Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2)

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Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2) Page 11

by Ariana May

  After lunch, Emery resumed his lesson with Theo. He found the tall, beefy boy to be an excellent and patient teacher. Theo complimented his quick mastery of new material and informed Emery that he would make an excellent emergency medic if he so desired. Emery readily agreed to further lessons, partly because such knowledge could prove useful in his line of work, but mostly because he was enjoying the other boy’s company.

  Keeping Daven’s words in mind, Emery took a break mid-afternoon to press Theo down onto his bed so that Emery could suck down his cock. Taking the massive shaft into his mouth and throat was no easy task, but Emery was quite certain that practice would make perfect. He doubted Theo would complain about helping Emery practice, especially since just seconds after Emery had swallowed down the boy’s cum, he found himself flat on his back with Theo’s head bobbing up and down on his cock, the eager mouth and tongue working his shaft furiously.

  For dinner, Emery sat with Theo, Alec, James, and a quiet, slightly fidgety Quentin. They had a lively discussion of their various areas of interest. Before retiring for the night, Emery found himself promising James a duet, Alec a session of posing for the boy’s painting, and to spend some time learning about Quentin’s financial duties. Well, the latter had admittedly been more a matter of coaxing a promise to show Emery his work out of Quentin than Emery promising to take a look, but the boy had seemed happy enough by the attention so Emery wasn’t going to quibble about semantics.

  After dinner, Emery took an hour or so to organize his notes and correspondence. His palace recon had gone well thus far, though he would need more time to work out a suitable plan. Furthermore, while he had an idea or two about possible scapegoats for his future endeavors, any such plan would require further consideration. ‘Probably best to see if I can link any palace troublemakers with one of the less pleasant lords while they’re here,’ Emery thought. ‘With King Amberton’s court, no one will have trouble believing court intrigue as motive for an assassination. And besides, it would be nice to implicate Flora’s bastard of a brother if I can. Seb’s security breaking enchantments will be good for checking things out. I’ll have to schedule some activities during the Council of Lords week to keep the Lords busy enough that I can snoop through their things.’

  As the hour grew late, Emery’s thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. Emery hurriedly returned his papers to their secure storage space in his bracer and answered the knock with a quick, “Come in, Quentin.”

  Quentin entered the room and hesitantly made his way over to Emery. “How’d you know it was me?”

  ‘I could sense you fidgeting nervously outside my door,’ Emery thought concerned. Out loud he said. “Educated guess. It is getting close to bedtime after all.” Emery moved to his bed and pulled Quentin down into his lap. “Now, do you want to tell me why you’ve been acting a bit nervous tonight?”

  Quentin blushed at the question but steeled himself, determined to see this through. “I...I’ve been thinking. About everything I’ve learned about myself this week. About what it’s been like with Master this last year. About...About Kai’s story yesterday.”

  Patient, Emery snuggled into Quentin, offering some silent comfort to the boy.

  Leaning in to Emery’s embrace, Quentin ducked his head and continued. “I like what I do with Master Jericho. All of it. And... And because he’s a man as well as because he’s Master Jericho. And I really liked sucking your cock this week, even...even though I didn’t get to come.” Quentin paused, blushing harder at his own admission.

  Emery used a single finger to tilt Quentin’s chin up so that he could gently kiss the blushing boy. “And I’ve enjoyed our time together, Quentin. Go on.”

  “I...I want to feel you inside me,” Quentin whispered in a barely audible tone, ducking his head again.

  Emery lifted Quentin’s chin once more so that he could catch and hold Quentin's gaze. “Inside you? In your mouth perhaps, fucking your pretty face?” At Quentin’s almost violent shake of his head, Emery slid his hands down into the loose pants and boxers Quentin wore and ghosted a finger over the boy’s hole. “Here then maybe. Do you want me here, filling your ass with my cock? Is that what you want Quentin? Me, another boy, fucking you?” When Quentin nodded shyly, Emery pulled his hand back to cup the boy’s ass cheeks and said, “I need the words Quentin. I need you to look me in eye and say exactly what you want. I have to know, really know, that it is what you want.”

