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Page 7

by Sapphire Knight

  Throwing a tank on, I practically drown in it, so I tie it up at my mid-back, leaving a sliver of skin on my belly visible. I’m probably looking like a hot mess, but I couldn’t care less. I’m making a point to this bossy biker, that he doesn’t give me orders outside the bedroom.

  Shit fuck. I like him being such a demanding ass. It’s sexy to meet someone who’s so damn Alpha; at times I worry my panties will catch fire being around him. Oh wait, I’m not wearing panties. Regardless, he doesn’t need to speak to me like that in front of so many men.

  Viking had been sweet enough to retrieve my purse from my trunk last night about halfway through our activities, so I snatch that up. Quickly, I shove my corset top inside the oversized bag that should most likely be classified as luggage rather than a purse. Tossing my shoes in also, which Viking admitted he’s a bit obsessed with, I shoulder the wide strap and head back outside, ready to leave.

  Bethany’s standing next to Nightmare, this time, clad in his T-shirt and boxers with hair shooting every which way like she just climbed out of bed as well. I wonder if she got to hook up with him after all. When we went home to change she confessed that she was interested in him.

  What’s it with these grouchy fucking bikers that pull you to them? Nightmare seems broody and miserable, but she’s still fascinated with him. Who am I to talk though? Viking could be classified as a quiet asshole, yet he has me twisted all over the place for him.

  Nose and chin up, I use a dose of fake confidence strutting past the men and call back, “Come on, Bethany, we’re out of here.” Since I’m not in my high shoes and the gravel doesn’t bother my bare feet too badly, I put a little extra swing in my hips making a few of the guys’ mouths pop open.

  Viking lets loose a frustrated growl, and it takes everything in me not to shoot him a smug smile in defiance. “Where do you think you’re going?” he demands, but I ignore him.

  “I’m coming! Let me grab my stuff,” Bethany answers and runs back into Nightmare’s room.

  “Princess!” he shouts. His voice is strong and lethal with a warning ingrained in my name, just by his tone.

  Turning to him and propping my hand on my hip, I give him ‘the look,’ “What?”

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I’m leaving.”

  “I’m not done with you.”

  Shrugging, I don’t get a chance to respond as Bethany comes running out, yelling that she’s ready.

  “Fine. I’ll call you.” He plays it off.

  “Sure you will,” I retort, knowing damn well that he doesn’t have my number. He didn’t get it last night and I damn sure didn’t leave it for him.

  Bethany and I trek toward the two-lane highway, the guys loud enough I can still easily overhear their conversation.

  “Her name’s Princess? Or you call her that?” Cain questions Viking.

  “It’s her fucking name. I call her Cinderella. What’s it to you?”

  I try to do a sly glance back, but catch Cain openly staring at me, as if he saw a ghost. I don’t think twice about it, though; there’s no way he knows who I am.

  “Definitely, bring your Ol’ Ladies with you to the barbecue,” I catch him saying right before we’re too far away to hear anything else.


  Cain repeats himself, and I almost pop off that she isn’t my Ol’ Lady, but I did claim her last night. Whatever the fuck that means now, I have no idea. I was planning on hashing it all out with her later today, but that plan’s gone to shit with her temper tantrum.

  It’s none of his business right now anyhow. I can’t stand Ares, but the rest of the Charter here doesn’t bother me much. Cain, for example, is good people.

  At the same time, I don’t want to say she’s not my Ol’ Lady ‘cause if another brother goes after her, I’m liable to scalp them. The bitch was already under my skin, but after last night—getting a real taste—it’s even worse. She makes me feel as if I’ve had my first hit of heroin and I want more.

  Fuck! She came outside in a goddamn sheet, and she wants to give me attitude for it? I know these brothers and what goes through their heads. The moment they saw her dressed like that, there’s no doubt that they were picturing the fucking fabric falling.

  That’s my fucking property; I own that body and the only time I want her seen in so little is right beside me. At this rate, she’ll end up on the back of my bike permanently, and I’m not so sure that description fits with being a Nomad.

