Klingon Hearts 02 Violations - Battered and Bruised

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Klingon Hearts 02 Violations - Battered and Bruised Page 2

by Tracy Sobieski

  When he had cleared her thoughts of the trauma he began to help her with her injuries. Showing her how use her mind to control her body. After a few minutes he began to separate from her. She could continue on her own.

  As he withdrew he felt another presence, it had been there before. Helping him isolate the memories. Protecting B'Elanna from them. Opening his eyes he looked at Tom. The blue eyes that met his blazed of determination and defiance.

  "It will not work, Mr. Paris." Tuvok understood what drove Tom to do this, but it couldn't last forever.

  "Maybe not. But I can still try."

  Tuvok didn't doubt the younger man's sincerity for a minute. He just knew that Tom's limited empathic link with his mate, would not be strong enough to keep hold of B'Elanna's memories. Her consciousness was one of the strongest Tuvok had ever encountered.


  "Harry, I want you to get the away team out of there as soon as you get a lock on them. We'll worry about the Flyer after we get our people back." Janeway ordered. "Ensign Deeis, take us down."

  Navar set his course and started towards the planet's atmosphere. Trying to keep all his knowledge and instructions on this procedure foremost in his mind. He could almost hear Paris running him through it like he did in the holodeck simulations Tom made his pilots participate in weekly. If he got the ship through this he was -never- going to complain about Tom's relentless battle simulations again.

  The decent was turbulent, but not as bad as he had expected.

  "Shields are down 22%." Seven said from her station.

  "Reroute power through the deflector dish to compensate." Janeway instructed.

  "Acknowledged." Seven tapped the panel to reroute the power. "Shields are holding."

  "We're almost through the storms, Captain." Navar announced.

  "Mr. Kim, do you have a lock on the away team?" The Captain asked.

  "Stand, by....I've got them. Two human, one Vulcan, and one Klingon. Captain, B'Elanna's life signs are very weak." Harry was concerned.

  "Beam them directly to Sickbay, Mr. Kim." She told him.

  "Done. All four are in Sickbay."

  "What about the Delta Flyer?" Now that her crew members were recovered she could concern herself with the shuttle.

  "I can't get a lock on it. It must be shielded." Harry said.

  "Captain, the General is hailing us." Seven told her.

  "On screen."

  "Captain Janeway. You have violated Lynarian air space, leave now or I will be forced to fire on your ship."

  "I want my shuttle back, General." She'd had enough of this.

  "I believe we spoke earlier as to what I wanted in return for your shuttle. When you are willing to meet my terms, we can continue this discussion." General Trink cut the channel before the Captain had a chance to answer.

  The ship was rocked by a blast. Tuvok, Chakotay and Tom entered the bridge as another blast struck the ship. They took their stations.

  "They are firing photonic cannons at us. Our shields will not be able to withstand repeated hits" Tuvok reported.

  "Mr. Paris, take us above the storms. We will deal with how to retrieve the Flyer when we are not under fire." Janeway said.

  "Aye, Captain. Beginning rapid assent." With in a few minutes they had achieved a synchronous orbit. After parking the ship in orbit, Tom looked at Ensign Deeis.

  "Well done, Navar,” he said with quiet admiration.


  The Captain entered Sickbay with Tom right behind her. When Chakotay had told her what had happened she had headed straight for Sickbay with Tom in tow. Once inside Tom went to B'Elanna's bed. He began checking her vitals himself, making sure she was all right for himself.

  "Captain,” the Doctor beckoned her from his office. If it was possible for a hologram to look physically ill, this one did.

  "Is she going to be all right?" Janeway asked him.

  "Physically, yes. I've been able to repair the -extensive- damage that was done. I've also taken precautions to make sure a pregnancy does not occur. It's her emotional health I am worried about. Klingon's believe rape is a dishonor to the woman. A Klingon woman who can't fight off an attacker deserves to be raped." The disgust of this belief was evident in the Doctor's voice.

  "You're not serious!" The Captain was stunned. That was barbaric.

  "Unfortunately, I am. Once again we find ourselves in need of a Ships Counselor."

  "Tuvok has served in that capacity before, do you think he could help B'Elanna?" Janeway asked.

  "I think he is our only option. Whether or not he can help, remains to be seen." The Doctor replied.


  Tom was relieved to see B'Elanna resting comfortably. Her injuries had been even worse than he had thought. The Doctor's report had made him ill, when he read it. The animal had enjoyed hurting her, that much was obvious. All Tom could think of was what he would do to him if he got the chance.

  B'Elanna's eyelids fluttered then opened. Tom bent over so she could see him.

  "Hey, there...how do you feel?" He asked softly.

  "Terrible. What happened?"

  "We were taken hostage, for ransom. The Captain brought the ship down, and got us out." Tom glossed over the events.

  There was more to it than that. She could feel it. He was hiding something from her. Something she should remember...

