Once Upon A Time

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Once Upon A Time Page 7

by Jo Pilsworth

  I look at Owain since I can't contain my curiosity and ask, "Why did they line up?" I tried to whisper to Owain, while glancing at them.

  Aaleahya Negrescu

  Smiling at Merida and then at my mate Gavril Negrescu, I commented, “The twins wouldn't go to bed they are just excited as the rest of the house.” They cooed and waved their hands as they knew I was talking about them.

  “Merida would you take Liszka for me please. I need to give my arm a break.” I handed over Liszka and watched as Merida smiled at her. Liszka grabbed her finger and tried to put it in her mouth I giggled softly as I tried to stop her from putting Merida's finger in her mouth knowing she is teething and pups have sharp teeth even in human form.

  Matyas wanted attention and began to fuss. Jostling him to calm him I went in search of a seat. Angharad approached in with a bottle, and I could not but smile at her, telling her she was godsend and thanked her.

  Angharad Lloyd

  "There, now everyone is taken care of, almost. I'm going to get some mulled wine. The smell has been making my mouth water for hours. Would either of you like some?" Merida shook her head no and held up her glass. "I'm fine, thank you Angharad." You can tell she was unsure of the pronunciation so I smiled. "You're saying it correctly and some just call me Garad. I answer to about anything. Aaleahya? May I bring you anything? A bottle for Liszka too, even though she doesn't pack away the bottles like Matyas does."

  Merida Davinier

  I can't help but smile and blush as Owain kissed my hand, it was such a romantic gesture. "Oh its ok, don't worry, I wouldn't want to keep you. I will be fine."

  When he left, I took one of the twins and cooed at her; she was so cute trying to put my finger in her mouth as to I tickled her to take her mind off it.

  "How old are they? "I asked the mother while poking her nose. Watching the baby giggle and coo I smiled, as I took a sip from the glass of water. It was refreshing. "So what do you girls do around here?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

  Aaleahya Negrescu

  Smiling I answered Merida’s question on the age of the twins. I cannot tell her that they were only five days old. Given that they are Cŵn Annwn they developed at a fast rate. “Merida they are three months old and are now teething. I do have to say I am blessed that they are not cranky as most babies are when this occurs. Let’s go to the sitting room shall we and I will show you what I do when I am not busy with the children.”

  The pack younglings rushed by stopping in their tracks to see the babies as we have kept them away until today. “Angharad my friend, why don't you come in and join us.” I suggested. I sent the younglings to the TV room where I have Christmas movies playing on the large screen. We entered the sitting room where the library is lined with books. Waving my hand around, I commented, “I like to relax by reading. I read anything and everything. If you want to borrow any of the books we have, please feel free Merida.”

  Angharad Lloyd

  I settled into one of the leather chairs and sipped my mulled wine. I would have to remember to find out who made it and compliment them on the mixture. "I should tell you that I'm the, ah I'm an herbalist and practice holistic medicine. So if you ever need any advice or help with anything, please let me know. Odds are I can help you out."

  I smiled and raise my glass to her. "I think lately my herbal teas have been the most requested. Lots of stress this time of year as you can imagine." I hear a thud and then some yelling from the TV room, so I stood up and waved Aaleahya down. "I've got it. Besides, I think they're afraid of me. I'll be right back."

  Merida Davinier

  I couldn’t get enough of the baby I was holding, she was just too cute and soft. It was amazing, and oddly good how calm I felt around these people. Around people I have never met before. As Garad and Aaleahya spoke, I smiled, while my mind was everywhere, thinking about them all. Living together like a big family.

  I needed to use the restroom after drinking water, so I asked for directions and, once I had them pointed out, I handed the baby to one of the girls and walked away. Once there I looked at my reflection, I had a relaxed expression on my face. It was strange because that is because that’s how I felt, and I wasn’t tired of thinking about it.

  When I walked back, I saw Owain leaning against a door frame, and I smiled. Walking to him I poked his side gently. “Hey there handsome.” I said with a shy smile. That would be my nickname for him from now on, of course when no one was around because I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. I watched him smile and that was even more amazing. We spoke for some time before he suggested that we went to eat. It seemed that they had a big dining room, and yet the noise of so many people didn’t seem so bad, not with Owain next to me. The night was falling slowly, giving us time to enjoy it. After some food, we both had tea. It was a good tea, nothing that I had ever tasted but it was good. I found myself liking it.

  At the time I looked at the clock, it was past nine, and I was starting to yawn. “I think I will accept the offer of staying the night.” Owain nodded, and smiling at me, offered me a hand to help me up from the table bench, saying that he would show me to a room. I was nervous. I mean I was in a house full of strangers, and the guy I like was walking me to the room I would be using. Would he want to stay in the same room? That thought made me rub the back of my neck as he pointed out that we were close to the room. But to my surprise, he just showed me where everything was, he kissed my forehead, a gesture that melted my heart, and with yet another smile of his, taking away my breath he walked to the door, wished me a good night and left. I wished him the same and prepared myself to sleep.

