Page 74
Division of European Affairs of, 307, 317, 318
Interdepartmental Committee of, 224, 413
Long and, 221–27, 317, 385–86, 414–17, 427, 568n
obstructionism of, 309–10, 315, 317–18, 323, 330, 375, 380, 388, 407–9, 413–17, 419, 427
postwar world and, 485
refugees and, 217, 218, 219, 221, 223–29, 317, 401, 407–9, 413–15, 416–17, 425, 427, 568n
Riegner Telegram and, 306–10, 315–18, 320, 331, 419
telegram and, 354, 375, 419
Torch and, 339
War Department compared with, 451
Wise and, 308, 309, 310, 314–18, 327, 407–8
Yalta conference and, 510
Statler Hotel, 486–88
Stauffenberg, Claus Schenk Graf von, 480
Stimson, Henry, 56, 236, 240, 392, 423
atomic bomb and, 411
internment of Japanese Americans and, 446
on McCloy, 445
1942 war views of, 272, 273, 275, 278
postwar world and, 485
in push toward war, 248
Torch and, 276, 278
WRB and, 427–28, 437, 456
stock market, 281, 283
“Stop Hitler Now” demo, 380
storm troopers, Nazi (SA), 211, 284, 313, 367, 371
Stosstrupp Hitler (assault squads), 212
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 113, 582n
Strasser, Gregor, 293, 368
Strategic Air Forces, 434, 467
Straus, Gladys, 423
Strobel, Dick, 596n
submarines, German (U-boats), 36, 38, 218, 245, 500
crews of, 102
Torch and, 279, 340, 352
submarines, Japanese, 446
Sudeten Germans, 372
Suez Canal, 2, 3, 18, 275, 324, 355
suicide, 360, 390, 495, 530–31
Sumner, Charles, 316
Sunlicht Soap, 281
Supreme Court, U.S., 44, 46, 312, 444, 533
Japanese internment and, 442, 448
Sweden, 355, 436, 458
Swedish Jews, 268
Swiss Jews, 268
Switzerland, 166, 167, 297–307, 309–10, 318–22, 329, 375, 413, 419, 458, 459
Dulles in, 450
Harrison in, 307, 310, 316, 320, 321–22
Jewish leaders in, 300
Jewish refugees in, 428
Schulte in, 283, 289–90, 575n
WRB operations in, 436, 456
Sword Beach, 185, 189, 198, 200
synagogues, 211, 212, 215, 220
in United States, 310–11
in Warsaw, 390
Syracuse, 395, 397
Szilard, Leo, 410
Sztojay, Doeme, 441
Taft, Robert, 533
Tammany Hall, 36, 312
Taylor, Myron C., 215, 319, 320
Teague, Michael, 548n
Tedder, Arthur, 177
Tehran, 19–22, 545n
Russian legation in, 19, 21–22, 62–65, 70
Tehran conference (1944), 12, 15–22, 59–75, 85, 197, 203, 392, 510, 552n–53n
choice of site for, 15–16
FDR’s illness at, 66–67, 552n
first meeting of, 61–62
food at, 65, 68
Holocaust omitted from, 74
opening of, 22
Overlord commander selected at, 68, 72–73, 553n
postwar world and, 61, 62, 65–66, 67, 72
press excluded from, 16
security problems at, 20–22, 545n
third day of, 69–70
toasts at, 69–70
U.S. improvisation in, 22
telegram 354, 375
terror, 97, 202, 543n
at Auschwitz, 93, 95, 106, 132
in French Revolution, 257
German use of, 49, 53, 169, 186, 202, 214, 256
terrorism, 97, 532
Texas, 42, 420
Theresienstadt, 119–20, 526, 527, 558n–59n
Thermopylae, 246
Third Panzer Army, 203
Thomas Jefferson Memorial, 57
304th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 522–23
Time, 313, 488, 498
tobacco, Russian, 124–25, 128, 131, 132
Tobruk, fall of, 275–76, 334–35
Tokyo, 509, 513
Topolcany, 115, 116, 127
torpedos, German, 159, 160
torture, 109, 117, 127, 132, 145, 261, 403, 495
total war, 348, 397
trains, 17, 19, 116, 128, 204, 258, 262, 265, 267, 269, 271, 403–4, 499
Auschwitz and, 93–94, 117, 118, 121, 128, 129, 135, 167, 169–72, 200, 201, 203, 271, 291, 295, 327, 438, 441, 449–53, 458, 460, 484, 499, 557n, 562n, 563n
