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Space Invaders

Page 6

by Amber Kell

  Calloused hands gripped his hips, stilling his motion. A snarl burst from his lips.

  “Stop it,” Kres commanded, his brown eyes firm.

  “I need you.” Vohne’s voice was gravelly with desire, the words almost indistinguishable.

  “I know.” Kres kissed Vohne’s cheek. The first spontaneous show of affection from his mate sent tremors through Vohne’s body.

  “I need to be inside you,” he confessed.

  “You need to get undressed first.” Kres’ lips formed a soft smile that Vohne had to concentrate hard to resist. If he focused on his mate’s mouth, he’d never get undressed.

  Vohne stripped off his clothing without regard to reusability. The sound of fabric tearing didn’t distract him from watching his mate retrieve a tube of lubricant from a box under the bed. “Planning, were you?”

  “I did a little shopping while you were out. I knew you would want to claim me when you returned. You aren’t exactly shy about saying what you need.” Kres’ wry grin made Vohne growl. Everything about his soldier excited Vohne.

  “I’ll never be shy about desiring you.” It was best that Kres knew the truth. Vohne would always crave him, and he wouldn’t be denied. Well, Kres could, but he hoped his mate wouldn’t turn him away without reason. The Thresl-human mating was too intense for some matches. Luckily this was one mating that never had those kinds of problems. They’d had lots of other issues throughout the years, but sexual compatibility had never been one of them.

  Vohne’s attention snapped to his mate when Kres tried to wriggle away.

  Vohne growled.

  “You have to give me enough space to use the lube.” Kres’ brow wrinkled in a frustrated frown.

  “No. That’s my privilege.” He gave his mate a look that he hoped conveyed his confusion over Kres’ actions. “You really do need to read that book about Thresls.”

  “I keep trying to,” Kres snapped.

  “Thresls take their responsibilities seriously. From now on everything about you is mine to care for. Your body, your happiness—they are all mine.”

  “Yeah,” Kres panted. “And what is my responsibility?”

  “To not get killed.” A responsibility his lover hadn’t always taken seriously, with disastrous consequences. But not this time. This time Vohne was going to keep him safe.

  Kres froze beneath Vohne’s hands. “What?”

  “Never mind.” Now wasn’t the time to go over years of heartache and humour. Now was the time to solidify their relationship and renew their commitment to each other. Kissing his mate, Vohne made a silent pledge. The same vow he’d made innumerable times before.

  Forever. This time I will keep him forever.

  Running his mouth down his lover’s hard stomach, Vohne licked every sexy ridge. He enjoyed this tougher version of his mate. Joy bubbled through Vohne’s veins like Nillrenian wine. They would win this time…

  A sharp pain brought his head up.


  Kres gave a short laugh. “What are you thinking about?”

  “Your hot body.”

  “I don’t think so. It’s like a humming in my mind,” Kres explained.

  “Talk later. Hot loving now.” To keep Kres distracted, he swallowed his lover’s cock, taking Kres’ entire length to the back of his throat. There was plenty of time to discuss their past. Concentrating on their future was more important.

  Kres gave a strangled scream.

  Vohne purred. Clamping his hands around Kres’ hips, he kept his mate still while he enjoyed the flavour of the man who tasted like the best of everything and owned Vohne’s heart.

  “I’m going to come,” Kres warned.


  He sent the word to his mate, letting him know it was all right. Tasting his lover’s essence was his goal. His right. Only his. The strong body beneath him jolted, giving up its delicious fluid. Gripping Kres’ hips, Vohne held him still while he sucked at the liquid. When he finally let Kres’ cock leave his mouth, Vohne lapped with his rough tongue like a cat at the sticky drips he’d missed.

  Kres panted, sucking in gasping breaths to fill his lungs. “I wanted to last longer.”

  His mate’s eyes glowed like small suns, a sign of their bonding. As they grew closer, their powers would multiply. The stronger they bonded, the more powerful they’d become. This time there was no hesitation in Vohne’s mind. Lessons from the past had been well learnt, at great consequence. Conquer their enemies or perish—there was no in-between. With his feral blood burning in his veins, Vohne smiled at his lover.

