Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2)

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Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2) Page 1

by Ariana May

  Room to Breathe

  Ariana May

  Copyright © 2016 Ariana May

  All rights reserved.


  Names and persons in “Room to Breathe” are entirely fictional. They bear no resemblance to anyone living or dead.

  This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, business or places, events or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This e-book is copyright © by Ariana May 2016 with all rights reserved. It is illegal to copy, distribute, or create derivative works from this book in whole or in part. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electric, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated, and signed mission from the author.

  Table of Contents






















  About the Author


  The morning had started out well with sweet passionate love making, in which Emery bottomed for Jericho, followed by a repeat performance with Damien. After, they had breakfast in bed and a very cuddly shower together before separating to start their day. For Damien and Jericho, it was joining Thom and Theo to visit a friend of Thom and Theo’s to extend congratulations on passing his scribe exams. Emery, on the other hand, headed off to collect Quentin for a quick meeting with the Palace Chaplain.

  The meeting with the Chaplain, a lovely old lady who seemed quite pleased to be meeting with two handsome young men, went well. They discussed setting up lines of communication with the Sondheim temples so as to coordinate royal celebrations during the Festival of the Gods with the celebrations at the temples. It was always best to have the Crown appear to be acting in concert with the temple priests and priestesses and the Chaplain would help them ensure there were no miscommunications.

  After their meeting, Emery and Quentin returned to the harem just in time to find a gaggle of boys crowding the hallway outside of Theo’s room. Emery and Quentin hurried over to a teary Kai holding a sobbing Thom. Emery gestured Quentin over to the boys and moved to Daven’s side. “What’s happened?” Emery whispered.

  With a stricken look on his face, Daven turned to Emery and whispered back, “Thom has a friend, Rhys, who’s an apprentice to the Head Royal Scribe. Rhys’ pretty nice, if a bit excitable, but his master’s a complete asshole. Thom’s had Franc in to tend to injuries Rhys’ gotten from rough sex a lot lately, and I guess they’ve gotten to be friendly too. Anyway, Thom’s been helping Rhys’ study his ass off to sit the Scribe’s Guild exams, so that he can get away from the bastard. He passed his exams yesterday, over a year ahead of schedule. He was to be certified later today and the Master and Damien went with Thom and Franc to congratulate him.” Daven shuddered as he continued, “They found him in his room. The fucking bastard....” It took Daven a moment to compose himself. “His master had raped and beaten the heck out of him during the last hours of his apprenticeship and then left him there bleeding. Thom and Franc brought him here on a makeshift stretcher. There was so much blood.....So much blood...Master and Damien went to get the Royal Physician and sick the Dracon on the fucking bastard.”

  Emery stood there for a moment, torn between trying to find some response, some way of offering comfort, and seeking out the Royal Scribe in question and performing a swift but painful execution. The decision was taken from him by Renton, who pulled Emery away. “Franc wants you inside, right now.”

  Emery nodded to Renton and to Daven and moved to enter Theo’s room, closing the door behind him. Emery hurried to the bedside and looked down at the unconscious and bloodied boy on the bed. He had an attractive face with smooth, clear skin and spiky hair which was currently matted with blood. The short, slim boy was naked, body crisscrossed with bloody whip marks. Theo’s glowing hands were pressed to the boy’s groin as he attempted to heal blood covered and mangled cock and balls.

  Voice panicked, Theo said, “Emery, please tell me your mother taught you how to finalize the mix for a blood replenisher. And Reid’s Generalized Healing Paste?” Theo jerked his head towards a cabinet set against the right wall.

  Emery moved to gather supplies from the cabinet. “She did. Those were among the first because she used them so often with the soldiers.” Emery combined the pre-made components of the two potions, stirring vigorously in intricate patterns to complete the magical concoctions. Once completed he hurried back to Theo’s side.

  “Blood replenisher first. Then the paste, starting with the head wound,” Theo ordered.

