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Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2)

Page 9

by Ariana May

  “Fuck!” Thom exclaimed. “That’s so hot!”

  “And then...” Kai started to continue.

  “Oh hell. More? There can’t be more!” Thom interrupted.

  “But in the morning, Master Jericho was so mean. We did blow jobs in the shower and I only got to suck Nicky. Which okay, sucking Nicky is AWESOME! I love sucking Nicky and really love Nicky sucking me. But Master called Quentin in to do him and Emery. And okay, major eye-candy, but I didn't even get a taste! Not even a drop! So mean!" The pout on Kai’s face as he said this was truly adorable, so naturally Nico pulled him in to kiss the pout away.

  Quentin blushed bright red and ducked his head. Emery comforted him a bit by squeezing his hand and pulling him into Emery’s lap for a cuddle. “And what a marvelous blowjob it was this morning.”

  “Mean!” Kai pouted around Nico’s lips.

  The other boys just sat there staring. Finally, Thom managed to speak. “Fuck! Daven, is that a threesome next to a twosome or...or is that an actual fivesome?”

  Daven whispered, “I don’t know, but it’s definitely a moresome...” Trailing off, Daven scrambled to his feet. “Gods, that was hot! Alec, Thom, come on. We’re going to go jump Damien. NOW!”


  Following breakfast, Emery sent Quentin off to catch up on his own work. Emery then spent the morning running various little party errands: delivering the little decisions he’d already made and setting up meetings to discuss bigger issues. He returned to the harem around noon, intending to get lunch in the dining room. However, he was soon waylaid by Damien. The older boy looked completely sated, if a bit harried, as he came up to Emery, a blissed out look on his handsome face.

  “Emery, there you are. Perfect timing,” Damien said, leaning in for an absent-minded kiss before he took Emery’s arm and guided him away from the dining area.

  “Good afternoon, Damien,” Emery responded, with a wicked grin on his face. “You look...” ‘Well fucked.’ “Sated this afternoon. I take it Daven and company found you this morning.”

  “Yes, yes they did,” Damien said, his eyes narrowing. “Should I take it that you’re partially responsible for my spending the better part of the morning with cocks in my mouth and ass and pretty asses fucking themselves on my cock?”

  Emery couldn’t help himself and let out a sort of half moan, half chuckle at the image generated by Damien’s words. “Gods that’s hot. As for responsible... Well, I did participate in the night and morning of sex that produced Kai’s breakfast story. And Daven did run out after the story intent on finding you.” Emery’s mouth curved in a wicked smirk. “Did they really just jump you? And for how many rounds?”

  “Kai’s stories. Of course. Well, Daven did ask from his knees while he was pulling my pants off.” Damien gave a blissful sigh. “Just one round, but they kept stopping and trading places so it took a while. Anyway, Jericho had a meeting canceled, so he’s surprising you with lunch and an afternoon in the gardens.”

  “Will you be joining us?” Emery asked.

  “No,” Damien smiled wickedly. “I’m going to spend the afternoon teaching Daven a lesson about jumping me.”

  “Oh,” Emery asked, waggling his eyebrows. “What kind of lesson?”

  “The kind that involves restraints, cock rings, feathers, this lovely suede paddle I’ve been wanting to try out, and well, I haven’t decided what else yet.”

  “Well, that will certainly teach him something, though I’m not entirely sure what,” Emery said, giggling. “Sounds like fun though. Almost wish I could watch.”

  “Now there’s an idea,” Damien said, joining Emery’s giggling. “Maybe some other time.”

  Damien led Emery out through the twisting maze of the gardens. Eventually he brought him to a wall of thick ivy. Damien pressed his hand to a decorative sphere and whispered something. The ivy parted to form an arched entryway. “Here you are. It’s Jericho’s private garden. Just tell the sphere inside to close.” Damien winked at Emery and kissed him goodbye. “Have a good afternoon.”

