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Once Upon A Time

Page 5

by Jo Pilsworth

  I will close this letter now. I will ask Gavril to give this letter to you only if I do not return, and then, only when you yourself find your Mate. Only then might you truly understand why I had to do what I have done. I pray to the Goddess that you will not hate me for failing you, my son.

  With all my love,

  Your Papi

  Gavril Negrescu

  Sion never returned from his intended harvest of those who had been responsible for the murder of his Mate, Lili. My heart was heavy as I made my way to the Pack Nursery that night. Sion and Lili’s little one lay sleeping in his cot, his soul uncluttered by the pain felt by his sire on losing his Mate. Leaning over the cot railings, I had stroked the infant male’s head, and I remembered the promise that I had made to his sire.

  “One day, Rhys Jones, I will be able to tell you the whole story. One day.” I murmured.

  A meeting of mates

  Owain Ap Idris Cadwaladr and Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  Owain Ap Idris Cadwaladr

  It would be very easy to forget, with the birth of the twins, Bran's Mating to Alix and the forthcoming Challenges, where those Gosselin bastards are going to try to cheat their way to victory, that the rest of our lives still have to continue.

  For me, that means, as joint Beta, running one of the Pack's other businesses, our bar in the Catskills, The Hunter's Arrow. It seems that wherever the Pack is located, we have a Hunter's Arrow, because it was the same in the Carpathians, and I ran that place also. Still, come evening, I was down there, opening the bar up.

  Midweek, and this close to Yule, I was not expecting the place to be busy, but still, I made sure that everything was ready: ice in the buckets, shelves stocked with both beers and soft drinks, glassware immaculate. When you have been running bars for as long as I have, some of this is just second nature.

  Then there was the other preparation. Yes, my crossbow was within easy reach, and the longbow in its stand, unstrung, but ready. Arrows, casually, hanging nearby. After all, the place was called Hunter's Arrow. They were just props, were they not? Or not? After all, it takes me about fifteen seconds to string, nock and shoot from my longbow. Any troublemakers in the bar? And, hey, it is a lot quieter than a gun.

  But I digress. Bar all set up, Music on the system: a mix tape of rock from the 1970s to present day. I busied myself working on training schedules for the Pack younglings, whilst keeping my eyes on the door, and the people coming in and out. With the Challenges, we were watching out for unexpected visitors, but given the time of year, it was likely that I would only see regulars in tonight.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  Winter have arrived, and with it the pros and cons. For me one of the cons was watching families together, couples spend time, together, walking through the snow with arms around each other, perhaps one partner dropping a kiss on the reddened nose of the other. It was not that was bad or against anything. It just reminded me what I had lost. On the other hand work is always busy which means my mind will be occupied tending to the customers, restocking shelves with items as clothing and personal items, toys for the kids. And of course, there is another good thing about winter is the opportunity of taking great photographs.

  As usual today was bound to be one of those days where nothing seems calm. To start, I was woken up by that nightmare, the same nightmare that have been haunting me since that awful day where I lost them. Would it have been better if I had a clear recollection of that day? That was a question I asked myself constantly. Instead all I have is a flash of an image, the sound, the screaming which I knew came from my Mama, her voice calling for Papa and then the silence, until I heard a voice saying that I was alive. Mama and Papa were gone and I was alone.

  It is not easy to have that feeling always, that anything you do is wrong, that there is no one to catch you when you fall. But then, we are never alone, there is always someone watching us. Or at least that's how I think.

  After arriving at work, of course after the usual morning routine, I clocked in and was met by the stare of my boss, who apparently did not have a good night. All day I worked non-stop. Break? What break? It was Christmas, and there were customers waiting, shelves to be restocked. We were all busy, but the fact that I wasn't even able to take my break was stressful, I could feel my anxiety building up and I was afraid of it. Luckily for me, it wouldn’t long until I could clock out.

  Walking down the street my hands were shaky, but I was glad to be out from those walls. ''I need a drink.'' was all I said and made my way to a bar nearby. The Hunter's Arrow, it was called, and it was a nice place from the outside. I don't go there often, only when I felt tense, because for some reason, the ebb and flow of people seemed to calm me and reassure me, unlike in the store. Walking in, my eyes look around as usual I enjoyed the view. Approaching the bar, I found a seat and for a moment, I just stared at the shelves, stocked with liquor. I've always been bad at deciding what I want.

  My eyes fell on the bartender, and I stared at him for quite a few long seconds, to not say awkward, minutes and I just smiled. ''Hey, may I have something not too strong and not too soft?'' I asked, my voice is soft, nothing like those others who take almost all the pub. I tapped my fingers to the counter hoping that he understands me...not many do.

  Owain Cadwalader

  I had seen the young lady before. She was an 'infrequent regular' and had caught my eye. Very attractive little human that she was. I don't mind admitting that I like looking. Humans are such a fascinating species, and over my life, I have learned much from simple observation.

  But today, something seemed amiss. Was it tension? No, my instincts said it was something more. Indicating to the other Pack member working the bar, I smiled at her question.

