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Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2)

Page 7

by Ariana May

  Quentin pulled back and off of Emery’s cock, causing him to groan in displeasure at the loss of Quentin’s mouth. Looking up at Emery through his eyelashes, Quentin licked his lips and murmured, “As you wish, sir.” Quentin took a deep breath, savoring the scent that was Emery and plunged down until the head of Emery’s cock was lodged in the back of his throat. Enjoying Emery’s resultant gasp, he sucked hard, his cheeks hollowing and pulled back up, licking the hard shaft as he went. Determined to take all of Emery’s cock, Quentin slid up and down sucking, swallowing, and licking to draw out more gasps and moans as he dipped lower and lower, until Emery was buried deep in his throat and his nose was nestled against the soft brown curls at the base of Emery’s cock.

  “Quentin!” Emery cried. “Gods, feels so good.”

  Emery’s cries went straight to Quentin’s cock, making him impossibly harder. Though he couldn’t help but groan around Emery’s cock, at that moment, Quentin didn’t care that he wouldn’t be allowed relief. His entire being was focused on giving Emery pleasure. Quentin began to move again, up and own, each time sucking all of Emery into his mouth and throat. Licking and sucking faster and faster as Emery’s moans and cries took on a frenzied desperate tone.

  “Quentin! So hot, lips around my cock. Going to come.”

  Quentin pulled back, to suck hard on the head of Emery’s cock as Emery cried out in orgasm, his hot seed flooding Quentin’s mouth. Gently he sucked and licked Emery through his orgasm, savoring the taste of Emery. Quentin swallowed every last drop of Emery’s cum, letting none of it escape his mouth.

  When Emery’s cries and moans of passion turned to whimpers of oversensitivity, Quentin released Emery’s cock and slid up the older boy’s body until he could rest his head on Emery’s shoulder. When Emery’s arms came around him, Quentin whispered, shy once more, “Was...Was I good?”

  Emery moaned and pressed a kiss to Quentin’s hair. “You were incredible. So good.” Emery pulled Quentin closer as he murmured sleepily. “You’re such a good boy for me.”

  Pleasure and joy and something akin to the love he felt for his Master swept through Quentin at Emery’s words. He snuggled closer into Emery’s embrace and nuzzled the older boy’s neck as they drifted off to sleep.


  Emery woke to the warmth of a cuddly sleeping Quentin nuzzled up to his side, the boy’s head on his chest. 'This is my life. A cute half naked boy in my bed, more cute, probably naked boys in my Love’s bed. Oh and falling in love with our joint Master, the Crown Prince.’ Emery smiled to himself. ‘And I wouldn’t change a bit of it.’

  He gave himself a moment to enjoy the cuddle and plan out his day. He had a meeting scheduled with the Royal Chef for his morning and singing practice with Damien for his afternoon. Remembering the rather enticing plans Jericho had for their evening, Emery decided it was best to start out with a quick chat with Quentin before getting the daily orgasm out of the way. He gently nudged the boy awake and kissed his forehead. “Time to wake up, Quentin.”

  “Hmmm, what? Where?” Quentin murmured, still half asleep. Quentin’s eyes fluttered open. He tensed at the realization of his location, then allowed himself to relax as Emery’s hands caressed his back. “Emery. Good morning.”

  “Good morning, Quentin,” Emery said. “I just remembered that I’m spending the night with Master Jericho, Kai, and Nico. Now, since you’re supposed to sleep with me, I can beg off and come back here to sleep, or I can ask Master Jericho if you can join us for our fun, or maybe you can just join us after for sleeping. Mind you, for the first and the last we’d have to explain things to Nico and Kai.”

  Erotic images rampaged through Quentin’s mind, bringing his cock to full hardness. A part of him wanted to experiment and see what it would be like to join the fun, but a greater part was just not ready to entertain such thoughts. “I...I told Kai about the punishment. The first day during while you were with Master Jericho. He’s my friend and he noticed that I was sitting gingerly I guess. He...He was nice and understanding...comforting. Kai’s nice that way. I...I wouldn’t want to take you away from his night with you. So, maybe I can come in when you’re...ah...done?”