  Emery complied, gently coaxing the blood replenishing potion down the boy’s throat. He moved on to tending the gash in the boy’s scalp, reassured by the bit of color that flowed back into the boy’s face. “The replenisher seems to be working.”

  “Thank the gods,” Theo said, only slightly relieved. “He lost so much blood. He’s just lucky everything bled slowly, otherwise we would have found him dead.”

  “How bad it is? What was done to him?” Emery asked.

  “The head wound, the open whip marks, those will heal with the paste. His ass was torn up pretty bad. He’s really lucky the fucker stopped when he did. If he hadn’t.....” Theo broke off, voice trembling.

  “And what you’re working on now?” Emery asked, voice quiet as he was afraid of the answer.

  “Gods....” Theo squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath before answering, “The monster crushed Rhys’ cock and balls.” Tears rolled down Theo’s cheeks. “If...If I can’t heal them, he’s going to lose them. I’ll.....I’ll have to amputate. And even if I can fix them, he may never have kids. The damage.....The damage might be too much.”

  “Something’s wrong, I can hear it in your voice,” Emery whispered.

  “It....It’s not working. Something’s fighting me.” Theo’s voice was broken, desperate. “Where the fuck is Healer Urie!”

  “Not coming,” Jericho’s voice rang out behind them, icy cold fury in every syllable.

  “Master? Why?” Emery asked, shock clear in his voice.

  “I brought Captain Dracon to arrest that bastard scribe and my father made a fucking ruling right there on the spot.” Jericho growled. “He decided that the monster was within his rights as an apprenticeship master and no charges would be brought. No reparations made. Fucking bastard.”

  “Within his rights?” Emery exclaimed. “What the fuck.....”

  “And Healer Urie, Master?” Theo whispered.

  “Since Rhys isn't an apprentice to a Royal Scribe anymore as of midnight, my father has ruled that what is an essentially over-fucked former slave is unworthy of the Royal Physician's care. You’ll have to make do, Franc.” Jericho said, the rage in his voice growing to a near scream.

  “I....I....” Theo broke off, his voice cut off by new furious tears.

  “You can do it, Theo,” Emery said urgently. “We c
an save him...”

  “I can’t,” Theo cried. “I can keep him alive but his cock, his balls.....Whatever torture implement the bastard used....there’s a trace of magical residue. It’s blocking me. I.....I....I’m not strong enough. I don’t know enough. Master, you have to get Healer Urie. It’s going to take a magus level healer to fix him. I can’t do it.”

  “I tried, Franc. I tried. Healer Urie won’t disobey my father’s orders. You’re going to have to find a way.” Fury, hopelessness, and powerlessness overwhelming him, Jericho turned on his heel and strode out, his angry footsteps echoing down the corridor.

  “There’s really nothing you can do? Nothing?” Emery pleaded with Theo.

  Crying, Theo turned back to his patient, desperately trying to fight a losing battle. “I can’t do this. I’m strong, but this is magus level work. And without Healer Urie, there is no one else. She’s the only healer in Rhododendron registered and trained at magus level.”

  Memory stirred by Theo’s words, Emery murmured, “Officially.” Emery shot up from his perch next to the bed. “Quentin, front and center!” He called out. Handing off the healing paste to Quentin as the boy entered, Emery ordered, “Help Theo out, Quentin. Theo, how long can you keep him......viable?”

  “A....A few hours maybe,” Theo stammered, voice shaking.

  “Good. Do your best.” Emery walked quickly from the room, down the hall, and into the passage to Jericho’s chambers. Throwing open the door, Emery strode in to find Jericho pacing his sitting room alternating between mumbling and yelling curses about his father as Damien tried in vain to calm him.

  “Jericho,” Emery snapped. “I need you to focus.”

  “To focus on what, Emery? On how my fucking father is protecting the monster that maimed that boy. On how I can’t fucking do anything about it? How even if I could, that bastard will have the boy blacklisted in the Scribe’s Guild?” Jericho yelled.

