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Once Upon A Time

Page 8

by Jo Pilsworth

  Leaping up, I spun round, shaking the snow from my hair. "You think you can get me that easily." I mock-roared at them. "Eat snow, you little miscreants!" I yelled at them. "I will show you!", as I let rip with my own volley of snowballs. The teens dove out of the way, with howls of laughter. Narrowing my eyes, I contemplated which of the three groups I should follow.

  Angharad Lloyd

  I saw the younger ones are now full-on attacking Gavril and Owain so I set my sites on the rest of the pack that are light-heartedly tossing snowballs at each other. I load my sled up with ammo and move around the perimeter to sneak up behind them. Of course I was uphill as I scoped out the playing field beforehand. This year I vowed that I would not be buried under a pack-made snowbank again.

  After my first volley my position was made and they turned as one to bombard me. Wynn nailed me in the forehead and I went down like a felled tree, his laughter echoing through the yard. I growled loudly and stood, ready to return fire. “I’ve been practicing Wynn. Aha!” My shout of glee was cut short by another round of missiles from the group so I quickly ducked down behind a tree, spitting snow out while I planned my strategy.

  Gavril Negrescu

  For all the fun involved in a snowball fight, the reason why I ended up with the teens was because this also gave them a chance to work out how to fight as a team. Given that, as Cŵn Annwn, we still had to harvest in battle zones, it was a useful skill for them to learn and to know how to use to best effect.

  Having selected which group I would target first, I reminded everyone via open mind link that they must not flash themselves out of danger, as we had a human watching us, and more importantly, a human with a camera.

  Crouching behind my wall, I bobbed my head up to confirm where I need to aim. Letting loose a rapid fire, I made sure that the snowballs hit their targets. "You will have to move faster than that!" I yelled. "One of me to six of you? Surely you can do better?"

  Angharad Lloyd

  Another group began to attack Wynn and his buddies so I stood up and gathered my strength. Only ten snowballs left in my supply so I would have to make them count. Suddenly I recalled an idea to use something I saw in a movie. Lord of the Rings, if I remembered correctly. I piled the snowballs in my arm and jumped on the sled, aiming right for Wynn. I threw two which hit their targets with precision as I barrelled down the hill.

  My shout was cut off quickly as sadly, the sled moved faster than my body and I crashed to the ground amid hearty laughter. I tried to roll and get up before they reached me but was unable to do so before being buried in snow. “Buckets? It’s a snowball fight not a snowbank fight!” Someone grabbed my ankles and pulls me out of the pile and before I could say thank you, he shoved some snow down my back. “I’ll remember that.” Soon another attack came from the teenagers and I found myself joining in with Wynn’s group to defend our position. Thankfully the males are larger than me and provided a good level of cover. I grinned and sat down on a small snow pile and let them duke it out while I surveyed the activity around me.

  Owain was so funny playing with the younglings and Gavril was having a time also. I just loved this free-wheeling fun. No rank, just friends … no family, letting go of all care and worry in order to enjoy life. My reverie was cut short when they noticed that I had not taken part of the defence and they moved aside so the attackers’ snowballs landed steadily on my unprotected body.

  Gavril Negrescu

  Grinning at my chosen targets, I lob a flurry of snowballs at them, aiming for sides and above their heads. As I yell my challenge to them, the other two groups decide that they need to work together, and try to outflank me. Hidden behind the safety of the snow wall, where Merida can't see me, I decided to flash in more ammunition. Similar piles appear behind the groups of my opponents, out of sight of our human guest.

  "I say again. Is that the best you can manage?" I ducked behind the snow wall. I wanted this group to realise that just flanking me won't work. Popping up, I lobbed another couple of snowballs before ducking back down. "Getting bored here. Looks like I am going to win this battle." I taunted them. Come on, work it out, I said to myself.

  Angharad Lloyd

  My laughing was cut short when I heard a teen shouting my name accompanied by a youngling’s cries. Everyone knew to leave me alone so I was safe as I ran across the playing field to the treeline. “Oh sweetie, you’re supposed to hide behind the tree, not ram into it.” I chuckled softly and lifted her into my arms. Her bloody nose and scraped lip married her sweet face. “I’ve got you, come on.”

  I carried her over to Aaleahya and Merida before setting her down on a chair. “This little one got a little banged up but you’ll be ok sweetie, here, let me clean you up and we’ll go inside.” She cried out a no, clearly wanting to continue with the play when we heard the call for hot chocolate. Aaleahya stopped her from running off as I dug the cloth out to clean her face. “Let Angharad clean off the blood, little one, then we’ll all go in for some hot chocolate and pastries.” It didn’t take me long to fix her up enough to let her go. “Here sweetie, hold this cold cloth to your face until you get inside, then you should be ok.” She ran off to the house and I grinned at Merida. “Think you may want to join in next time? It’s fun.” She shook her head no with a laugh. “Not after the injury I just saw, I think it’s safer over here.” I chuckled and grinned at Aahleahya. “Hot chocolate it is then. Well, after I get this snow out of my clothes.”

