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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 75

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Alayna watched as King Anthony emerged at the top of the stairs, the elaborately carved cane at his side the only reminder of his captivity within the Valleylands. He looked regal. And completely anxious, she realized. She lightly squeezed his arm as she passed him and began walking down the stairs. King Eamon awaited her at the bottom, her escort for her journey down the aisle to her throne. When she reached him, he offered his arm. “You look lovely, my Queen.”

  “Thank you.” She slipped her arm through his. “Shall we do this?” She grinned as he joyfully walked her into the great hall to an awaiting crowd.


  Edward pulled at his collar as he shifted from one foot to the next, his emerald uniform fitted to him perfectly. Elizabeth squeezed his hand as they watched King Eamon escort Alayna to their father’s throne. It still felt odd that he and Elizabeth appeared to be the same age now. When the boundary line fell, he still remained the age he was when he had first crossed. Now, his younger sister was not his younger sister in technical terms. And surprisingly, he felt no envy of Alayna now that she sat as Queen of the Realm. His position as future king was relinquished the moment he crossed the boundary line into the Land of Unfading Beauty. Now he stood as Captain of the Royal Guard, a position he felt both honored and regretful for accepting. Prince Ryle had once held the position, and he still felt the blame and responsibility for the lack of Ryle’s presence now in the Realm. He’d been searching for the prince for the last year. In the reflection chamber, as Lancer’s power drained, the faces of the Ryle imitators faded back to their real owners, not one of which was the real Prince Ryle. And as the darkness escaped into the void, with it went Lancer’s memory. Though the man had regained most of his former recollections, there were still some things hazy or lost. Lancer’s recovery and turn around took the Realm by surprise, and though many had trouble trusting his change of heart, it was not long for everyone to see he was a changed man. The darkness had changed them both. Edward felt more himself now than ever, and he thanked Isaac continually for stabbing him in the reflection chamber that day. Had he not, Edward might have been lost and missed out on the life with his family back in the Realm. A life he had longed for and fought for all those years in the Lands.

  He hoped his father would be proud of the man he had become, and the way he and his sisters ruled the Realm. In his heart, he felt King Granton would be immensely proud. Elizabeth had held her promise to the Western prince and princess and demanded King Anthony’s release from Katarina as soon as the boundary fell. The Valleyland’s Queen, lost in the awe of the momentous occasion, eagerly agreed. And her attitude towards the Realm had quickly changed back to her original appreciation. Everyone celebrated in unity. Clifton and Isaac had rescued Edward and Lancer and brought them to the North immediately. Seeing to their care was Arnos, the Eastern healer whom everyone seemed to love and trust. He also had no objections treating Lancer’s wound. A hated man by many, it took the people of the Realm over a year to learn to trust the Queen’s judgment and forgive the man, but Arnos did not seem bothered by Lancer’s reputation and he tended to Lancer diligently.

  Alayna took her position and stood in front of the throne and lifted her hand towards the back of the room. Everyone turned as King Anthony and Princess Melody began their march down the aisle. Melody dressed in a white and silver gown encompassing her new role as the Queen of the South. Though she and Samuel were young in age, everyone felt their match a solid arrangement. It was also no surprise considering the two royals grew considerably closer throughout the previous two years. Melody’s letters with Samuel across the boundary line were not only beneficial to the Realm, but also to the budding relationship between Samuel and herself. Edward saw the nervous smile that spread over Samuel’s face as he stood in awe of the beautiful princess.