  As Damien walked away, Emery stepped through the entryway and whispering, followed Damien’s instructions, sealing the private garden. For a moment, Emery just stood there, taking in the beauty of the garden. The garden was designed as a tropical grotto and clearly enchanted to be warmer than the surrounding gardens. High hedges towered around the edge of the garden, ensuring privacy. Tropical plants and flowers lined the walls and garden paths. Palm trees provided shade for a seating and dining area along the left side. The trees cleared providing a broad center area of chaise lounges clearly intended for sunbathing. The right side held a pool set into the ground and surrounded by lush tropical foliage. Of course, the most eye catching part of the garden was the Prince bent over, emptying a picnic basket onto a table.

  Using all his skill to move silently, Emery wound his way through the grotto, sneaking up on his Prince and Master. Grabbing Jericho’s shoulder, Emery whirled him around. When Jericho’s mouth opened in surprise, Emery took full advantage, licking his tongue past Jericho’s lips as he tenderly claimed his master’s mouth. Emery entwined his tongue over Jericho’s, sending pleasure sparking out through both of them. He held the kiss, gentle but deep, until he was forced to come up for air. Wrapping his arms around Jericho and plastering his body against his master’s, Emery murmured, “Hello, Master.”

  Jericho took a moment to catch his breath and to revel in the feel of Emery’s body pressed against his and in Emery’s delicious scent. “Emery!” Jericho gasped. “You snuck up on me.”

  “Complaining?” Emery dropped his hands down to squeeze Jericho’s ass as he spoke and followed up with a slow sweet kiss.

  “No,” Jericho murmured, following with a kiss of his own. “Not at all. Sorry for the short notice this afternoon.”

  “I’m always glad to see you, my love.” Emery nuzzled Jericho’s neck as he spoke. “I didn’t get a chance to say it this morning, but I had an incredible time last night. Emery pulled back to look at into Jericho’s eyes as he grinned mischievously. “Even more so now that I know that our night is responsible for the paddling Daven is in for this afternoon.”

  “Paddling? How did we accomplish that?”

  Emery leaned in, nuzzling Jericho’s nose with his own. “Well, first we had some really awesome sex.” Emery tilted his head, kissing Jericho again. “Then Kai told the story to Daven, Thom, Alec, and Quentin at breakfast. This caused Daven to drag Thom and Alec out to track down and jump Damien. So now Damien has to teach Daven a lesson about jumping him.”

  “Mmmm... Lucky Daven.”

  “Lucky me, I get to spend the afternoon with the most wonderful man in the world.” Emery grinned widely. “And then I can drag the story out of Damien or Daven.”

  “You’ve got one thing wrong,” Jericho said, hugging Emery tightly. “I’m the one spending time with the most wonderful man in the world.”

  “I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree on that.” Emery said as he pulled back from Jericho. “Now, how about we get to this lunch you’ve been setting up. I’m famished.”

  “Well we can’t have you wasting away from hunger,” Jericho said as he guided Emery to chair, pulling it out so Emery could sit. He moved around to the other sit in the nearest chair, choosing to sit next to, rather than across from, Emery. “We have some lovely cheeses and fruit juice to start with. Then we have a main course of some delicious honey glazed shaved ham, baby carrots, and the fluffiest rolls you’ve ever had. And finally, some truly divine angel food cake with lemon glaze for dessert.” Jericho lifted a cube of cheese to Emery’s lips as he finished speaking.

  Emery took in the cheese and closed his lips on Jericho’s fingers, flicking his tongue over the tips before drawing back to savor the cheese. “Sounds incredible.” Emery picked up a piece of cheese and returned Jericho’s gesture.

  “Mmm...” Jericho murmured around Emery’s fingers. “So before we move completely away from the topic of
last night and this morning, was Quentin okay with joining in this morning, could you tell? He seemed like he was, but I want to be sure.”

  “He stopped in to chat this morning before breakfast. I think it is safe to say that he was fine with giving us both blow jobs. And the act of performing in front of Nico and Kai didn’t seem to be a problem for him, in and of itself.”

  Latching on to Emery’s words, Jericho asked, worried, “But there was a problem?”

