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The Second Western Megapack

Page 63

by Various Writers

  “I saw it,” said Davy Crockett, “an’ although it was but a glimpse an’ this is night it did not seem to me to be clad in full Christian raiment. I am quite sure it is not the kind of costume that would be admitted to the galleries of Congress.”

  “You’re right, doubly right,” said the Panther. “That was an Injun you saw, but whether a Comanche or a Lipan I couldn’t tell. The boys are besieged not by Mexicans, but by Injuns. Hark to that!”

  There was a flash from the cabin, a dusky figure in the woods leaped into the air, uttered a death cry, fell and lay still.

  “An’, as you see,” continued the Panther, in his whisper, “the boys in the house are not asleep, dreamin’ beautiful dreams. Looks to me as if they was watchin’ mighty sharp for them fellers who have broke up their rest.”

  Crack! went a second shot from the house, but there was no answering cry, and they could not tell whether it hit anything. But they soon saw more dark figures flitting through the bushes, and their own position grew very precarious. If a band of the Indians stumbled upon them they might be annihilated before they gave their besieged comrades any help.

  “I make the motion, Mr. Panther,” said Crockett, “that you form a speedy plan of action for us, an’ I trust that our young friend Ned here will second it.”

  “I second the motion,” said Ned.

  “It is carried unanimously. Now, Mr. Panther, we await your will.”

  “It’s my will that we git back to the rest of the men as soon as we can. I reckon, Mr. Crockett, that them Tennesseans of yours wouldn’t head in the other direction if a fight grew hot.”

  “I reckon that wild horses couldn’t drag ’em away,” said Crockett dryly.

  “Then we’ll go back an’ j’in ’em.”

  “To hold a caucus, so to speak.”

  “I don’t know what a cow-cuss is.”

  “It’s Congressional for a conference. Don’t mind these parliamentary expressions of mine, Mr. Panther. They give me pleasure an’ they hurt nobody.”

  They reached the Tennesseans without interruption, and the Panther quickly laid his plan before them. They would advance within a quarter of a mile of the cabin, tie their horses in the thickest of the brush, leave four men to guard them, then the rest would go forward to help the besieged.

  Crockett’s eyes twinkled when the Panther announced the campaign in a few words.

  “Very good; very good,” he said. “A steering committee could not have done better. That also is parliamentary, but I think you understand it.”

  They heard detached shots again and then a long yell.

  “They’re Comanches,” said the Panther. “I know their cry, an’ I guess there’s a lot of them.”

  Ned hoped that the shout did not mean the achieving of some triumph. They reached presently a dense growth of brush, and there the horses were tied. Four reluctant Tennesseans remained with them and the rest crept forward. They did not hear any shot after they left the horses until they were within three hundred yards of the house. Then an apparition caused all to stop simultaneously.

  A streak of flame shot above the trees, curved and fell. It was followed by another and another. Ned was puzzled, but the Panther laughed low.

  “This can’t be fireworks on election night,” said Davy Crockett. “It seems hardly the place for such a display.”

  “They’re fireworks, all right,” said the Panther, “but it’s not election night. You’re correct about that part of it. Look, there goes the fourth an’ the fifth.”

  Two more streaks of flame curved and fell, and Ned and Crockett were still puzzled.

  “Them’s burnin’ arrers,” said the Panther. “It’s an old trick of the Injuns. If they had time enough they’d be sure to set the cabin on fire, and then from ambush they’d shoot the people as they ran out. But what we’re here for is to stop that little game of theirs. The flight of the arrers enables us to locate the spot from which they come an’ there we’ll find the Comanches.”

  They crept toward the point from which the lighted arrows were flying, and peering; from the thicket saw a score or more of Comanches gathered in the bushes and under the trees. One of the Tennesseans, seeking a better position, caused a loud rustling, and the alert Comanches, instantly taking alarm, turned their attention to the point from which the sound had come.

  “Fire, boys! Fire at once!” cried the Panther.

  A deadly volley was poured into the Comanche band. The Indians replied, but were soon compelled to give way. The Panther, raising his voice, shouted in tremendous tones:

  “Rescue! Rescue! We’re here, boys!”

