than ever.”

  “And what of King Anthony?” Alayna asked. “He has to be somewhere? Where would Abner take him?”

  “He could have killed him.” Melody’s voice was quiet and Elizabeth shook her head. “No. I do not believe he did. Why would he keep Anthony’s caravan alive? If he kept them alive, I have no doubt your father is still alive as well. It is just a matter of finding him. I believe Abner knew we would hunt for Anthony. Why else would he manipulate your mother? It is a game to him, even after his death. A wild game of treasure hunt. King Anthony is alive, and he is being held somewhere, we just have to keep looking.”

  “I will take that task.” King Eamon volunteered. “In the meantime, I will oversee the Western armies while my Captain commands the East. That way, Isaac and Melody may remain here and aid in whatever plans take place.”

  Isaac nodded. “I agree with that plan. Without a Captain, the Western armies will need a leader. I will lead them if necessary, but I believe my place is here for now, if Eamon can be there in my stead.”


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