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WindSwept Narrows: # 1 Samantha Elliott

Page 4

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Put your hands down, Sam,” Logan held the laugh inside. “Why is there a problem, Collins?”

  “We have your name and photo, sir. Nothing was said about a woman,” he held up his clipboard, ignoring the woman sidling toward the new boss.

  “Did you tell him your name?” Logan looked at Sam’s nodding head. “And the key card?”

  “He took it,” she said simply.

  “Did she tell you her name, Collins?”

  “I’m guessing she’s not your sister,” Collins said flatly, placing the pass card in the out stretched hand.

  “Your phone?” Logan’s eyes went from Sam to Collins, his palm up once more to accept the cell phone. “Contact your people. Add her name and make certain it’s understood that she is my wife. If there are further problems, we’ll elevate this a bit higher,” Logan promised, walking with Sam back to the main entrance. “Can’t let you loose for a couple minutes…”

  “I found the pool,” she breathed happily, ignoring the teasing. “And the hot tubs. All nice and shiny new with sparkling water.”

  “And a thunder and lightening storm to brighten the evening,” Logan pointed toward the west, chuckling at the child-like face she made.

  “The indoor ones aren’t finished yet,” she said with a pout. “No matter. Storms are nice, too. I should have found a book shop to rummage in…but I do have my computer in my pack.”

  “How about dinner?” Logan opened the door to their suite, watching her shoulder rise and fall in front of him.

  “I have the rest of my sandwich,” she answered absently, bent in half and untying her boots, using one toe to pulled the other free and then reversing it until she pulled the socks free to fall forgotten. “I’m not really hungry,” she pulled the band from her hair, the braid slowly eased free until the long red hair hung around her shoulders in wild zigzags.

  Logan built himself a sandwich, watching as she stretched out on the bed, legs bent behind her and computer opened and then closed. She laid her head down, feet slowly falling to the surface of the bed.

  “Problem? The wireless is working well up here.”

  “No…no problems…storms and computers aren’t a good mix,” Sam stared into the occasional streak of lightening. “I think I’m used to doing things…I don’t recognize anything on the laptop.”

  “How’s your head?” Logan carried his sandwich to the table, closing things down and unplugging his own laptop.

  “A little less bumpy…” A brilliant flash of light illuminated the room, Sam’s body up and on her knees almost instantly and the explosive thunder following. “Logan?”

  Everything went dark around them.

  “Right here, Sam,” Logan moved to the bed and sat on the edge. He pulled his shoes off, two thuds echoing around them. Another flash of lightening showed him where she was, as usual, in the center of the bed on her knees. “I guess nature made up our minds for us…stand up and let me pull the blankets down.”

  “We can’t get out,” Sam mentioned, watching his outline move toward the bathroom. She sighed, unsnapped her jeans and aimed for the chair. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she missed. She should have bought a sexy nightgown, not that she usually wore nightgowns, but still…she doubted it would be on her body long anyway.

  “We can’t get out,” Logan repeated when he returned wearing his shorts. “But we didn’t have anywhere to go, anyway. It’s after nine, Sam…..lay down and close your eyes.”

  “Do I get a kiss goodnight?” Sam lay staring into the exploding sky, pelting rain once more moistening the air around them. Another loud burst sent her body scurrying backwards until she bumped into Logan. “Sorry…”

  “Afraid of storms?”

  “Of course not,” she blustered instantly. She felt his palm on her waist, large warm fingers massaging, soothing. “Okay, maybe a little…no, I am not. I don’t think I’ve ever been this close to one before, though.”

  Logan swallowed the groan.

  Chapter Four

  Sam moved tentatively, his semi arousal evident. A spark of feminine pride went through her. She was responsible for his reaction, she thought with a giddy sigh, her head sinking in the softness of the pillow. She could feel each of his fingers as his palm pressed over her flesh, onto her stomach.

