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Once Upon A Time

Page 13

by Jo Pilsworth

  Climbing further on to the bed, I looked at my little human again. "I need to taste you, my love. The scent of your arousal calls to me. Will you let me?"

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  I was pleased with his answer, maybe it didn't hurt at all. My skin felt on fire with his touch and I didn't want him to stop. My eyes locked on his as he asked me. "Yes, please." My voice soft, full of love and need to feel him. His finger made me shiver.

  As he moved back down, I blushed more, soon I felt is tongue against me and my eyes closed, my hips moved slightly to meet his tongue. Soft moans left me, and my hand gripped the bed sheets gently.

  I leaned on my elbows and looked at him, my left hand traced over his right arm and caressed it until it reached his hair, I had a fascination with his hair. Another wave of moans came rushing.

  Owain Cadwalader

  Hearing my Mate's response to my attempts to prove my love for her made my soul soar. The urge to taste the blood flowing in my Merida's veins was becoming stronger, and as her fingers played in my hair, my wolf sighed in pleasure at the touch of our Mate.

  Tasting her honey, my fingers exploring gently if she was ready for me, I raised my head, my eyes half closed, watching her, loving the way that she, too, watched me, loving the slight blush on her cheeks, from the intimacy we were sharing.

  "I need to be inside you, my little human. I need to join with you." I murmured, raising myself onto my arms, taking her lips hungrily, our tongues dancing together, in a dance as old as time.

  I looked into her eyes once more, as my hips rose, and slowly, carefully, I entered my Mate with a sigh, the sensation of her tight passage, not virginal, but it mattered not to me. Goddess, the feel of my Mate on me, to feel locked, secured, but cradled rather than imprisoned.

  And then, it happened. I could feel my fangs lengthen, as the need to taste the wine of her veins rose. Now. Now it was time. Bringing my mouth to her neck, I licked the line of the vein, before kissing it gently. Before anticipation made it painful, I sank my fangs into my Mate's neck, wrapping my legs around her and rolling her gently to the side, holding her so carefully, so as to not risk injuring her. If I thought my soul had soared before, it was nothing compared to now.

  My little human, my Merida. My Mate.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  I moaned by the way he tasted me, the way his mouth made me feel pleasure, it was more than just lust, I loved him. My back arched, and I moaned more, soon as I heard his words I gave him a sly smile. Watching him move up, I kissed him, tasting myself on his lips. My tongue made its way into his mouth, giving me the chance to explore his mouth, his hot tongue making love to mine in a sensual dance.

  The feel of his shaft entering in me made me gasp in pleasure a soft moan escaped my lips, and my arms moved to his back as he turned me, I could feel fangs coming out, it was an odd feeling, his lips and kisses against my skin, as my hand moved again through his hair, the bite it made me moan louder, it didn't hurt at all in fact it was an intense pleasure, moved my head to the side of his neck, my breasts pressed against his chest. I took my time on kissing his neck, playing with my tongue over it, before I bit in to his skin.

  He is mine, I am his there is nothing that will change that. I tasted his blood, he tasted mine, mixing our souls, becoming one. I moved my hips, the dance continued. My moans muffled by his neck.

  Owain Cadwalader

  Feeling my soul entwine with my little human, feeling her fangs in my neck? Goddess, I was in paradise. For the first time, I could hear my Merida in my mind, in that phenomenon unique to bonded Mates.

  [ML with Merida] My little human. I love you, with all my heart and with all my soul. I never realised how alone I was until now.

  Carefully disengaging my fangs from Merida's neck, I savoured the taste of her blood in my mouth. I waited for my little human to drink her fill, feeling the embrace of her channel around me.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  It was almost magical, his voice in my mind was amazing, so loving and soothing.

