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Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2)

Page 13

by Ariana May

  Kai moaned, his face showing his pleasure at being filled. “Yes,” he gasped. Emery shifted a hand to cup his chin, still holding his face up. The other moved down to caress his arm and grip the top of this hand. Growing impatient when Quentin failed to start moving, Kai begged, “Please, Quentin. I need you to move. Please!”

  Slowly, Quentin drew back until he was just barely still inside Kai and just a little faster, slid back in. Setting a slow pace, he thrust into Kai, shifting the angle of his thrusts with each stroke until a cry of “Fuck, Quentin!” told him that he’d found Kai’s prostate. He increased his pace, now striking Kai’s prostate with every thrust as the squeeze of Kai’s ass drove him crazy with pleasure. ‘It’s like it is with Master. So good. So hot. So tight.’ Overcome with ecstasy, thoughts rushed through Quentin’s mind. ‘Need to come. Can’t come. Have to make Kai come. Fuck. Been too long since I fucked Master. Not gonna make it. Gotta make him cum. What do I....’

  Emery watched the pleasure rushing across the faces of both boys before him. It was clear to his eye that Quentin was further along than Kai and fighting orgasm. ‘Well, I can help with that,’ he thought, smirking. Knowing that Kai took as much gratification from giving pleasure as receiving it, Emery lifted his hands to Kai’s hair and gently pushed the boy’s head down. Kai eagerly swallowed down Emery’s cock, drawing moans from both of them. As tendrils of pleasure rushed through him, Emery lifted a foot and, stretching it out, bruised along the length Kai’s cock and past to where Quentin’s cock was thrusting into Kai.

  Quentin felt something tap against him where he was joined with Kai. Gasping, he looked down to see one of Emery’s toes peeking out from underneath Kai. His head shot up to seek out Emery’s gaze. Emery nodded at him and pointedly looked down. Quentin dropped his gaze back to the toe and watched as hit disappeared from sight, clearly brushing against Kai’s cock. ‘Yes! Of course! That’s what Master does when he’s too close.’ Quentin reached down around Kai to take Kai’s cock in his hand. Timing the movements of his hand with his thrusts into Kai’s ass, Quentin stroked Kai’s cock.

  Kai mewled as pleasure rushed over him. The combination of the hand on his cock with the cocks in his mouth and ass had him rushing towards orgasm. He moaned and gasped around Emery’s cock, increasing Emery’s pleasure.

  Unable to stop himself, Quentin thrust faster and faster and soon he was on the brink of orgasm. ‘Gonna come. Fuck. Need to make him come.’ Desperately fighting his own orgasm, Quentin slammed hard into Kai’s prostate with a trio of fast thrusts. The third had Kai crying out around Emery’s cock as his cum splattered the bedspread below. ‘Fuck!’ Quentin thought as Kai’s ass spasmed around him and pushed him over the edge. “Kai!” he screamed as his seed flooded Kai’s ass.

  When his orgasm ended, Quentin managed to roll off of Kai and collapse on his side next to Emery. After taking a moment to catch his breath, he looked over at Emery and Kai. He found Kai still in the position he’d left the boy, ass in the air and head pressed into Emery’s lap. Kai had a blissed out look to him as he lazily sucked at Emery’s cock. Determined to repay Emery for agreeing to the night, Quentin scooted down until his face was gently nudging Kai’s. Kai shifted to make room for him and together they licked and mouthed Emery’s cock, drawing out cries of pleasure. They licked and sucked with an increasingly frenzied pace until Emery was crying out and covering their faces with his seed.


  “Fuck! Damien!” Jericho cried as Damien’s slammed down onto his cock one last time. The boy’s ass clenched around Jericho’s cock as Damien covered his chest with cum and milked the orgasm out of him. High on pleasure, Jericho lay there as Damien fell backwards so that he was leaning back on his outstretched arms between Jericho’s legs with his feet spread wide on either side of Jericho’s chest and his ass still impaled on Jericho’s cock.

  “Gods, Damien. I needed that,” Jericho said once his heartbeat had returned to normal.