  The defenders of the cabin, hearing the volleys and the shouts of their friends, opened the door and rushed out of the cabin, rifle in hand. Caught between two forces, the Comanches gave up and rushed to the plain, where they had left their ponies. Jumping upon the backs of these, they fled like the wind.

  The two victorious parties met and shook hands.

  “We’re mighty glad to see you, Panther,” said Fields, grinning. “You don’t look like an angel, but you act like one, an’ I see you’ve brought a lot of new angels with you.”

  “Yes,” replied the Panther, with some pride in his voice, “an’ the first of the angels is Davy Crockett. Mr. Crockett, Mr. Fields.”

  The men crowded around to shake hands with the renowned Davy. Meanwhile a small party brought the four Tennesseans and the horses. Fortunately the Comanches had fled in the other direction. But it was not all joy in the Texan camp. Two silent figures covered with serapes were stretched on the floor in the cabin, and several others had wounds, although they had borne their part in the fighting.

  “Tell us how it happened,” said the Panther, after they had set sentinels in the forest.

  “They attacked us about an hour after dark,” replied Fields. “We knew that no Mexicans were near, but we never thought of Indians raiding this far to the eastward. Some of the men were outside looking after jerked meat when they suddenly opened fire from the brush. Two of the boys, Campbell and Hudson, were hurt so badly that they died after they were helped into the house by the others. The Comanches tried to rush in with our own men, but we drove them off and we could have held the cabin against ’em forever, if they hadn’t begun to shoot the burning arrows. Then you came.”

  Campbell and Hudson were buried. Ned had been welcomed warmly by Allen, and the two boys compared notes. Will’s face glowed when he heard of Ned’s adventures within the Mexican lines.

  “I could never have done it,” he said. “I couldn’t have kept steady enough when one crisis after another came along. I suppose this means, of course, that we must try to meet Santa Anna in some way. What do you think we can do, Ned?”

  “I don’t know, but just at present I’m going to sleep. The Panther, Davy Crockett and Obed will debate the plans.”

  Ned, who was becoming inured to war and danger, was soon asleep, but Will could not close his eyes. He had borne a gallant part in the defense, and the sounds of rifle shots and Indian yells still resounded in his excited ear. He remained awake long after he heard the heavy breathing of the men about him, but exhausted nerves gave way at last and he, too, slept.

  The next morning their news was debated gravely by all. There was not one among them who did not understand its significance, but it was hard to agree upon a policy. Davy Crockett, who had just come, and who was practically a stranger to Texas, gave his opinions with hesitation.

  “It’s better for you, Mr. Panther, an’ you, Mr. White, to make the motions,” he said, “an’ I an’ my Tennesseans will endorse them. But it seems, boys, that if we came for a fight it is offered to us the moment we get here.”

  “Yes,” said the twelve Tennesseans all together.

  “I shall be compelled to leave you,” said Roylston. “Pray, don’t think it’s because I’m afraid to fight the Mexicans. But, as I told you before, I can do far greater good for the Texan cause elsewhere. As I am now as well as ever, and I
am able to take care of myself, I think I shall leave at once.”

  “I’ve known you only a few hours, Mr. Roylston,” said Crockett, “but I’ve knocked around a hard world long enough to know a man when I see him. If you say you ought, you ought to go.”

  “That’s so,” said the Panther. “We’ve seen Mr. Roylston tried more than once, and nobody doubts his courage.”

  A good horse, saddled and bridled, and arms and ammunition, were given to Roylston. Then he bade them farewell. When he was about twenty yards away he beckoned to Ned. When the boy stood at his saddle bow he said very earnestly:

  “If you fall again into the hands of Santa Anna, and are in danger of your life, use my name with him. It is perhaps a more potent weapon than you think. Do not forget.”

  “I will not,” said Ned, “and I thank you very much, Mr. Roylston. But I hope that no such occasion will arise.”

  “So do I,” said Roylston with emphasis. Then he rode away, a square, strong figure, and never looked back.

  “What was he saying, Ned?” asked Will, when the boy returned.