  Angharad Lloyd

  I quickly ran to my room and changed into some dry clothes, grimacing as I peeled the wet denim from my body. “Someday I’ll get the better of them.” Of course I grinned knowing I’ll never best those males in a snowball fight and actually, that was half the fun.

  Merida was standing with Owain as I entered the dining room, Bran was with Alix and Gavril near Aaleahya. I smile at the easy way they seem to fit together. It takes a strong woman to smooth the male’s rough edges and to do that without the males realizing it is a feat only a female can master. That thought makes me chuckle and I step around the children to be handed my cup of hot chocolate. “Mmm, nice and hot.”

  I moved over to the corner and watched the happy crowd, sipping my drink while soaking in the happiness and warmth of the pack.

  Merida Davinier

  I was already laughing at how the adults acted, specially Owain with the little ones. The laugh and smiles on their faces were great. Angharad as well made me laugh, and Gavril ... whilst he had seemed intimidating to start with, overall everyone, they were so natural.

  Me of course, staying aside, God knows if I had gone in to fight I would already have a badly hit, some bruise or something, I wasn't much of a sports girl. They all took such good care of the young ones; it was like a big family. All the time I had been taking pictures of them playing around. I had evidence how they had owned Owain just for the fun of it. I promised myself that I would make an album with them. I hoped he might like it, perhaps as a late Christmas present?

  I watched as the young ones rushed inside for snacks. I looked at Owain as he approached me. "That was amazing what you did with them.” I smiled and stood on tiptoes to his height and kissed his cheek. I had decided that I would take him up on his suggestion and would be staying another few more days to be at the biathlon. I was actually getting excited just from thinking about the pictures I would be able to take of the event.

  "Maybe tomorrow I can take pictures around. I like the scenery here." I told him with all honestly as we stood inside. "Oh, and you just wait until I reveal all the pictures I took. I want to make an album. It will be amazing." I laughed remembering some of the shots taken. I moved to take a cup of hot cocoa, a new one, for Owain, I wanted to be nice to repay him. "Here, you should get changed. You are all wet. It wouldn't be nice if you get sick."I smile and touch his clothing, and I could feel the warmth of his body seep from it. That was strange, he wasn't trembling from coldness .... in fact, .... as I look around, no one was. I shook that thoug
ht off my head. They are inside and drinking hot chocolate so that must have done the trick.

  I was sure by the time we all go to bed, we will have a pleasant rest, and such silly thoughts would be just a distance memory.

  Gavril Negrescu

  Eventually, the teens realise what it was that I was trying to have them do, and a wild flurry of snowballs attacks me from both flanks, whilst a distraction volley comes from the front, and a further volley from behind me.

  Throwing up my hands to indicate surrender, I whistle to call them all over to me.

  "Okay." I explained quietly. "I will make this quick, because of our human guest, but that was very well done. Remember, use the Pack mind link to communicate tactics. It is an ability that most shifters do not have, not unless it is initiated by their Alpha. We have it available all the time."

  There were murmurs and, as importantly, grins from the group, as they nodded understanding of the purpose of the fight, at least in their age group.

  "Okay. Enough for today. I have heard a rumour of pastries in the Hall. Those of you over sixteen may have one glass of mulled wine, after you have some food in your bellies. Is that clear?"

  The group murmured, "Yes, Alpha." quietly, again, so that our human guest would not hear them address me as such.

  With wide grins, we trooped back into the Hall. Embracing Aaleahya, I laughed at her insistence that I go change out of my damp clothes if I wanted to come near her. A good snowball fight and my Mate making jokes. A good day in all, which left the Pack better equipped for whatever Monday might throw at us.

  Aaleahya Negrescu

  I was feeling rather tired myself when they all went out for the snowball fight so I decided that I would take the twins to our room instead of the nursery. Laying down with one in each arm I watched as their little eyes finally close their bowed mouths moving as if suckling. Soon my own eyelids slowly close as a peaceful sleep comes to me.

  Gavril Negrescu

  The following morning, with the snowball fight out of the way, my thoughts turned to this evening, and our Pack tradition. Today was the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, and as children of the Goddess, the Pack kept to the old ways. Tonight was a celebration of the return of the light to a world darkened by Winter. The Green King was reborn, and with his birth, the promise of Spring and Summer.

  On a less serious note, it had become a tradition for me to give a small gift to each member of the Pack, and tonight would be no different.

  However, before that, I needed to have a word with our Healer. As a result of having Owain's guest, the human Merida, staying at the Hall, I needed to ensure that she did not see anything that would be difficult to explain to a human. We kept our world hidden from humans for a good reason, lessons learned from the war, from those who would seek to use us as weapons for their own gain. Never again would we allow ourselves to be used in that way.

  So, as a precaution, I would ask our Healer to ensure that our human visitor slept very well tonight. There would be no need to explain what she had not seen in the first place.

  Owain Cadwalader

  Waking the morning after the snowball fight, I had a smile on my face at the recollection of my annual battle with the kindergarten contingent. As usual, several very tired pups were delivered back to their parents, their tummies replete with pastries and fortified with hot chocolate and marshmallows. Only one close encounter with a tree, which was not bad going.