  A shiver ran through her and she closed her eyes tightly when his palm moved very lightly back to her side and up to pulled the long hair from her throat. A tiny yelp made him chuckle when his teeth grazed the space between her neck and shoulder.

  “Logan? What are you doing?”

  “Tasting you…it’s amazing how sweet you taste,” he felt the gentle shiver when his mouth moved toward her throat.

  “Umm…I thought you said no more kissing…”

  “Nothing at all wrong with making out like kids,” Logan wondered how long he could push his sanity. The groan was pulled loudly from his throat when she pushed her round behind deliberately against him.

  “I don’t see you walking away happy from a date that leaves you with that,” Sam chuckled, curious about his behavior. She pulled away suddenly, a bouncing turn and she lay facing him. “Hmmm…I’m thinking decisions like this should be a partnership effort, don’t you?”

  “I’m not sure my ego can handle not being in control,” Logan felt another strand of his self control snap, lightening illuminated the room with a burst that outlined the feminine curves and sparkled off the wide, innocent looking eyes.

  “Oh, dear…I hadn’t considered that,” Sam felt herself fall a little more, enjoying his teasing. “I have a difficult time believing having a girl seduce you would be harmful to your self esteem,” she leaned on one elbow and brought the other palm up, fingertips moving softly over his face.

  “I think you need to consider something before this gets too far along,” Logan inhaled raggedly, his eyes closed as her fingers caressed over his face and onto his throat.

  “I’m listening,” she answered, leaning closer and bringing her mouth to his. Lightly, teasingly she let her tongue out to trace over the full lips nestled between the soft facial hair. Sam felt the female in her soar when his mouth moved against hers, returning the touch, hastening the pressure.

  Logan vaguely listened to the warning gongs that sounded too much like thunder outside their suite. His fingers tightened on her waist, struggling with the desire to touch her, arouse her and explode with her. He tore his mouth from hers and rolled to his back, pulling his hand from the tempting skin.

  “We don’t have protection, Sam,” Logan pushed the words through his teeth, slammed his eyes shut tight and tried to find something to think of that was not Samantha Elliott. He almost jumped out of his skin when her palm came down on his erection, stroking him through the fabric of his shorts.

  “Yes, we do,” Sam whispered, moving closer and trailing her lips over his chest, letting her tongue circle the flat male nipple. “I found a machine when I was out exploring. I’d never been in a men’s bathroom before. I bought some for us…just in case…” She raised her head, watching her hand as she drew one fingernail along the pulsing hard length of him.

  “I…you…” Logan took her hand and knew he was too old to be sputtering like a teenaged kid. He rolled once more to sit upright. He knew he was facing where she lay, his hand up to rake through the dark hair in exasperation. Why the hell couldn’t they have met under normal circumstances? How much was she going to hate him when she got her memories back? “Sam, we really have to talk about this…”

  Sam sat upright slowly, cross legged and looking toward his voice. Most puzzling, her girl brain thought. “You don’t want to make love with me? You don’t find me attractive?”

  The words Tony had said came screaming back at him.

  “Sam, you know I find you attractive, it’s not something I can damn well hide when your hot little hands are all over me,” Logan admitted gruffly, another flash of lightening making his eyes widen and his body flare just a little harder. He saw her cross
her arms in front of her and pull the top she was wearing off. He caught a quick glimpse of a vanishing bra in the pulsing flashes of light.

  “What is the length of time a couple has to know one another before they trust their instincts,” Sam prowled slowly over the surface of the bed, touching his shoulders and moving to his side before sliding to the floor in front of him. “Is it a couple days? A year? An hour…you have instincts,” she said softly, trailing two hands over his thighs and moving to stand between them pausing only a moment before she put her hands on his shoulders, pressing him back onto the bed. “What are your instincts telling you, Logan?”

  Sam gave herself over to the need, dropping her mouth on his at the same time her body fell onto his on the bed. The kiss was brief. She suddenly found herself laying back on the large bed, alone. She closed her eyes, fighting the surge of hot tears behind her lashes. What was wrong with her? Why didn’t he want her? How could they have a marriage?