  “Merely promising help if we should need it, hereafter.”

  “He looks like a man who would give it.”

  After some further talk it was decided that Ned, Will, Obed and the Panther should ride south to watch the advance of Santa Anna, while Crockett, Fields and the remainder should go to San Antonio and raise such troops as they could.

  “An’ if you don’t mind my sayin’ it to you, Mr. Crockett,” said the Panther, “keep tellin’ ’em over an’ over again that they have need to beware. Tell ’em that Santa Anna, with all the power of Mexico at his back, is comin’.”

  “Fear not, my good friend,” said Davy Crockett. “I shall tell them every hour of the day. I shall never cease to bring the information before the full quorum of the House. Again I am parliamentary, but I think you understand, Mr. Panther.”

  “We all understan’,” said the Panther, and then Crockett rode away at the head of the little troop which tacitly made him commander. Ned’s eyes followed his figure as long as he was in sight. Little did he dream of what was to pass when they should meet again, scenes that one could never forget, though he lived a thousand years.

  “A staunch man and true,” said Obed. “He will be a great help to Texas.”

  Then they turned back to the cabin, the four of them, because they did not intend to go forth until night. They missed their comrades, but the cabin was a pleasant place, well stored now with meat of buffalo, deer and wild turkey. Floor and walls alike were covered with dressed skins.

  “Why not fasten it up just as tightly as we can before we go away,” said Allen. “The Comanches are not likely to come back, the war is swinging another way, and maybe we’ll find it here handy for us again some day.”

  “You’re talkin’ sense, Will Allen,” said the Panther. “It’s been a shelter to us once, and it might be a shelter to us twice. The smell of the meat will, of course, draw wolves an’ panthers, but we can fix it so they can’t get in.”

  Taking sufficient provisions for themselves, they put the rest high up on the rafters. Then they secured the windows, and heaped logs before the door in such a manner that the smartest wolves and panthers in the world could not force an entrance. As they sat on their horses in the twilight preparatory to riding away, they regarded their work with great content.

  “There it is, waiting for us when we come again,” said Obed White. “It’s a pleasant thing to have a castle for refuge when your enemies are making it too hot for you out in the open.”

  “So it is,” said the Panther, “and a man finds that out more than once in his life.”

  Then they turned their horses and rode southward in the dusk. But before long they made an angle and turned almost due west. It was their intention to intersect the settlements that lay between the Rio Grande and San Antonio and give warning of the approach of Santa Anna.

  They went on steadily over a rolling country, mostly bare, but with occasional clumps of trees.



  About midnight they rode into the thickest part of the woods that they could find, and slept there until day. Then they continued their course toward the west, and before night they saw afar small bands of horsemen.

  “What do you say they are?” asked the Panther of Ned when they beheld the first group. “Seems to me they are Mexican.”

  Ned looked long before returning an answer. Then he replied with confidence:

  “Yes, they are Mexicans. The two men in the rear have lances, and no Texan ever carried such a weapon.”

  “Then,” said Obed White, “it behooves us to have a care. We’re scouts now and we’re not looking for a battle. He who dodges the fight and runs away may live to scout another day.”

  The Mexican horsemen were on their right, and the four continued their steady course to the west. They were reassured by the fact that the Mexicans were likely to take them in the distance for other Mexicans. It became evident now that Santa Anna was taking every precaution. He was sending forward scouts and skirmishers in force, and the task of the four was likely to become one of great danger.

  Toward night an uncommonly raw and cold wind began to blow. That winter was one of great severity in Northern Mexico and Southern Texas, noted also for its frequent Northers. Although the time for the Texan spring was near at hand, there was little sign of it. Not knowing what else to do they sought the shelter of timber again and remained there a while. By and by they saw for the second time a red glow in the south, and they knew that it came from the camp fires of Santa Anna. But it was now many miles north of the Rio Grande. Santa Anna was advancing.

  “He’s pressin’ forward fast,” said the Panther, “an’ his skirmishers are scourin’ the plain ahead of him. We’ve got to keep a sharp lookout, because we may run into ’em at any time. I think we’d better agree that if by any luck we get separated an’ can’t reunite, every fellow should ride hard for San Antonio with the news.”