  Elizabeth nudged Isaac’s elbow as his eyes were riveted on his younger sister as she accepted Samuel’s hand and King Anthony stepped to the side. Isaac visibly relaxed, but he stood firm, his gaze never wavering as he soaked in the love surrounding his sister. Melody would be queen, the thought bringing a small smile to his face. She had never hoped to be queen, and now here she stood accepting the position with a happy heart. Funny how love could change a person’s mind. He felt a slimy hand touch the back of his neck and he jolted, turning to see Graham leaning out of Elizabeth’s arms and reaching towards him. She grimaced and tried to pull her son’s hand down to his side so as not to interrupt. Isaac reached for the boy, the young prince quickly becoming a part of everyone’s family and he bounced towards Isaac with enthusiasm. The young prince remained in Isaac’s arms the remainder of the ceremony as they all watched Melody and Samuel exchange their vows and oaths to the Southern Kingdom. Isaac watched as Samuel kissed Melody, a shyness to the young royals’ actions making everyone smile as the young king proudly escorted his new wife down the center aisle and out onto the front castle steps. Isaac fell in line with his father and friends as they exited to the sound of a cheering public. Roses and tokens tossed to the steps as well wishes for the union. Melody embraced Elizabeth, the two women exchanging tears of joy as his sister then embraced Alayna. Melody would be missed around the West and the North. Isaac already dreaded living in the Western Kingdom without her. Though the Council made regular trips to the North for meetings, everyone missed the days of all living within the Northern castle. Yet responsibilities remained in their separate kingdoms, responsibilities that were now the focus since the Unfading Lands were no longer a threat. Isaac watched as Lancer and Katarina bowed to the new King and Queen of the South. The two made a perfect match for the Valleylands. Katarina caught his eye and smiled shyly, the queen now more like her old self. Isaac flashed a polite smile before accepting the large embrace from Samuel. “We shall see you soon, brother.” He grinned, making Isaac laugh at his enthusiasm.

  “That you will,” he paused for dramatic affect. “Brother.” The endearing term lighting up Samuel’s face as he hugged Isaac once more before moving on towards Clifton. The young king was everyone’s brother now, having shed the shadows of his past and united with them during the Realm’s toughest times. The alliance with the South and the West would forever be a strong one now that Samuel ruled the kingdom. Isaac watched as they climbed into the Southern carriages and the caravan began drifting through the castle gates. A heavy sigh escaped him, and he turned to find Elizabeth’s amused eyes.

  “What?” He asked.


  “Obviously something, you have your look about you.”

  “My look?” Elizabeth asked innocently, as she accepted her son from Isaac’s arms, the little boy eager to see his mother. “Did you receive lots of hugs?” She asked the boy with enthusiasm. The little prince nodded vigorously, and she kissed his cheek. “I just see the older brother look of sentimentality weighing upon you. You watch her go off into the sunset with her prince charming and you feel that your role as protector of Melody is over.”

  “Is that how I feel?” He asked curiously.

  Elizabeth nodded confidently. “I’ve seen it before.”

  “Oh really?”

  She laughed. “Both Alayna and Ryle had that same look when they watched Clifton and me ride off.”

  Isaac shrugged his shoulders. “It’s in our nature as older siblings, I guess. Speaking of Ryle,” he nodded towards Alayna’s departing figure. “Any word from Edward on that front?”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “No, but we plan to speak with Lancer before he and Katarina depart. We wish to probe his memory a bit more. He has to remember something eventually.”

  “At least he remembers not killing the real Ryle. His line up in the reflection chamber was just meant to torture Clifton and me into thinking we failed. So that’s a start. He has to be somewhere in the Realm.”

  “But don’t you think he would have turned up by now?” Elizabeth dropped her voice as King Eamon walked by them to head back into the castle, Clifton walking towards her
to escort her inside. “I see you two conspiring. What is it you two have up your sleeves?”

  “Nothing.” They both answered innocently.

  Clifton looked doubtful. “Right. Well your teamwork is admirable, but your believability is lacking.”

  Elizabeth feigned innocence as her husband laughed. “Tell me.”

  “We were discussing Ryle.” Elizabeth replied truthfully and watched as her husband’s good humor immediately vanished.

  “I thought we agreed to let that go?” He asked, looking from one to the other.

  “You did, yes.” Elizabeth began. “But we feel there is still hope.”