  The chicks speed off, Bethany waving and smiling as they pass by. Princess stares straight ahead like we’re not over here, still pissy I reckon. Good thing I remembered to use her phone to send myself a text message with her number once she had passed out. I doubt she’d have given it to me today.

  “All right bro, we’re smashing. Don’t forget—three p.m. next Saturday.” Cain fist bumps each of us, Spin doing the same before climbing back into the midnight black Hellcat. I’m not much for cars, but that’s one badass vehicle.

  The car creeps through the parking lot, and we all admire the impressive machine, throwing up a few fingers in a friendly wave.

  Spin leans forward, cranking the music up as the car hits the highway and Cain romps on the gas. The powerful horsepower of the Hellcat sends Spin flying back into his seat, and we all chuckle. You know Cain did that shit on purpose since the brother touched his radio. I’d probably do the same.

  “Fuck, I wanna drive that car!” Ruger wistfully declares, watching it speed away.

  Saint claps him on the back, nodding, “Bet it’s one hell of a pussy magnet.” He turns toward Sinner. “We need one, man. Both of us in it, I bet bitches would be throwing themselves on the hood.”

  Sinner chuckles, shaking his head.

  Nightmare snorts and rolls his eyes. “Whatever, I’m going back to bed.”

  The brothers agree and head back to their rooms. I won’t sleep, though. I hardly got any rest last night, and I can’t stop wondering what Princess is up to today.

  Sitting on the picnic table, I light a cigarette and pull out my phone, turning on the screen. She’s my new background, sleeping peacefully—fully naked—and absolutely fucking beautiful.

  Spider takes a seat next to me, getting a peek at my device.

  “Hmm?” Grumbling, I flash an annoyed glance his way for not minding his own business.

  “She sure stormed off quickly.”

  “No shit.”

  “Do you wanna talk about it?”

  “Of course not, why would I?”

  “Look, man, you’re the one clearly pissed about it and thinking of her; I’m just lending an ear if you need it. What’s so fascinating about this one anyhow?”

  “Fuck,” escapes with a sigh. This guy likes to chatter all of a sudden. He’s been so quiet up until recently, and we’ve gotten along just fine. “Hell if I know.”

  “You’re too picky.”

  “Excuse me?” My eyebrows wrinkle as I take a pull off my smoke.

  “We all see you sift through which bitches you allow to suck your cock and the few you fuck. This latest one, you took her in a bar and then all night, I’d guess by the whimpers and moans I heard through the wall. You can’t shake her because you don’t just fuck anyone. I wouldn’t even call that just fuckin’ either. I heard you being all sweet and shit when she got upset. You care about her, enough to console her.”

  “You’ve all seen me fuck in public,” I defend.

  “Yep, we’ve seen you fuck on the side of a building and in a field at a party, but brother you claimed her in front of a room full of people. You mounted her in front of the brothers and everyone else in the middle of a bar, just so another man wouldn’t touch her.” He breathes deeply and mutters, “You’re royally fucked, bro.”

  Shrugging, I glance up, watching the clouds filter over the sun. “Doesn’t matter. She was pissed and left. I’ll probably never see her again.” Leaning back on the table with my elbows, they prop me up enough so I can stretch
my legs out in front of me.

  “Do you wanna?”

  His question catches me off guard. Do I want to?

  Squeezing my eyes closed tightly, I admit the truth, muttering, “Fuckin’ A.”

  “Let me see your phone.”

  My eyes fly back open as I face him. “Why?”

  I don’t want him staring at Princess’ picture; it’s all mine.

  “Because I’d bet five hundred bucks she gave you her number or you took it.”

  “You’re not calling her.” I take one last puff and throw the rest in the rusted coffee tin. I need to quit that shit; the road hides most of the smell, but I still know it’s there.

  He grins, his face appearing younger with the lightness. “No, but do you want to know how to find her?”

  “You can do that?” I reply, sitting back up, my interest suddenly peaked.