  Last night I fell asleep pretty fast, but was woke up abruptly by that recurring nightmare. Thankfully I didn’t scream, or else they all would be rushing in the room by now. My heart just pounded as usual. Looking at my phone, it was 5am. I moved around the room, I hadn’t brought any clothing, but almost like if reading my mind, a girl walked in with a bunch of clothing for me to try on. I thanked her and started to try them on after a warm shower. We spoke some I asked about the activities they usually had. She didn’t speak too much claiming she had some other things to do and she would chat more later. I smiled and thanked her once more. Once I was ready I made my way downstairs since the girl told me about breakfast with them. Walking downstairs it was almost seven.

  Walking around I heard Owain speak, so I walked to where he was and smiled. “Morning … Um, thank you for the clothing … How was your night?” Sitting by his side I looked around and smiled to the others. “How was everyone’s night?”

  Even though I had calmed down from the nightmare, I was still seeing images from that day, but as soon as I moved closer to him I felt at ease. And that made me let out a deep breath. “Can I help with breakfast?” I wanted to help, they were so nice to me that I wanted to repay them in any way possible.

  Gavril Negrescu

  Coming down to the communal dining area, I noticed that Owain was seated with his human, Merida, and hid the smile that threatened to appear on my lips. My old friend had made a habit of flitting from female to female, turning it into an art form in the way that he had never settled on any one female. Studying the human species, he had called it.

  Yet, here, he was paying attention to this human girl. Assiduous attention, and I knew that he had not spent the night with her, having shown her to a room, and then, just left her, returning to his own suite. In the morning, he had asked one of the teenage females if she had some clothing that could be loaded to Merida, and would the female mind taking those clothes to the human. This was not the Owain that most of those past females would have recognised, and it was fascinating.

  If I didn't know better, I would say his behaviour was akin to mating behaviour, but a human?

  Angharad Lloyd

  I stretched my back while walking into the kitchen area intent on some coffee. Tea will come later as right now I want the bracing effects of a strong cup of coffee. I heard everyone in the o
ther room and smiled at the sense of family that I missed when traveling. Don’t get me wrong, I love my time alone but there is nothing like belonging. After taking a sip of a perfect mixture of coffee and cream, I decided it was time to face the crowd and entered the dining room.

  I saw Merida looking a bit tense and bless Owain’s heart, he was doing his best to calm her. I found that I enjoyed seeing him like this, so attentive to her. It was a shame she was human though, as lifespan differences can break a heart. I knew that all too well. But today we could forget all that and enjoy the here and now. I nodded at the pack members and stepped to Merida with a smile. “Good morning Merida. I hope you slept well. Would you like something to drink before breakfast? There is some great coffee or some of my own tea blends if you prefer.”

  Merida Davinier

  I found myself leaning to his caress by instinct. It soothed my mind. And I just shook my head. "Nothing to worry about, I am ok. Thank you for the clothes." As I smiled to him more, I had taken his hand give him a kiss on the palm of his hand. Hearing Garad’s voice, I looked to her and smiled.

  "Oh I slept perfectly, thanks for asking. Everyone seems so, great in the mornings, calmed without any tension. Is it like that always?" I smiled more and then nodded at her question. "I actually would love coffee. If you guys make coffee as you all cook, I think I might have come to heaven .... and a plus on the side." I said and looked at Owain. "How did you all sleep? Had a good night?"

  Gavril Negrescu

  [Open ML to Owain] Your little human has a reoccurring nightmare. I can't tell what it is about without probing, but I suspect it may relate to her fear of loud noises. [end ML]

  I smiled at Merida. "I slept as well as might be expected, considering the twins are teething. I let Aaleahya sleep in, considering that she was up more than me last night."

  "And the food? Well, we are an active group." I shrugged. "What can I say, we like our food." Nodding at Owain. "Why don't you sort out some food for Merida. I want to put a tray together for Aaleahya."

  Angharad Lloyd

  “I’ll put your coffee right here Merida.” I set the cup on the table, I smiled, knowing it was next to where Owain usually sat. Then I place mine at my spot with another smile. It’s uncanny how people gravitate to the same chairs and parking spots time after time.

  As I put the third slice of thick cut bacon on my plate I sneaked a peek at Merida to see that she has a well-rounded plate of food. I had known she didn’t sleep all that well or probably hadn’t in quite a while. I’ll have to gather a few things for her to take home plus a diet plan. It may not help the underlying cause of her discomfort but it may help with the symptoms.

  “I have a few things to gather together and deliver today. Gavril, what time did you plan the snowball fight? There is no way I will miss that.” I grin at Merida and wink. “It’s my only chance to payback a few people and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  Merida Davinier

  Looking into Owain's eyes when he stroked my cheek again, it sent a gentle shiver through my spine. "Oh those babies are so cute." I commented as I stood, thanking for the coffee, the sight of food was .... enough to water my mouth and enough to make me wonder, although when Owain explained it made some sense. I grabbed a plate and to be honest I am not too much into eating a lot of meat in the mornings, so my plate was mostly fruit, and some slices of bacon, and toast.

