Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2)

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Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2) Page 12

by Ariana May

  “Hey Emery, what’s up?” Daven asked once Emery had pulled him into his own room.

  “I have a request to make,” Emery answered. “That is, if you don’t have plans tonight?”

  “Not yet. Still thinking things over.” Daven grinned. “I had Thom and Franc with me last night. Switched off riding them for hours! Fuck, my ass is still a bit sore. Gods it was worth it, though.”

  “Both? In one night?” Emery asked, incredulous. “I’ve not had the pleasure, but I’d say you’re lucky you can walk.”

  “Worth it!”

  “Anyway, ah...” Emery said, just a little shy now that he was actually trying to arrange his new friends sex life. “After dinner, Nico and Kai are going to ask you if they can have a sleepover. I want you to take Nico to your bed tonight, instead. If you don’t mind, that is.”

  “Mmm... Nico and Kai. Such pretty asses,” Daven said, licking his lips enthusiastically at the idea.

  “No. Just Nico.” Emery said quickly. “I...I want Kai left alone.”

  Daven raised an eyebrow in question. “Planning on ordering Kai to your bed tonight?”

  “Not exactly,” Emery said, blushing a little. “But I do have plans that involve him being away from Nico for the night.”

  “Alright. I can do that for you,” Daven said, his mouth widening in a mischievous grin. “For a price.”

  “What price is that?” Emery asked, stepping back as Daven advanced on him.

  Daven advanced on Emery until he could gently push the younger boy onto the bed. Following him down and until he held still, his mouth hovering over Emery’s. “Well, my ass is too sore to ask you to fuck me again, and Master Jericho clearly isn’t ready to share your hot ass, so I’m thinking a nice sixty-nine will do.” Daven dropped his mouth down, claiming Emery’s mouth with his own as he slid his hands into Emery’s pants.


  Once Emery and Daven had finished trading orgasms, Emery returned to his own room to review his notes and make his decisions on the rooming arrangements for the Lords. The first placement was the easiest. Though all of the noble guest rooms were almost equally secure, there was, to the skilled eye, a very narrow range of differing security levels. The most secure room, he assigned to Seb. The choice was partly a matter of loyalty to his friend and patron and partly a matter of expediency. He wanted Seb safe and had no intention or need of searching the Lord of Corte’s rooms. Thus, it made sense to give him the most safest and least breachable of rooms, even if the difference was small.

  The next most secure room went to Lord Keil Frost of Marbenwoode. The man and his husband were genial sorts, if a bit excitable and far, far too indulgent in their daughters’ whims. They ruled their territory well and were generally minded their own business. As a result, it was unlikely that Emery would find anything he could use to set them up to take the fall for the events to come. And of course, unlikely that he’d find reason to want to set them up. The most offensive thing about them, truth be told, was the overbearing nature of their over-indulged daughter, but even she grew on you after enough time. ‘Or,’ Emery thought, ‘developed a friendly not quite courting thing with your step brother, which forced you to be friendly until you start finding her insanity charming. Either way, they aren’t good targets.’

  His next choice was Lord Faustus of Alsdale. The man was a complete and utter spineless imbecile. He was utterly worthless as administrator of his territory. As a result, the territory was truly run by corrupt bureaucratic underlings who looked the other way instead of dealing with offenses like those of the healer whom Theo had barely avoided. Though not impossible, it was unlikely that searching the man’s quarters would produce useful information. Furthermore, no one would believe the man of having the courage to conspire against the crown, thus rendering him useless to Emery.

  Neil Presben, despite being a self-professed ‘Badboy Lord’, was actually a rather decent sort. The handsome young Lord ruled his territory well and fairly. Seb respected the man, and from what Emery had seen, he couldn’t argue with that. Still, it was well known that the man was infatuated with Queen Linette and was extremely angry at the King for stealing his girl. While the man didn’t deserve it, he’d be an ideal candidate for scapegoat should anything untoward happen to the King, which moved him up on Emery’s list.

  ‘Come to think of it, the Queen herself might make a good scapegoat,’ Emery considered. ‘Rumor has it she wasn’t too thrilled by her marriage. And since his note told me that Damien wants me to take over her weekly tea so that I can slip her the anti-pregnancy potion for him, I’ll have some opportunity to snoop in her quarters. I’ll have to make the most of it.’