  “Don’t worry, mate. We just got started,” he promised.

  Chapter Six

  The planet of Nillre shone like a jewel in space. Flashes of blue and gold greeted the spacecraft slowly drifting towards its surface.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Vohne’s warm breath drifted across Kres’ bare flesh, making him shiver. Bumps tingled across his skin at the other man’s proximity. Sliding his fingers across the cheek so close to his own, he felt Vohne’s beard stubble growing out.

  At his touch, Vohne purred, rubbing his face against Kres’ hand. “You can stroke me anytime, lover.”

  Kres laughed. “That is possibly the worst line, ever.”

  Vohne laughed, warm puffs of air across Kres’ ear.

  Kres turned his head a fraction, enough for their lips to brush across each other. Sparks of need danced up and down his spine, tightening his body.

  The pilot’s voice came over the speakers. “We are now approaching the planet of Nillre. Please strap in.”

  Kres groaned his disappointment, but obediently settled back into his seat. Vohne growled and paced the aisle.

  “What are you doing? You heard the pilot.”

  Vohne glanced out of the window, around the cabin, and out of the window again, but he didn’t sit down.

  “Vohne, strap in.”

  There were no other passengers besides the two of them. It was a private shuttle provided by the planet of Nillre to welcome back their king. Only ten luxurious landing chairs filled the entire shuttle where fifty might crowd together in a military craft. After Vohne had contacted them, they couldn’t do enough. Unfortunately, Vohne had been unable to reach his brother, who’d been out when he’d called. Kres knew the lack of communication from Vohne’s brother bothered his Thresl.

  Kres made sure all his buckles and snaps were fastened as he kept a wary eye on his lover. “What’s the matter?” Vohne’s pacing spiked his nerves.

  “Something is wrong,” Vohne growled.

  “What do you mean?”

  Vohne pinned Kres with his amber gaze. “Don’t you feel it?”

  “All I feel is the ship descending. You need to get strapped in,” Kres insisted. He didn’t want to see his lover bouncing around the shuttle and possibly injured.

  The man-cat’s eyes widened. “We need to get you out of here.”


  Kres didn’t have time to argue or ask what the hell was going on. Vohne’s claws came out. In two swipes, he shredded Kres’ harness.

  “Stop that.” Kres frowned at Vohne’s behaviour.

  “No. You have to leave.” The playful man of seconds ago vanished behind the cold amber gaze.

  “I am leaving—as soon as we land,” Kres replied, trying to keep his voice calm and level. He’d learnt the calmer he was, the better Vohne responded. If Kres became hysterical it would be all over.

  Vohne shook his head. “This shuttle will never land.”


  Kres struggled as Vohne grabbed his arm, dragging him down the centre aisle.

  “Stop it. What the fuck is going on? Stop,” Kres demanded.

  His words fell on deaf ears as Vohne continued dragging Kres to the back of the ship. With his free hand, Vohne typed in a complicated code. A concealed door sprang open.

  Vohne grabbed Kres’ chin, forcing him to meet his eyes. “You must survive. No matter what, don�
�t trust anyone. I will find you.”

  “No,” Kres protested. He didn’t like where this was going. The look in Vohne’s eyes freaked him out.

  “Yes.” Hard lips met his in a brutal, marking kiss. “You have been mine for centuries, and you will be mine again. Don’t lose faith.”

  Running the words through his head, Kres was unprepared for the hard shove that propelled him into the escape pod. A whoosh of sound followed as the door closed behind him.

  “Vohne!” Kres pounded on the door, screaming. “Vohne!”

  The captain’s voice came over the intercom. “Your Highness, my radar has picked up two incoming ships. They must be your welcoming fleet.”

  “Somehow I doubt it,” Vohne responded. “Fire the pod.”

  Kres scrambled to find the intercom. Pressing the button, he shouted into the receiver. “Don’t you dare!”