  [ML with Owain] I love you, I had waited until now to tell you. I wanted to tell you in the right moment and this is not only the right moment, but the perfect time. I love you and you are the best that could have ever happened to me ever. [ML end]

  Slowly, I retracted my fangs from his neck, licking my lips, and then kissing and licking where I had bitten him. Moving my lips to his lips I kissed him with more passion and love. I love this man, he made me feel amazing, alive, loved, wanted and safe. Everything about him made me realize how much I had wanted this kind of love, this kind of affection.

  My breathing quickened, it became more laboured as climax built up, I wanted him all. All of him. I looked him in the eyes and said it out loud, ''I love You Owain. I love you with everything I have.''

  Owain Cadwalader

  Hearing my Mate cry out her love for me, both through our link and out loud? My howl split the air, as I rolled Merida on to her back, feeling the tightening muscles that heralded her climax. My own climax was building, but I wanted to ensure my little human's pleasure and satisfaction first.

  Leaning on my left forearm, my right hand smoothed her sweat-dampened hair for her face. "You are the most precious thing in my life, little human." My voice was hoarse. My hand wandered down to her breasts, stroking. "This is for you, my little human, my Mate" Fastening my mouth around her nipple, my hand found the nub of nerves hiding in her folds, pinching it lightly, feeling the muscles of her core flex against me. Raising my head, I looked into her eyes. "For you, my Mate. Only for you." as I drove deep within her, my soul soaring again, but this time entwined with Merida, my Mate now in truth.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  His voice was like a song for my ears. Ringing through my body pleasure building up, pushing me slowly to the edge, being on my back, and his weight over me was pure bliss.

  Feeling his hand caress my breast then his lips. Those lips that ravish me all the time, making my world spin, it added and by that made me fall over the edge, my body trembled in pleasure as I climaxed. My walls tighten around his shaft. My moans deep and breath quick. '' I love you.'' a mere whisper, while he still moved inside of me.

  Owain Cadwalader

  Feeling my little human's sweet climax, the tightening muscles around my shaft, brought the rush of my own climax. Her whisper of her love for me filled my ears, as if it was the loudest scream. My little human, my sweet Mate, my Merida.

  Kissing her face gently, my own, "I love you with my heart and soul, little human.", a murmur, a breath of the promise of how our lives were now entwined forever. Never alone. Always together. The prospect felt so good.

  Withdrawing myself from her core, I pulled Merida close to me. No words. I needed to feel my little human, to have her scent close to me, to just enjoy this moment.

  And then, I felt Gavril's polite equivalent of a mental 'knock on the door'.

  [ML from Gavril] If you and Merida are 'free', I would like you to join the rest of us in my study, Beta. [End ML]

  Damn, he used my Pack title. I had to obey.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  I laid there, against him, close, hearing the beat of his heart, my head against his chest, placing a soft kiss on his chin I smiled up and him. "I love you." I could never grow tired of saying it.

  My fingers explored his torso again, drawing patterns as if tracing lines. His body, his heart, his soul were mine, and mine were his. Of course his duty called, and after telling me Gavril had called for us, I got up and dressed, wondering what would happen now. I fixed my hair, trying to look decent. Taking his hand we walked to the study. After a knocked we stepped in. I looked at them and somehow I knew they knew, and instantly my cheeks blushed.

  But, then, I looked at my Owain, my man, my wolf, and it didn’t seem to matter who knew. He was mine.

  Being Ddraig Goch

  Taliesin Llewelyn

  "Dysgu i gi bach gachu." Pretty much sums
up what I felt when I was told I was too young to know about history and stuff. I was doing a presentation in a school. I recall it was one of the parents who uttered these words of wisdom.

  I don't think he would understand my concept of time. Still, he will only be around for 50 years or so, given his belly and the nicotine stains on his fingers. Walking heart attack risk, he was.

  As much as I wanted to prove that I did know how to use my blade, it wasn't worth the effort. He was no threat to my Queen with his ignorance, and when it comes down to it, that's all that matters.