  Lord Ennis Sinclair, the young lord of Souther, was given the second least secure room. Ennis was Jericho’s cousin on their mothers’ sides and though he put up a good face of loyalty in public, Seb informed Emery that Ennis very much despised his cousin and desired the crown. Add in the rather distasteful things Emery had discovered about the carousing, womanizing lord and you had an excellent candidate. Emery planned to very thoroughly search his rooms during his stay and keep an eye on his interactions at the palace.

  The least secure room he gave to the false Lord of Lohain, Otis Finnicus. Emery regretted that he wouldn’t be able use the Council of Lords to outright kill the bastard who had usurped and sold his own sister, but he would most certainly be on the lookout for anything that could be used as against the man. And if the opportunity came up to blame him for the King’s death, he’d take it in a heartbeat. He didn’t owe Flora herself that much, but a happy and free Flora would make Breanna happy and up until joining the harem, Emery hadn’t had too many friends to make happy. Unfortunately, the man was extremely paranoid, which would make searching his quarters more difficult, hence the placement in the least secure rooms.

  Emery reviewed his plans and compared them to previous permutations of rooming assignments. Once satisfied that there was nothing to cause insult and objection from the Lords, Emery walked down to the training yards to catch the Dracon for a quick discussion of his choices.


  After dinner and some pleasant conversation attended by the full harem (save Damien), Kai and Nico approached Daven to request permission to spend the night together.

  “Hi, Daven,” Kai said, excitement in his voice. “Nicky and I have a question for you.”

  “We were hoping to spend the night together,” Nico said. He leaned into whisper in Daven’s ear. “And maybe I could make love to Kai, if that’s okay with you”

  “I’m afraid that won’t be possible,” Daven responded. “I have plans for tonight. Nico, you’ll be spending the night in my bed.”

  “Oh, I guess sleeping with you will be fun too, Daven,” Kai said, voice still chipper as he took Daven’s arm.

  “You misunderstand me, Kai. I’m just taking Nico tonight,” Daven said as he gave Kai’s arm a consoling pat. “You’ll have to do without him.” Daven stepped away from Kai and put his arm around Nico’s waist. “Come along, Nico.” Daven drew Nico away, leaving Kai standing there, all alone.

  Emery watched as Kai walked as if dazed across the room to collapse into a chair near to where Emery sat with Quentin. The blond boy’s face was picture of sadness, confusion, and disappointment.

  “Something wrong, Kai?” Emery asked, his voice low with a carefully trained tone of false concern.

  “Daven took Nicky for the night, but he didn’t want me,” Kai answered as he pouted sadly. “Nicky and I were going to have a sleepover. I was gonna suck my Nicky so good and hold him tight all night long. But Daven wanted him. Just him.”

  “Oh, that’s too bad,” Emery said with a touch of again carefully trained sympathy. “I’m sure arrangements can be made for another night though.”

  “Yeah, I guess,” Kai sighed, dejected. “But now I have to sleep alone. Was gonna be all nice and cuddly.”

  “Well, speaking of sleeping, it’s been a long day,” Emery said as he yawned.
“We should be turning in. Ready, Quentin?”

  Emery rose and looked at Quentin sitting there looking at Kai. Concern and sympathy for his friend were unmistakable on Quentin’s face. Emery paused for a moment watching the emotions and thoughts shine out from the boy’s expressive eyes. “Quentin?” Emery questioned.

  Quentin stayed still for a moment, gathering his courage then looked up at Emery, a plea in his eyes and on his lips. “Sir, maybe Kai could play with us tonight. You know, to make up for Daven taking Nico.”

  “Hmmm,” Emery made a show of considering it as he glanced at Kai out of the corner of his eye. The gloom that had descended on the boy after Daven and Nico’s departure was lifting as he processed Quentin’s idea. The light was returning to the boy’s by the time Emery spoke again. “I don’t know, Quentin. I’m kind of tired tonight. It has been a long day. I don’t think I’m up to fucking Kai’s pretty ass tonight.”

  “Oh,” was the dejected refrain both Quentin and Kai. Both boys were pouting sadly now.

  “Of course,” Emery said. “I probably have enough energy to watch. If, that is, someone else wanted to play with Kai tonight.”

  There was silence for a moment as Emery’s words impacted Quentin and Kai. Emery watched as mildly confused hope of a less lonely evening bloomed in Kai’s eyes along with the spark of excitement. Understanding of what Emery was offering rushed across Quentin’s face. It took a little time, but soon enough, determination and desire became visible in the boy’s eyes. “Sir,” Quentin said. “Kai and I can play for you. You could watch us.”

