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Buying the Virgin - Box Set Three, The Virgin's Summer: Love, Ménage and BDSM between a Young Woman, her Master and her Lover (Buying the Virgin Box Set Book 3)

Page 17

by Simone Leigh

  I climb in, and he pulls the doors closed behind us. The van is half filled with large cartons and boxes. “What is all this stuff?”

  “Gym equipment. We’re expanding.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know that.”

  “I intend to be able to support my wife in the manner she deserves….” He smiles at my expression, then slaps me on the rump. “Bend over, Woman.”

  “I don’t think there’s room for me to undress in here.”

  “No need, just bend over, that crate’s about right.”

  I bend forward, to feel Michael tugging at my belt, pulling my jeans and panties down to my knees.

  “Ah, that’s a fine sight. Love the boots.” he comments, fingering at me, rubbing my clit. “Let’s just get you warmed up, eh…”

  He’s succeeding. This impromptu romance has set my pussy growling, and already I’m running warm and wet. He probes me with a couple of fingers, rubbing at my g-spot. I gasp, and he claps a hand over my mouth.

  “That’ll do nicely.” There is the rasp of a zipper, and, parting my lips with his fingers, he pushes inside me, test-thrusting a couple of times as he opens me up.

  Stooping slightly over me, so we are in a kind of ‘spoons’ position, he eases in and out of me. His movement feels restrained.

  “You okay?” I ask, squeezing the words between little Oooohhs’ and ‘Aaahhhhs’ as he works my clit.

  “Mmmm… just trying not to rock the van. Don’t want that seen from the outside.”

  I giggle, then gasp, as my cunt spasms into climax. As orgasms go, it’s not huge, but, bending over, my face pressed against the cardboard, Michael fucking me from behind, it’s fun. His hand clasped over my mouth, he mutters, “You’re not supposed to laugh when I’m fucking you…. It makes a man worry about the effect he’s having.”

  Still thrusting, he comments, “You know, there’s a lot to be said for tumbling with you all night, visiting the clubs, and being able to fuck you for hours on end…. but there’s nothing quite like the sheer satisfaction of….” he grunts, “…. the quickie…” He groans and presses tightly over me, hips grinding.

  A shudder, and he pulls free of me, wipes me with a bit of tissue, tugs up my panties and my jeans, and belts me up again. He pecks me on the cheek. “C’mon, before anyone notices.”

  We step outside. No-one has noticed. No-one is looking…

  All eyes are on the struts being eased into position over the chasm of the river. My Master is there, shouting instructions up to the operator in the crane-cab.

  Michael watches. “It’s a hell of a thing he’s building there, isn’t it? I’m looking forward to seeing the end result.”

  “Yes, with the bridge built, the work this side of the river can start in earnest. Right now, everything has to take the long way round. It’s a good five-mile round trip through side streets and traffic. Once the bridge is finished, the two halves of the City will be properly connected again.”

  My Master waves up at the operator, giving him a thumbs-up, then walks to join us, standing next to me.

  “Going well?” asks Michael.

  “Just teething problems. I’m going to get another geologist’s survey done for some parts of the river bed, but yes, it’s going well.”

  He pauses, nostrils flaring. He looks down at me, eyes widening. “How…”

  Michael grins, unrepentant.

  My Master looks around wildly, at the landscape of rubble around us. “Where….?”

  Michael eye-points the van.

  My Master shakes his head. “Can’t turn my back for a minute….”


  “We thought we might go out for the day, Charlotte.” says my Master. “A last day together before you go back to college.”

  “I’d like that. Where are we going?”

  “Into the mountains, to the hotel.”

  “That’s where we went for our first ‘last day’.”

  “So it is.”

  We drive up into the mountains to the old hotel, with a table booked in the restaurant, by the huge picture window which looks down over the lake.

  “What do you think of this place, Charlotte?” asks Michael, as we eat our meal.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it. What’s not to like? I know it’s a bit run down, but what a gorgeous spot…. Why do you ask?”

  “Because I’m thinking of buying it.”

  I choke on my mouthful of salad. “Buying it? What for?”

