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Stalking Fate

Page 8

by K. R. Fajardo

  But though he tried his hardest, Duncan couldn’t push the haunting memories from his mind. Instead, it seemed the deeper they traveled into the forest, the more intense the visions became.

  ‘What do you think she will do when she finds out the truth about who you are?’ The voice in his mind teased. Do you think she will be able to forgive a monster like you for what you have done?

  The thought stopped him dead in his tracks once more. Casting his gaze back into the trees, he searched the darkness of the canopy for her glowing eyes knowing the truth. No, she couldn’t. The answer was as simple as it was correct. If she ever found out the sort of things he had done, all in the name of money and power, he had no doubt Senka would never want to speak with or see him again… and that was if she didn’t kill him the instant she found out. Because if he had to be honest with himself, that was exactly what he deserved.

  “Duncan?” her voice startled him from the thought. Turning around, he came face to face with the young girl who had done nothing but consume his thoughts from the first day he met her. “Old man, are you in there?”

  Standing several feet away, she searched his grey eyes for any sign of the man she knew. Seeming to find what she was looking for she smiled. “There you are. Now do tell… is there a reason I keep turning back to find you staring into space like you are deep in thought or is the bear just being stubborn? Cause you know me, I have no problem burying an arrow in his butt if that will help keep him moving.”

  If he could have laughed he would have, instead Duncan’s bear snorted loudly, causing Senka’s smile to widen. Lowering his head so as not to frighten her, Duncan slowly closed the gap between them. At first she appeared nervous, unsure if she wanted the gnarly beast so close. But to his delight, she did not move away. Stopping only a few inches away, he tilted his head and stared at her hoping she could see him beneath the beast. Senka studied him closely, then to his surprise, she stepped forward and placed her hand on his massive head.

  Calming warmth spread from the place underneath her touch, down through his body. Welcoming the peace, Duncan closed his eyes and opened himself up to the feeling. Within seconds all the turmoil that had been troubling his mind had vanished. As if sensing he was better, Senka removed her hand and placed it into the tight pocket of her black pants.

  Missing her touch, Duncan opened his eyes and studied her expression. He couldn’t help but wonder if she had any clue the effect just being in her presence had on him. She was the only person in his hundred years of living that he had ever felt at peace with being himself around.

  She didn’t judge, she didn’t ask questions, she merely accepted him and everyone else at face value. And in return she only expected them to do the same. Like him, Duncan knew her past held dark secrets. Secrets that ate at her and troubled her as much as his did him. But while Senka most likely looked upon her secrets as flaws or maybe even weaknesses, Duncan recognized them for what they truly were… the source of her compassion and her strength.

  Finally able to focus once again on the task at hand, he turned to resume their journey, when suddenly a scent in the air caught his attention. Wolves. Spinning to his left, he placed his body between Senka and the direction from which the scent was coming, although he knew that would provide very little protection from the pack he was certain had already surrounded them.

  Glancing back at her over his shoulder, it was clear she understood what was happening. But instead of being afraid, like most in her situation would have been, Senka looked determined. He had no doubt the girl would put up one hell of a fight if it came down to that. But he much rather it didn’t. Missing or dead patrols would undoubtedly lead to an increase in the security in this area and make an already impossible task all the more difficult.

  Narrowing his gaze, he motioned up with his head, signaling her to get back into the trees just as a loud snap sounded off to his left. Whipping around to face in the direction of the noise, Duncan spotted a large grey wolf with bright yellow eyes creeping slowly out from beneath the underbrush.

  Recognizing him instantly as an Alpha from the powerful aura radiating off him, Duncan faced him head on, ignoring the other three that were slowly easing their way out of the trees on either side of him.

  Knowing the drill all too well, Duncan waited until the alpha was only a few feet away and lowered his head in a submissive gesture. He then remained that way, waiting for the wolf’s command. The grey wolf, seeming pleased with his response, stopped his advance and studied him carefully.