  "Something not too strong and not too soft? How about a long rum and coke? The coke will dilute the alcohol down." I suggested to her.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  Watching him for a moment while he spoke about a drink, I smiled. My eyes scanned his features. "That sounds good. What about cranberry juice? Instead of coke I mean." I suggested in return, since I am more of a juice person than soda.

  I opened my purse to pay for the drink, but was surprised when the large hand was placed gently over mine. I looked up at the bartender in surprise.

  “It’s Christmas. Let’s say this one is on the house.”

  Owain Cadwalader

  Seeing the human jump at the loud noise behind her, instinctively, I extended the sense of calm which Gavril, Bran and I can do, murmuring as I did, "Sois calme, ma petite". As she reached for her purse, I smiled.

  "This one is on the house." I suggested. "You look like you have had one of those days."

  I smiled again. "I would be a pretty poor barman if I didn't offer a sympathetic ear. I am Owain, by the way. I know you have been in before, but as I recall, you have always been on your own. Can't help but wonder why?"

  I passed over her drink, measuring just enough juice to leave the warm taste of the rum, without it being overpowering. I handed her a bowl of snacks to go with it.

  "Not quite buying you dinner, I admit." I smiled.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  It was odd, how calm I felt suddenly, it was comforting and a good feeling. One I didn't have often, so I gladly welcomed it. "Thank you, you're kind." I said while taking the glass and listening to him. Lifting the glass to my lips I took a small sip to taste it and I loved it. He had been right to suggest it; it was soft yet I could feel the liquor moving past my throat, warming me inside.

  "Yeah, I've had one of those days. It was just, not so good." I said while scrunching my nose. I thought he was kind for wanting to hear my complaints about my day. It's not often you find people like him. But as much as I tried I couldn't be as open as I would have wanted.

  "No, I'm ok, just bad day at work. Too many people … and … well that's because I am alone. In all the sense of the word alone." I nodded but shrugged at the same time, not really willing to exp
lain to a total stranger about losing my parents, and quickly put the glass to my lips taking another sip from it, a slightly more generous sip was more than before.

  My eyes fell on the snack bowl and when he made the slight joke I laughed. At least some people knew how to make someone laugh without knowing them well. "Well, this will have to suffice but for next time please remember you will owe me more than just that snack mix. " I joked back trying to let my funny friendly side out. I didn't want to scare him off. I actually enjoyed his company so far.

  "I've seen you around when I came before. Mostly your back ... but yeah." I chuckled a bit and smiled. He had a nice back too, his shirt often hugged his body perfectly, and just after that thought I felt my cheeks burn with a blush. And for the first time in a long time I was glad he couldn't read minds or anyone around for that matter. I quickly cleared my throat and spoke. "Uhm, so, tell me about you now. How has your day been?"

  Owain Cadwalader

  I smiled at the human's deft attempt to deflect the questions away from her own situation. "I like that plan." I commented. "Providing you with a proper meal, I mean. This time of year? It's a rough time to be alone."

  I watched her take a slightly larger sip of her drink than before, and again offered the snack bowl. "You might want some food in your stomach, with that drink."

  Her comments about my back made my smile wider, particularly as I could read her surface thoughts that she hoped I couldn't do just that. So, she thought I had a nice back?

  "My day? It's been busy. My foster brother is taking part in a big ... sporting contest. Winter endurance, and that sort of thing, so the whole family has been helping him prepare." It was stretching the truth a little, but how would you explain something like a Goddess-ordained Mating to a human, or that said Mating had to be confirmed by Challenge? "Working here is a bit of relief, to be honest."

  Pouring myself a long glass of one of Angharad's herbal teas, I came to sit beside her. "So, what's your idea of a good night out? I notice you never stay for the whole evening, despite saying you are alone." I was seized with a sudden inspiration.

  "Look, we are having a bit of a do, as they say, at my eldest brother's place, tomorrow evening. Snowball fight in the afternoon, and food and drinks afterwards. How about you come as my 'plus one', you know, my guest. Like I said, it's the wrong time of year to be alone."

  Merida Danivier-Cadwaladr

  I took the bowl, and then took a pretzel, biting in to it, its crunchy saltiness it was good. "I bet sports in winter must be something ... not that easy, I mean with the snow and all." I watched him sit at my side, deciding that the company was enjoyable, good company was always a plus. "Well, we think alike about work. I don't really like my work at the store, but it keeps my mind busy. It’s supposed to be part-time, but at this time of year, things just seem to go crazy. Restocking things over and over again when people change the items and make a mess can be fun … at times."

  I glanced at his drink, then back at him . There was something intriguing about him. "Well, I don't go out much so call me silly but, I actually enjoy tranquillity, open spaces, normal amount of people … that's why I don't stay much here. I like it, but it is small, too closed for my liking. I'm more of a fresh air kind of girl." I relaxed my shoulders some and took one more look around as I spoke.

  Was he inviting me out .... that's new ... should I accept ... what if he is a psycho ... like in those movies .... all my thoughts running at a fast pace, but my mouth acted suddenly and accepted. "Sure, sounds like fun. It wouldn't be nice to spend it alone. Especially if someone like you is around, would be a waste if I didn't accept ...." Blinking a few times, I think I've spoken enough, suddenly conscious that it sounded like I was babbling.