  “Nothing major.” Emery smiled, his face broadcasting reassurance. “He just had a moment this morning when he realized that his best friend Kai was and I quote, ‘want to have sex with him hot.’ It was apparently quite the revelation for him. Shows just how much he was repressing I suppose. Anyway, wanting to have sex with his best friend threw him for a loop. I was able to comfort him by telling him a story about wanting to have sex with my best friend. I think he may even approach Nico and Kai when he’s punishment is over.”

  Jealousy sparking in his eyes, Jericho mostly managed to hold an even tone as he inquired. “Your best friend?”

  Emery couldn’t help but be feel a trickle of pleasure at Jericho’s jealousy. Still, the subject had his tone quiet when he answered. “Seb. Look, Jericho, for the longest time sex wasn’t on my radar. I had no interest. None. But the Fair was coming up and well, you hear about Guild Masters wanting sex and I...I wasn’t sure about it. But Seb...he helped me see that intimacy could be good, could be wonderful. We never did much. I came to you a virgin after all. But it was enough, enough that I was ready, even eager to come to your bed when you claimed me. And you’ve shown me that sex can be incredible beyond words. And as I told Quentin, you’ve given me new friends that I get to have wonderful sex with. And...” Emery’s voice broke on the swell of emotion about the man before him. “And you...Gods Jericho, you’ve made me so happy. I didn’t think it was possible to feel as good as I feel with you.”

  Emotion swamped Jericho, leaving him speechless. Though touched beyond belief by Emery’s words, which swept the jealousy away with the force of their growing love, Jericho was troubled by the tenor of Emery’s story about not originally wanting sex. ‘There is something there. Something off, something dark. Something familiar. Do I ask? No, I want this to be happy day. I’ll just keep an eye out in the future. Check into things.’ Determined to focus on the positive, Jericho responded, “I’m glad you could help him. And I’m glad Sebastian was able to help you. And... And I’m so incredibly blessed you’re happy with me. I feel things with you that I’ve never felt with anyone.” Jericho paused as his heart welled up in his throat, his feelings for Emery overwhelming him. “Having you with me makes me happier than I’ve ever thought possible. And if that damn Sebastian helped you to be ready for me...Well, I guess I owe him then.”

  ‘More than you know, Jericho...More than you know,’ Emery thought. Out loud he said. “I guess we’ll have to be happy about being in each other’s lives together then, Jericho. And as for Seb, well, probably best not to tell him that. Wouldn’t want to swell his head.”

  Jericho laughed at that. “No, we wouldn’t want to do that. Moving on. How are the party plans coming?”

  From there Emery and Jericho lapsed into easy conversation as they took turns feeding each other. They had a pleasant lunch, simply basking in each other’s presence. Eventually, when the last crumb of cake had been finished, Jericho pushed back from the table. “Shall we move on the next part of our afternoon?”

  Licking the last of the lemon glaze from his lips, Emery asked, “What did you have in mind?”

  “I was thinking we’d start with a little sunbathing while lunch settles. Then I thought you might like a massage.”

  Emery raised an eyebrow. “You have seen my complexion, right? I’ll burn unless you have the best sunscreen potion known to man.”

  Jericho brushed off the concern with a wide grin. “The grotto is enchanted. No burning. Just tanning. And I think you’ll find the sun feels incredible. So please, strip. I want to see you in the sunlight.”

  Emery blushed at Jericho’s request, but nonetheless began to remove his clothes. “I guess I know how you avoid tan lines now.”

  Jericho laughed as he began to strip out of his clothing. “Yes, this grotto is good for that year round. The enchantments keep it warm, burn free, and most importantly private. Perfect for naked sunbathing with my boys.”

  Once they were both nude, Jericho took Emery’s hand and led him to the central area and directed him to lay down on a large double wide chaise lounge. Once Emery was comfortably situated on his back, Jericho moved to sit down on the other side of the lounge. Before laying down, Jericho touched the beak of a glass canary perched in the leaves of a nearby mini palm tree. The bird chirped lightly a couple of times in response. At Emery’s questioning glance, Jericho explained, “It’s an alarm, so we don’t lay on one side too long. Now, let’s have a nice relaxing rest in the sun.” Jericho lay back on the lounge and clasped Emery’s right hand with his left before closing his eyes.