  “You and me both, Jericho” Damien responded. “I hate international trade conferences. So much time wasted on foolish protocol. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good protocol, but that stuff today was pure idiocy. And the bickering. It’s like we were dealing with toddlers. No, wait, that is entirely too actual toddlers. After a day like that, I needed a good fuck, just to relieve the tension.”

  “Always happy to oblige you with that, Damien,” Jericho drawled lazily. “Especially since I felt the same. You’d think ambassadors and diplomats could manage to be less trying. The Darktower ambassador had to be one of the most stubborn and unpleasant individual’s I’ve ever met. It’s odd. I’ve met the Darktower royal family, and they’re quite cordial. Can’t imagine how they picked that bastard.”

  “I think he’s a cousin or something. Perhaps they wanted to get him out of the country as often as possible,” Damien offered.

  Jericho snorted. “Could be. I’m just glad that Corrington clearly has St. James under his thumb. Don’t know how he’s managed that. Just glad he has. Having Moore being agreeable is the only thing making this conference move along at all. I don’t remember much of Jesse’s father, but what I do remember makes me glad the old King St. James is dead. Wouldn’t have been nearly as cooperative. ”

  “I could be wrong,” Damien said. “But I get the impression that Lord Corrington is fucking the current King St. James.”

  Jericho laughed heartily at that. “I wouldn’t put it past him. And I suppose one can’t fault Corrington’s fondness for obtaining carnal knowledge of every pretty boy that crosses his path. Not if it’s proving so useful.” Jericho’s brow furrowed. “Well, not quite every boy....” Jericho trailed off, drifting into thought for a moment. When he spoke again, his voice was softer, more serious. “Damien, get a cloth to clean us up. Then come up here. I want to snuggle with my Damien.”

  Sensing his friend and Master’s change in mood, Damien obeyed, silently lifting himself off of Jericho’s cock and then off the bed entirely to gather up a warm wash cloth. With quick, sure movements, he wiped himself and Jericho down, removing the evidence of their earlier passion. Once finished, he slid back into the bed and pressed his body to Jericho’s and laid his head on Jericho’s shoulder. When Jericho’s arms came around him, Damien snuggled in, savoring the feeling of being in his Master’s arms. He knew something was on Jericho’s mind, but decided to wait for him to speak. He didn’t get nearly enough time to just cuddle with his best friend and wasn’t going waste a second.

  For several moments they just laid there in the bed, basking in each other’s comforting presence. Eventually, Jericho spoke up, “Damien, when Emery joined us. Did...Did he seem okay with it? With joining my harem? I think he did. He seems fine to me. Happy. And I think...”

  “That he’s falling for his Prince?” Damien cut in. “Yes, I think that too. He was nervous that first day, but then we all were on our first day. But he was happy to have been chosen by you. And you’ve seen how he’s settled in. You made a good choice in picking him. He’s made you happier than you’ve been since....well, for some time.” Damien paused and hugged Jericho tighter. “Now, why do you ask? I can tell something is bothering you.”

  “A few days ago I had that picnic with Emery. While we were eating he told me a little story about how Quentin had come to him a little freaked out by the realization that Kai was sexually attractive.”

  Damien frowned at that and said. “Well, I suppose it is disturbing that he’d suppressed his sexuality enough to miss that until now, but it’s a good sign that he’s now picking up on that sort of thing. We’ll have to see that he and Kai have some time together. That is, if Emery hasn’t taken care of that by time we get back. I rather suspect he will as he strikes me as the sort to be proactive about helping his friends. Was that all that was bothering you?”

  Jericho tipped Damien’s chin up so that he could kiss him lightly. Jericho sighed and answered, “I think you’re right about that and no, that wasn’t it. He to
ld me how he comforted Quentin about wanting to have sex with his best friend by sharing a comparable story from his own life.”

  Damien shifted to get a better look at Jericho and so he could hold his gaze. Seeing the worry in his friend’s eyes and concerned that he knew the direction this was headed, Damien decided to try and deflect the conversation away from Emery’s past. Putting on a seductive smile, Damien fluttered his eyelashes and said, “So he told Quentin about wanting to have sex with me. I’m hope he said nice things, especially about my cock.”