  I had taken a deep breath and held it in before I let it out and took another go at my drink. I played with one of the pretzels before I looked at it ..."The irony of pretzels … they have a heart shape, they are salty, and breaks easily...." I chuckled and then smiled at my words. "I mean ... I see a resemblance .... at times .... not all the time .... anyway, what's your idea of a good night out?"

  Owain Cadwalader

  I smiled as the human accepted my invitation to the party planned for the weekend. The smile was also because of her bubbling thoughts as she decided whether or not it was safe to accept my invitation. It would have been interesting to see her reaction if I admitted to being able to read her thoughts, but it was also better if, as a human, she remained unaware that 60% of the 'people' in the bar had the ability to shift to a variety of the 'pawed and furry' brigade.

  "You know you haven't actually told me your name." I pointed out to her. I smiled again. "It will be a bit difficult to introduce you to my brother and sister-in-law, as ‘the really nice girl who comes into the Hunter's Arrow’. It would be easier to have a name." I pointed out, with a laugh in my voice.

  Picking up a handful of pretzels, I contemplated them for a moment. "I have never really thought of pretzels that way." Popping the aforementioned objects in my mouth, I finished it. "I think of them more as something to satisfy my somewhat large appetite, to be honest. "So, my idea of a good night out?" I looked thoughtful for a moment. I was the joint Beta. I didn't actually have much opportunity for a night out, in that way, since either Bran or I had to be 'on call' for any emergencies It was a habit from the days of WW2, when villagers might need our assistance at short notice.

  "I suppose, if I am not working? I would say, I like to go for a run." Again, the human was not to know that by 'run', I meant, shift to wolf and run and hunt in the Catskill Mountains around our home. "Even now, with the snow on the ground, it is still enjoyable. Night time is my favourite time, because the world changes so much. Animals that you wouldn't see during the day come out, when they think the predators can't catch them. Only the predators know this, so they are lying in wait." I popped another handful of pretzels in my mouth. "Daytime is also fascinating. The forests around here, and elsewhere are so completely different to the area in which I grew up, that I don't think I could tire of them."

  Taking a sip of my tea, I tipped my head at the human. "So, would you like me to pick you up tomorrow? I know you walked here, as your shoes had snow on them when you arrived. My brother's place is a bit out of town, but I can come give you a lift, if you don't want to drive."

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  "Well my name is Merida, but I wouldn't mind to be introduced as the nice girl." I smile to him, my voice softer than before due to the alcohol already running through my system. I am not used to drink a lot, usually two beers or one strong drink. "I couldn't agree with you more. you seem like built to have a big appetite. You have the body for it."

  After finishing my drink my eyes stare into his, two pool of chocolate and gosh I like chocolate .... I wonder what is he thinking about, he seems like the kind of guy who is most of the time thinking, most of the time deep in thought maybe? My thoughts were interrupted by his question about picking me up. That's when I realize he was being real about taking me with him as his plus one. "Uh, sure .... sounds good, we can meet here or at my home I don't live far from here. "

  My shoes hadn’t been covered with snow, just a sprinkling, yet he was attentive, always looking at what was happening around him, even the smallest thing ... I wonder what else he had noticed? While I was thinking again my eyes fell on his facial features, his carved nose, his jawline and his lips. I find myself swallowing then, my eyes move to his chest then, a broad chest, and his arms .... hmmm ... I chew the insides of my cheek and then look away. "You know what, I think I need a shot and then call it a night." I nodded to reassure myself before i look at him again.

  Owain Cadwalader

  Watching the human stare at me, coupled with her comments about my body and the swallowing as her eyes take in my features, I suppress my smile. Damn, but I think I put too much rum in that drink I served her, or not enough juice. Either way, the poor thing was well on her way to being more than a bit ti

  She nodded, commenting that maybe she would just have another drink, before calling it a night. Gently, I took the glass from her.

  "I think, perhaps, I put a bit too much rum in that first drink, Merida." Lovely name, I thought to myself. It rolled off the tongue. "It would be a shame if you felt rough before tomorrow's get-together." On purpose, I was avoiding any words which implied big crowds or noisy gatherings. Given how she had jumped at the noise earlier, I had a suspicion that noise might be an issue for her. The Goddess knew that, as a Pack, particularly when the younglings became excited, as they would with a snowball fight planned, we were a noisy bunch. And somehow, I didn't want her put off by that first encounter with us.

  "How about I give you a lift home, or at least walk you home, if it is not too far? That way I will know from where I need to collect you tomorrow." I forestalled any refusal, by nodding at the Pack member sharing bar duties, and telling them, via mind link where I was going.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  ''Oh, I am fine … I don't think that drink had too much ... I'm just a light weight .... hehe.'' I smile and look at him as he spoke. I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time. Butterflies. It tingled in my stomach making me wonder why. ''Get-together … I like that it sounds simple. Though I must say I am bad at sports so I might fail if I play snowball fight.''


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