Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2)

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Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2) Page 2

by Ariana May

  “Yet another sign that Damian Amberton is unfit to rule, but hardly reason for you to come to me. Surely there are plenty of other healers the Prince could call upon,” Sebastian noted, voice losing its teasing tone and going serious.

  “Seb, his genitals were crushed. One of Prince Jericho’s boys is learning to heal and he says that a magus level healer is needed. And Seb, there’s magic in the crush wounds,” Emery said, voice pleading.

  “Magic, in wounds that destroyed a boy’s cock and balls?” Sebastian asked, voice now icy cold. When Emery nodded, Sebastian cursed under his breath. “Fucking Bastards! Well, that’ll get her attention. Assuming of course you want who I think you want.”

  “Do you know of any other magus level healers?” When Sebastian shook his head, Emery continued. “Do you think the abomination of the device that must have been used will be enough? Otherwise, I’ve one of her markers. Your...Quartzine gave it to me.”

  “Did he now?” Sebastian queried, his tone speaking volumes as his eyes slid to Quentin. Choosing his words closely, Sebastian continued “That was nice of him, wasn’t it. I guess you must have made quite the impression on my Quartzine.” Sebastian shook his head. “No matter, we’ll hold that in reserve. The abomination as you say may be enough if we phrase the request as an opportunity to garner favor from both myself and the Prince and of course to get one over on the King. The boy, a scribe’s apprentice you say? Is he pretty?”

  Emery rolled his eyes at the question. ‘Typical, Seb. Typical’ “For someone covered in blood? Yes, Rhys is pretty.”

  Sebastian grinned. “Well, I can always use a pretty scribe. We’ll say his services are promised to me. That will explain my interest......and Quartzine’s for that matter, should it come up. Wait for me in the stables. I’ll be with you as soon as I’ve dressed.”

  As Emery guided Quentin in the direction of the stables, Quentin gathered up the courage to indulge his growing curiosity. “You know Lord Corrington well? Were you and he...?”

  Emery laughed. “Seb and I? No, just good friends. One of those things that just happened.”

  For reasons he couldn’t hope to explain, Quentin found himself oddly relieved that Emery had never been Lord Corrington’s in that way. That he belonged only to Jericho, to Jericho’s harem... Forcing his thoughts in another direction, Quentin asked, “And this Quartzine and the healer. Who are they?”

  Taking care with his words, Emery responded, “Quartzine is...a trusted agent of Seb’s. We have what you might call a sort of kinship. He’s best not discussed too openly, Quentin, with anyone. As for the healer...”


  Emery, Quentin, and Sebastian stood in the private receiving room of the formidable head of the Mage’s Guild, awaiting her arrival. The room had an ominous uninviting feel, which given the woman in question, Emery felt was probably intentional. Soon enough, she swept into the room. Samantha Smoke was a tall blonde woman whom Emery knew to be a harsh and opinionated force to be reckoned with. She was a magus of the highest order and though it was not even remotely in her nature to nurture, secretly the second strongest healer in the realm. Acting as Quartzine, Emery had once saved her from the coordinated attack of several other assassins. She hadn’t taken being rescued well, and the assassins and their employers had ended very, very badly. ‘I have to admit, I rather hope she finds what was done to Rhys equally distasteful, with equal response.’

  “Well, well, what do we have here? One of the Prince’s boy toys. Lord Corrington and his favorite boy toy...or is it the Prince’s as well?” Samantha asked, bored derision clear in her tone.

  Emery responded, voice frosty, “Like Quentin, I am Prince Jericho’s. And have never been more that Sebastian’s friend. A fact I suspect you know well enough, Magus.”

  “I suppose I do, little Morris” Samantha snorted. “After all, when last I visited Titan, you reeked of virginity. Not so much now.” Smirking, Samantha turned her head to Sebastian. “Looks like the Prince managed to one up you, pretty little Lord.”

  “The will of the Goddess, my Lady. Who am I to argue?” Sebastian responded. “But enough of that, we come with a request and an opportunity. Emery?”