  “Fuck me,” Quentin whispered and the words percolating in his mind came tumbling out after. “I want you to fuck me, Emery. I want to see, to know, that it feels as good with you as it does with Master. I want to feel your cock inside me. Please, Emery, fuck me.”

  Emery rose, pulling Quentin along with him. He gathered the boy close and ran his hands through the boy’s light brown, spiky locks, pulling Quentin’s head to his for slow, sweet kiss. “It would be my pleasure, Quentin. I’ve been hoping you would ask. I’ve wanted the chance to play with you for a long time.” Emery grinned sheepishly. “Well, long relative to my time here in our Master’s harem. Having you this week has been wonderful and having you trust me enough to ask for this makes me very happy. And though he won’t know of it until he returns, I can assure you that it makes our Master very happy as well.”

  “Master. Why would Master be happy?” Quentin whispered, confusion visible in his eyes.

  Emery leaned in so that his forehead rested on Quentin's, their faces intimately close. “He loves you Quentin, as he loves all his boys. And he wants so very much for you to be happy. Happy as his boy and most importantly happy as yourself, with yourself. And you are now, aren’t you?”

  “Getting there,” Quentin whispered. “I’m....I’m happy where I am and’s okay to be me, to want what I want. I’m getting there.”

  “I’m so glad, Quentin. I want you to be happy with yourself, so very much. We all do.” Emery tilted his head to the side and met Quentin’s lips with his own, softly kissing the boy. “Believe me, Master Jericho will be very happy to hear that you’re getting there, Quentin. In fact, when this week started, he decided to reward your willingness to work through your feelings.”

  “He did?” Quentin asked, confused and not sure what to think. “He...He didn’t say anything.”

  “He did to me,” Emery reassured. “His desire to help you work through things is why I agreed to take part in your punishment.” Emery leaned in for another tender kiss. “And since you’ve come so far in accepting and admitting what you want, the chastity part of your punishment is over. You’ll continue to wear that cock ring until I’m ready for you to come, but with me buried in inside you, you will come tonight.”

  Quentin blinked, struck speechless by Emery’s announcement. His request had not been about getting off. He’d wanted to feel Emery’s cock inside him, to accept being pleasured by it and to give Emery all the pleasure that his body could offer. Knowing that he himself would be unable to climax had not mattered. He had been ready to taste pleasure only to be denied, but now, knowing that Emery would let him come, that Emery and Master Jericho had wanted him to fully experience this first time with Emery, blew his mind and went straight to his cock, which he was sure set a record for time from soft with nerves to rock hard. Finally, he managed to put his thoughts together. "Okay," he whispered. "I...I'd like that. Thank you."

  “Good. We’re going to have fun tonight, you and I, aren’t we?” At Quentin’s shy but eager nod, Emery caught him in a series of passionate kisses that sent pleasure sparking down their spines. Drawing back to regain his breath, Emery murmured, “Undress for me, Quentin.” Emery watched as Quentin obeyed, and the boy’s firm fit body and hard cock, jutting up from a nest of light brown curls, were revealed. Licking his lips in appreciation and letting his desire be heard in his tone, Emery inquired, “Tell me pretty boy, has our Master ever had you prepare yourself for him?”

  Shivering at the desire in Emery’s tone, Quentin managed a high pitched, “Yes, Sir!
Master Jericho likes to watch sometimes.”

  Smiling and just a bit turned on at Quentin’s instinctive habit of calling him Sir, Emery cupped the boy’s cheek with his right hand. He gently moved his hand downward, caressing Quentin’s face and neck. “Excellent. There’s lubricant in the night stand. Please lie down on the bed and prepare yourself for me. I want to watch a bit while I undress.”

  Blushing at the way Emery’s eyes followed him, Quentin obeyed and settled himself on the bed. Unable to resist, he gave his cock a couple of light strokes with his left hand as he coated his right hand fingers with lubricant. With his eyes locked onto Emery, who was removing his shirt, Quentin reached down and pressed one finger to the opening to his body. He stroked the rim of his hole in ever smaller circles until finally he pressed against the puckered ring of muscle. Gingerly, he pressed in, giving himself time to grow re-acquainted to the feel of being entered in that way. Carefully he pressed in and out, alternating strokes of his cock with plunges of his finger as he watched Emery slowly finish undressing.