  Clifton shook his head. “I wish you two would let the matter drop. Ryle would be here if he were able. The only other possibility is that he did not survive the fall of the boundary line. And since he is not here, well… I think we can figure out the rest.”

  “We must not give up, Clifton.” Elizabeth squeezed her husband’s hand and he shook his head reaching for his son.

  “It is best left alone, love. Come.” He tilted his head towards the castle and Elizabeth cast Isaac a defeated glance as she followed.


  Cecilia plunged her hands into the scorching water once more and rinsed the shirt that she quickly sent through the ringer, rotating the wheels to flatten the garment before hanging it on the line. The labor was intense, and she remembered with each passing second why she loathed it. When the boundary line fell, Cecilia had waited for Lancer to come to her aid. Realizing what had happened in the reflection chamber moments later, she knew she had to flee before Edward discovered her lingering in the shadows. She quickly made her escape and hid amongst the loyal Lands’ followers until the last wave were brought out of the Lands and back into the Realm. Most people went back to the kingdoms they originated from or those that married within the Lands chose where they wished to settle. Cecilia did not have the luxury of a partnership due to Edward’s rejection, and now she found herself swamped in the drudgery of her old life. She finished her last garment and began the process of draining the tubs.

  She had but a few moments of rest before her mother sought her out to help with supper, and Cecilia quickly put away her supplies and gathered the basket she kept hidden within their single horse stable. “Where are you going?” Her mother crossed her arms as she watched Cecilia pull her cloak on and cover her head. “For a walk, Mother. I shall return shortly.”

  “Best be shortly; you have potatoes to peel. Supper does not make itself.”

  Without a retort, Cecilia slinked out of the stables and walked towards the Rollings River. She followed the curve of the river bank as it neared an enclave of trees that projected so high in the sky, she would need to lie on her back to see their tops. She pushed aside several branches and stepped over a rocky steppe. Finally, she spotted him. She laid the bucket down on the rocks. “Your food.” She announced.

  The man glanced up and nodded in acknowledgement before setting about stacking firewood. She sighed and huffed her way towards him, grabbing the ropes that bound his hands and inspected them. “This is frayed.” She held up his wrist and tossed it aside in anger. Reaching in her apron pocket she began replacing the frayed rope with a crisp strand. “All my wages are going towards these ropes. Stop fraying them.”

  “You could untie them.”


  “Why not? What is the purpose of all this?”

  Cecilia looked up into Prince Ryle’s agitated expression and a smirk tilted her lips. “Why should I be the only one who suffers?”

  “Is that really your only reasoning, Cecilia? I helped you. I had Samuel rescue you from the prison chamber. Why do you not release me and do the same? The boundary line has been gone for a while now.”

  “A year.” She clarified, knowing he possessed a skewed sense of time passing since his capture.

  “A year.” He repeated. “A year… and yet you still think there is a chance the Land of Unfading Beauty will return? And what of me? Are you hoping to hurt Edward by keeping me in restraints? I can tell you right now Edward does not care of my fate.”

  “I do not care about Edward.” Cecilia barked. “Queen Alayna must suffer.”

  “And what makes you think the Queen would care for my wellbeing after all this time?”

  “Edward spoke of her feelings for you.”

  Ryle’s brows rose. “Did he?”

  “You cannot fool me, Prince Ryle. You are more than her Captain. And she must suffer. Because of Queen Alayna, my life is completely ruined. Edward and I loved each other. He loved me! And now that the Lands are gone, I have nothing.” Her words hissed like a venomous snake. “She must feel the same punishment.”

  Ryle shook his head and sat on the ground. He tapped his finger against the iron chains bound around his ankles. He had lived in chains for more than a year now. But despite his escape from Edward in the Lands, Lancer had kidnapped him and placed him within his personal chambers until he needed him. From what Cecilia had informed Ryle that day, Lancer had been killed by Isaac and Clifton. The boundary line had fallen, and she was escaping. Only, she would be taking him with her. Out of his three captors, Cecilia was by far the most diligent. She inspected his constraints daily. Any sign of wear or slack, she replaced them. She brought him food and allowed him to drink from the river. He had constructed his shelter for weeks out of fallen limbs and logs he could scavenge within his rope’s radius. Though not a comfortable life, he felt grateful to now have a roof over his head to protect him from the elements. He sent up a silent prayer. He did not have the patience for this captivity anymore. He did not have the patience for this life, and he prayed someone would find him or that Cecilia would have a change of heart.