  “It’s not making money as a plain hotel. but I think it would as a spa hotel, and the owners are willing to sell. What do you think?”

  “Spa hotel? Jacuzzis, pamper weekends, that sort of thing?”

  “Ah-ha. Yes….”

  “Should think you’d have them queuing up. Why don’t you try asking Elizabeth what she thinks? She’s the type that would use it. And she’s got friends who would too.”

  “I’m asking you.”

  “Um, well it seems like a good idea to me, but I’m hardly an expert…”

  “You finished eating that?”

  “Mmm, yes.”

  He grabs my hand. “Come with me.” He leads me out of the hotel and around the back, into the riotous mess of the overgrown back gardens. My Master follows, silently.

  “No-one’s done anything with these gardens for years.” I comment. “You’d have a lot of work on.”

  “True.” says Michael, succinctly.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  We follow a tiny track through trees, dodging brambles and thorns as we go. It opens into a clearing, looking down the mountainside to the lake. The view is familiar. “Is this where we came….”

  “Yes, it is. That’s the view of the lake from the other end.”

  “Why are we here?”

  “Look…” He turns back from the lake, pointing.

  Set in the trees, tumble down and dilapidated, is an old house. Shutters hang from rusty hinges. The roof is showing daylight, and a tree grows out from the inside, reaching for the sky through a broken window. It is a sad remnant of the building it has been.

  But it has been, in the past, utterly beautiful.

  “It goes with the hotel.” says Michael. “The owners think it needs to be demolished. I don’t agree. Neither does James…” He swings around to my Master, inviting agreement.

  “It does need a lot of work.” says my Master. “But yes, I agree, it’s worth saving.”

  Hands in his pockets, Michael stands up straight, looking at me. “What do you think?”

  “What do I think? Of what? You doing a renovation? Yes, fine, if it’s what you want to do… I’d not realised it was your kind of thing….”

  My Master shakes his head, sucking in his cheeks. “You can lead a horse to water….”

  Michael looks exasperated. “Charlotte, would you like to live here? For this to be our home?”


  “I’ve never had a.…. home…”

  He takes me at the waist, pulling me in, his chin resting on my head. “You can have one now. Would you like this to be it?”

  Would I like it?

  Oh, my God. Yes!

  “Michael, I don’t know what to say…”

  “’Yes’ or ‘No’ would be a good start…”

  “Yes. Oh God. Yes!”

  “Good. That’s decided then. I’ll put in the offer to the owners. Wait here. I’ll be back”

  He strides off, leaving me with my Master. He smiles, takes my hand and kisses it. “Happy?”

  “Happy, Master? Happy’s not the right word. Ecstatic would be more like it.”

  He looks at the crumbling wreck. “Don’t get too carried away. It won’t be fit to live in for some time.”

  “Can we go inside?”

  “Not yet. Half the roof’s gone. Most of the joists are rotten, and woodworm have had most of the floors. It really will need to be rebuilt from the ground up….”

  He is in
terrupted by Michael’s return.

  “You’ve made them the offer?” asks my Master.

  “Yup, and now that there’s cash on the table, they want to haggle.”

  He snorts. “There’s a surprise. I don’t think you have much competition though. They won’t find too many others willing to take it on.”

  “Michael? Master?”

  They turn to face me. “Yes?”

  “Um... When you say ‘our’ home, you mean… the three of us?”

  “Yes.” Michael rests his hands on my waist, kisses the top of my head. “The three of us.”

  “After all,” says my Master, “I need somewhere to live. I won’t have the City apartment anymore.”

  “You won’t?”

  “It was only ever loaned to me, as part of the accommodation deal on my old contract. Now I’m a director, I’m supposed to be able to house myself.”

  “Oh!” I say, staring at the ground.

  My Master lifts my chin with a finger, his expression concerned. “What’s wrong? You look disappointed. Surely being here, when it’s ready, would be better?”

  “Just being silly. It’s a pity to lose the mirrored room, isn’t it.…” I grin.

  “Ah,” he says, raising a finger. “I’m glad you mentioned that. The mirrored room will rise from the ashes. In fact, I’d already drawn up a few sketches. Michael thinks they look quite promising….”