  Once he was nude, Emery moved the sit on the bed next to Quentin. He ghosted his fingers over Quentin’s skin in a long soft caress that started in the trail of light brown hair above Quentin’s cock and ended with Emery cupping the boy’s cheek. Leaning in he gently claimed Quentin’s mouth, licking his way past the boy’s lips to rub against the tongue beyond. When he pulled back, he reached for the pot of lubricant and held it in front of Quentin. “Such a good boy, preparing yourself for me. Are you ready to take another of those delightfully long fingers of yours now?”

  Emery’s words went straight to Quentin’s cock and he couldn’t stop himself from moaning as he obeyed and slipped a second slicked finger into his ass. Gently he scissored himself open, growing once again accustomed to the stretch. As he did so, Emery continued to ply him with soft kisses and long, teasing caresses. Quentin wanted nothing more than to get on with it, so he sped the thrusts of his fingers and added a third digit.

  Finally, after what seemed to Quentin like ages, Emery halted his kisses and teasing touches to ask, “Are you ready for me, Quentin. Have you spread yourself open for me?”

  Trembling with eager lust, Quentin nodded and begged, “Yes, Sir. Please fuck me, Sir. Want you in me.”

  “Such a good eager boy for me,” Emery said as he pressed his hands between Quentin’s body and the bed, gently guiding the boy to lie on his side, facing away from Emery. He ran his hands down Quentin’s back to grip the firm globes of Quentin’s ass. Squeezing lightly, he continued. “I think I’ve decided that I like it when you call me Sir after all. So you can keep that up if you so desire, but I want you to call out my name when you come. Can you do that for me, Quentin?” As he spoke Quentin’s name, Emery parted Quentin’s ass cheeks and lined his cock up so the head was pressing against the puckered hole.

  “Yes, Sir. Please fuck me. Please!” Quentin begged. His pleas were rewarded by the slow careful stretch of Emery easing into his body. Soon enough, Quentin could feel the tickle of Emery’s pubic hair against his ass followed immediately after by the press of Emery’s groin against his skin.

  Once buried in Quentin’s ass, Emery held there a moment to ask, “How does it feel, having me inside you, Quentin?”

  “Good, Sir. So full. Please move!” Quentin gasped. And it did feel good. ‘It’s just as good as when Master Jericho is in me. Quentin Wallace - Bisexual. Check.’ Emery began to move, slowing sliding in and out of Quentin. ‘And double check. Gods, feels so good,” he managed to think before the constant brush of Emery’s cock against his prostate sent all coherent thought rushing away, leaving only pleasure in its wake.

  Emery rocked his hips back and forth in a slow, sensual pace, and reveled in the wonderfully tight heat of Quentin’s ass. Determined to make this a good experience for the beautiful boy impaled on his cock, he angled his thrusts so that he would strike the boy’s prostate with every stroke. He ran a hand down Quentin’s chest, teasing the pert nipples he found there. Delighting in the soft noises of pleasure he drew from Quentin and the whispered pleas of “Faster, harder, more,” Emery sped the movement of his hips, increasing the pleasure both of them took from their coupling.

  Quentin moaned as Emery fucked into him harder and faster. The pleasure was incredible, yet he found himself wanting more. More of the cock thrusting into him, more contact and touches, just more. He felt Emery’s hand press to his shoulder, pulling him back and twisting his torso towards Emery. When Emery’s hand pulled gently on his chin, Quentin eagerly craned his neck back so that he could meet Emery’s lips with his own. Emery’s tongue pressed against his lips and Quentin parted them, allowing Emery to claim his mouth. Emery’s tongue plunged in and slid erotically against his own, possessing his mouth every bit as much as Emery’s cock was taking his ass. Quentin groaned into Emery’s mouth, murmuring a desperate muffled, “More. So good. Need More! Please Sir! Fuck me harder!”

  Instead of fucking Quentin faster and harder as demanded, Emery pulled out and away. Quentin looked over his shoulder, involuntarily grabbing for Emery's hand as he whined, "Wha... where... nooooooo. Come back!"

