Once Upon A Time

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Once Upon A Time Page 6

by Jo Pilsworth

  A lift home sounded good, but walking sounded much better, because I know if I stay too much time sitting, I won't be able to get up, so to not make a fool of myself I just nodded, plus, he was sure about it, so there would be no refusing. ''I actually think walking is better, I am just a few blocks away. Two to be exact; plus we have a good night.''

  As I spoke, I started to stand up, making sure to not do it abruptly so I don't fall, though I was sure I could walk perfectly. Just in case, I grab some more pretzels and pop three in my mouth, taking in the saltiness and the texture. ''Oh gosh have you tried pretzels and peanut butter. It's a good treat, if you haven't you should.'' I smiled as I walked to the door and looked back, just to see him walk behind me.

  Making my way out, the cold breeze hit my face and I breathed through my teeth. A shiver ran down my body and I wrapped my arms around my torso and took a glance at him. '' I love cold ... but this breeze .... geez.''

  Owain Cadwalader

  As a Cŵn Annwn, I don't need to wear the usual heavy clothing that humans use for winter, but for effect, I had shrugged on a down jacket, along with a scarf and hat. Seeing someone walk down a snow-bound road in shirt-sleeves would just raise more questions than would be needed.

  Of course, it gave me a fantastic opportunity for another one of those interesting human habits I had observed over the years: the sight of a male with his arm around a female, protecting her from the elements. Yes, I had seen Gavril and Aaleahya out walking the same way, but it wasn't something I did. The lack of a partner was the main reason.

  So, smiling, I extended my arm to Merida. "There are advantages to my being built like the proverbial outhouse, you know. How about I use some of this bulk as a wind-break." I suggested. "No pressure." I hurry to reassure her.

  Chapter 2

  Gavril Negrescu

  As I came downstairs, I had to stand to one side, as another group of Pack younglings came squealing down the stairs, muffled up in hats, coats and gloves. Their destination was the rear grounds of Negrescu Hall, as they and other groups prepared piles of snowballs for the forthcoming snowball battle.

  Their school lessons for the day had finished an hour earlier just so that they could prepare, with Bran and Alix supervising preparations. In the kitchens, mountains of food had been prepared, and large vats of mulled wine had been simmering. A spiced fruit punch had been prepared for those who didn't wish to have any alcoholic drinks.

  As much as Zarek, Owain and Bran had planned tonight's party as a surprise for Aaleahya and me, as Alpha, it would have been a bit difficult for me to not be aware of a party involving the whole Pack, in my own home. Still, I like a good party as much as anyone, and we had the added interest that Owain was bringing a human to the event. Other guests were also expected.

  It would be an interesting evening, without a doubt.

  Angharad Lloyd

  Angharad Lloyd I love the sound of happy children and handed them all my homemade peppermint sticks as they ran by. “No running with them in your mouth.” I have no idea if they heard me so I just shook my head and went back to the kitchen. “Tell me what to do Eira, I’m too antsy to sit still and wait for Owain to get back with his mystery date. Can you believe it?”

  “Ah Angharad, there is hope for everyone if that one finds a mate.” Eira’s laugh was full and rather loud so I peered around her shoulder to see half of the Ginger Brandy gone from her bottle. “Celebrating early aren’t we Eira?” I scooted out of the way as she snapped a dish towel my way and then pointed to a tray of sandwiches. “Now get that tray out to the guest’s healer and leave my celebraten alone.”

  I shook my head and popped a finger sandwich in my mouth and hipped open the door to the receiving hall. The noise got amplified when the pack members saw fresh food heading their way so I swirled and dipped to keep them away. “Paws off the food until after the outside festivities. You’ve had enough.” Ren bumped my hip with his but I was ready and stood firmly in place. My smile was haughty as I turned around, feet spread to guard the table. “You need to try harder than that Ren. Now go, destroy a snow fort or something. Just watch out for feisty healers or you just may need them to patch you up later. Of course they began laughing and Griff grabbed me in a firemans hold while Ren raided enough sandwiches for them.