  “What are you doing out here bear?” The low gravelly voice spoke into his mind using the telepathic link all Shifter’s shared when in animal form.

  “Returning home.” Keeping his eyes dropped, Duncan kept his answer short and to the point. Years of experience dealing with patrols had taught him to never divulge more information than necessary.

  “Home from where?”

  “Beyond the border.”

  “And may we inquire as to the reason you choose to venture beyond the safety of our borders?”

  “For work.”

  Upon his response, Duncan could see the wolf’s eyes narrow. Moving forward, the Alpha began to circle him slowly. “I’m just going to assume you weren’t there to trade.”

  Knowing better than to respond to that, Duncan remained quiet.

  “No, someone as big as you, definitely wouldn’t waste your time with such mediocre tasks…” he snarled, revealing an impressive set of fangs. “not when there are so much more “lucrative” prospects available.”

  Behind him, Duncan could feel the other three wolves slowly closing in. Even so, he kept his eyes lowered. The last thing he needed to do was provoke these mangy beasts into a fight. He knew their game, and though a much younger version of himself would have already ripped the throat out of the judgmental Alpha, the older Duncan was smart enough to realize there was a lot more at stake than just his pride.

  “No way, boss. This bear ain’t no bounty hunter.” A red wolf, a beta, joined in the taunting. “He’s much too old and docile to be a killer. I bet I could take him down all by myself.”

  The combined chuckling of the lower ranked wolves invaded his mind, provoking his rage, and tempting the bear’s savage spirit to the surface, yet he remained quiet. Closing his eyes, he inhaled a few calming breaths, desperately trying to keep his bear’s desire to attack under control. But the longer their laughter echoed in his mind, the more infuriated he became. He was just on the verge of losing it completely, when a loud yelp, followed by a heavy thump snapped him back to reality.

  Panicked that Senka had attacked and foolishly revealed herself, Duncan jerked his eyes open and spun in the direction of the sound. Shocked, he stared in disbelief at the site of the grey wolf standing, teeth bared, over the cowering red wolf.

  “You dare insult an Alpha in my presence?” the grey wolf growled, clamping his razor sharp canines down upon the trembling wolf’s ear.

  “Alpha?” the red wolf looked confused up at Duncan.

  “Yes, Alpha. And by our laws he now has the right to challenge you to a fight to the death.”

  Mouth agape the red wolf glanced back and forth between Duncan and his Alpha. “Boss, I-I didn’t know he was an Alpha, sir. I-I s-swear.”

  “You fool!” the grey wolf snapped. “How could you not know? I can feel the energy radiating off him from a mile away.”

  “I swear sir.” He yelped, cowering lower as the Alpha took another snap at his already shredded ear. “Just ask the others!”

  Growling low, the Alpha turned his attention to the other two. Immediately dropping their chests to the ground, they lowered their heads assuming the submissive position.

  “Well?” the Alpha barked.

  “We do not sense the Alpha aura either boss.”

  Confused, the grey wolf turned to face Duncan. Casting his glance from the bowing pair, back to the cowering wolf Duncan figured it was time he fessed up. Raising his gaze, he stared directly int
o the bright yellow eyes of the wolf. “They cannot sense it because I don’t want them to. Only you, because you are Alpha, can sense what I am.”

  “You hide who you are from them? Why? You are an Alpha and therefore have earned the right to the respect that comes with the title.”

  “I don’t need or want their respect.” Duncan huffed. “I am a bear and a bounty hunter. I live a solitary life and have no use for such things.”

  Narrowing his eyes, the grey wolf moved off his companion, and approached Duncan. “Is that so?” Circling around Duncan one time, the leader stopped and stared into his eyes. “No, I think not. I can see the leader in you. It’s a confidence and decisiveness that only comes with years of experience. And you my aged friend, have a lot of experience.”

  Once again, Duncan chose not to respond.

  “Well, if you refuse to discuss it, at least tell me one thing before I let you go on your way.”