  Our last evening before I leave.

  “I’m going to miss this place.” I say.

  My Master’s hand on my shoulder, we both gaze out, to where the grey sea tumbles surf over the sands. Clouds loom, threatening the first of the Autumn storms. Music plays softly in the background; some lovely, lyrical piece that leaves me swaying in time.

  “I daresay Haswell will be happy enough to let us use it again from time to time.”

  Gulls wheel in the sky, buffeted by the winds, occasionally diving into the roiling waters for fish.

  “What would you like to do this evening?” asks my Master.

  “I’d prefer to stay here; to just enjoy being with you both.”

  The music grows suddenly louder. We turn. Michael is there, adjusting the volume. ‘Unchained Melody’ ripples through the room.

  ‘…. Oh, my love, my darling, I've hungered for your touch….”

  “Dance with me.” he smiles, arms held out.

  “Um, I’d love to, but…”


  “I don’t dance very well.”

  “I don’t believe that for a minute. Here…” He takes me at the waist and the shoulder. “Just follow my feet.”

  He leads me, dancing to the sway and rhythm of the beautiful song. I look down, trying to follow his feet with mine. He moves so beautifully; graceful, like an athlete. My own clumsy efforts to follow him embarrass me.

  …. Lonely rivers flow, To the sea, to the sea…

  “Don’t stop. You just need practice, that’s all.” He leads me around the floor, and it becomes easier, as I ease into his rhythm. He watches me all the time, guiding me around the room. So close to me, I can smell him, clean, piny, masculine.

  …. Time goes by so slowly, And time can do so much, Are you still mine…..?

  My Master, leaning back against the wall, arms folded, watches us, silently, smiling.

  As we pass him, Michael pauses, turns me to face him, offering me.

  He holds out his hand in invite, my tall, dark Master, and as I take it, his other hand on my waist, he kisses me softly on the lips and continues the dance.

  …. I need your love, I need your love, God speed your love to me….

  He still says nothing, but his eyes, on mine, are warm. We spiral through the room, the music enfolding me, seducing my senses.…

  “You want to make love?” he murmurs.

  “You mean that’s not what we’re doing?”

  He raises his eyes to meet Michael’s, who holds out his hand, wiggling his fingers for mine. Each of them holding a hand, they lead me upstairs.

  I stand between them, my Master before me, Michael behind.

  Holding my eyes with his, not smiling now, but with that softness to his eyes that tells me of the smile inside, my Master unbuttons my blouse. Released, the soft garment falls open. Michael’s hands on my shoulders slide it away from me. He unclips my bra, and again slips it away, then caressing my naked shoulders, he runs fingers down my spine. Bending his head to mine, he nuzzles at the back of my neck, nibbling at the skin.

  My breath quickening, I glow inside.

  To the fore, my Master, a hand on one breast, kisses me, softly, teasing my mouth open with his.

  Michael unclips my hair, running fingers through it, unraveling it from the tight ponytail that keeps it under control. It billows down over my naked torso, my shoulders, my breasts. He unzips my skirt, letting it fall.

  My Master kneels, a hand to either side of me, stroking me as he descends; my shoulders, the curve of my waist into hip. He hooks a finger into my panties, sliding them down, discarding them, along with the skirt as I step out of them.

  Naked, I stand before him as he kisses my belly, and inhaling my scent, descends to my loins, mouthing at my dampening curls. Michael, behind me, his body pressed close to mine, runs his hands over me; strong hands that caress and stroke, in slow, strong movements, the hands of a masseur. My body heating, skin flushing, I’m conscious of the beads of sweat trickling between my breasts.

  My Master probes into me, teasing my clit, and I gasp and stagger, convulsing inside as pleasure stabs, exquisitely, through me, but Michael grips me at the waist, prevents me from falling. Parting pussy lips with his fingers, my Master probes and flicks with his tongue, in a gentle torment of my bud that leaves me quivering, whimpering. He stands, locking eyes with me again, a hand inviting me to the bed.