  “Griff, set her down quickly and run.” Ren was already heading to the door when Griff all but threw me down and hightailed it after him. I just roll my eyes and pick up the half empty tray and go back in to face Eira.

  Bran Cadwgan

  Watching the Pack younglings charge through the Hall, I followed at a slightly slower pace, since I was supposed to be supervising the preparations for the snowball fight. Groups had been detailed to build barricades and 'snow forts' behind which piles of snowballs lay ready. Alix had agreed that she would not be outside playing, but was staying indoors with Aaleahya and the twins.

  Even though the first of the Challenges would not take place until Monday, I was cautious as to whether her birth pack would try anything, against either of us. Let me rephrase that. I knew that they would try something against me, and I expected it to be during the first Challenge, the biathlon. I knew Gavril was keeping me on light duties until the Challenges, but I also knew that it was not because he doubted me.

  Still this afternoon and tonight was not about the Challenges, other than a sideways celebration of my finding my Mate. This was fun, plain and simple, the sort of fun that we used to have when Gavril, Owain and I had been younglings ourselves in the hills of North Wales.

  It was long overdue.

  Owain Cadwalader

  Watching the squealing Pack younglings on the way out to the rear of the Hall, I had a wide smile on my face, both for their excitement, and for the fact that my fellow Beta, Bran, had something that looked suspiciously like a smile on his lips as he supervised. Alix had clearly had a huge impact on my serious friend.

  I felt slightly nervous, as I grabbed the keys for my Landrover Defender, on my way to collect Merida from her apartment. Given her nervous reaction to the noise in Hunter's Arrow, was I going to be doing more harm than good by bringing her to a Pack event like this?

  I hoped not.

  The 3.5 litre V8 engine of the Landrover ate up the miles to Merida's apartment, and I sat there for a moment, letting the engine idle. I had dated other humans before through the years, but for some reason, this particular human called to me.

  Well, there was no point in wasting time. Cutting the engine, I climbed out, the snow crunching under my boots, as I locked the door, and made my way to the apartment Merida had indicated. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on her door.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  I hadn’t been so nervous in a long time, in fact I wasn't used to going on dates, or out at all, especially with a guy as handsome as Owain. After gathering some courage, I managed to get ready, I paced my room while looking at my phone. I didn't have his number so there was no point on checking it. Just a nervous gesture, I suppose. Taking a last glance at my reflection on the mirror I smiled to the results, simply casual, comfortable and warm. Making my way in the kitchen I prepared myself a tea to try and calm my nerves.

  I had almost finished my tea, when I hear the knock on my door. My heart jumps and I clean my cup before walking to the door. Upon opening it, my lips curve in a smile. He looked even more handsome now under the light of day. "Hey you. I am glad you remembered my address. I'm ready … of course.”

  I gave a shy, slightly embarrassed laugh and walked out. Locking my door, I accompanied him to the car, putting my seatbelt on, he is one of those fast drivers. I was really hoping that the drive was not awkwardly quiet and that we arrived at our destination quickly. Then I realised what I had thought. I wanted him to drive safely but we arrive quickly. But small spaces are not my thing, not given the circumstances with which I associate cars. I can’t help but sneak looks at him as he is driving, wondering what he is thinking.

  Owain Cadwalader
  Noting the slight tension as Merida buckled herself into the Landrover, I was glad I brought the 'workhorse' instead of the speedier Porsche.

  "I thought I had best warn you. My brother's home has several children living there. I didn't want you to worry about the sudden noise or anything. It is a sort of group home, but not." It was difficult explaining a Pack home to a human.

  "I think the plan is to have the snowball fight, and then eat until we are stuffed. There will be a spare bedroom for you, if you don't fancy going home afterwards, or I am a designated driver for the evening, so I can bring you home."