  The memories began to break through the gossamer barrier erected in her mind. They were too strong for Tom to hold. Slowing he let go, unable to stop the inevitable.

  She gasped as the memories returned. Sitting up she looked wildly about Sickbay. As if she expected her abuser to be there. Tom stood helplessly next to her, his hand resting on her back. Not knowing what to do. She was breathing rapidly and shaking violently. The Doctor came out of his office as her bio-alarms started going off.

  "B'Elanna. It's all right. You're back on Voyager now." The Doctor told her as he administered a mild sedative to calm her.

  Her breathing slowed after a few moments and she looked at Tom. The hollowness in her eyes sent chills down his back. He had seen that look in her before. She almost killed herself with her reckless behavior the last time it was there.

  "Just go, Tom. I'm tired. I want to sleep." She told him.

  The Doctor and he exchanged knowing looks. Tom left Sickbay without another word. The Captain followed him.

  "I want to go with the away team to retrieve the Flyer." He told the Captain in the turbo-lift, as they headed to the bridge.

  "I understand you feel the need to go, Tom. But I can't let you. You're too close to this, your judgment is impaired."

  "Computer. Halt turbo-lift." Tom commanded, then turned to face her.

  "I'm asking you as my friend, Kathryn, not my Captain. Please, let me go."

  "As your friend, I can't let you. As your Captain, I need you here to pilot Voyager. We will be under fire, you're the best pilot I have. I won't risk the safety of this crew for your personal vendetta. I'm sending Chakotay, Tuvok and Seven."

  Tom realized she was right, but it didn't make him feel any better. With resignation he instructed the turbo-lift to resume.


  Chakotay ran silently through he halls of the Lynarian installation, flanked by Tuvok and Seven. The could hear the photonic cannons as they fired on Voyager. The battle was their cover. They need to knock out the shield generator so Voyager could beam the Flyer out.

  "The shield generator is just up ahead." Seven said quietly. "Through those doors." Referring to the double doors that two guards stood on either side of.

  Chakotay signaled to Tuvok to take out the guard on the right while he took the guard on the left. Leveling phasers they fired simultaneously.

  The guards collapsed unconscious, on the floor.

  Rushing up, Seven opened the door while Tuvok and Chakotay lifted the guards up and dragged them into the room. Once inside they sealed the doors. Seven began working at the console.

  "The shield generator c
an be overloaded by shutting down the coolant system." She announced after a few minutes.

  "Do it!" Chakotay ordered.

  "Coolant system is locked down. I suggest we leave here, the feed back will cause these counsels to blow out." Seven said.

  "All right, let's go." Chakotay picked up his phaser and Tuvok unsealed the door. Quickly checking down the corridor the trio headed back the way they came.

  They just had to wait for the shield generator to go and the Captain would beam them up. They didn't want to use the comm-badges if it wasn't necessary.

  They rounded a corner, Tuvok several steps behind Seven and Chakotay.

  "That will be far enough, Commander." General Trink cut in behind Chakotay and Seven. Tuvok dropped back and pressed himself up against the corridor wall. Unseen by the General and his guard.

  "I had a feeling I would find you here, trying to take back your shuttle." As the General spoke Chakotay say Tuvok come up behind him. They had been rendered unconscious by the Vulcan before they even felt his hands on their necks. Tuvok lifted the General and began to drag him back to a storage room. Chakotay followed with the guard. Seven covered them.

  "Stand guard, at the door, while I hide them." Tuvok told Chakotay.

  He pulled the General to a back corner, behind some boxes. Quickly he went back and got the guard. After making sure they were hid, Tuvok dropped to one knee next to the General. He place his hand on the man's cheek.

  "My mind to your mind."

  He entered the General's mind with a sole purpose. He opened his mind and gave the General B'Elanna's memories of the rape. All the pain and terror she felt. The horror at being rendered helpless and taken against her will. He forced the memories into the alien's mind knowing full well what he was doing, and not caring. If nothing else, this man would know forever the meaning of rape.

  "Tuvok, do you need help?" Chakotay called to him.

  Breaking the mind meld he stood up and went to the door.

  "No, Commander. I am done here." There was no outward trace of what had just transpired.

  An explosion could be heard through out the installation. The three were beamed back to their ship as chaos insued.


  "They're back on board, Captain. And I have the Flyer in the shuttle bay." Harry Kim informed her.

  "Very well. Take us out of here, Mr. Paris."

  "Yes, Ma'am." It was obvious how much Tom wanted to leave.

  "Beginning rapid assent."

  "Any problems, Gentlemen?" The Captain asked as Chakotay, Tuvok and Seven got off the turbo-lift.

  "None, Captain." Tuvok answered her.

  "We've cleared the atmosphere, Captain." Tom informed her.

  "Set a course away from here, Mr. Paris. Warp 8." She was more than ready to leave this system.