  “We need a magus level healer. I might be able to get one,” Emery responded, trying to keep his voice calm.

  “Healer Urie is the only magus level healer in Rhododendron, Emery. There is no one else.......” Jericho said, his voice breaking.

  “Officially,” Emery said. “Unofficially, I know of someone who isn’t registered as a healer. But she isn’t going to want to cooperate, so we’re going to need the right approach and Seb to help us.”

  “Corrington?” Jericho asked, incredulous. “What the hell can he do?”

  “He speaks for people who have markers that can be called in.” Emery answered, choosing his words carefully. “People who won’t want an innocent like Rhys to suffer. And besides, he can always use a good scribe and won’t listen to any stupid blacklist. But Jericho, I need to get him here and convincing the healer as soon as possible. Rhys doesn’t have much time.”

  Jealousy and impotence flooded Jericho at the thought of Emery turning to Sebastian when Jericho himself could do nothing. Forcing himself to push that aside and focus on what was important, Jericho responded, “You’re right. Go. Do what you have to.” Jericho strode to a table and scribbled out orders on a parchment. “Take this and use the Portal in the Mages Quarter. Oh, and I want you to take someone with you,” Jericho said. “Quentin. You and he have become close. I trust you to keep each other safe. Besides, the stable boys like him best, they’ll give you the best horses without quibbling over it. Take him.”

  “Master, Quentin is helping Theo...”

  “It will do Thom good to help, it will make him feel better about his friend. Go. Hurry. And Damien, give him back his sai. With the way my father’s acting today...”

  “Of course, Master” Damien responded. “Go and fetch Quentin, Emery. I’ll meet you at the harem entranceway.”

  Nodding in agreement, Emery left the room and returned to the hall. Crouching down before the still crying Thom, Emery whispered, “I know it’s hard, but Master Jericho wants you to help Theo while Quentin and I go find help. Can you do that for us, for your friend, Thom?”

  Kai leaned into Thom, gripping his hand and whispered in his ear, “Come on, Thom. I’ll help too.”

  Thom looked at Emery, hope in his eyes and asked, “You know someone who can help?”

  “I hope so. Now go in and help your friend. And send Quentin out,” Emery responded.

  Once Quentin had joined him and been brought up to date, and Emery had collected his sai from Damien, they made their way to the stables. As predicted, the stable boys handed over two of the best horses. Mounting up, Emery and Quentin rode fast through the city proper, sending people rushing to get out of the way, and into the Mages Quarter. At the center of the Quarter, next to the grand Mages Tower belonging to House Smoke, they came across the Portal Ring. Thirty feet in diameter, the Portal Ring was a metallic marvel of modern magic. Heavily enchanted and engraved with potent runes, the Portal Ring could be connected magically with the Portal Rings in the other major cities of Rhododendron, allowing for instant transport. With strong magic required for creation and use, the portals were restricted to those who could pay the exorbitant fees or those with orders from the crown or one of the lords.

  Bringing his horse to a halt before the Portal sentries. Emery passed over the orders Jericho had given him and ordered, “I require a portal to Titan. Immediately.” Eyes wide, the sentry returned the documents and scurried to summon the Portal’s mage operators.

  While they waited, Emery turned to Quentin and asked, "Have you ever taken a portal before?"

  "No...Have you?"

  Emery didn't even consider telling the truth. "No," he said. “Though I hear it’s best to brace yourself. Apparently it can be an odd sensation.”

  “Okay,” Quentin responded. “Um...How do you know Lord Corrington? Do you really think he can help us?”

  “I grew up in Titan. Seb is an old friend. And yes, he can help us. He’s very persuasive. And if need be, I have a marker to call in from the healer we seek. You might say a...friend of Seb arranged for me to have it. Seb will have to do most of the talking though, to vouch for it, if it goes that far.” Emery answered. As a thought occurred to him, Emery smiled. “Quentin, I should warn you. Those not so nice merchant guildsman bidding for you in your service fair were never going to win. If Jericho hadn’t taken you, Seb would have. In fact, he wasn’t too happy about Jericho stealing you out from under him.”

