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WindSwept Narrows: # 1 Samantha Elliott

Page 7

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Is doing fine,” Anya said firmly. “I will take the sling with me and use it when I get tired, I promise,” she assured him.


  “I have told Catherine I would be on my bus in the morning, Ian. They need me,” Anya said simply.

  “Where do you work?” Sam asked curiously.

  “For St. Micheal’s…I work on one of the mobile health buses for the neighborhoods that are not very prosperous. I have two nurses and a lab tech with me.”

  “You’re a doctor, too? How cool,” Sam smiled and nodded. “I would love your help, Anya.” Both women ignored the frown on Ian’s face. “Can we walk to the forest wing now?”

  “Ian and I have walked all around the property,” Anya stood up and slipped her sandals on, tying her sarong around her waist. “Come, I will show you, Sam.”

  “He worries about you,” Sam said when they were walking along the wide concrete path the wove around the crescent shaped mansion.

  “Yes, I know…I have been sitting doing nothing for a week,” Anya shook her head. “It is making me crazy. I am supposed to be setting up a shop in Des Moines, too.”

  “What kind of shop?”

  “Chloe and I are opening a costume shop,” Anya explained enthusiastically, hands waving as she told Sam about her designs and Chloe’s costumes. “I work with the mobile bus three days a week, I am a pediatric doctor and the kids in my area miss me, I am sure.”

  “It’s beautiful here,” Sam gazed around and above. Cedars, pine trees and maples filled the green space that seemed to spread as far as she could see. A smooth wooden railing and a flat cobble stoned path wove its way beneath the canopy of green. “Have you lived here long?”

  “Not long…barely a little over a week,” Anya answered honestly.

  “It’s a very different environment than Croatia,” Sam said carefully, watching her new friend’s face. “It must be nice…to feel safe,” she fumbled for the right words.

  “I am still adjusting…still learning to believe, I think.”

  “Hard to change after so long. I think the nightmares are the worst,” Sam wasn’t sure where the words were coming from, but felt they were accurate. “Logically, you know you’re safe. You know there is no one lobbing bombs at you, but when you sleep…” Sam shook her head slowly. “Memories take over,” she said softly. “I bet Ian has nightmares, too. Guys…they always try and pretend it’s nothing…just shrug it off…”

  “Yes…yes, he does…he handles the nightmares better than I do,” Anya said softly.

  “He wasn’t born there, Anya. He didn’t grow up a girl there,” Sam stopped under a tree, meeting the dark eyes honestly. “The countries on this planet where it isn’t safe to be a female continue to astound and anger me beyond belief. I spent several years with crews in Thailand and Singapore working to keep children out of the brothels. How do you change a…a society that believes it’s allowable to have sex with children? Stop the women from bearing them? Steal the babies just to keep them from the hands of predators in the future? I never found an answer, especially not in a male driven society.”

  “Why did you stop?” Anya saw the pain mirrored in the eyes of her new friend.

  “I was shot and two of my people killed,” Sam said sadly.

  A faint quiver was in her voice that Logan and Ian heard from their spot near the house. Logan held up his palm and they just listened, walking slower than the women.

  “I…I spent a lot of time in the hospital coming to the conclusion I couldn’t save the world, and worse, someone else died because of my arrogance. Yes, they believed as I did, but I was their leader,” Sam swiped at the tears running down her cheeks. “I wanted to go to the houses where I knew there were eight and nine year old children being used for sex and…and tear the places apart, board by board. I wanted to find the adults and…the desire to hurt them was so strong,” she whispered painfully. “It was time to change…so I left. I still support the efforts…and someday I might go back, but the anger is still too strong for me to fight.”

  “I understand,” Anya began walking when Sam moved forward with a sniffle. “I don’t think I can return to Croatia for a long time. So it was time for change and I am here…and Ian…” Her head shook, a small laugh breaking free. “He will not allow me to live in the past.”

  “He looks so innocent behind those glasses he wears,” Sam commented with a chuckle, swiping again at the last tears, blinking to rid herself of the others. Memories were going to be a bitch, she thought vaguely.