  “Where did you put the condoms, Sam?” Logan felt the last strand of control snap.

  Sam gulped, swiped at her face hurriedly. “My jeans pocket. I think they’re on the chair,” she said quickly, her voice low and husky for several reasons.

  Logan found the jeans draped on the chair, his fingers feeling up the empty pair of jeans until he found the pocket. He managed to get his hand in far enough to pull the foil packets free, all six of them. He chuckled and moved back to the bed, dropping them on the nightstand.

  “What’s funny?” Sam asked breathlessly.

  “You think we’ll be that busy?”

  “I’m an optimistic kind of girl,” she answered, a long sigh easing free when she felt his palm on her ankle. His touch moved slowly, strongly along the length of her leg, over her knee and onto the outside of her thigh.

  Logan stretched out slowly on the bed after letting his shorts drop to the floor. His fingertips touched the lace edge of her panties, slipping inside and letting the taut red curls flow like silken strands through his fingers. His hand was quickly dislodged when Sam moved closer, one leg up and over his, the apex center of her pressing hotly against his naked hip.

  Desire filled her senses, fascinated with the male body at her side, she let her hand roam heavily over his chest, letting her nails rake through the chest hair even as her hips wriggled against him. She felt him suck in a large draft of air, his masculine groan flaming the fires inside her.

  Logan felt the hot moisture on his hip along with the teasing edge of lace. His hands went to her waist, urging her over him and giving his hands free rein, beginning with sinking them both into the thick red hair and pulling her mouth to his hungrily, no longer fighting with his conscience.

  He was confident he would handle the fall out when it happened.

  Sam let the world vanish around her, the wonderfully alive sensations coursing through her too intense to ignore. And so intense she wanted to revel in them and not think of anything else.

  He did want her!

  The shout rang through the female in her, even as she moved her hips against him, stroking the flames in them both. Her hands moved over his shoulders and into the short hair at the back of his head, caressing as their kiss broke, each of them gasping for breath before sinking into another sensuous foray.

  Logan tipped her to the side, his palm roving over the silken flesh to capture one of the breasts pressing against him, full and demanding his attention. He moved his mouth over her throat and lower, taking one nipple between his lips and tugging, teasing and arousing the puckered little pebble. A sense of power coursed through him when she gasped, her nails on his shoulders and her lower body pressing hotly forward.

  Sam gave up trying to think. All she wanted was the sensations he was building inside her to meet. The more attention he gave her breast, the more moisture built between her thighs, her hips angling trying to get that special place just right. She felt Logan’s palm moving lower even as his mouth continued to suckle and arouse her nipple.

  Logan slid his palm over the flat of her stomach and inside the panties, shoving them slowly down her legs and returning to stroke his fingers through the thicket of coils. His fingers gathered the fragrant heat building, used it to stroke gently over the throbbing nub and held her tightly with his other arm when she arched her hips demandingly against his hand. He was only too willing to oblige and carefully, a little uncertainly, slid two fingers just inside to probe gently.

  “Logan!” Sam raised one knee, granting him room at the same time she felt the powerful tremors just outside her grasp.

  Logan groaned, a low masculine sound as he pulled his attention from her long enough to find one of the packets and cover himself. His hand slid back to her lower body, probing and stroking the heat before he moved between her legs. He bent his head, taking the other nipple between his teeth at the same time she positioned his heavy erection at the damp opening.

  Sam released her fingers once she was sure he was where he needed to be, her head back and eyes closed, allowing the lightening sparks to join in her middle somewhere. His fingers knew what they were doing, stroking the tiny nub as he moved slowly inside her.

  Logan was concerned even as he moved as slowly as he could, beads of sweat on his forehead and his groan low and filled with need. She was small and tight and so damn hot! He was congratulating himself on going slow when, without warning, all her muscles convulsed around him, spiraled and gloved him in the snug cocoon. Before he could move, Sam surged her hips upward, demanding and hungry and taking him fully inside her.