  “Shhh,” Emery admonished. “Come on now.” Emery pulled Quentin off the bed, guiding him to stand bent at the waist with his hands braced on the bed. With one fast stroke he was once again buried to the hilt in Quentin’s tight ass. He pulled back and thrust in once more, snapping his hips back and forth. He set a brutal pace as he fucked into Quentin, slamming hard against the boy’s prostate with every thrust.

  “Sir!” Quentin cried out as Emery used the leverage of new position to pound into him. Emery’s hands stroked down his back to caress his ass. Emery gripped his hips and pulled him back to meet the thrust of Emery’s cock. Obeying the unspoken order, Quentin began to move his hips in time with Emery’s thrusts, pushing back to impale himself deeper on Emery’s cock. Faster and harder, Emery fucked into him sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through them both and drawing out moans and mewls of ecstasy. Again and again, Emery’s cock slammed into his prostate until he was desperate to come, the cock ring the only thing holding him back. “Please Sir!” Quentin cried. “Please Sir, let me come. So good. Need to come!”

  Emery snapped his hips forward and back five times in quick succession. On the second stroke he whispered the release of the cock ring. On the fourth, he growled. “Now, Quentin!”

  On the fifth thrust, Quentin screamed, “Emery! Emery! Emery!” as his orgasm pounded through him. His ass convulsed around Emery’s cock as pleasure swept over him and within seconds he felt the hot flood of Emery’s seed as Emery stilled deep inside of him and collapsed onto his back. Spent, Quentin fell forward, leaning more fully onto the bed as he came down from the high of orgasm. Incoherent and thoroughly fucked out, Quentin rested there, unable to move, as Emery eventually pulled out and found a cloth to wipe them both down.

  After wiping himself and Quentin down and cleaning the boy’s cum from the bed, Emery gently guided the pliant boy back onto the bed. “Come on, Quentin. Up you go.” Emery followed Quentin onto the bed to lie down next to him. Immediately, the now sleepy boy snuggled into him, murmuring incoherently. Emery put his arm around Quentin, cuddling him as slumber claimed them both.


  In the morning, Emery woke with Quentin holding him tight and took a few minutes to enjoy the warm embrace of his friend. Though not as nice as waking in Jericho’s arms, for Emery the week was proving that waking up in a good friend’s arms was a most enjoyable experience, one he wouldn’t mind repeating. Soon enough though it was time to get the day started and after rousing Quentin with a few soft kisses, Emery finished out the daily orgasm portion of Quentin’s punishment by slowly fucking the boy in the showers. The sleeping in Emery’s bed portion would be completed that night, something that Emery intended to make special arrangements for.

  After they cleaned up, dressed, and ate breakfast, Emery and Quentin spent the morning speaking with
Captain Dracon about security arrangements for the Festival of the Gods and the Council of Lords. The meeting was very productive. The Captain of the Guard would, naturally, be taking responsibility for most of the security concerns. Though Emery would be kept apprised of the security arrangements so that he could keep Damien and Jericho informed, she really only needed Emery to provide input in a couple of areas.

  First, Captain Dracon required the listing and order of temple visits for Jericho and the harem, so that royal knights could provide symbolic escort, as well as actual security. Though she was able to provide Emery with prior arrangements, it was apparently normal for Jericho to mix up the order of visits to the temples of patron gods and goddesses of his harem members, so as to avoid the appearance of favoritism. With Damien absent, Emery would have to discuss the matter with Daven and the palace chaplain to see if there was some rhyme or reason to the changing order or if he should just make selections that suited him.

  Second, the Captain needed the room assignments for the Lords during the Council week. Again to avoid the appearance of favoritism, the assignments had to be shuffled every year, lest the arrangements start a squabble between the Lords over some perceived inequity. In addition, there was the simple fact that some of the Lords didn’t get along overly well and couldn’t be placed in adjoining suites. The Captain was able to provide Emery with her dossiers on the Lords, which he intended to add to the information Seb had provided him when he worked through his decisions.

  They ended the meeting with Emery promising to get back to Captain Dracon with his decisions by the end of the day. From there, they moved on to a pleasant lunch with the other harem boys. Though no one actually asked either him or Daven, Emery overheard more than one whispered discussion about requesting sleepovers. Afterwards, Emery sent Quentin off to attend to his own duties as Jericho’s unofficial financial advisor and pulled Daven aside for a quick chat.


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