  Taliesin Llewelyn

  The day I was told that I had been chosen as the Consort for our new Queen was one of the proudest days of my life. Of course I had rivals. After all the Consort is the one deemed worthy and skillful enough to protect our Queen. I had to prove that I was the one with those skills. My sire and dam were delighted of course even though it meant that my birth family took second place now. From that day my priority was Ariawen. Her safety and her protection were the only things that mattered.

  Taliesin Llewelyn

  The day I was told that I would be named Consort had started as any other. As a red dragon, I was best suited to guard and that is best achieved through training. And more training. And even more training ... I think you appreciate what I mean.

  So, when the Chamberlain appeared in the field used for archery practice, the call to halt was immediate. The entire clan knew our present Consort, father of our Queen-to-be, was in poor health and soon would be called by the Goddess. When he departed, Ariawen would ascend the throne in truth, but before she did, a new Consort was required. The Council had met and deliberated. The presence of the Chamberlain meant that a decision had been reached.

  Taliesin Llewelyn

  "Taliesin ap Madoc." No other words were needed. All present knew the decision which had been awaited. We knew that as we were being told, Ariawen would have been informed also.

  I had bowed my head in acknowledgment of the honour being bestowed upon me. De-stringing my bow, I racked the stave and shouldered my quiver. The Chamberlain has turned without further words and I followed.

  Taliesin Llewelyn

  The Council were assembled in the Main Hall, carved out of the stone of the mountain and hung with the banners embroidered by our elder females.

  I had dropped to one knee, my head bowed. This would be the last time I would bow to anyone. Henceforth, my eyes would be forever scanning for threats to my Queen.

  "Rise, Taliesin Llewelyn." I stood tall and proud, acknowledging with a small nod that my name would be entered in the scrolls as such, since the Consort took the name of the Queen’s line.

  "The ceremony will take place tonight. May you fly strong and may the winds be keen."

  My life was changing and I relished the challenges that it would bring.

  Ariawen Llewelyn

  Watching as Taliesin was brought in by the Chamberlain, I watched him through my long lashes. As per our protocol he dropped to one knee his dark hair shining like a beacon as he made his obeisance to me, as his Queen. His muscular shoulders bunching, I schooled my features, hiding the blush that threatened to erupt as I wondered at the strength of those shoulders, muscles built for flight, for the First Flight. My father sitting beside me was grinning like the cat who swallowed the canary. I send a quick message to my father telling him to stop, he just smiled at me patting my hand with his.

  “Ariawen this male will protect you and stand by your side. The council decree that his male is the one for you my dear.” His whisper sending chills along my spine.

  The virile male kneeling before me was definitely someone who could make my heart stop. But I need to keep in mind, I am soon to become queen of my clan and must act as such. I will not be able to let my girlish fantasies interfere with my priorities as the soon to be ruler. I looked at Taliesin as he took my last name and we signed a document, All was almost set. The only thing left will be my coronation upon my father’s death.

  Squeezing my father’s hand, I can feel his life force slipping away from him. It will not be much longer that I will have to spend time with him. Our times together were spent in preparing me in taking over our clan would soon end, and as the Ddraig Goch, he would be able to seek his rest with our Goddess, now that another male had been chosen in his stead. I wanted to tell him that I wasn't ready, but to do so would have been to shame him, to imply that he had failed in his duty to prepare me. However, I knew I had only days left until I was to become queen, and my heart wept, the tears of a young girl losing her father.

  The day my father died I was brought into the main hall where Taliesin Llewelyn was waiting on me. My gown was trailing behind me as I walked to the throne where my father last sat. The heavy crown laden with jewels was set upon my head and my father's sceptre placed in my hand. The others started coming up to the dais, a procession bowing and paying their loyalty to me and also to my Consort Taliesin Llewelyn, who had his hand on my shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze. After the last of our subjects left after paying homage to me their new queen, I was told of the flight that Taliesin Llewelyn and I would have to take. It was a chase of sorts were the female dragon tries avoid capture of the male dragon. It was a courtship of sorts. A successful First Flight was needed to seal both our Mating, and to confirm that my Consort had been a true choice. If he could not win me in the skies, then he would not win me on the land.