  “Seriously, think about who you’re talking to right now.” He places his palm in front of me, waiting for me to hand over the phone.

  “Let me change something.”

  “I already saw the picture; I won’t yank my dick to it, I swear.”

  I shoot him a brief glare, then give in, nodding and hand over my phone. My eyes never leave the device as he illuminates the screen. He quickly flips to the apps section and pulls up some tech shit about the phone. Spider loses me from that point on. I have no idea how he can know so much shit about technology, but if it finds her, I’ll be grateful.

  He chants, “Come on, come on, come on,” quietly to himself, tapping his thumb against his jeans as he waits for something to happen on the screen. After a beat, he lets out a cocky chuckle full of triumph.

  “How do you find her?” I’m assuming it must’ve worked by the grin he’s back to wearing.

  “I installed a program that works like Key Logger.”

  My expression mirrors my thoughts, becoming more puzzled.

  He tilts his head and tries to explain again. “It’s like the Key Logger program you install to monitor someone’s computer activity.”

  I remain quiet, not having a clue what the fuck he’s talking about. We didn’t have money like that, for useless shit such as computers when I was growing up. It was hard enough to eat when I was fucking hungry.

  Huffing, he simplifies, “It’s an app that’s going to track where she goes.”

  “She’ll blow the fuck up knowing I’m tracking her.”

  “It’s a ghost program; she won’t be able to tell you’re tracking her. Even a decent phone tech wouldn’t know about it. You’d have to be a programmer or app builder to know where to begin looking.”

  Cocking my eyebrow in disbelief, he rolls his eyes.

  “Look, man, I give you my word. Princess won’t find this shit. Besides, your phone is an unlocked burner; she’d have no idea who it belonged to unless she knows your number. Does she?”

  “No. I haven’t contacted her.”

  “Yet.” He mumbles, causing me to scowl. “Okay, it’s finished.” He holds the phone so I can see everything also. “Click apps. The box with a crown as the photo is her, click it.”

  Multiple options appear such as find, log, points of interest, home, listen, disable, and the last—delete program.

  He hands me my phone. “The question mark next to each word will tell you what the option does, otherwise, just click on the words, follow the prompts, and it’ll take you where you want.”

  Nodding, I mutter, “Appreciate it,” while my eyes stay trained on the words, curious what they’ll each do.

  “I’m your brother, Vike. I’ll always have your back.”

  My gaze meets Spider’s as he stands and I fist-bump him, giving him the respect he deserves. It’s easy to forget that these men are my allies, and they support me. I was surrounded by snakes for so long, that it’s been hard to let go of the shit I dealt with in the past. Never again—these men are different, respectful, and loyal.

  We tap knuckles, and he heads toward the office while I pull the app up again.

  I start off by clicking the question mark next to the word ‘find.’ It’s labeled in red, so I guess that one’s the most important. A small white cloud pops up with a paragraph inside explaining that you use that option to find the person that’s connected to the tracker.

  Let’s see if this shit works or not.

  Holding my breath, I press the red lettered option. Google Maps opens up and hones in on a street view, showing me the last recorded image of the area. Below the picture, an address appears in white.

  Let’s see just how accurate this thing is.

  Nodding to myself, I stride over to my bike and dig out my Bluetooth piece from my saddlebag so I can hear the directions my phone gives me. Once it’s securely in my ear and I’ve clicked ‘go’ on the phone, I toss the cell into my saddlebag.

  Mounting my ride, I quickly tie a bandana around my head and place my half shell helmet on securely. With a loud rumbling engine, I steer my way through the gravel lot, hitting the highway, a man on a mission.

  I dropped Bethany off and then came straight home to jump in the shower. I’m still sore from Viking, and I’m in serious need of a nap. That man has the stamina and strength of three men put together. When he got going, it was impossible to think about anything but him.

  Once I’m not a zombie, I’m soaking in an Epsom salt bath and drinking water. I’m sure I need to rehydrate. Digging through my dresser, I find one of the large men’s white T-shirts that I prefer to wear to sleep in when I’m here alone.