  “Me?” Quentin squeaked. “He wanted me...for what?”

  “For his harem. You are very handsome you know.” Emery sidestepped his horse close enough to pat Quentin’s hand. “Just be ready, he’s going to flirt with you. Now, come on, they’re ready for us.”

  The mages began their rhythmic chant and energy visibly coursed along the Portal Ring. The chant grew to a crescendo and the energy gathered along the ring rushed to the center. With a flash of light, the portal burst into being, a curtain of wild, golden energy. Emery spurred his horse forward and through the portal, its energies rushing through him, simultaneously hot and cold.

  And then they were through to the other side and the Mage District of Titan, Corte. Quentin looked ill, but Emery was none the worse for wear. “Take a deep breath and get moving. We have no time to wait,” Emery ordered, urging his horse into a gallop toward Corrington Keep. Emery and Quentin rode as fast as they could through the streets of Titan and to the gates of Corrington Keep. The guards, recognizing Emery, threw open the gates and allowed them to pass to the main doors of the keep. There, they were met by the Keep’s Seneschal.

  “Master Emery. Welcome, we did not expect to see you back with us so soon. To what do we owe this pleasure?”

  Dismounting and handing the reins to a waiting groom, Emery answered, “I must speak with Sebastian immediately. It’s an emergency.”

  “Of course, sir. Come, I will take you to him.”

  The Seneschal led them through the keep and into the grand baths. Staying behind the entrance screen he called out, “My lord, Master Emery and an associate are here to see you.”
  Sebastian responded, “Emery? Here? Send him in.”

  At the Seneschal’s gesture of bidding, Emery and Quentin walked around the screen as Sebastian rose from the bubbling pool, a pair of naked boys swimming behind him.

  "Emery! To what do I owe the honor of this visit? I thought for sure your precious prince would be far too busy fucking your brains out to let you get dressed, much less to leave and come visit me! And you've brought a friend!" Naked, Sebastian strode over, taking Emery's face in his hands and giving him a chaste, for Sebastian, kiss. Then he turned to Quentin. "Sebastian Corrington. You're..." His eyes narrowed. "Oh that bastard," he laughed. "Sending the 'one that got away' with you."

  Quentin couldn't help but look Sebastian up and down. He was fit, handsome, with a hard cock that was slightly thinner than Master Jericho's, but at least as long. His hair, probably usually perfectly coiffed, was messy, no doubt due to the boys still lounging in the pool. Like most of the men Quentin had seen naked, he had no tan lines, which Quentin knew to be attributable to nude sunbathing in a private garden. Sebastian was close to the same height and near in build to Quentin himself, and Quentin idly wondered if that was why Emery had seemed attracted to him in the first place, a prior relationship with Sebastian. "Quentin Wallace," he said, bowing in the Lord's presence.

  Sebastian stepped into Quentin’s personal space and air-kissed the boy’s cheeks before pressing a finger to the boy’s chin, drawing it up so that he could look into the boy’s eyes. “Tell me, Emery, have you brought me this beauty? Has your prince decided to gift me with this lovely boy, whom he stole from me at last year’s Spring Fair?”

  “Take care, Seb. Quentin is Prince Jericho’s, and the Prince will not take kindly to any attempt to poach his Quentin.” Emery pulled Sebastian back by his shoulder and gave Quentin’s shoulder a friendly, reassuring pat. Getting down to business, Emery said, “I’ve come to beg your help, Seb. A friend of one of Jericho’s boys was raped and beaten by his apprenticeship master in waning hours of his apprenticeship. As the master is the Head Royal Scribe, the king has declared the matter closed and has refused to allow the Royal Physician to tend to the boy.”


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