D-Day and, 199
funeral, 529–30
presidential, 235, 477, 478–79, 485, 489, 490, 517
in removal of the Jews into Germany, 502–3, 517, 521
Schulte’s accident with, 280
Schulte’s rides on, 297–98, 300, 575n
in Slovakia, 154
Transnistria, 378, 407, 436
Transocean, 190
Treasury Department, U.S., 74, 349, 423
rescue of the Jews and, 408, 413, 414, 418–19, 425–28, 455, 586n
Treblinka, 271, 304, 326, 387, 389, 390, 391, 434, 494
Triangle Shirtwaist Company, 34
Trident conference (1943), 391–94
Trieste Jews, 129
Tripartite Pact, 252
trucks, 19, 167, 173, 499, 502, 521, 523
Truman, Bess, 477
Truman, Harry, 47, 375, 527, 530
in election of 1944, 476–77, 492
Trzebinia oil refinery company, 112, 452
Tugwell, Rex, 59
Tule Lake, 448
Tully, Grace, 61, 340, 423
Tunis, 357
Tunisia, 4, 197, 268, 277, 341, 342, 357
Turkey, 64, 68, 72, 165, 245, 382, 420, 458
Jewish refugees in, 428, 436
Turkish Jews, 268
Tuscaloosa, USS, 142, 237–38
Twelfth Army Group, U.S., 496
Twenty-first Panzer Division, 199
Twenty-Ninth Division, U.S., 185
Twenty-Sixth District, NYS, 32–33
II Corps, U.S., 356, 581n
Tydings, Millard, 316
Ukraine, 147, 252, 255, 261, 510
Ukrainian Jews, 268, 407, 480
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 582n
unconditional surrender, 354, 397, 530–31, 581n
unemployment, 42, 46, 59
German, 286, 292, 369
Unglick, Charles, 125–26
United Nations, 316–17, 321, 379, 381, 382, 490, 492, 514, 519–20, 532
declaration about the Jews of, 330–31
United Nations Security Council, 514
United Nations War Crimes Commission, 320, 321
United Press, 441
United States, 214–48, 272–78, 493
anti-Semitism in, see anti-Semitism, in U.S.
arms and supplies from, 47, 54, 60–61, 70, 230, 231–44
atomic bomb and, 410–13
Auschwitz warning given by, 498–99
in Battle of Berlin, 6–10, 543n
in Battle of the Bulge, 500–502, 509
Bermuda conference and, 381, 383–87
Casablanca conference and, 351–54
as complicit in the Final Solution, 471
Day of Mourning and Prayer in, 327
forestalled entry into conflict by, 252, 253
Geneva consul of, 305–6
German declaration of war against, 267
as headed toward war, 231–32
immigration and refugees and, 214–30, 332, 382, 383–87, 400–402, 567n
intelligence services of, 203, 220
internment of Japanese Americans in, 414, 442–49, 508, 589n, 590n
invasion of Italy and, 392–98
isolationists in, 4
5, 51, 215, 218, 232–33, 236, 242, 244, 247, 348, 475, 492, 534
Jewish organizations in, 299, 302
Lend-Lease and, 36, 55–56, 70, 142, 238–44, 344, 352, 414, 512, 545n, 570n
in liberation of concentration camps, 523–28
lynchings in, 317
military weakness of, 51, 246, 551n
morale in, 278, 333, 341, 354, 393, 574n
neutrality of, 47–51
in 1943, 347–54
in occupation of Germany, 514
Overlord and, 173–201, 554n, 566n
Pearl Harbor and, see Pearl Harbor
revolution and political dissolution in, 23
Riegner Telegram and, 305–8, 315–20
rounding up of Germans in, 301, 305, 404
Schulte as informant and, 290
Slapton Sands disaster and, 159–62
slavery in, 113, 528, 532
Tehran conference and, 12, 15–22, 59–72, 545n, 552n–53n
Torch and, 276–78, 330, 333–45, 336–37
Trident conference and, 391–94
VE Day in, 531
war effort in, 272, 345, 534
in World War I, 35–39, 46, 51, 519
United States Holocaust Museum, 556n, 557n
United Steel, 286
United Textile Mill Works, 112
Upper Silesia region, 128, 289, 291, 296, 450
Allied bombing of, 174
see also Auschwitz