  The powerful Landrover engine ate up the return journey, but I slowed down slightly, glancing at Merida. "Are you sure you want to do this? We can turn round and go somewhere else if you would rather?" I commented, as she glanced at me.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  "Oh it's fine … I am used to people ..." Not really but hey I could try, for him at least. I enjoyed the ride, it was calming, looking out the window but I was surprised when I heard him speak about turning around. I smiled more, knowing someone would just change plans for me. "I actually want to go. I need to change my way of socializing ..... which is almost non-existent." I chuckled and looked at him again.

  "You look handsome." As soon as I said that I blushed, a soft tint of pink. "I can work with snowball fight, eating, and having fun, though I wouldn't want to be intruding and needing to stay, but I think it would be pleasant if it ends late so you don't have to drive back and forth. I bet you will be exhausted at the end.''. As I speak, I looked out the window and my eyes widened a bit as I saw the house; it was more than I had expected, yet looked cosy.

  "Is that it?" I asked him as he parked and I unbuckled my seatbelt.

  Owain Cadwalader

  Taking Merida by the hand, I led her towards the Hall, smiling in encouragement. I was still not sure why this human aroused such protective instincts in me, more so than any other human I had dated. Then there was the fact that Merida was also the first human I had wanted to bring back to Negrescu Hall. It was all very confusing.

  Gavril was waiting in the Hall entrance, talking to Bran about the preparations. Clearly preparing the mountains of snowballs and other paraphernalia for a decent length snowball fight took a lot of effort, as Bran was explaining that, as the temperature was falling, he was bringing the younglings back indoors, for food and refreshments. Depending on the weather later in the early evening, and the following day, he and Gavril would decide whether to let the younglings play.

  "Gavril, this is my date, Merida." I introduced her.

  Gavril Negrescu

  Looking at the slight form of the human holding Owain's hand, the first thing that struck me was that she was small, at least in comparison to my old friend and Pack Beta.

  "I am pleased to meet you, Merida." I glanced in the direction of the stairs. "My wife is upstairs at the moment. She is just putting our twins down before joining us." I smiled. "I must say, we were all curious when Owain said he was bringing a date, so I hope we won't overwhelm you with that curiousity."

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  Feeling his hand take mine I blush. As we walk in I look at the surroundings. The house looked bigger on the inside. When he spoke to the man standing in the middle, I actually felt nervous, more than I was. This man was somewhat bigger and more intimidating than Owain was. That made me wonder if they all looked the same. If so, it was bound to be an eventful night.

  "Hello,Sir ... nice to meet you. " I said politely, then regret calling him a Sir. What if he didn't like that or if he felt offended .... though Sir is a respectful thing ... stop thinking so much Meri. Holding my hand out to Gavril for a shake. What if his hand crushes mine? ... "Oh don't worry, I will enjoy talking to everyone, plus, I bet he have brought someone before me, he is handsome."

  I internally rolled my eyes and sighed. Then looked at him and smile. "Nice home. It's big but feels cosy."

  Gavril Negrescu

  Projecting calm in the direction of the human, Merida, was something I did almost without thinking, as I took her hand. That touch told me something of her history: loss of her parents in a car accident, which left her with a fear of loud noise, as Owain had suspected. Yet, she seemed willing to try to face those fears, which was more than many would have done.

  "No need to go all formal on me, Merida." I reassured her. "And certainly, no need to call me Sir. It looks like we may have to postpone the snowball fight, as the temperature is dropping outside, but there is food aplenty that needs eating."

  I smiled. "Did Owain mention that, if you wish, you are more than welcome to stay the night. As you might guess, spare rooms are not a problem here. That way, you can relax and enjoy yourself."

  Angharad Lloyd

  I was still smiling softly after watching Aaleahya put the twins to bed as I walked down the stairs. Then slowly my smile changed as I watched Owain with the small female. I didn’t want to crowd her and waited until Gavril has his formal meeting before moving forward.