  "Course laid in." Tom said.


  "Aye, Captain."


  Tom entered Sickbay. The Doctor had wanted to speak to him. The Captain had relieved him of duty as soon as they had left orbit.

  "You wanted to see me, Doc?" He noted that B'Elanna was no longer in Sickbay, the Doctor must have released her.

  "Mr. Paris, yes. I wanted to tell you that I've released Lt. Torres to her quarters. I think you should know that she has refused to let Commander Tuvok counsel her. She insists she will handle the problem on her own. I don't believe she can." The Doctor told him.

  "Neither do I. I'll talk to her." Tom had know this would be a battle.

  He headed to her quarters. Dreading the oncoming confrontation. As he entered the turbo lift he realized that she may not have followed the Doctor's orders.

  "Computer. Locate Lt. Torres."

  --Lt. Torres is in Engineering--

  What a surprise.

  "Engineering" He instructed the turbo-lift.


  When he got to Engineering, she was already gone. Vorik told him she had come in and grabbed some of her PADD's to work on in her quarters. Tom went after her.

  He caught up with her on Deck 9, close to her quarters.

  "Hey, wait up." He called ahead to her.

  Stopping she turned around to face him. Her expression was guarded.

  "I was just going to lay down for a while. I don't feel that well." She told him.

  "I'll come with you, I've been relieved of duty for the time being."

  "No, I'd rather you didn't. I want to be alone."

  "I don't think that's such a good idea, B'Elanna,” he said.

  "Look...Tom. I'm fine. I just need to get some rest." Why couldn't he just go?

  "You're not fine. I can see it in you eyes. You need help with this."

  "What? Tuvok? You? I don't think so." She was getting angry now.

  "You can't pretend it never happened! You -have- to get some help."

  "I don't -have- to do anything! Just leave me alone!" She turned and went into her quarters. Shutting the door behind her.

  Tom went to the door and keyed the chime. She didn't respond. He wasn't about to walk away from this.

  "OPEN THIS DOOR, B'ELANNA!" Tom pounded on the door with his fist. She had engaged the security lock when she had entered.

  Tom pounded on the door again.

  "I'm not going away. You're going to have to let me in." He was met with silence.

  "Stubborn Klingon," he muttered under his breath.

  "Computer. Override security lockout to these quarters. Authorization Paris-tau-sigma-2-1-8,” he instructed.

  "Unable to comply. Level 4 security lockout engaged. Command Authorization only."

  Tom pressed his forehead against the door. She was the most obstinate woman he had -ever- known.

  "Computer. Override security lockout. -Medical- Authorization Paris-beta-2,” she couldn't lock out a medic code.

  The door hissed open. It took his eyes a minute to adjust to the dark room. She was sitting in the corner of her bedroom, on the floor. With her legs pulled up to her chest, and her arms wrapped around them. Her head rested on her knees.

  "B'Elanna,” he spoke softly.

  "I don't need any help. I'm fine. I can handle this on my own." B'Elanna said.

  "Like the last time?" Tom quietly asked.

  "What are you talking about, what last time?" She kept her head down.

  Tom knelt on the floor directly in front of her, taking both of her hands in his own. Forcing her to look at him. He wouldn't back down this time. She needed to deal with this.

  "When Steth raped you,” he said. She tried to pull her hands from his, but he tightened his grip.

  "No, B'Elanna. Not this time. I let you pull away from me once, never again. If I had been there for you then, maybe you wouldn't have turned to the holodeck to deal with your pain. Maybe you could have handled the deaths of your friends without hurting yourself. I promised myself I would -never- let you hide from me again."

  "You don't know what you're talking about,” her voice trembled with anger.

  "Steth told me. He gloated as he tried to escape in the shuttle. I waited for you to tell me. At first I thought you didn't realize what had happened, and you didn't did you? It was almost two weeks later before you knew. I could have killed Harry and his big mouth. Even though it was wrong, I never wanted you to know. I would have carried that secret to my grave if it meant protecting you from the pain. It wasn't long before I realized you couldn't stand to have me touch you. You'd tense up, or pull away from me. I didn't know what else to do, so I let you. I should have forced you to deal with it, with me. The time in your life when you needed me the most, and I let you push me away. It tore me up inside when Chakotay told me what you had been doing to yourself. I should have seen it, I should have stopped it." The self-loathing was evident in his voice.

  She felt compassion well up in her at his anguish. She pushed it down, forcing it from her thoughts. She didn't need his help.

  "You don't understand. I will handle this on my own. I don't need yours or Tuvok's
help." B'Elanna said.

  "Yes, you do. You're not handling it at all. You're just running away from it. I know you're frightened...." Tom stopped when she cut him off.

  "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" She screamed. "I am KLINGON! I should have never allowed this to happen." She pressed her head back against the wall, continuing in a whisper, "A Klingon woman who lets a man to rape her is without honor."


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