  Emery spoke, voice even and cool, knowing emotion would be taken as weakness. “Yesterday, the apprentice to the head of the Royal Scribes passed his scribe exams a full year early. His master rewarded him with rape and torture. Though the apprentice contracts were clearly breached and the boy’s wounds grievous, the King has declared the matter closed and forbidden the Royal Physician from tending to his wounds which require a magus level healer. My master would request your aid.”

  Samantha responded her tone almost bored, “And what am I to do if you require a healer?”

  Sebastian spoke up, “My Quartzine has made your talents in that area clear, my Lady.”

  “Has he?” Samantha snarled. “Well isn’t that interesting. And what, pray tell is your interest in this scribe boy, pretty little Lord?”

  “His service is sworn to me. I object to my people being damaged,” Sebastian responded, voice cold. “Do this, and you earn my favor, as well as the favor of the future King, all the while thumbing your nose at the current King, whom I know you care little for. Not to mention, you’ll have the opportunity to discretely stop wasting that part of your gift. And of course, you owe my Quartzine. If need be he will call in your marker.”

  Samantha sneered at Sebastian’s words. “And you think favor enough to get me to waste my power on some lowly scribe? And your Quartzine would call upon my debt to him for such a trivial matter?”

  Taking the opening, Emery spoke frostily, “His genitals were crushed. There are traces of magic in the broken flesh. There are lines, Lady Magus. Lines, even for one such as Sebastian’s favorite agent. Lines, even for you.”

  At Emery’s words, the atmosphere in the room shifted, the temperature dropping as the Magus’s power became palpable in the air. “Do you mean to tell me that a Bloodline Ender was used on that boy?” Samantha said, voice quiet, but fury loud in every syllable.

  “So it appears, Lady Magus,” Emery answered.

  “That members of my order created those abominations centuries ago in a time when each and every egg and seed was so badly needed is black mark enough.” Samantha’s voice rose with every word, her rage growing with every second. “To know that such devices continue to exist is an affront that I will not stand.”

  “Then you’ll lend me your aid?” Sebastian asked.

  “Yes,” Samantha spat out. “And if there was no Bloodline Ender you’ll surrender that marker.”

  “And if there was?” Sebastian inquired.

  “Then your pet can keep his marker. And someone will know my wrath.”


  As they waited for Samantha to gather supplies, Sebastian studied the titles of the texts on Samantha’s shelves, making a note to discuss them with his own personal mage. Quentin took the opportunity to move close enough to Emery to discreetly ask, “What’s a Bloodline Ender? She looked really furious. Like, heads will roll furious. I mean, I’m pissed about what that bastard did to Thom’s friend. You don’t hurt someone like that, and you really don’t mess with someone’s ability to have kids. But, she didn’t even look like she cared until the Bloodline Ender came up; then it was like instant rage.”

  Quietly, Emery responded, “Bloodline Enders were one of the first perversions of magic, one of the first dark arts. They were developed in the shadow of the Sundering as the ultimate punishment and insult. In those times, there were so few of us left that the human race was on the brink of extinction. Every bloodline was needed and having children was one of the most important things a person could do. A Bloodline Ender destroys a person’s genitals and uses magic to prevent healing. To use one was to say that the victim is so unworthy that destroying their ability to pass on their bloodline was worth the risk to humanity. We’ve come a long way since then and we can afford things like the birth control spells
on the Harem quarters, but still, as you say, you don’t mess with a person’s ability to have kids. Hell, Aphrodite herself banned using the damned things. The mage’s guild is very much ashamed that one of their former members created such a monstrosity, and they have done much to bury the evidence. Magus Smoke, in particular, has made a point of hunting down Enders and other dark artifacts, removing them and those who would use them from existence.”

  Quentin had no chance to respond as Samantha returned at that moment, and they all made their way back to the palace as fast as their horses could carry them. Leaving their horses with the stable lads, they made their way through the palace halls to the Harem, servants scattering to get out of the way. ‘I have to admit,’ Emery thought. ‘It is rather amusing watching everyone scurry out of the way. Though, in all fairness, a Lord of the Realm and Magus Smoke marching down a corridor with angry looks on their faces is probably pretty frightening...for people who aren’t me.’

  Quentin whispered to Emery, “We’re attracting a lot of attention. No way doesn’t the King notice.”