  "I'm good with coffee, I need that slight push in the mornings. Do you like coffee or tea better?" I speak while watching him fill his plate. Letting out a slight giggle, before I moved to the table with him. "I bet the snow fight will be fun and I am looking forward to this competition your brother is doing. But I will be just a watcher. I should be able to take some amazing photographs. " As I started eating the fruit first, I sipped from my cup of coffee from time to time, enjoying the unusual but rich taste, I knew my voice reflected my excitement at being able to take the harder action shots from something like a biathlon.

  Gavril Negrescu

  Taking the tray of food I had put together to Aaleahya, I stepped outside of the kitchen before flashing myself back upstairs. So much easier, and less chance of the hot food going cold that way.

  My beautiful Mate was still sleeping, her cheek nestled in her hand, her breath soft. She had a smile on her face, and I wondered if the twins were talking with her again, or perhaps even Kat was visiting her mother in her dreams.

  "Aaleahya, my love. I have brought you some breakfast. And, I think you and I may need to have a chat with Owain. There is some very interesting interaction between him and his human date from last night, Merida. I suspect that it would be a good idea for us to find out a little bit more about her before long."

  Pressing a kiss to my Mate's cheek, I waited for her eyes to open.

  Angharad Lloyd

  I was a bit surprised when Owain mentioned Merida at the competition but it was not my call. I’d just keep my concern for her safety to myself and make a mental list of items to add to my bag to cover any human needs. “You are a photographer? I would love to see some of your work. I enjoy keeping nature scenes around me. I find them soothing.”

  I stood up and brought the coffee carafe to the table, refilling my cup before sliding it down, closer to Merida should she care for any. “I noticed the snow-forts and walls are all in place outside. This should be fun today.” I roll my shoulders in mock readiness. “I’ve been practicing my aim so beware. You all might want to start kissing up, I might go easier on you.” I winked at Merida once more and grin. “Do you think I have them worried yet?”

  Merida Davinier

  "Of course I am staying for the snow and the food...."I laughed some eating more. When Owain had mentioned the biathlon and actually invited me I had looked around the table, when I mentioned taking photographs, but no one protested so maybe it was ok to say yes. "Yeah, I'm sure I will get some great shots....and yeah, I adore photography. That is one of my hobbies."

  Smiling at Angharad, I had looked at Owain as Garad asked if she was doing well on trying to worry them. I made a slight funny face and nodded looking back at Garad. "Oh yes, you are getting there. I'm sure a few more minutes and they will be running downhill." I chuckled and finished my coffee, but refilled my cup halfway.

  Angharad Lloyd

  “Don’t feel bad Owain, I seem to remember Bran retreating behind a tree while trying to shake the snow out of his clothing.” I leant to Merida like sharing a secret. “Don’t let these big guys intimidate you. They just make bigger targets. Targets that we take full advantage of.” I smiled sweetly at them all before digging into my cantaloupe.

  “Merida, you said that you don’t plan to participate in the snowball fight so be sure to fill me in on anything I miss. Last year I completely missed Gavril being buried in a snowbank. I heard only his feet were left showing.” I sigh in mock sadness. “I hate I missed that.”

  Gavril Negrescu

  I still had a smile on my face from when I had heard about the good-natured teasing over breakfast about who was going to be flattened by whom during the snowball fight.

  The whole point about the annual snowball fight was for everyone to let off steam, and my Betas and I knew that this meant that we were legitimate targets for everyone in the Pack, with the younglings aware that this was an occasion when there would be no comeback on them if they buried us in the snow.

  So, warm clothing in layers was a GOOD plan. Last year, I was buried by the teenagers. Bran was the target of a sustained attack, and Owain was the victim of the kindergarten crew, of all age groups.

  Roll on the fun and games.

  Angharad Lloyd

  I squatted behind a snowbank and double checked my supply of snowballs, cracking my knuckles and ready for the fun to begin. Today I am not the pack healer nor an adult female. I am a youngling all the way and ready to have fun. I chose a spot a little uphill from the younglings and about even with the group of adults taking their positions.

  I r
ammed my foot into the snow to get a good foundation for power-throws when I was beaned on the head by a snowball. Gales of laughter erupt behind a stand of trees and I squinted my eyes in mock anger and threat. “I’ll get you now!” I quickly grabbed a few balls and lob them at the trees, not hitting any of the young but spraying them with the snow spatter when my aim hits the trees above their heads. “It’s on now! War!!!!!

  Their high pitches squeals are in time with their coordinated attack. Two jump out to throw at a time, thus making it hard for me to get a chance to aim. “Oh ho! You guys planned your attack today. I’ll remember that the next time I have to mix something up for upset tummies. How does liver flavored medicine sound hey?” I sprinted over, getting hit repeatedly with snow and I lobbed snowballs their way. My last throw was done underhanded as I slid behind some cover.

  Gavril Negrescu

  Watching Owain make a target of himself for the benefit of the kindergarten crew, my own eyes narrowed on my target, or rather the group dared by their teachers to try to 'take down the Alpha'.

  Crouching behind a snow wall of my own, a good supply of ammunition at my side, I scanned the treeline and the snow fort for any signs of my target. Of course, I pretended not to hear the attempt at a stealthy approach from the side of my snow wall, but did jump up as snow was stuffed down the back of my jacket.


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