  They lay there basking in the sun, daydreaming of each other until the little bird chirped its alarm. At this time they rotated on to their fronts to allow their backs to tan. Twice more the bird chirped and they interrupted their daydreams to rotate. On the fourth chirping, Emery prepared to roll over once more, but before he could move he felt Jericho’s hands on his ass. “Stay put, Emery, I think you’ll like this next part. You’ve been so busy working for Damien on my behalf that I thought you could use a nice relaxing massage.”

  Jericho pressed oil covered hands to Emery’s shoulders and began gently massaging Emery’s neck muscles. The sun warmed oil was scented with jasmine adding a pleasant aroma to the pleasure of Jericho’s hands relaxing Emery’s muscles. Gently, Jericho worked lower, skillfully kneading the muscles of his boy’s back, drawing a moan of appreciation from Emery. Encouraged by the sounds Emery was making, Jericho slowly worked his way down Emery’s back, taking care to pay attention to every inch of skin, soothing and draining tension from each muscle.

  Jericho dipped his hands lower to knead the firm globes of Emery’s ass. Carefully he used his thumbs to caress his way down the crack and around Emery’s hole. He pressed circles around the tight hole, teasing the entrance but not entering. His actions drew new moans of desire from Emery. Once he felt he’d worked the boy up enough, Jericho shifted lower once more, working over the muscles of Emery’s thighs, working out tension and teasing the soft flesh of the inner thighs. When the pitch of Emery’s moans shifted higher, Jericho gave him a break and worked down to the boy’s calves, massaging gently.

  “Here, flip over now, Love,” Jericho said as he reached Emery’s ankles. “I’ll do your front next.” Jericho waited as Emery complied, loose limbed. Gently he massaged his way back up Emery’s legs. As he approached Emery’s groin, Jericho moved his hands out and away from the already hard cock, bypassing it and moving on to Emery’s abs. As Jericho tenderly worked the firm, toned flesh under his hands, eliciting more sounds of approval. By the time Jericho completed his efforts by massaging Emery’s arms, Emery had been reduced to a loose, limber pile of boy-flesh.

  Finished with his massage, Jericho dipped down to kiss the tip of Emery’s cock and slowly sink an oil covered finger into Emery’s hole. Pleased by Emery’s languid moan of “Jericho”, Jericho licked a swirling path down Emery’s cock as he thrust his finger in and out of Emery, gently prodding the boy open. Jericho sucked Emery’s length into his mouth, descending downward until his nose was touching the nest of soft brown curls.

  Emery mewled in pleasure at the wet heat engulfing his cock. The massage had left him floating and now he soared higher, driven by the Jericho’s mouth and fingers. He groaned as a second finger joined the first in spreading him open. He moaned loudly as intense pleasure rushed through him as Jericho’s fingers struck his prostate. Again and again, Jericho pressed against his prostate and moved his mouth up and down Emery’s cock. The press of a third finger and a
n increased pace of suction had Emery rushing towards the edge. “Going to come,” he gasped. “Please, Master. Need to come.”

  Jericho’s response was a hard thrust of his fingers into Emery’s prostate and deep strong suction on Emery’s cock that sent pleasure coursing through the boy’s body. Emery tumbled over the edge into orgasm, spilling his seed down Jericho’s throat. Jericho licked Emery through his orgasm and savored the taste of his boy as he licked the cockhead clean.

  With Emery fully relaxed from his orgasm, Jericho lifted his mouth from Emery’s softening cock and withdrew his fingers. Jericho reached under the chase and drew out the pillow strapped underneath. With a soft touch, Jericho parted Emery’s legs and lifted the boy’s hips to position the pillow to allow for better access. Slicking his cock with oil and raising Emery’s legs over his shoulders, Jericho lined himself up at the entrance to Emery’s body. Softly, slowly he pressed into the ring of muscle. Stretched by Jericho’s fingers and relaxed by massage and orgasm, Emery’s body opened for Jericho allowing him to slide easily in. Once Emery’s ass had taken in every inch of Jericho’s cock, Jericho began to rock gently back and forth, just barely moving his cock past Emery’s prostate as he waited for the boy to grow hard once more.


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