Ural Mountains, 254, 256, 267
uranium, 410, 411
Urey, Harold, 412
Utah Beach, 157, 162, 183, 185, 188, 198, 200
V-1 rockets, 412
V-2 rockets, 204, 412
Vatican, 166, 167, 319, 320, 378, 458
VE Day (Victory in Europe), 531
Veracruz, 82
Verdun, 38
Vernichtung (annihilation), 210
Versailles Treaty, 50, 284, 367, 372
veterans, 44, 478
Vichy French, 30, 50, 245, 277, 321, 579n
Torch and, 339, 341, 342–43, 579n
Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy, 396
Vienna, 291, 310, 361–64, 521, 527
Virginia, 37, 186, 228, 564n
Virgin Islands, 321
visas, 219, 229, 303, 314, 416, 459
Vistula River, 465, 502
Völkischer Beobachter, 215, 228
Volkov, Dmitri, 124–25, 145, 149
Vrba, Rudolf (Walter Rosenberg), 114–37, 200, 201, 440, 452, 498
background of, 115–16
despair of, 126–27
escape mentors of, 124–25
escapes of, 114, 115–16, 118, 121–37, 139, 142–56
foot problems of, 150–54
Jewish Council and, 154–55
linkup of Unglick and, 125–26
memory of, 118, 128, 155, 560n–61n
as numb to suffering, 119
Pollack and, 154
as registrar, 118–20, 129
report of, 155–56, 166, 167, 168, 172, 206, 449–50, 454, 456, 457, 468, 470, 497, 560n
SS run-in of, 129–30
survival instincts of, 117–19
transferred to Auschwitz, 116–17
Waffen SS, 136, 144, 500
Wagner, 360, 363
Wagner, Bob, 489
Waldorf Astoria, 489–90
Wallace, Henry, 45, 320, 332, 476, 491–92
Wallenberg, Raoul, 459–60, 592n
Wannsee conference, 264–70, 412, 572n
Warburg, James Paul, 318
war crimes, 320, 321, 329
Ward, Geoffrey C., 547n, 548n
War Department, U.S., 81, 166, 193, 315, 340, 386, 406, 465
atomic bomb and, 411
construction of Pentagon and, 349–50
FDR’s views on, 428
internment of Japanese Americans and, 445–49
postwar world and, 485
rescue of Jews and, 449–52, 455, 457, 460–61, 464, 468–71
War Ministry, Nazi, 305
Warm Springs, Ga., 25, 103, 520–21, 526–27, 529
War Refugee Board (WRB), 435–40, 535, 561n, 562n, 589n
bombing issue and, 450–52, 454–58, 461, 523
establishment of, 428–29
Hungarian Jews and, 438–40, 459–60
War Relocation Authority, 448–49
Warren, George, 384, 386
Warsaw, 260–61, 271, 323
revolt in, 465–67, 484, 488, 514, 597n
Warsaw ghetto, 297, 305, 319, 320, 322, 326, 514, 593n
Karski in, 403
uprising of, 388–91
Warsaw Philharmonic, 109
Washington, D.C., 15, 24, 35, 36, 72, 348–50, 383, 391, 446, 474, 517
Alice’s coming-out party in, 27
Churchill in, 274, 275–76, 391–94
election of 1940 and, 234
election of 1944 and, 491–92
FDR’s death and, 527, 528, 529
Lafayette Park in, 139
marches on, 244
Stalin invited to, 273–74
Statler Hotel in, 486–88
Tehran compared with, 19
transformation of, 349–50, 580n
Trident conference in, 391–94
U.S. Holocaust Museum in, 556n, 557n
“We Will Never Die” in, 377–78
Wise in, 319–20
see also White House
Washington, George, 23, 46, 55, 139, 164, 518
Washington Post, 326, 483
watches, 102
escapes and, 124, 129–30, 131
water, 171, 327, 547n
in Auschwitz, 108, 109
death marches and, 517, 521
escapes and, 145
in Tehran, 19
Watson, Pa, 192, 517
weapons technology, 410–11, 585n
weather, 403, 493, 500
Auschwitz cover up and, 499, 500
Battle of the Bulge and, 500–502
Eastern front and, 267, 355
election of 1944 and, 489, 491
gas vans and, 264
Overlord and
Torch and, 277
Wedgwood, Josiah, 114
Wehrmacht, 54, 82, 181, 183, 197, 218, 272, 287, 518, 597n
airplane joke of, 566n
Eastern front and, 255
Weimar, 525–26