  Pulling it over my head as I shuffle toward my bed in a sleepy haze, I hit the cool sheets, sliding between them and my big fluffy white feather down. My comforter’s like a giant pillow, and it’s pure heaven to sleep under. I close my eyes and my stupid cell rings.

  Are you kidding me right now? Don’t answer it.

  It finishes its three-ring cycle then almost immediately picks up ringing again.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake.” Complaining, I sit up, the covers falling to my waist as I reach for the irritating device.

  Bethany glows on the screen. She’ll just keep calling back, so I swipe my finger across the screen to answer.

  “Hmmm,” I mumble into the phone and crawl back under the covers, making myself comfortable.

  “You’re sleeping right now?”


  A loud cackle comes through the speaker causing my eyes to fly open in irritation. “What?”

  “I just find it amusing that you finally met someone who can outpace you.”

  “Shut up.”

  She laughs loudly again. “Oh hell no. You drug me back there last night on a mission, which means I’m owed details and have the right to give you shit if I want to.”

  “You looked pretty cozy this morning coming out of Nightmare’s room. I doubt it was a hardship for you.”

  “You’re not turning this around on my night. You were irritated in the car, so I left it alone. I didn’t pressure you, knowing Viking’s dick was probably in your mouth most of last night, and I didn’t want to experience that on your breath. You’ve had time to shower and mouthwash, so spill it.”

  “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  “It’s the truth, though, isn’t it?”

  “Why are you so nosey?”

  “Yep, I knew it. You weren’t angry at him bossing you this morning; you were heated because you liked it. In fact, I’m betting the entire time you spent in the shower; you remembered all the things he did to you.”

  “I can’t talk about this right now. You know why I had to be with him. It’s done. Now I need to find another.”

  “Another? Honey, are you crazy?” I know by her tone that her eyebrows are raised so high, they’re probably closer to her hairline than her eyes.

  “I may as well be. I can’t believe I thought Viking was going to be an easy target.”

  “Look, I tried to warn you, but you saw it as a challenge instead, and now you’re deep. What you pulled last
night with me outside, basically egging him on to watch us and then giving him your orgasm? You opened him up to a whole new playing field. I don’t know what you said or did to that man when I went inside, but even I know that after a biker claims you the way he did in that bar, you won’t be having another.”

  “I hardly doubt he was sincere. You saw his brothers; there were no women with them that were more than a one-night stand.”

  “Hey! How do you know I was just a one-night stand?” she responds with a bit of hurt coming through her voice.

  Hmm, I wonder what that’s all about, why she’d be upset. Bethany’s never minded before, always stating that she knows what it’s all about and wants to have a good time.

  “I knew it; you did fuck him!”

  “We’ll talk about me another time; right now, it’s about you and Viking.”

  “There is no me and Viking to discuss. Did I sleep with him last night? Yes. Do I want to again? Yes. Am I going to? No way.”

  “You have it so bad.”

  “I’m taking my nap now.”

  “Princess, you need to call your mom.” She sighs and my heart pings at the thought of my mom. I miss her.

  “Why, so Prez can answer? No thanks. I’ll call tomorrow morning when he hopefully won’t be around, and if he’s still there, then at least I know he’ll be sleeping until noon like he used too.”

  “Okay, just…just don’t push her away. Some of us aren’t lucky enough to have a mother in our lives that love us so much.”

  “I know. I’m sorry if you think I'm a spoiled bitch about this whole thing; I’ve just seen her so hurt each time he leaves. She shouldn’t have to cry for days—sometimes weeks—barely eating and moping around because some piece of shit doesn’t realize how wonderful she is.”

  “You know I don’t feel like that. I understand why you’re this way. If I had someone like your mom in my life, I’d do everything I could to protect her and get her some payback for her pain. I’m on your side, and I’ll always be, even if I don’t think you’re doing the right thing.”


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