  My smile became more thoughtful, as I thought of the little human, Merida, who had now spent her second night at Negrescu Hall, sleeping in a room alone, whilst I had returned to my suite, also to sleep alone. Part of me had wanted to stay with her: the part plagued by this need to protect her, both from tangible threats and from intangible threats such as this dream which seemed to bring her such sleepless nights. I found myself wishing that I could do something more for her, but perhaps by involving her in our Pack life to some extent, it would go some way to laying her demons to rest

  With that in mind, I rolled out of bed, determined to go in search of Merida. Perhaps she might like to take a walk with me through the grounds of Negrescu Hall. I remembered her saying that solitary walks were something she enjoyed.

  Humming a tune to myself, I dressed, tracked down one of the teens to find a pair of hiking boots and suitable clothing, and went down to the dining area in search of Merida.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  Another night spent in the house, I must admit I am starting to like it better here than where I live. Maybe the feeling I get around here or the fact that is a bit bigger, with a larger space around. My night was calm, I hadn’t awakened abruptly by a nightmare, which seemed strange, because I simply didn't sleep too much. But even though I didn't I was well rested. I spent my whole night turning and tossing, thinking about him. What is happening to me?

  As I slid off the bed, and dressed for another day, I doubted that it would be as eventful as the day before. Even if it wasn’t, I was sure that I would enjoy the day, particularly if I had Owain with me. Just the thought of spending time with him was making me feel excited. I would have time to take pictures of the place. A smile formed on my face as I walked down to the dining area. There are some of them gathered, having breakfast. I exchanged greetings to them and proceed to make myself a cup of coffee, and put together my usual plate of fruit. I didn’t know how but somehow I felt the need to turn, and when I did, I saw him there. Walking in, my eyes couldn’t leave him, and I stood there staring at him like a fool. My heart skipped a beat and I smiled. When he moved closer I just smiled more. "Good morning Owain. How did you sleep?" I asked and moved to fetch him a cup of a hot drink for him.

  Owain Cadwalader

  I found myself unable to resist my hand rising, to smooth Merida's hair from her face. Goddess, what was happening to me? I have seen this happen to others, but to me? I am Owain Cadwalader, the one who flitted from female to female. The one who, according to Gavril, has made studying human habits into an art form for the benefit of the Pack, so that we wouldn't be trapped in another untenable situation like during the war.

  "I slept well, Merida, but I missed you." The admission felt torn from me, and yet it was the truth. Seeing her move to the hot drinks, I followed her, picking up a plate from the stack, and starting to fill it with a selection from the buffet.

  "Coffee would be great." I answered her unspoken question.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  I made him a cup of coffee. When he said he had missed me I blushed. Something inside of me made me want to just hug him. "I missed you too. If I may be honest ... I spent all night unable to sleep … thinking about you ... so far yet so close, right." I smiled and handed him the cup and walk with him to the table, sitting beside the chair he had used twice. It was interesting how someone would always sit in the same table over and over again. It was almost as if it had his name on it.

  "I brought my camera. I am so ready to take some pictures around and of you of course, to take back home." I winked then let out a slight laugh. Starting to eat I can hear the others chat, some of them looking at us which makes me self-conscious of the way I might be eating and projecting myself.

  Owain Cadwalader

  [ML on open Pack link] Okay, people, I am displaying mating behaviour, I admit it. So, try not to make her feel too uncomfortable. And definitely don't make me uncomfortable. Remember who teaches the karate classes for the Pack. [end ML]

  There was the mental equivalent of laughter down the Pack link, as those who had been staring at the phenomenon of the 'other' Beta displaying Mating symptoms swiftly found something else to look at, rather than Merida. I shrugged mentally. I don't know why the Goddess had decided that my Mate would be a human, or even if she was my Mate, but I had to admit that I did miss having her close, and I felt an almost irrational urge to protect her, and to take away those tiny, almost imperceptible lines of tension on her face.

  "There are some lovely parts of both the
gardens, the formal side, and the wilder sides. The wilder parts are where I like to run myself, and if we are lucky, you might catch sight of some other wildlife, like deer."

  "I have managed to find you some hiking boots, and some warmer clothing, so if you are finished with your breakfast, perhaps we can see if it fits." Again, I had that urge to touch my little human, but forced myself to settle for kissing her hand.

  Owain Cadwalader

  Finishing our food, I took Merida's hand and led her out to the side room where the boots and coats are stored. Seating her on the bench, I found some socks for her, and it seemed that dressing her felt strangely comforting. Asking her boot size, I checked the available options and found her a sturdy pair of Meindl lady's boots, the leather sufficiently softened that it won't be uncomfortable for her to wear. A coat next, and gloves. A hat and scarf. She smiled, a bit nervous at my preparations, as I found my own coat and gloves. I didn't need to wear them, but the fiction was still necessary.

  "I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." I apologised, stroking her face again. "I just want you to feel, well, not alone."

  Picking up her camera bag, I had taken Merida's hand. "Shall we start with the formal gardens? We pass them on the way out towards the wilder parts of the estate. Gavril put a fence in there only to make it clear if anyone strays onto the estate that it is private property. We may live as a group, but we also like our privacy." I explained.


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