  Emery whispered back, “If we’re right about the Ender, the King will be too busy dealing with the fallout of Magus Smoke’s fury to care about Master Jericho going around his orders. Hundred to one odds that he does his best to sweep it under the rug and move on as fast as possible with the bastard scribe being officially retired into obscurity.

  “You mean the bastard will get away with it?” Quentin asked, incredulously.

  “No, I mean the King will need some flimsy cover to save face since there won’t be a body,” Emery whispered grimly in response.

  Upon arrival at the harem, Emery found the crowd of boys in the hall had been moved to the main sitting room. More than one mouth opened to ask questions, only to slam shut again, eyes wide, as the boys saw who was accompanying Emery and Quentin. When they arrived at Theo’s room, they found a calmer Jericho holding a still weepy Thom as an exhausted looking Theo worked on Rhys while being propped up by Kai. The unconscious boy had been cleaned of the blood that had been covering him and the more superficial wounds had been tended and were already healing nicely.

  Samantha swept into the room and surveyed the scene before barking out, “Prince and weepy boy OUT! Morris, your mother was Elizabeth Morris right? She teach you anything?”

  “Yes and Yes.”

  “Good, you can stay and replace Curly. Curly out!” Samantha knelt next to Theo as everyone moved to comply. “You there, wannabe healer boy toy. Can you keep that up for a while longer?”

  “Yes, Ma'am.” Theo murmured, voice shaky with exhaustion.

  “Then keep it up and pay attention. You might learn something.” Samantha pressed her now glowing hands over Theo’s, concentration clear on her face as she studied the wounded flesh.

  As Emery knelt behind Theo, holding the tired boy up as Kai had been doing, he studied Samantha’s face. Though the look of concentration remained steady, Emery could see the moment when rage re-kindled in her blue eyes. ‘A Bloodline Ender. Guess I won’t have to take care of killing the bastard myself.’

  Emery watched as Samantha drew out a clear crystal and held it inches above the mangled flesh as she whispered a long rhythmic spell. Dark mist streamed up from Rhys’ groin and into the crystal, turning it a cloudy black. When the flow of mist slowed and stopped, Samantha tapped the back of Theo’s hands and ordered, “Get out of my way. Your part is done. Watch how an expert does it.” Pushing Theo’s hands away, Samantha pressed her glimmering hands to Rhys’ cock and balls.

  Theo sagged against Emery, exhausted by hours of healing. Emery stroked the tall boy’s arms as he forced himself to watch Samantha working. Under the glow of Samantha’s healing magic, Rhys’ flesh became fluid, rippling and flowing as she drew it back into its proper shape. The healing continued for nearly an hour before Samantha halted her efforts and applied bandages. “I’ll write out instructions for his care, but if you’re not completely incompetent at aftercare, he should recover fully.”

  “Full functionality?” Emery questioned, just to be sure.

  “Samantha Smoke achieves nothing less than perfection in all things.” Samantha quipped as she rose. “And I suppose it did help that boy toy here managed to keep the patient viable as long as he did.” Samantha flicked Theo’s forehead as she moved past him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a nasty little blemish on humanity to eradicate with extreme prejudice.” With that Samantha swept from the room, intent on unleashing hell on a certain scribe.


  Samantha strode out into the common room. “Amberton, Corrington front and center,” she barked. When Jericho and Sebastian joined her, she spoke in a quiet tone that would not be overheard by the others in the room. “As Corrington and your newest boy toy figured, a Bloodline Ender was used on the little scribe. I’ve removed the dark magic and healed the wound. Your toy healer is to be commended for his efforts in keeping the boy viable as long as he did. Recovery should be full. Now, tell me where I can find the dead man responsible for this abomination?”

  “Thank you for healing Rhys, Lady Magus. I am in your debt,” Jericho said. “Damien,” Jericho summoned.

  “Tell the palace guard not to come running if they hear screams and we’ll call it even,” Samantha said icily.

  “Damien, direct Magus Smoke to the head Royal Scribe’s chambers, and advise the guard to stay out of her way.”

  “Yes, Master.” Damien turned to Samantha and gesturing with a hand, said “This way, Lady Magus.” Damien led Samantha out of the harem.