  “It is deceptive,” Anya announced with a nod. “There are times he can…and you want to,” her hands went together in a clash. “Aaaugghh…” a long string of words broke free.

  “I understand…somehow they always manage to sneak in when you’re trying to think and mix things around,” her hand was in the air, twirling like a mixer. “Then you feel guilty ‘cause they’re only trying to help, in their own male-like way,” she sighed. “There’s just no sane answer for them, you know.”

  “I am glad to have a girl to talk to,” Anya’s exhale was slightly ragged.

  “No problem…we can handle them…we’re girls…we got strength…it just gets in the way to follow stupid male rules all the time,” Sam grumbled, turning the door knob and pushing at the same time several people entered from the other side.

  All of them stood staring for a quiet few seconds.

  “Afternoon, Mrs. Sheffield. We’re here to make the place sparkling for tomorrow’s move in,” a man of about fifty stepped from the edge and extended his palm. “Mack Phillips…I work for the family. Do you know what furniture you’d like removed yet?”


  “Give us a few minutes to look over the place, Mack,” Logan stepped in from behind the women with a chuckle. “Sam just opened the front door for the first time. Get the drapes all open, would you? Top and bottom,” Logan ordered with a naturalness that was accepted immediately.

  “Right away, Logan,” Mack sent people scurrying with quiet instructions.

  Ian came around, glancing casually at the inside of the house. He took Anya’s hand, leading her off around the large rooms.

  “I think I should have asked if you wanted to live here, Sam,” Logan brought his palm to her face, stray remnants of tears on her cheek. “You okay?”

  With a sigh, Sam stepped forward, her hands settled on his waist and head on his chest. “I am now. Just…talking with Anya…memories are gonna be a bitch.” She felt the gentle rumble of laugher in his chest, the warm arms surrounding her safely for a long minute before she pushed herself resolutely up to meet his gaze. “Yeah, you should have asked, but I like it here. And I love this part.”

  Sam moved away, quickly making a tour and standing in the empty solarium and staring at the curved ceiling and wide clear panels of glass. Now and then the trees would sway, sending splintered shards of sunlight sparkling across the nice solid tiles beneath their feet.

  “There’s a big storage building near the garages filled with furniture. I think most of this stuff is about three years old?” Logan looked at Ian.

  “Yeah, most of it is stuff Eliose brought in when she was going through grad school, so that’d be about three years back. When she married and moved out, she left it. Looks like it’s been kept clean.” Ian turned toward the main door. “We’ll see you at dinner.”

  “Thanks, Ian…later,” Logan went to the second level while Sam wandered into the kitchen.

  “I hope I like shopping,” she said with a quick look through the cabinets. “Hmm…I think something Mediterranean would be nice…reds and golds…”

  “Plotting your kitchen?” Logan asked, perched in one of the tall bar stools.

  “Yep…” Sam ran her fingers over the mirror surface of the stove top. “It’s really a lovely house. Take down the drapes and clean all the skylights…I love tons of natural light,” she tipped her head back to peer up into the bright and very clean skylight above her.
br />   “The loft is nice. The windows face the Sound and there’s a skylight over the bed,” Logan winked at the interested look she cast in his direction, laughing when she headed for the stairs. He followed her up and into the large master suite.

  Sam decided the very large four poster bed was a definite keep. She put her palm on the surface with a gentle push, very aware of the man who moved to stand behind her, bending just enough to whisper in her ear.

  “Feel like testing it?”

  “The house is filled with cleaners, Logan,” she hissed, feeling the stinging heat flood her cheeks.

  “I could clear the house in one minute,” he promised, hotly aware of the tightening in his lower body with her behind pressed against him.

  “And every one of them would know why!” Sam answered after a long pause.

  “But you were considering it…” he teased, kissing along her throat.

  “Did you bring protection in your pocket?” She asked sweetly, sliding to the side and turning to waggle one finger at him. His sigh long and regretful. “Then put away the libido, mister,” she went into the large master bathroom, nodding in approval. “Very modern and roomy.”