  As Damien had hoped, Jericho laughed at that. “While I’m sure Emery has plenty of nice things to say about your cock, I’m afraid you haven’t yet managed to beat out Lord Corrington for the title of best friend. Do work on that for me, won’t you?”

  Grinning up at Jericho and running a hand up his chest, Damien responded, “Of course Master. I’d be more than happy to spend more time with Emery. At any rate, I’m glad he was able to help Quentin.”

  “Yes, he’s done wonders for our Quentin. But it wasn’t Quentin that concerned me. It was the story. He told me that Corrington helped him to understand that intimacy could be good. That before that he hadn’t had any interest in sex.”

  Again trying to deflect, Damien teased, “And you’re jealous about Emery being close to Lord Corrington in that way? You shouldn’t be. It’s pretty clear he’s head over heels for you, and for us.”

  Jericho, it seemed would not be deterred from his line of thought. “No. Well, a little. But as you’re saying, Emery is ours now. Mine. No, it was how he talked about not being interested in sex before that. There...There was something off his tone. Something dark. I’m...I worried something may have.....” Jericho trailed off as he saw knowledge flash in Damien’s eyes before the boy managed to control his reaction. “You know something. I can see it in your eyes.” When Damien said nothing and ducked his head, Jericho used a finger to tip his head up again. “Please Damien. Tell me. I....I...lo....I care about him. If he’s been hurt...”

  Deciding that deflection wasn’t going to work, Damien decided to offer a little information in the hope that it would be enough to avoid closer consideration of the childhood that had crafted the deadly Quartzine. “Emery may have let something slip about his apprehension about the 'first time' as it were, but I didn't push too much. Moreover, it's not my place to reveal what little he did tell me. I can assure you though, Emery is fine. You don’t need to worry about him. He’s quite happy with us, and I think it’s safe to say that his only issue with sex these days is who to play with if you aren’t calling upon him.”

  Jericho considered Damien’s words, the simple truth of them. Still, he couldn’t quite let it go. “But he did tell you something? Something he hasn’t told me?”

  “Yes, but don’t worry about it, Jericho. Some things are best left in the past. Especially when you’re being courted by a handsome prince. And don’t you pretend you’re not courting that boy. You are and I can tell. It’s not just sex with him. Not even just sex and affection.” Damien cupped Jericho’s now blushing face with one hand and leaned in and up for soft kiss. “Now though, you’ve got me thinking of Emery and sex, which is entirely unfair, seeing as he’s back in Sondheim and thus temporarily out of our reach.” Damien drew the hand not cupping Jericho’s cheek to his Master’s cock and gave it a quick caress and squeeze. “Clearly you’re going to have to make that up to me.” Damien scooted up so that he was even with Jericho and pressed his lips to Jericho’s in a passionate kiss as he ground his hips into Jericho’s, effectively ending the conversation.


  Emery woke to the early morning sunlight and the warmth of two bodies wrapped around his. Snuggling back into Kai’s arms, Emery took some time to enjoy being held and to consider his situation. ‘I’m lying in the arms of two very handsome young men. We had some very nice sex last night. Would probably play a little more in the baths this morning if I didn’t have that breakfast meeting with the palace Chaplain. I really like Kai and Quentin. Lying between them like this is heavenly. Yet...Yet I miss Jericho. I wish he hadn’t been sent to that trade conference. To go so quickly from making love in his private garden to having him out of the country...I miss him. His boys help so very much. They’re a part of him, a part of the package, but it’s not quite enough. He’s only been gone a couple of days and I already want him back. Want him to hold me, to kiss me, to make love to me, to be here with Kai and Quentin and me.’

  ‘The incident with Rhys...they say you can learn who a man really is by watching him in a crisis. That incident showed me what a good man Jericho is, how much he really cares about people and what’s right. Wanting to help Thom’s friend would have been good enough, but more than that, he wanted to do right by Rhys as a person, regardless of his friendship with Thom. He wants to do what’s best for his people. He’ll be a good king one day.’