  Vohne’s order overrode his. “Fire it, Captain, or I will have you court-martialled.”


  “Sorry, sir,” the captain said. “I have to follow orders.”

  Kres understood the captain’s dilemma, but he didn’t have to like it. “If anything happens to Vohne, I will be coming for you.”

  There was a long pause before the captain spoke again, “Understood, sir.”

  A loud bang shook the pod. Kres thought at first it was the pod disengaging, until the captain’s voice came over the intercom.

  “We’re being fired upon,” the captain said in a calm voice. “What would you like me to do, Your Highness?”

  “Eject the pod, Captain,” Vohne ordered.

  “Vohne!” Kres pounded on the door. He was going to kill the bastard when he got out of there.

  “Pod ejecting,” a robotic voice announced.

  “Travel well, my love.” Vohne’s words were followed by another explosion, then the pod broke free—but was he free because the captain had ejected the escape pod or because the ship was destroyed?

  “Vohne,” Kres whispered, sinking to the floor of the shuttle. Now what was he going to do?

  * * * *

  Vohne let out a relieved sigh as he heard the pod disengage. Closing his eyes, he prayed to the gods to deliver his beloved to the planet below. If Kres didn’t survive, neither would he.

  “Please let Kres make it safely,” he whispered to whatever deity might be listening. He’d have to ask Kres about his beliefs later.

  Another explosion rocked the shuttle.

  “They’re putting a tracking beam on the shuttle, Your Highness,” the captain announced.

  “Let them.” Vohne hoped it kept them distracted. He needed Kres to make it to the surface. He didn’t think he could survive this reincarnation if he lost his lover so early.

  The shaking of the small craft told Vohne the shuttle was truly caught. He leaned against the smooth ship walls and breathed slow breaths to calm his inner beast. Whiffs of his lover still filled the cabin, soothing his nerves. He had to believe Kres would make it to safety and forgive him for putting him in the escape pod.

  He had no illusions about his lover giving him a piece of his mind once they were reunited down below, but as long as they were together again, he didn’t care what punishment Kres wanted to dish out.

  A loud clang shook him out of his imagined reunion. Squaring his shoulders, he braced himself to face whatever came through the door.

  The captain’s voice came over the intercom. “Should I let them in?”

  “Might as well. If they break in, they’ll only damage the shuttle,” Vohne replied. No point in fighting with ships when they were outmanned.

  A whoosh heralded the opening of the inner door.

  Ten soldiers marched through. Seeing Vohne, they stopped in their tracks, staring at him as if they’d seen a ghost.

  Vohne drew himself up to full height. “Is there a reason you’re attacking your king?”

  One of the Thresls, braver than the others, stepped forward, sweeping a low bow. “Forgive us, Your Highness. We were told an imposter was on board.” The man’s voice shook as he confronted his king.

  Vohne’s eyes scanned the group who’d entered the shuttle, five male human soldiers and six Thresl. The one who approached didn’t appear to have a partner.

  “Where’s your human?” He asked the brave soldier.

  “He died in The Great Purge. As I am only half Thresl, I survived.”

  “Ahh. I am sorry.” At his transformation, Vohne regained all of his memories and the memories of his people. As a king, he was one of the few Thresl who could retain the history of his people. Which made this last return unusual because he had gaps in his memory, spots where he couldn’t detect bits and pieces of his past.

  While between reincarnations, a faction had arisen that wanted to free the Thresl from their human counterparts. One Thresl mating gone wrong had created a bitter and dangerous man who’d wanted to put an end to what he considered the oppression of the Thresl. What the leader didn’t acknowledge was, without humans, there were no Thresl. The original Thresl had bonded with a human in order to become a reasoning, intelligent being and not a slave to his beast. To break from the humans and other sentient creatures was to bring an end to their own sentience.

  The Great Purge had been the product of this twisted leader who killed the Thresls’ partners. His thinking had been, once a Thresl gained its sentient status, a human partner was no longer necessary.