  Elizabeth slid from her saddle and stepped through the trees, her familiar clearing coming into view and a sense of peace filling her soul. The familiar sound of the Rollings River rushed by, the leaves rustled in the trees, and the sweet scent of green and earth filled her nostrils. She had not ventured to the clearing since her injury and sitting on her familiar boulder looking towards where the boundary line once existed, she felt a sense of home. For five years, she had sought solitude in this small oasis to converse with Edward in secret. Five years of letters and moments of sibling communication she cherished.

  It was odd that day, sitting in the conservatory. She and Melody watched the horizon, watched the shimmer of the veil that separated them from the men they loved as the battle waged. No sound ventured from the Lands, but an eerie quiet had settled across the kingdom as if everyone knew that even the slightest breath could send a ripple of disruption in their plans. So all was quiet. Elizabeth remembered the feeling of relief as she saw a bolt of light erupt within the Lands and slowly the veil began shimmering down. It appeared to melt, but no puddles remained. Then, after what seemed like ages, Clifton came back to the castle. With him came Isaac, Edward, and an extremely wounded Lancer. Alayna’s hope that Ryle would walk in next dissipated with time, and her sister’s acceptance to treat Lancer’s wounds slowly came around. Elizabeth witnessed Alayna reading over her letter from their father. A constant reminder she was doing the right thing despite her hurting heart. The evidence and actions of a true queen, Elizabeth thought proudly.

  She watched as the patch of thistles to her left began to move and Thatcher, her furry companion emerged, the small rabbit causing tears to burn her eyes. She scooped him up and began nuzzling his fur. The poor rabbit had been through much and most in part due to her. As she stroked his fur, her blue eyes travelled around the clearing, most of her targets still hanging from the trees. Smiling, she set Thatcher to his feet and walked towards her horse. She always carried her sword and now she also carried a bow. She withdrew her bow and readjusted several of her targets.

  While she had a moment’s peace to herself, she would take advantage of it. She stepped back and took her stance, the strings of her bow taut and ready. She released, and the arrow shot forwa
rd barely missing the bullseye. Grunting, she loaded another arrow and adjusted her stance. Inhaling a deep breath, she released, the arrow landing right in the middle. “Aha!” She cheered as she looked over to Thatcher and smiled. “I’ve still got it, Thatcher.” She reached down and scooped up the small rabbit. “Why don’t you come and live with me? We may have to discuss rules with Graham, but I should think you would find the Eastern Kingdom quite lovely. I would see to you, and you may live in the gardens. They’re lovely.” She kissed his head and tucked him into her robes as she swung herself into her saddle.

  She reached the top of the hill and looked out over her sister’s kingdom. Their father’s legacy. A beautiful land of rolling hills and sweet meadows. She missed the Northern markets. She used to walk them weekly, and now living in the East, she did not have the luxury as often as she’d like. She slowed her horse to a steady gait and entered the castle gates, hooves clacking against stone as she spotted King Eamon shaking King Anthony’s hand as the Western King began his preparations for departure.

  “I did not know the West planned to leave so soon?” Elizabeth asked, as she pulled her reins to a halt and slid from her saddle.

  King Anthony smiled. “My dear,” he bowed. “I return today. Isaac will remain for a few more days and then follow. He wished to spend time with Prince Clifton in regards to trade talks between the two kingdoms.

  “I see.” Elizabeth stepped forward and hugged the older man. “You will be missed.”

  Anthony smiled and lightly tapped her nose. “So much like your mother, is she not Eamon?”


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