  Daring to feel hopeful that he and Senka were going to get out of this intact, Duncan responded a little too quickly. “What would you like to know?”

  “Who is traveling with you?”

  “What do you mean?” Duncan asked, trying his best to remain calm.

  “I mean, who does the strange scent I smell on you belong to?”

  Closing off his mind momentarily, Duncan cursed himself for being such a fool. Of course they would smell her, only moments before they arrived she had been standing on the ground right next to him. They were doomed, unless…

  Steeling his nerves and pulling from that dark part of himself he normally tried so hard to fight, Duncan stared pointedly into the eyes of the grey wolf. “The scent you smell is that of a girl.”

  “And where is this female?” Furrowing his brow, the wolf sniffed the air. “She does not smell like a Shifter.”

  “Because she is not.”

  A low growl rose from the throat of the grey wolf. “You have brought a non-Shifter into Zerdanda?” In an instant, the other three wolves were at the side of their Alpha, growling and bearing their teeth.

  “I never said that.” Duncan remarked casually. With a curt shake of his head that looked like he was saying no to the wolves, he tried to signal Senka to stand down. He was positive that somewhere in the trees above him she was sitting with an arrow trained on one of these wolves.

  “I merely said the scent you smell is that of a non-Shifter girl.” Studying the wolves confused expressions, Duncan’s bear released a huff. “I guess I’ll have to spell it out for you guys. I completed my “job” today,” he continued, accentuating the word. “Unfortunately I was discovered in the process of doing so and was forced to flee Lanoria rather quickly and without time for cleaning up properly afterward.”

  “Wait? Are you saying you killed a girl?”

  Duncan merely shrugged as if the act itself were no big deal.

  “But why?”

  Turning to face the young black wolf, Duncan arched a brow. “I kill who I am paid to kill. Age, race, sex, it makes no difference to me, as long as I get my bounty.”

  Eyes stretched and mouths agape, the three lower ranked wolves stared at him in utter disbelief. Simultaneously they turned to their Alpha, unsure what they were supposed to do with the appalling confession he had so casually laid upon them.

  Duncan too returned his gaze to the grey Alpha and was met with a frigid glare. Fearing he may have pushed the Alpha a bit too far, Duncan braced himself for an attack.

  “Who is your employer?” He asked after an uncomfortably long pause.

  Finding the question very odd, Duncan narrowed his gaze. “Who my employer is, is no business of yours. Now unless you have a reason to hold me here, I will be on my way.”

  The grey wolf narrowed his gaze. “Unfortunately, very much to my dismay, I cannot hold you. Although, personally I think it’s a damn shame men like you are permitted to breath, much less to become an Alpha.” Growling, with nothing but contempt in his eyes, the Alpha ignored the stunned expressions of his companions, who were obviously finding it very hard to believe they were about to release him. “But I have my orders. And seeing as there is currently no law that regulates who is blessed with the gift of becoming an Alpha, just like there is no law to punish those who continuously dishonor our people’s good name outside our borders, there is nothing I can do. But know this bear, if I ever, and I mean ever, hear of you so much as look at a woman in anger within this border, I swear I will have your ass behind bars so fast it will make your head spin. Do you understand?”


  Looking completely disgusted, the wolf turned his back on Duncan and lead the others back into the forest. Not daring to remove his eyes from them, he waited until all four had disappeared from sight before he finally allowed the tension in his body to ease. Dropping his head, he released a heavy sigh.

  He hated himself for stooping so low as to confess to killing a woman. Even at his worst, he would have never committed the sort of act he just confessed to. The thought alone made him sick to his stomach. But at the time, it was the only thing he could think of to explain Senka’s scent in the air. Not only that, by confessing to such an atrocious crime, Duncan had managed to distract the wolves’ attention away from her and back to him. Besides, a few insults and dirty looks were a small price to pay to keep Senka safe, especially when you had been looked at that way your entire life.

  You may not have committed the deed you confessed to, but you have committed others. The dark voice inside his head taunted, and she will eventually find out.