  “Oh? You want to have sex with Kai, Quentin? To fuck him, or be fucked? Is that what you’re saying?”

  Understanding that Emery was going to make him say the words, Quentin responded shyly, “Yes, Sir. I...I want to have sex with Kai. If...that is if he wants to have sex with me.”

  Kai’s eyes lit up. “Really?” he asked, searching Quentin’s eyes for any signs that the boy was just saying the words for Emery’s benefit. Then, Kai’s face fell. “ isn’t as much fun without orgasms,” he pouted. “And I know you can’t, so...”

  Quentin flushed. “Actually, I can,” he whispered. “ removed that restriction last night.”

  “Oh yeah?” Kai asked, his eyes brightening again. He turned to Emery. “That would be okay with you? If I came to bed with you and Quentin? And Quentin and I played? I could give you a blowjob!”

  “I think that would be an excellent idea.” Emery said, barely managing to hide his glee that his little plot had succeeded. “You two will make such a pretty picture together. Such handsome, attractive, sexy boys. Right, Quentin?”

  Quentin blushed crimson. “Well,” he murmured. “Kai is really sexy.”

  If Kai’s eyes had been bright before, they positively shone like stars at Quentin’s words. “You think I’m sexy Quentin? Really? Because I think you’re so hot. All long and lean and strong and Quentin. Pretty Quentin.” Kai gave a small squeal when Quentin nodded, his earlier melancholy completely forgotten. “Oh! We’re going to have so much fun! Come on!” Kai grabbed hold of Emery and Quentin’s hands and dragged them off to Emery’s room at a fast pace.

  Once they were secured in Emery’s room, Kai released their hands and started stripping off his clothes beginning with his shirt. Once the shirt cleared his head, he looked at Emery and Quentin and excitedly said, “There should be naked making. Please Emery, please. Can there be naked making?”

  Emery giggled at Kai’s enthusiasm. “Yes, the two of you should definitely get naked. It wouldn’t be any fun to watch you play with your clothes still on.” Emery turned to Quentin and kissed his cheek. “Go on. Strip and have fun with Kai.”

  As Quentin began to undress, Kai pulled off his pants and underwear in one motion and, naked, bounced over to Emery, pressed a fast kiss to Emery’s lips. “You too, Emery. Please! Pretty please, Emery. So pretty.” As he spoke, Kai pulled at Emery’s shirt, untucking it and undoing the buttons.

  Emery giggled some more as he blushed at Kai’s compliments. “Okay, Okay, Kai. Me too.” Emery allowed Kai to undress him and found it rather arousing to be undressed by a handsome, naked boy. One all three of them were completely nude and their clothing neatly folded and set aside, Emery moved to sit in his chair. He found the velvety upholstery very comfortable against his naked body and wondered for a moment if Jericho had commissioned the furniture with that in mind.

  “No, No, Emery!” Kai exclaimed. “You have to come sit on the bed next to us.” Kai took up Emery’s hand and tugged him up.

  Laughing and allowing Kai to tug him towards the bed, Emery asked, “And why is that?”

  Grinning wide, Kai pulled Emery onto the bed and fluttering his eyelashes, said, “So you can hold my hand while Quentin fucks me of course.”

  “I guess I can do that.” Emery said as he scooted over so that he was lying on the right side of the bed with Kai lying on his left and Kai’s right hand was gripped firmly in Emery’s left. Emery looked up at Quentin who was standing at the foot of the bed and staring at them, eyes wide with a combination of desire and surprise. “Are you going to join us, Quentin?”

  “Um...I....I get to fuck Kai, really?” Quentin whispered, his voice barely audible.

  “Yes!” Kai exclaimed. “Please Quentin. Wanted your cock in me since we danced last year at your welcoming. Please. It’s such a nice cock.”

  “You...Me...Really?” Quentin stammered.

  “Quentin, look at me,” Kai ordered, his voice suddenly serious. “You are hot and sexy and you have a nice, big cock. And you’re one of my best friends. I want you to fuck me. More importantly, I really, really want you to want to fuck me.”

  Quentin took a second to collect himself then moved around to sit on the edge of the bed next to Kai so that he could meet Kai’s gaze close up. “I...I do want to fuck you, Kai. You’re hot and sexy and I wish I had understood that, accepted that sooner. You’re my best friend, Kai. I really like you and trust you. That’s why I was going to let you fuck me.” Quentin grinned shyly as he continued. “But I guess I can fuck you first, if you really want me.”