  I lie back, naked on the soft whiteness of the sheets, my hair spilling in a copper-red cascade around me. My Master eases my thighs apart, kneeling upright between them, his hands, flat over the smooth muscle, plying and kneading me, as he looks down at me.

  Lowering himself, his head dips, kissing the soft skin of my inner thighs. Sighing, I allow my head to fall back. Michael, sitting beside me on the bed, watches me.

  “Look at me, Charlotte.”

  Above me; his beautiful eyes, his sun-blond hair; my Golden Lover. “Keep your eyes open.” he murmurs. “I want to watch you.”

  I reach, to touch him, to hold him. He takes my hand, our fingers lacing. My other hand strokes my Master’s hair, as his silken breath sweeps over my sex, as he tastes me, languidly, and I flow, liquid and ready for him.

  “I’m not going to see you now for a while.” says Michael. “I want to remember this image of you, until you come back.”

  My breath shuddering, my eyes begin to close, my face to fall to one side…

  “No, look at me.” Fingers on my chin, Michael steers my face back to his. “You’re so beautiful, Charlotte. I don’t think you know how beautiful….”

  My Master’s slow strokes, tonguing my swelling folds, send waves rippling to my blooming pussy that leave my breath juddering….

  “……When you come back, Charlotte, it won’t be here, and it won’t be the apartment. You’ll be coming Home….”

  Arousal pulses from my pussy, up through my belly, washing over my breasts, puckering my nipples to rosy nubs.

  “…. And while it’s going to be rough and ready at first, it will be Home, and over time, I’ll turn it into the Home you deserve, that you’ve worked for, that you’ve earned…”

  As I gaze into Michael’s hypnotically blue gaze, the tension builds with in me….

  “…. Charlotte, I will give you anything in my power. I’d lay the world at your feet if I could. And I know of only one thing in the world more beautiful than the sight of your face in Arousal….”

  The Rush becomes irresistible….

  “…. and that’s your face in Org

  Crying out, arching my spine, orgasm shatters through me. As my fingers clench tight around Michael’s, he kisses me, mouth wrapped around mine, his other hand twined into my hair; as my core pulses, and my body thrashes in climax.

  My Master’s arms lock around my thighs as he holds me, his tongue never ceasing its work as he swirls through my palpitating sex. On it goes, and on, until finally…

  “Oh stop. Please, stop…”

  My Master kneels up, wiping his mouth.

  Panting and disheveled, my skin glistening with sweat, I stare up at my two Lovers, still fully dressed.

  Michael smiles down at me, my Bright Sun. “That’ll do.”

  He starts to unbutton his shirt, glancing across. My Master simply flashes eyebrows at him, then seats himself on the end of the bed, watching.

  Michael strips off. He is ready for me, his erection quiveringly hard against his flat stomach. I hold my arms out, inviting him, as he settles himself atop me, sliding his muscled thighs between mine, his arms around me.

  And I am ready for him, slick and open. He glides inside me, in a smooth movement that, stretching me wide, spears me. My pussy flutters and clenches around him as he starts to thrust, and I rock my body to meet him, to take him as fully as I can.

  Slowly at first, gently, he moves within me, revolving his hips to work me from the inside. His cock pushes against my sweet spot, making me jerk and moan. He smiles, repeating the movement. My pussy wells hot juices, which trickle from me, coating my thighs and his.

  No longer smiling, he grimaces, teeth gritted, panting as he drives into me. The tendons in his neck stand out, glistening with sweat. I match him, thrust for thrust, meeting his driving rhythm, moaning as my Lover fucks me, as he claims my body….

  He judders, pausing, then plunges in deep, his head dropping to my chest as he comes, his heart pounding through my chest as he grinds himself against me, into me…..

  With a gasp, he rolls away from me, to lie by my side, sweating, breathing heavily.

  My Master is standing, stripping off his clothes. As Michael rolls away, he is there, planting himself inside me, almost fiercely. Again, I lift my hips to meet his strokes, as he rides me, gripping my hair. His hard, rough thrusting fills me, and I lock my ankles around him as his lean hips thrash against me.


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