  “Yes. Kai is nice.” Emery said, smiling at Quentin. He noticed that Quentin hadn’t addressed the second option, but let it go. “I’ll see about sending for you when we’re done then. Just don’t tell Kai, he and Nico don’t know they’re in for a foursome.” Emery’s smile turned seductive. “Of course, that plan means we have get your punishment for the day out the way. I’m thinking a nice blow job in the shower. What do you think?”

  Quentin apparently thought very well of the idea as it wasn’t long before Emery was standing between Quentin and the hot spray, looking down at the boy’s cum covered face and panting in post orgasmic pleasure.

  Afterwards, Emery’s day passed by swiftly. His morning meeting went very well and promised to lighten his workload. The Royal Chef already had definite ideas about the menus for the Festival of the Gods and Grand Ball and thus needed very little direction. Emery only needed to augment the plans a little and the Chef was quite pleased to accept Emery’s suggestions. She told him that it was a pleasure to plan with someone who so clearly knew what they were talking about. With a sly and conspiratorial smile, she advised him that while the Penterfell boy she usually dealt with was very nice, he was not a proper connoisseur of fine foods. In addition to the successful meeting, Emery continued to find that he rather enjoyed watching Quentin flirt with the pretty female kitchen assistants and joke with their male counterparts. Confidence was very attractive on the boy.

  Following a delightful lunch with the harem boys, Emery holed up with Damien in the older boy’s quarters. Emery started by advising Damien of his progress with both the assigned chores and his recon. “I’ve placed ward bypassing charms into the ward basins. As long as the Lord’s don’t surprise us by improving their security measures, I should have no trouble slipping in while they’re in meetings and pursuing their belongings for anything we can use. I’m hoping that I can find something that will make it easier to pin the King’s death on one of the less pleasant of them. And of course, it wouldn’t hurt to have dirt on them to use as leverage when Jericho is king.”

  Damien nodded his agreement with Emery’s plans. “That sounds good. I’ll make sure you have time during the council week to do your reconnaissance.” Damien’s gaze turned thoughtful and contemplative. “Actually, so long as the bypass crystals are keyed to respond only to your keystone...” Damien paused to wait for Emery’s nod of confirmation before continuing. “Well then, we may as well leave them in place for as long as we can get away with it. While it’s not nice to spy on the Lords of the realm, it will undoubtedly prove useful when Jericho is king.”

  Damien continued on and returned the favor of Emery’s report by detailing everything he knew about the schedules and habits of the palace inhabitants and reminding Emery to discreetly pump Quentin for further details. Eventually, they got around to their stated activity for the afternoon and Damien led Emery through his vocal paces, confirming that he’d be ready for the coming mini-concert. Once finished with official lesson, they finished their session with a friendly sing-a-long in which they shared fond favorites and generally indulged their shared love of music. One particularly flirty duet resulted in them ending their afternoon together spread out on Damien’s bed head to groin in tangle of naked limbs and orgasmic pleasure.


  Emery dined that night with Jericho, again sharing childhood stories over their soup. Over dessert they found their way to the subject of childhood pets. “When I was four, my mother and I found a little spotted cat in an alleyway. She’d been abandoned I guess. She had an injured paw and we brought her back home so my mother could heal her. My mother let me do the final bandaging. It was the first lesson in healing my mother ever gave me.” Emery paused, lost for a moment in the memory of his mother and Jericho reached across the table to pat his hand.

  Emery grabbed Jericho’s hand in his own, running a thumb over the back. “She, the cat, had this musical purr and this little spot on her forehead that looked like the notes in my piano music books.” Emery smiled at the memory and gave a small laugh. “I named her Treble. I loved that cat, took her everywhere. Well, when she would deign to follow me. Which was most of the time. Though, every once in a while she’d just sit there and lick her paw and give me this look. It was like she was saying ‘Seriously, Emery? You want me to what?’ I liked to play with her running around in a sort of game of tag, teasing her with this ball of yarn, or I had this ball that she would sort roll at me using her nose or paw. Most off all though, I loved it when she let me cuddle with her.”

  “Is she with your dad now?” Jericho asked, visions of a young Emery and his cat dancing through his head.