  Kai grabbed hold of Quentin’s shoulder and pulled him down for a kiss. “I want you, Quentin. We’re going to make each other feel so good.” Kai giggled as he finished, “And then, we’re going suck Emery until he comes all over us. Yes we are.”

  Joining in the giggling, Quentin resituated himself so that he was lying on top of Kai, their hard cocks pressed together, and bent his head down to capture his friend’s mouth in a kiss. Gently, he licked Kai’s lips, seeking entrance. When Kai’s lips parted, Quentin dipped his tongue down, tentatively exploring Kai’s mouth. Quentin groaned as Kai sent his tongue to rub against Quentin’s, deepening the kiss. For several minutes they simply lay there making out and gently rocking their hips together in delicious friction.

  Emery watched, entranced, as Quentin and Kai ground their hips and lips together in erotic rhythm. They had barely begun, and already, he was beginning to see the appeal of watching other boys be intimate together right before his eyes. Still, he found himself eager to see more. Twisting his torso somewhat, Emery ran his right hand down Quentin’s back to the swell of his ass, gently caressing the younger boy. “Careful you two, you don’t want to come too soon.”

  Reluctantly, Quentin pulled himself away from Kai’s lips and grabbed the lube from the nightstand with one hand. He dipped his head lower, kissing his way down Kai’s neck to his chest. He ran his tongue over the Kai’s nipples, drawing them into pert little nubs as Kai moaned in response. Incredibly turned on by the boy moaning and writhing in pleasure beneath him, Quentin quickly kissed his way down to the soft trail of blond hairs that led to Kai’s cock. He licked a single circle around the base of Kai’s cock and then dropped down, licking his way to the ring of muscles guarding the entrance to Kai’s body. Wasting no time, Quentin speared his tongue into Kai, gently opening the boy. He thrust his tongue in and out, drawing new
moans from Kai.

  Watching Kai squirm at the sensations of Quentin’s tongue lapping at his ass, Emery found himself impossibly aroused. When Quentin’s fingers joined his tongue and stretched Kai, gently striking boy’s prostate, Emery could resist no longer and dropped his right hand to his own cock. He stroked himself slowly and softly, intent on drawing out his pleasure until Kai and Quentin could get to him.

  “Please, Quentin. Fuck me.” Kai begged. “Ready for you. Now, Quentin, now!”

  Quentin lifted his head and with a husky voice said, “Are you sure? Maybe I should stretch you more. I...I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Kai, groaned in frustrated desire, “Quentin! So ready. Want your cock. Now, Quentin. So ready!”

  Unspeakably pleased by Kai begging for his cock, Quentin placed a quick kiss on Kai’s cock and shifted to kneel upright. Carefully, he spread Kai’s legs further and slicked his own cock with lubricant. He moved to position himself at Kai’s entrance when Emery’s voice firmly called out “Stop.”

  “Emeryyyy!” Kai whined. “Why???”

  Emery squeezed Kai’s hand and ordered. “Hands and knees, Kai. And scoot over between my legs. I want that pretty face of yours in just the right spot. Just in case I decide to make use of your mouth sooner rather than later.”

  Both Quentin and Kai moaned as the image of Quentin fucking Kai as Kai sucked Emery’s cock rushed through their minds. “Fuck, Emery!” Quentin cried out as the image went straight to his cock.

  Eager to get Quentin’s cock in his ass and perhaps Emery’s cock in his mouth, Kai scrambled, lightning quick, into the position Emery had ordered, kneeling on all fours with one hand on either side of Emery’s legs. Twisting his head back, he caught Quentin’s eye. “Come on Quentin. Fuck me.”

  Emery pulled Kai’s head back around and leaned down to kiss the boy’s forehead. He cupped Kai’s cheeks in his hands and tilted the boy’s head up so that he could watch the expressive face when Quentin pressed forward.

  Snapping out of his erotic mental imagery induced daze, Quentin moved across the bed to kneel behind Kai and lined up his cock. Determined not to hurt his friend in even the slightest bit, Quentin fought back the urge to simply plow into Kai. Slowly and carefully, he eased his cock into his friend. He moaned loudly as inch by inch the tight heat of Kai’s ass enveloped him. It had been so long since he’d fucked his master that by the time he bottomed out, the friction and heat of entry had him nearly falling over the edge. He held there, not daring to move lest it all be over too soon. “You okay, Kai?” he asked.


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