  Sam gulped in a huge draft of air, sparkling lights dazzling the inside of her eye lids even as she refused to let her body stop the sensations. She lifted her legs, parting them more, inviting him deeper and wrapped them tightly around his waist.

  Logan lost his control completely. He made a low, hoarse growl and drove himself into her in a series of fierce thrusts, releasing all the primeval urges he’d been working to control. His redhead had shattered it in a crystalline moment. He felt the intensity of his climax in every muscle in his body, the husky shout of satisfaction heard over the thunder outside their suite.

  The strength in his arms shook, his body falling onto hers. Their scent filled the room, a sweet powerful fragrance. She had claimed him as her own, she thought, hands shaking only a little as they stroked over the fine covering of perspiration on his neck and shoulders. She was smiling when his mouth moved over hers.

  “That’s what I call a honeymoon,” she whispered sexily against his mouth, a slight wince when he moved to the side.

  “When you set your mind to something…who am I to stand in the way?” Logan brushed her lips with his, still amazed at the power of his climax. He left the bed for a minute, feeling his way carefully toward the bathroom.

  Sam rearranged herself beneath the blankets, blinking the next second when the lights flared back into existence. She smiled at the man striding around the room turning out lights, naked. He had really nice muscles, she mused, laying back on the pillows. She moved to her side, frowning slightly. She knew this had not been a regular occurrence for them and wondered why.

  “Why the face?” Logan climbed between the blankets, his arm out and immediately filled with a curving redhead.

  “We made enough power to relight the city,” she answered with a cheeky laugh.

  Logan just laughed. Deep and warm and alive. His arm tightened around her, his palm out and tipping her face to his. He kissed her softly, gently.

  “You are delightful, Samantha,” his mouth moved over hers again when she didn’t move. They snuggled down on their sides, her head against his chest and the night settling around them.

  Logan lay awake shortly after seven listening to the soft breathing beside him. She lay face down, her face turned to the open patio and long red hair draping over the blanket that stopped at her waist. His mind and body were trying to throw his physical reaction to her into a business spread sheet and it flat out refused to fit. It bewildered him that th
ey had used two more of the packets through the night.

  One she had begun and a couple hours later, he woke with an alarming need to claim her again. The astonishing part was the high level of passion she could arouse in him. Her touch and kiss thoroughly searing every part of his body and mind until the only cure was to wrap himself in her so totally that his body erupted with such an explosive climax that he swore he was dreaming.

  They slept naked, which made it easier, he mused, shifting to his side and gently pulling the long strands of red off her back.

  Sam felt the warm fingers on her neck and shoulders, a little tingle making her behind wiggle. She smiled at the deep laughter and blinked, slowly letting daylight wake up her foggy mind.

  “You know that acts like a lure,” Logan bent closer, his mouth following the trail his fingers had blazed.

  “Like fishing? Hmm…I never knew that before,” Sam purred softly, her throat arching for the pleasant sensations. “Guess it’s a good thing I went exploring yesterday…”

  “You actually went into the men’s room?” Logan asked in disbelief.

  “I’ve never been in one before,” she defended with a giggle. “I was curious and I knew it was safe since no one else was here.”

  “I think Sunday morning is a great time to do some exploring,” Logan gripped her shoulder, turning her slowly to her back. The male in him reacted to the round, firm breasts even as his rational self says it should be impossible to want her again so soon. He drew one finger around the dark areola, watching the pink flesh pucker into a hard little pearl. He liked the sexy little mew that broke from her lips when he lowered his mouth to trail his tongue over the nipple.

  “Are we talking inside exploring…or driving around town exploring?” Sam sighed contentedly.

  “Outside,” Logan murmured against her breast, savoring the way her breast fit into his palm, strong fingers fitting the curve of her into his hand.


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