  Jericho turned to Sebastian and said, “A word, in private please.” When Sebastian nodded, Jericho snagged Emery who was coming out of Theo’s room, pulled him in for a quick kiss, and whispered, “Give everyone an update and get them to eat dinner, okay? Oh and have Thekla bring something for Lord Corrington and myself. And Emery, thank you.”

  “Of course, Master,” Emery responded, smiling wide, heart in his eyes. “You’re welcome.” Emery kissed Jericho on the cheek.

  Leaving Emery and the other boys behind, Jericho led Sebastian into his own sitting room and invited him to sit. “I want to thank you for your assistance. You didn’t have to help us, so the fact that you did means a lot. You’re clearly a better man than I’ve given you credit for in the past.”

  “I object to the mutilation of cute boys. It’s such a waste,” Sebastian said flippantly. He paused, considering, then continued in a more serious tone, “More than that though.....As you well know, it’s hard for people in our positions to find good, true friends. Emery...Emery is the best friend I’ve ever had. There’s little I wouldn’t do for him if he asked. The fact that it was actually a worthwhile cause is just icing.”

  “You really care for him, don’t you?”

  “I very nearly asked him to be my consort,” Sebastian admitted.

  Jericho nodded slowly. “I had wondered, though he said that the two of you had never...” he said. “You’re okay with this, right?”

  “I’ve never...I’ve never seen such happiness in his eyes as I did when he looked at you, just now when you kissed him. As I said, there’s little I wouldn’t do for him. And this, letting him go when he was never mine to begin with, this is very little. And,” Sebastian sighed, “I’ve had a lot of time to get used to the idea.”

  “A lot of time?” Jericho asked.

  “He was so young when we met. So young and already so beautiful. Too young for anything I had in mind for him, really. Still, on that level at least I kept my hands off, even if I couldn’t let him go on other levels. As he got older, well, he’s too good to have been one of my affairs and the odd...friendship we had was too important to risk. When my father died...When I reformed my harem with boys, I wanted him, so much so that I realized that I didn’t just want him for his service...for my harem. I wanted him forever. I even got a ring, had it specially made,” Sebastian said, old sorrow in his tone.

  “But you didn’t ask him,” Jericho said, confusi
on covering his face. “Why?”

  A tiny tear glistened in Sebastian’s eye as he answered, “I was ten minutes from asking Kenton Morris for his blessing when the Goddess of Love appeared and told me that it wasn’t meant to be. That while Emery would be my path to love, he was meant for another.”


  Sebastian laughed ruefully. “They don’t make cock-blocks bigger than the fucking Queen of the Gods telling you to back off.”

  “Aphrodite told you that?” Jericho asked, incredulous. Then tentatively he added, “Did....Did she say who?”

  “She didn’t stick around long enough for me to ask,” Sebastian replied, taking guilty pleasure in the way Jericho’s shoulders drooped. “I spent 8 months tracking down the Wandering Oracle. I think I wanted to find the guy he was meant for and have him locked up somewhere dark or maybe even have him killed.”

  “And...What did she say?”

  Sebastian laughed. “Well, let’s just say that you’re damn fucking lucky that you’re not the sort of fucking bastard your father is.”

  “You let him go, for me?” Jericho whispered.

  “I let Emery go for Emery. He deserves the best fate has in store for him. He’s earned that.” Sebastian grinned wickedly. “How that translates to you is beyond me, but who am I to argue with a Goddess?”

  “If you did, you’d be a braver man than I,” Jericho smiled. “Or maybe just foolish. For a love goddess, I hear Aphrodite has a temper. But thank you. More than you will ever know, thank you. If you ever need anything...”

  “Take care of him. Make him happy. Love him,” Sebastian responded, voice serious.

  “I will. You have my word.”

  “You’d better. You’d damn well fucking better.” Sebastian gave a sad laugh and shifted the subject to safer territory. “And when you’re king, be better at it than your father. Stop the tradition of the crown getting in the way and making everyone suffer. And maybe give Alsdale back to the House of Ainsley. Gods know I’d rather have to deal with Sir Ainsley than that fucking moron Faustus.”


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