  “No,” Emery said, a little sad. “She wasn’t young when we found her. She died a few years ago.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Emery...I”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Emery said, waving off Jericho’s apology. “It was in her sleep and she was a very old cat. It was her time. And I have my memories. Good memories. Anyway, what about you? Princely hunting dogs perhaps?”

  Jericho grinned at the memories Emery’s question evoked. “My father has hunting dogs. He’s trained them to be quite vicious. I’ve never cared for them. Some of my first memories though, were of a white and black striped kitten. My mother and the kitten. His name is Mist. Like you and your Treble, we went everywhere. Though Mist didn’t really go in for the moments of attitude that your Treble did. Bit of a temper though, mostly if people were rude to me. Scared the pants off of more than one annoying person as I grew up. My father hated Mist, was just a bit scared of him. That was the second best part. Best was the snuggling and cuddling, like you said.”

  “Your father, the King. One of the most feared men in the realm was scared of your kitten?” Emery asked, incredulous.

  With a mischievous grin, Jericho answered, “Well, he didn’t stay a kitten. Anyway, after my mother died, my father had him sent to the Royal Zoo. I go visit him as much as I can.”

  “The Royal Zoo?” Emery asked, even more incredulity in his tone.

  “Well,” Jericho said with a sheepish grin. “Kitten was perhaps a misnomer. Tiger cub would perhaps been have been more accurate.”

  “Jericho!” Emery exclaimed as he rose from the table. He moved around the table and dropped into Jericho’s lap, one hand wrapped around Jericho’s shoulders for stability. Emery poked a finger from his free hand repeatedly into Jericho’s chest. “Ha, ha, I bet you think you’re very funny.”

  “What?” Jericho asked, putting on his most innocent face. “Don’t you believe me?”

  “Yes, I believe you,” Emery said, still poking. “You nobles and royals are just weird enough for that. But you made me believe you had a normal house cat like me, not an actual tiger.”

  “Sorry?” Jericho said, making the cutest pouty face. “But you like my weird don’t you?”

  Emery leaned in close, touching his forehead to Jericho’s. “Yes,” he whispered. “I love your weird.” Emery tilted his head to the side, pressing his lips to Jericho’s and running his tongue along Jericho’s lower lip, seeking entrance. When Jericho parted his lips, Emery slid his tongue in to meet Jericho’s, deepening the kiss. And that was how Kai and Nico found them when they entered a good fifteen minutes later.

  Nico cleared his throat to draw attention. “Ah, we can come back later if you want, Master.”

  “Or maybe,” Kai started, voice both excited and pleading. “Maybe Emery could stay and play with us. Oh Master, that would be so much fun. Please!”

  “I don’t know,” Jericho said coyly. “What do you think Emery? Do you want to stay and fuck Kai for me? I’m sure he’d be a very good boy for you.”

  The way Kai’s eyes went wide with lust at the idea went right to Emery’s cock. Still, he played aloof and made a marginally subtle show of considering the request.

  “Please, Emery! Please stay and play with us. I’ll make you feel so good, I promise. Nicky tell him how good my ass is when you fuck me.”

  Deciding that he’d had his fun, Emery spoke before Nico had a chance. “I think I’d prefer to find that out for myself.”

  “YES!” Kai exclaimed, rushing forward to catch both Emery and Jericho in a big bear hug. “Oh, we’re going to have so much fun, Emery. So much fun!”

  “Well, that’s a plan then,” Jericho said with a smirk. “However, I’m not quite done making out with Emery, so I want the two you of you to go into my bedroom while I finish. In ten minutes, I want you both naked, prepared, and kneeling beside the bed, ready to show us just how much you want our cocks.”

  “Yes, Master!” Kai, exclaimed. “We’ll be so ready!” Kai pulled away from Emery and Jericho to grab Nico’s hand and drag him towards Jericho’s bedroom.

  “Nico,” Jericho called out. “Check the right night stand.”

  “Yes, Master.” Nico agreed, answering over the back of his shoulder as he disappeared into the bedroom.

  “Now, where were we,” Jericho whispered, pressing his lips once more to Emery’s.

  “Night stand?” Emery queried between fervent kisses.