Weimar Republic, 367–71
Weizmann, Chaim, 215, 406
Welles, Sumner, 48, 226, 253, 316–20, 323, 325–26, 381, 423
background of, 316
FDR’s relationship with, 227, 316
Holocaust and, 380
Westminster Abbey, 215
West Virginia, 235
Wetzler, Fred, 127–37, 139, 142–56, 200, 201, 440
report of, 155–56, 166, 167, 168, 172, 206, 449–50, 454, 456, 457, 468, 470, 497, 560n
“We Will Never Die” (memorial performance), 376–78, 582n
wheelchairs, 41, 42, 43, 60, 86, 349, 487, 526
falling out of, 84, 555n
Wheeler, Burton, 232, 244
White, Harry Dexter, 426
White, William Allen, 43, 551n
White House, 30, 35, 55, 61, 73, 238–42, 327, 348–49, 380, 475, 508, 520
Churchill at, 275–76
cocktail hours in, 48
D-Day and, 190, 192–94, 196–97
FDR’s death and, 527, 528
FDR’s illness and, 84–85, 88–90
FDR’s visits to, 27, 28
map room of, 190, 192, 196–97
Molotov’s visit to, 274, 276
New Year’s at, 345–46
slides at, 140
White House Correspondents’ Association, 570n
White Rose, 473
White Russia, 255, 263, 322, 472
Wiesel, Elie, 167, 454, 502–3, 525, 536, 556n
Wilderness campaign, 392, 474
Wilhelm, Kaiser, 50
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 27
/> William the Conqueror, 82
Willkie, Wendell, 235, 380, 570n
Darlan deal and, 342–43
election of 1944 and, 474, 476
as emissary to England, 243
Wilson, Woodrow, 34, 39, 56, 84, 475, 507, 535, 550n
Balfour Declaration and, 311
in election of 1916, 35, 222, 233, 420, 492
Long and, 222
Wimbledon Park, 29
Winter Relief Campaign, 324
wiretaps, 221
Wise, Stephen, 309–21, 325–31, 401, 576n
background of, 310–11
Bermuda conference and, 385
FDR’s meetings with, 328–31, 383, 400
health problems of, 314
Jewish critics of, 314
Morgenthau and, 420
oratory of, 311
political power of, 311, 312
press conferences of, 326, 330
rescue efforts and, 307–9, 428, 440, 449
Riegner Telegram and, 306, 308, 310, 315–20
“Stop Hitler Now” demonstration of, 380
Wolf’s Lair, 205, 357, 375, 479–81, 491
German, 324
Hitler’s fear of, 363
Lithuanian, 257
SS vacations and, 104, 105–6
women, Jewish, 212, 213, 258
at Auschwitz, 91, 93, 95, 96, 100, 107–8, 295, 495, 496, 498, 499, 500
Hungarian, 169, 171
names of, 211
as refugees, 217
in Warsaw, 261
Woodin, William, 423
work camps, see labor camps
World Jewish Congress, 302–3, 311, 315, 460
World War I, 35–39, 46, 49, 51, 76, 92, 302, 576n
atrocity stories in, 301
Gallipoli in, 82, 276
Hitler in, 364–65
McCloy in, 444
music in, 393
World War II, 15–23, 44
Allied 1942 planning in, 272–78
Allied bombing in, see bombing, Allied
Battle of Britain in, 53–54, 234, 245, 254, 543n, 551n
blitzkrieg in, 48–50, 220, 246, 286, 409
Eastern front in, see Eastern front
FDR’s diversions from, 48, 58, 344, 394, 400
FDR’s envisioning the end of, 345, 350, 468, 507, 531–32, 580n
FDR’s promise to stay out of, 46–47, 550n
fire hose analogy in, 36
opening of true second front in, 63–64, 69
Overlord in, see Operation Overlord
peace efforts in, 48, 52, 60, 68, 69, 397
Pearl Harbor attack and, see Pearl Harbor
phony war in, 46–47
prolonging of, 278
start of, 46–47
Tehran conference and, see Tehran conference
turning point in, 333, 378
unconditional surrender and, 354, 397, 581n
what we’ve been fighting for in, 528, 533
WRB, see War Refugee Board
Wyman, David S., 417, 576n, 577n, 583n, 593n
Yad Vashem, 556n
Yalta conference (1945), 509–15, 520, 600n
Yugoslavia, Yugoslavs, 271, 383, 405, 531, 536