  Logan walked over to the wide patio doors that opened onto the green belt, rustling trees and a soft breeze chasing out the stale air. If anyone had told him he’d be moving back onto the family compound in his lifetime, he would have laughed in their face. Coldly. But the place felt changed. Maybe it was Ian and Anya, or maybe it was just him, he wasn’t sure of the answer to that one. Or to a couple others, he mused. He stood with feet apart, hands in his pockets when the smaller palms came from behind to hug him. Or maybe it was Sam.

  “So I’m forgiven for making the executive decision?”

  “I’m in a forgiving mood,” she said with a shrug, glancing at her wrist. “A couple hours until dinner…”

  “Let’s go cruise the mall like kids,” Logan took her hand. “Feel like spending money?”

  “Well, we do need a few things here…I like the bedroom set,” she rambled as they walked back to the SUV, driving through the neighborhood and on to the mall.

  Somehow they managed to fill several hours and the back of the SUV, making it back to the estate in time to walk into the dining room after unloading bags into the now spotless kitchen of their new residence.

  “You just made it in time,” Mark noted, doing the four year old impatient bounce for all the food to arrive to the table.

  “We’re lucky,” Sam said with a wink, smiling at the giggle.

  “You have a fun family,” Sam said as they drove towards Tacoma.

  “Sometimes…I think family improves with age,” Logan remarked, silently agreeing that he had actually enjoyed the banter between himself and his brother; that he had fun listening to Anya and Sam talk about men and the humor packed advice from his grand parents.

  “My car?” Sam reminded him, digging into her pack and jangling the key ring.

  “I haven’t forgotten,” he said, since it was impossible to forget something you never knew in the first place. But making a rough guess had him cruising the parallel streets, watching carefully for a sign from Sam. Given the odd things she was remembering, it was most likely she would recognize the vehicle she drove. He was rewarded a few minutes later with a happy shout.

  “There! She’s right down that street,” Sam pointed to the older model dark green dust covered SUV.

  “You have a girl car?” Logan looked over the Range Rover, one brow raised. But he wasn’t sure why he was at all surprised.

  “Of course,” she answered with a puzzled look at him. “Her name is Alice.”

  “Dare I ask?” Logan didn’t question how she knew and she seemed to be taking it all in stride.

  “’Cause sometimes we fall down a few rabbit holes,” Sam answered with a half shrug.

  “Ahh…now there I’m not surprised. Follow me back, Sam,” Logan didn’t try and stop himself from following her, the long strides, the confident way her head was held, shoulders back and ponytail swishing. He sighed heavily, turning the SUV carefully in the dead end street and leading the way back to the resort. And here he believed he was going to have a long, quiet and relaxing weekend his first week in residence on his new project.

  He met the look on the guards’ face, certain his instructions had been passed along to all members of the security team. “She’s with me.”

  “Yes, sir,” the man said with a curt nod, letting the dusty SUV enter behind Logan.

  Sam slid out and locked the car, striding to the front by the main entrance and waiting for Logan to join her, very aware of the funny little tingle inside her just from watching him. He handed Sam the pass card when they were inside the lower level, winking at her frown.

  “You go fetch the elevator, I’m visiting the men’s room,” he told her, laughing at the flush of color on her cheeks.

  Sam leaned against the open elevator, head back and eyes closed for a long minute while she waited. He was smart. And very sexy and funny and affectionate and protective.

  “Falling asleep on me, Sam?”

  “Hmm…nope…just thinking…things I talked about with Anya,” she pushed three without thinking. “I’m going to help her on Tuesday move some things into her new shop. She said her and Ian had invitations to the anniversary thing you told me about on Friday. She’s nervous.”

  “I’m not sure she’s accustomed to the formal thing,” Logan commented. “Her background is a great deal different than most.”

  “Yes…it is,” she answered absently. “I guess I could get the clothing folded up and ready to go…maybe I can find a box outside for the kitchen stuff we bought. What time are you meeting with people in the morning?”