  And that was the horrible truth that snapped him back to reality. Because in just a few hours, Duncan was going to lead Senka right into the middle of the very place he spent the last twenty years running from. A place where there would be no hiding from the past he so desperately sought to escape. The place he had once called home.

  With her arrow knocked and her string pulled taut, Senka could barely contain her rage as she watched the exchange taking place below her. Why the hell is he bowing his head to those assholes? Fighting the overwhelming urge to send an arrow flying right into the yellow eye of the grey snarling beast, she breathed through her rage and waited for some sort of signal from Duncan telling her what she should do. Surely he isn’t just going to stand there and let them bully him.

  But the signal never came. Instead, she watched confused as all of a sudden the grey wolf attacked one of his own, while the other two cowered nearby. It was more than clear from the way they all glanced back and forth from one another there was some type of communication going on between them. And though she had no way of knowing what exactly was being said, it appeared for a brief moment that things were going to settle down and the wolves were going to leave.

  Lowering her bow she breathed a sigh of relief, thinking somehow Duncan had managed to talk his way out of this mess. When suddenly all four wolves turned on him snarling and baring their fangs. Panicked they were about to attack, she raised her bow and aimed for the largest of the four, thinking surely if she took him out Duncan could easily dispatch the others. But mere seconds before she released her arrow, a subtle shake of Duncan’s head caused her to hesitate.

  Unsure if the gesture was meant for her or not, she held her aim and watched to see what would happen. She hated the way the wolves were looking at Duncan as if he was one of the vilest creatures they had ever laid eyes on. And though it vexed her to no end to do nothing as these wolves continued to treat her kind-hearted friend as nothing more than a lowly criminal, she did just that. Recalling her own words begging him to trust in her, and considering the kind of hypocrite it would make her if she did not trust in his judgement as well, she resolved herself to do the same.

  And to her delight, her faith in him paid off. Barely able to contain her excitement, she watched the pack of wolves turn and disappear into the darkness of the forest. Tossing her arrow back into her quiver, Senka threw her bow over her shoulder, and was about to descend to the forest floor to speak with Dun
can when he once again shook his head. Confused, she watched as he turned and headed into the forest without so much as a glance in her direction.

  They continued to travel through the forest for over an hour and not once in that time did Duncan look up to check her whereabouts or acknowledge her presence in any way. Trying not to be hurt by his aloofness, Senka tried to rationalize his behavior as his way of protecting her.

  He’s just wanting to make sure it’s safe before I come down. She convinced herself as she followed behind him in the tree tops. Once we get to where it is safe, I’m sure he will be more than willing to answer my questions.

  With that thought in mind, Senka decided once again to have faith in Duncan’s decisions, even if she found those decisions a bit odd and rude. However, as minutes eventually turned into hours, with still not a single gesture or grunt in her general direction, Senka’s patience started to wear thin.

  Picking a spot on the ground only a few feet in front of him, she flashed down and blocked his path. Forced to come to a halt, Duncan’s bear stared at her as if she had lost her mind. Using his giant head, he motioned for her to get back into the trees.

  “I don’t think so.” She snapped. “Not until you tell me where we are going and what the hell the plan is.”

  Cocking his head, Duncan’s bear arched his brows.

  “Don’t you dare look at me like I am the one being ridiculous.” She argued, shaking her finger at the massive beast. “I had to sit by in that damn tree and idly watch as you and that slobbering pack of mangy wolves had some sort of silent moody chit-chat. Then, as if my being out of the loop wasn’t torturous enough, I then had to endure the cold shoulder by a giant bear who is now looking at me like I am nuts.” Crossing her arms over her chest, Senka glared at Duncan, “Now I think I have done pretty good considering I have been following you around for over three hours like a stray dog. But enough is enough. The sun will be up soon and I will lose my ability to flash. And while I trust that you have some sort of plan to deal with this issue when it arises, I would sure appreciate it if you kept your promise and told me what said plan is.”


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