  “Butt plugs and lube,” Jericho whispered, as he reached between them to unbutton Emery’s shirt. “Want them nice and ready for us.” Jericho pulled Emery’s shirt away and scrambled to remove his own before pulling Emery close again, skin to skin, lips to lips, and tongue to tongue. Over the course of the next ten minutes Emery and Jericho alternated between passionate kisses and frenzied clothing removal. Finally naked, Jericho led Emery over to an end table, pulling out two cock rings. Handing one to Emery, he knelt and secured the other at the base of Emery’s cock and balls. “I want time to enjoy their mouths before we fuck them.”

  “Works for me.” Emery murmured as he traded positions with Jericho, securing the second cock ring in place. He pressed soft kiss to the head of Jericho’s hard cock before rising to sling an arm around Jericho’s waist. “Shall we?” When Jericho nodded, fighting back a moan, Emery guided him into the bedroom.

  As ordered, Nico and Kai were kneeling nude, next to the bed, heads down in supplication. Emery took in the sight before him. Nico knelt perfectly still closest to the head of the bed, back ramrod straight, half hard cock resting against thighs held tightly together. His hands were clasped together behind his back, just above the lush curve of his ass. He was the perfect image of supplication. A handsome boy ready and waiting to be used at his Master’s command. Kai, on the other hand, knelt with spread legs, his cock hanging hard and leaking between them. His hands were fisted on his thighs, clenching and unclenching as he fidgeted. Though still an image of supplication, this was very clearly a boy eager to be used and desperate to get started.

  Emery smirked, winking at Jericho and tilting his head towards Kai, unable to resist teasing the eager boy before him. “I don’t know, Master. Kai is looking awful fidgety tonight. Maybe we should just play with Nico. After all, he’s kneeling there so nice and still like a good boy.”

  Enjoying the game Emery was playing, Jericho returned his wink and said, “Hmmm...You do have a point, Love. Nico is being much better behaved, all nice and quiet, no fidgeting. And he would look very nice strung out between us. Mind you, it would be a shame to let such a nice ass like Kai’s go to waste, though we really ought not reward naughty boys.”

  For several long seconds, Kai just knelt there, jaw dropped and panic running across his face. “Please, Master! I’ll be good. So good for you! I promise. I’m just excited. Want to serve you and Emery so much. Please Master! Please!”

  Silently, Jericho guided Emery to sit on the bed in front of Kai before leaning down to whisper in the boy’s ear. “Well, then, you’d best use that pretty little mouth of yours and show Emery just how much you want him to fuck your pretty little ass.”

  Kai practically leapt forward, wasting
no time in sucking Emery’s cock into his mouth, relaxing his throat muscles so that he took all of Emery’s length in one go. As his nose touched the nest of curls around Emery’s cock, Kai brought his hands up and around Emery to grip and caress Emery’s ass and lower back. Emery threw his head back and gasped and moaned at the sudden embrace of wet heat around his cock.

  Jericho stood there watching the erotically beautiful image before him until Kai began to move, bobbing his head up and down Emery’s cock. Then, answering the siren call of his own hard cock, he sat on the bed before Nico. He tilted the boy’s head up and was rewarded with smiling eyes, a quick wink, and nearly imperceptible nod towards Emery and Kai. Clearly, Nico had been amused, not fooled by their little game of teasing. Winking back, Jericho shifted his hand from Nico’s chin to the back of his head, guiding the boy down to his cock. Obediently, Nico sucked him down, licking as he went.

  For several minutes, Nico and Kai’s heads bobbed up and down, licking and sucking, as they eagerly deep throated Emery and Jericho’s cocks. They sucked harder and faster, spurred on by Emery and Jericho’s moans of pleasure and intent on proving their desire to be taken and fucked by the men before them.

  In addition the exquisite pleasure of Nico's mouth on him, Jericho found himself delighting in watching the rapturous pleasure rush across Emery’s face and shine from his expressive eyes. Kai was offering up his very best cock sucking, undeniably determined to show both Emery and his Master just how much he could be their good boy and earn Emery’s cock. Soon enough though, it was clear that cock ring was the only thing keeping Emery from flooding Kai’s throat with seed, and Jericho himself was not far behind that. Reaching forward, he gave a slight tug to Nico and Kai’s hair and both boys pulled back, eyes wanton with lust.


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