  “Hmm…you’ve lost track of something important, woman,” Logan pushed the door to the suite wide, his gaze following the firm behind and sweet curves into the room.

  Chapter Eight

  “I have?” Sam blinked, pulling herself back from the organization plans. Logan’s hand caught her palm, tugging her to stand next to the bed. She smiled when he pulled several packets from his pocket, adding them to the remaining two they had left. She met his gaze with a grin, eyes widening when his hands came up, gripped the edge of her shirt and pulled it quickly over her head. He tossed it behind him.

  “Yes, you have,” his hands went to the front of her jeans, opening them and pushing them over the curve of her hips, letting them fall to the floor. Her feet slid from the shoes and then stepped out of the pants. He quickly pulled his shirt over his head, dropping it on the floor. He’d given up trying to control his reaction to her when she touched him, her hands small against his stomach as they opened his jeans, pushing them over his hips. His palms rested on her head when she dropped to her knees, helping his feet out of the narrow legs.

  Sam decided she liked this game, and put her hands on his knees, pressing very slowly along his thighs, her thumbs meeting at the center to drag heavily over the forming erection. The sharp intake of breath he drew sent lightening streaking through her veins, emboldening her. Fingers tugged on the legs of his boxers, pulling them out of the way and letting them fall, ignored. She wrapped her palm around the hard form, her tongue out and kisses soft along the solid ridge.

  She liked his groans, she decided. A lot. It was an interesting sense of power. Sam stood up slowly, one hand up and pulling the band from her hair, letting the long waves fall around her shoulders.

  Another groan. Hmmm…

  She took a deliberate step back, put her hands on his shoulders and turned him slightly, pushing on his chest until he sat back on the bed. Dark lashes were narrowed, watching every move she made. Sam stepped purposefully out of his range, one hand behind her to open the clasp of her bra. She let the straps glide very slowly down her arms, her other hand holding it in place.

  Logan felt his body harden. Fire flowed through his veins when her mouth touched him, tasted him. The flames roared hotter, his jaw set as he watched
the impromptu strip tease. Slowly, she let the bra fall to the floor, standing before him in all her curving glory in nothing but those sexy boy briefs, red coils teasing the edges of lace at her thighs. He knew his breathing came to an abrupt stop when she placed one hand on each of his knees, heavily moving higher.

  “I think you should move back on the bed, Logan…get comfortable,” she whispered, dropping a kiss to his stomach, waiting patiently while he did as she asked.

  The breath that filled his lungs came in a sharp, ragged gulp when she used both her hands to gently cradle him in her palms, her mouth down to hotly learn the feel and shape of him. Logan’s head went hard against the bed, his hands curled into tight fists as she continued to taste and tease him with her tongue and mouth. Now and then her teeth would graze over the soft flesh, his senses coiled to the breaking point.

  Sam felt her own body reacting to his scent and his sounds. The hot moisture between her own thighs and the sensations coursing through her then her pert nipples grazed over the rough hair on his legs made her groan softly. His erection pulsed hard in her palm, her eyes wide the next second when she felt herself lifted away from him.

  “Logan?” Sam blinked in confusion, a small pout on her face. She was enjoying herself. She saw him reach for the nightstand, the packet in his fingers only long enough for him to sheath himself.

  “Another time, Sam,” he promised gruffly, taking her by the shoulders and pulling her over him. He moved the center panel to the side, his fingers hungrily dipping into the hot dew he had sensed forming. He drew several fingers through the red thicket, drawing the moisture to the pulsing tiny center, savoring the sexy mews she offered. He positioning himself at her opening and let her take control.

  “I need you, Sam…I want you now…” He whispered hotly, pulling her mouth down to his, their kiss wild and passionate.

  “Yes…” Came the small hissing sound as she rotated her hips, sinking the hard strength of him inside her while his fingers stroked her body, pleasure flooding into her senses and exploding. “Oh, Logan…yes, please…”


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