  Taliesin Llewelyn

  When the choosing of the Consort for the new Queen is in the hands of the clan elders, not to mention the former Consort, her sire, there is always the risk that they might forget the importance of the First Flight. We are a long lived species and for some, First Flight was a very long time ago. Still, I was glad that it was possible for First Flight to happen. Even now, we had to fly high, to avoid the risk of humans seeing us, and wondering if we were demons. At least, as a red dragon, I was a familiar sight, since their rulers used a similar symbol on their pennants and flags. Our Queen, Ariawen, would fly in her white dragon form.

  Why? It served two purposes. One was to make it clear who was who. The second was a reminder. We had driven the white dragon of evil from Cymru but it did not mean that evil ceased to exist for us. If anything, it was present more. As Consort, I needed to remember this, for the danger of evil was a potential threat to my Queen.

  The formality of the First Flight announcement made me smile slightly. Yes, I had proven that I was best suited to protect my Queen. Now I had to prove my ... prowess in another way. That worked for me. I would do this.

  Taliesin Llewelyn

  First Flight. I suppose that if this journal is for posterity, then I should explain. I am ddraig, a dragon in that bastard tongue that they speak outside of our own blessed land of Cmyru. Our females lay eggs. Eggs need a male's ... input to be fertile. I trust you follow me so far?

  So, add to this that I am a Ddraig Goch, and Consort to the Queen. Ddraig Goch, a red dragon, descended from the dragons which fight the evils of our world. One of our number drove the white dragon of evil from this land. So, when the Queen and her Consort fly, it is not just for pleasure. It is not just to ensure that any eggs she may lay are fertile. It is to remind us that whilst we may have driven one evil from our land, evil is waiting for its chance to regain a foothold, not just in our land, but elsewhere.

  I shall speak more of that later.

  For now, I had only been named Consort for one day, and our Queen had ascended her throne on the day that her sire, the former Consort, had been called back to the Goddess. To seal our Mating, our First Flight must take place. It must be fast, it must be high and I must fly with sufficient flair that my Queen comes to me of her own will. Whilst the Council may have named me Consort, a decision based on my ability to defend my Queen from all who might do her harm, I must also convince my Queen that I am the best choice for her. It is for this reason that the Consort is chosen the day before the Queen is crowned. We do not meet and we do not converse before th

  Ydy, mae'n wir. Yes, it is true. I will have not exchanged words with my Queen before First Flight. She will know me by sight only, and by no other means. Did I fear that I might not impress, that somehow my flight might be lacking?

  Boed i'r duwiau yn fy dyst. May the Gods be my witness. I was shitting myself. But that is life.

  Ariawen Llewelyn

  I was standing in what used to be my father's royal room staring out the large window. My nerves are fluttering in my stomach. Not only do I have a clan to rule but now I must prove myself to the one the Council has chosen for my consort. Yes, I knew his name and his face as my father bragged about the decision on the day it was stated that I was to become queen upon his demise, but what else did I know of the Ddraig who must claim me? Precious little, but that was the way that it was. If our Mating was true, we would have time aplenty to know each other.

  As I stand at the window looking over the kingdom through the pitch blackness with only a sliver of the moon hanging in the dark sky. I heard a loud knock my heart jumping, then the door swings open in walks the Chamberlain with a large smile on his face. "It is time your majesty you must take your dragon form. I was reminded that I must take the form of the white dragon, in memory of why the Ddraig Goch must be at my side.

  I snort 'un-lady like' " I knew that Taliesin’s form was a red dragon. All those who were born that way were trained for the potential to be the Consort and Mate of the new Queen, until such time as one is chosen. I humph when the chamberlain explains the reason the council made this decision, citing Taliesin’s prowess on the training field, and the way he had excelled in all the disciplines in which the red dragons were trained. I held up my hand stopping him mid explanation. "It is fine I will take my white dragon form."


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