  “Hello, I’m Angharad. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I held out my hand in greeting and hoped she will feel comfortable. I’m actually worried about Owain’s concern for her wellbeing as much as her actual wellbeing. “Aaleahya should be down soon so would you like something to drink in the meantime?”

  Merida Davinier

  "Thank you Gavril, yes, he did mention it. Thank you for the offer, I might accept it." Everyone here gave me some sort of calm I don't understand.

  Watching the female approach, she was so pretty, I kind of felt a bit out of place, everyone looked so handsome and pretty. “I'm Merida nice to meet you Angharad..." Wow that name is a tongue twister .... I hoped I had pronounced it correctly.

  "Oh, I would like just water, if it's not too much to ask. " I smiled to her and looked at Owain who had been glued to my side, which reassured me even more. Everyone had been so welcoming; I was starting to feel glad I had agreed to come here.

  Aaleahya Negrescu

  I was putting the finishing touches to my outfit: a necklace my love gave me when I became pregnant with Ekaterina with matching earrings. They go beautifully with my russet dress that I chose to wear to the party. I entered the nursery and the twins are wide awake cooing and giggling. They are growing so fast. “Well my little darlings are you ready to meet your family?” I asked them as I went through their clothes, selecting their outfits. The young females begged me to hand over the outfits, wanting to help me. I sat in a chair as they hurriedly dressed the twins, placing them in my arms so I could hold them.

  Running my finger against their soft cheeks I headed down to the hall. I smiled as I saw Gavril; my Mate was checking to make sure everything was in order. I noticed Alix and Bran and could sense their happiness. Owain was with his date: a very pretty young human female who seemed to be a little overwhelmed with all the noise. Going over to her and Owain, I introduced myself and the twins to her, hoping to put her at ease.

  Angharad Lloyd

  The young greeted us so nicely when they entered and I tipped my head slightly with a smile. "Good evening to you also." I walked to the kitchen and winked at the little pup in the back of the line. "Owain? I'll fetch her water, you stay and visit with your guest."

  I pushed through the kitchen door and heard a slight “oof” as I felt the door hit someone. "Eira, get away from the door." I whispered low so no one could hear and went inside to see two children giggling in the corner. Eira followed me to the refrigerator with a rather excited look. "Ah that female is a pretty one isn't she? So tiny and delicate next to our Owain." I grinned at her as I poured the filtered water into her glass. "Yes she is quite lovely Eira and seems to be relaxed enough around us. You know how formidable we can be at times." Eira laughed loudly and shooed the children from the sweets on the counter. I shook my head in humour and went back to the reception hall to give her the glass of water.

  Gavril Negrescu

  Smiling at the youn
glings respectful greeting, I endeavoured to diffuse the formality. Shrugging, I grinned at them. "Thank you for showing our guest that you can be well behaved. And now, the bad news. According to Bran, the weather has deteriorated, so the snowball fight will have to wait until tomorrow."

  At the groans of dismay, I held up my hand. "However, to make up for it, go back to Eira and tell her I said that you may all have two cookies each with your evening milk." The grins were more than happy with that outcome, as they turned back towards the kitchens area.

  Turning back to Owain, I shrugged again. "I know that you have brought a guest with you, brother." Remembering in time that I was supposed to be his brother. "But, I need to discuss the details of the competition on Monday, and Bran's support teams. The route may have to change at the last minute if the temperature drops further."

  I turned to my Mate, "Aaleahya, may I ask you and Angharad to entertain Owain's guest, please? And I have told her that she may stay the night, if it gets late."

  Merida Davinier

  Watching the younglings line up and greet the man, I frowned a bit, confused with their way of acting but try to not make it obvious. "Oh nice to meet you Miss. How lovely the twins are? They are so cute. " I smiled looking at them, not least because I have a soft spot for kids.


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