  The plan seemed good to all, and, after a long wait, they rode to another clump of trees four or five hundred yards further south. Here they saw the red glow more plainly. It could not be more than two miles away, and they believed that to approach any nearer was to imperil their task. Before the first light appeared the next day they would turn back on San Antonio as the heralds of Santa Anna’s advance.

  The four sat on their horses among the trees, darker shadows in the shadow. Beyond the little grove they saw the plain rolling away on every side bare to the horizon, except in the south, where the red glow always threatened. Ned rode to the western edge of the grove in order to get a better view. He searched the plain carefully with his keen vision, but he could find no sign of life there in the west.

  He turned Old Jack in order to rejoin his comrades, when he suddenly heard a low sound from the east. He listened a moment, and then, hearing it distinctly, he knew it. It was the thud of hoofs, and the horsemen were coming straight toward the grove, which was two or three hundred yards in width.

  Owing to the darkness and the foliage Ned could not see his comrades, but he started toward them at once. Then came a sudden cry, the rapid beat of hoofs, the crack of shots, and a Mexican body of cavalry dashed into the wood directly between the boy and his comrades. He heard once the tremendous shout of the Panther and the wild Mexican yells. Two horsemen fired at him and a third rode at him with extended lance.

  It was Old Jack that saved Ned’s life. The boy was so startled that his brain was in a paralysis for a moment. But the horse shied suddenly away from the head of the lance, which was flashing in the moonlight. Ned retained both his seat and his rifle. He fired at the nearest of the Mexicans, who fell from his saddle, and then, seeing that but one alternative was left him he gave Old Jack the rein and galloped from the grove into the west.

  Amid all the rush and terrific excitement of the moment, Ned thought of his comrades. It was not possible for him
to join them now, but they were three together and they might escape. The Panther was a wonderful borderer, and Obed White was not far behind him. He turned his attention to his own escape. Two more shots were fired at him, but in both cases the bullets went wide. Then he heard only the thud of hoofs, but the pursuing horsemen were very near.

  Something whizzed through the air and instinctively he bent forward almost flat on the neck of Old Jack. A coiling shape struck him on the head, slipped along his back, then along the quarters of his horse and fell to the ground. He felt as if a deadly snake had struck at him, and then had drawn its cold body across him. But he knew that it was a lasso. The Mexicans would wish to take him alive, as they might secure valuable information from him. Now he heard them shouting to one another, every one boasting that his would be the successful throw. As Ned’s rifle was empty, and he could not reload it at such speed, they seemed to fear nothing for themselves.

  He looked back. They numbered seven or eight, and they were certainly very near. They had spread out a little and whenever Old Jack veered a yard or two from the pursuers some one gained. He saw a coil of rope fly through the air and he bent forward again. It struck Old Jack on the saddle and fell to the ground. Ned wondered why they did not fire now, but he remembered that their rifles or muskets, too, might be empty, and suddenly he felt a strange exultation. He was still lying forward on his horse’s neck, and now he began to talk to him.

  “On! On! Old Jack,” he said, “show ’em the cleanest heels that were ever seen in Texas! On! On! my beauty of a horse, my jewel of a horse! Would you let miserable Mexican ponies overtake you? You who were never beaten! Ah, now we gain! But faster! faster!”

  It seemed that Old Jack understood. He stretched out his long neck and became a streak in the darkness. A third Mexican threw his lasso, but the noose only touched his flying tail. A fourth threw, and the noose did not reach him at all.

  They were far out on the plain now, where the moonlight revealed everything, and the horse’s sure instinct would guide. Ned felt Old Jack beneath him, running strong and true without a jar like the most perfect piece of machinery. He stole a glance over his shoulder. All the Mexicans were there, too far away now for a throw of the lasso, but several of them were trying to reload their weapons. Ned knew that if they succeeded he would be in great danger. No matter how badly they shot a chance bullet might hit him or his horse. And he could afford for neither himself nor Old Jack to be wounded.


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