  After killing many Thresl mates, the leader and his followers had learnt a powerful and painful lesson. Without their creators, they were only half a person. Many killed themselves, and the ones who didn’t went insane.

  “How did you survive?” Even a half-Thresl would have problems.

  The soldier shivered. “I had conditioning. I’m hoping to rematch.”

  In some cases, if they were rematched quickly, a soldier could stay in his human form for a few months. If they didn’t find a Thresl for him soon, he would go into a cryogenic chamber until they found a match. Last Vohne remembered, there were still dozens of Thresls frozen on the planet.

  “Good luck,” Vohne said even as he shivered over the fate of the man before him.

  “Thank you, Your Highness. I have orders to bring the imposter to the ship. Would you mind accompanying me?”

  As politely as the soldier had worded the question, Vohne still knew he wouldn’t leave without him.

  “Of course,” Vohne complied. He didn’t want to make it difficult for the men. They weren’t the ones in charge of the orders to shoot Vohne from the sky. However, if anything hurt Kres, or if he died before he made it to the planet, all bets were off.

  The soldiers formed an honour guard around Vohne, now acting as his protection instead of his captors.

  “Don’t forget to bring the captain aboard,” Vohne reminded. He didn’t know if the shuttle was still space-worthy and he didn’t want the captain to be forgotten in their rush to take Vohne aboard the larger vessel.

  “Of course, Your Highness,” another guard replied.

  Vohne yearned to immediately seek out Kres, but he still didn’t know if it was safe.

  Through several winding hallways he marched alongside the soldiers until finally he was brought to a large, luxurious chamber covered in thick carpet, with a strong handsome man sitting behind a desk.

  Looking straight into those familiar gold eyes, Vohne gave a wide smile. “Greetings, brother.”

  Bleine, Vohne’s younger brother, stood up, walked over to Vohne, then with brutal strength, punched him in the face.

  Vohne’s head snapped back, his hand coming up to cup his injured cheek. “What the hell did you do that for?”

  “For waiting so fucking long to come back! I had to go through an entire war without you. Where the hell have you been?”

  Vohne looked into his brother’s eyes and knew the past hundred years had been hard on him. Without tragedy, a Thresl could live for centuries, even though only kings went through reincarnation.

  “I d
on’t know! Why did you shoot at me?”

  “Because Jallryne said a false king would be coming.”

  “Who’s Jallryne?” Vohne asked. The name didn’t sound familiar.

  “My human. She’s a seer.” His brother paled at the realisation—he had been manipulated.

  “What happened to Klia?” Vohne had liked his brother’s last partner. She’d been a tiny caramel-haired woman with an easy laugh.

  “She died in the purging. Jallryne was my second attempt. We bonded, but now I’m wondering if I chose incorrectly.” A frown marred Bleine’s smooth face.

  “You think she likes being queen too much?” Vohne asked. Jallryne wouldn’t be the first person to go mad with power.

  “Maybe. There have been whispered rumours, but I thought it was just court jealousy. The castle is a different place without you, brother. I never took the official title of king. It didn’t feel right since I wasn’t a true one.” Bleine gripped Vohne’s shoulder, shaking him slightly. “I always knew you would return, even as others doubted.”

  Fear churned Vohne’s stomach. He didn’t want there to be a civil war over his return. “How will my reception be?”

  “It had better be welcoming.” Bleine’s cold tone indicated nothing less would be acceptable to him. “However, it is a tumultuous time. A struggle for power is underway. There are others who would love to wrest the throne from me and call themselves king. Your long absence has brought out many contenders who would never dare to challenge the throne if you were there.”

  “We’ll put them back in their place and discover who’s been working against us,” Vohne declared.

  In his heart, he knew his brother was beside him.

  “Where’s your mate?” Bleine looked behind him.

  “You tried to blow up my shuttle. Where do you think he is?” Vohne growled. He still hadn’t forgiven his brother for that.

  “Y-you sent him down below without protection?” Bleine’s panicked expression sent a shard of fear through Vohne.

  “Since when does a mate need protection from my people?” he asked.


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