  ‘And more than that, there are his boys. They love him. They’re not in love with him, but they love him more than mere family, though even with only two weeks in, I can tell that family is what the harem is. They don’t fight for his attention, but they all bask in it. And he cares so much about every one of them. He would die for them, I think. Not that they’d let him. Every last one of them would give their lives for him first. I’ve no doubt about that. If the King were to actually get around to ordering Jericho’s death, his men would have one hell of a fight on their hands. I would do the same and not just for him. His boys...They’re mine now too. If someone came after them or Jericho, that person would die by my hand, no matter what I had to do. They’re all mine now.’

  ‘Which brings me to me. From the moment I laid eyes on him, I knew there was something special about him, that he was different, more important than anyone I had ever met. It wasn’t a matter of my assignment. It was just him, just my Jericho. And since we met, he’s been so kind, so gentle, and so caring. That first night. I’ll never forget how gentle he was. How perfect it was. I never in my wildest dreams thought I could feel as good as he made me feel, as he’s made me feel every time since then. It’s like Damien told me about his first night. That night changed things for me. Except, Damien just loved him without falling in love. But...But it was different with me. I’m in love with him. I knew it I think when he made love to me in the garden, but I didn’t really understand it. But now that he’s away.....missing him so much. I’m in love with Jericho. Goddess help me, what am I going to do about that?’

  A soft melodious voice drifted into Emery’s head as he pondered. *Be in love and protect your love, my dear Quartzine*


  Eventually, Emery was drawn from this thoughts by the waking of Quentin and Kai. They shared a few moments of lazy kisses and caresses before hurrying off to the harem baths to shower. It was clear that both Quentin and Kai wanted the shower time to serve as a second round, but still just a little lost in his thoughts, Emery pointed out that he and Quentin had a meeting to get to and sent the both of them off to separate stalls.

  Lathering himself up, he considered the advice he had received in the soft, dulcet tones of his patron Goddess. There was, to his mind, little choice but to heed her words. Though his head wanted to scream, ‘Too fast. Too soon,’ in his heart, he knew the simple truth: He was in love with Jericho and it wasn’t ever going to go away. Furthermore, seeing that Jericho survived to ascend the throne was a duty had sworn himself to long before meeting the man. There was no turning back from that course now. So all in all, there was no choice. He was going to be in love and he was going to safeguard his Prince’s life by assassinating the King. And if he enjoyed the process...If he found another family that he loved among the harem boys...If he found the place where he would retire his sai and live happily for the rest of his day...Well, he wouldn’t complain. He would just have to bring Jericho around to the idea.

  His path forward set, Emery rinsed himself off and slipped into the drying circle. Once dry, he dressed quickly and yelled for Quentin to get a move
on. Back in his room he moved quickly through his morning skincare routine while he waited for Quentin. While he was getting used to the castle and learning his way around the people and places, he was finding the boy’s keen mind and attention to detail every bit as useful as his knowledge of the palace, if not more so. He would have to ask Damien to allow him to keep using Quentin as his assistant for the foreseeable future. He was just finishing up when Quentin knocked and entered.

  “Good morning again, Quentin. You look dashing today,” Emery complimented. Emery had to admit, the eye candy was also a reason to keep the boy as his assistant.

  Quentin blushed at the praise and answered, “You too. I, ah, wanted to look nice for breakfast with the Chaplain.”

  “Well, you succeeded, though to my eyes, you generally do look nice, Quentin.” Emery set down his last bottle of lotion for the morning and stood, taking Quentin’s arm in his. “Now, tell me, Quentin, what do you remember of the temple visits during the Festival last year?”

  “It was kind of a blur. I was still pretty new and overwhelmed then. I pretty much just went wherever Damien told me to go. I know we visited all the temples where we boys had patron Gods or Goddesses. Oh and then Aphrodite’s temple for Master Jericho. I remember that most of the guys did their offerings at Kumari’s temple. Master Jericho seems to like artists and singers a lot, I guess. I...I was kind of worried about that since I was the only one to offer at Casopia’s temple, but Master Jericho told me that...” Quentin trailed off, blushing again.


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