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Stalking Fate

Page 21

by K. R. Fajardo

  Returning their attention to the Cage, they both watched as the grey wolf closed in on his now handicapped competitor. Lunging forward, he latched ahold of the throat of the other wolf and with a shake of his head, ripped his throat clean from his neck. Unable to stomach the gory scene, Senka turned her head to the side and watched as Ignacio’s eyes narrowed with a satisfactory gleam.

  Not sure if she should be concerned that he found so much joy in such gruesome brutality or pity him for being banished from doing the one thing he obviously held a deep passion for, Senka sighed. Placing her back to the rail, she leaned against it and stared at a random spot on the floor.

  “You think I’m fucked up don’t cha?”

  Inhaling deeply, Senka shook her head. “No Ignacio, I don’t think you’re fucked up. You just crave a high.”

  Pausing she glanced over her shoulder and watched as the grey wolf, now in man form was rewarded with his mark. “It’s the same kind of feeling me and Duncan get from hunting. And I’m sure I would miss it, just as much as you miss your fighting, if anyone ever took it away from me. I just don’t fathom how you deal with it as well as you do.”

  “Like this.”

  Placing another cigarette in his mouth he lit it up and inhaled deeply.

  Arching her brows, Senka stared up at the towering male as he quickly obliterated yet another cigarette. “Geez Ignacio, there has to be a healthier way of coping. Maybe you should start hunting. Me and Duncan can teach you if we all manage to get out of this alive.”

  Nose wrinkled in disgust, Ignacio shook his head. “Naw, never cared much for the great outdoors and, as you yourself so kindly pointed out, not so good at keepin’ a low profile.” Lip quirked, he grinned down at her. “Can you imagine my large ass tryin’ to quietly sneak up on some cute little fluffy rabbit?”

  Senka choked on a laugh as she was suddenly struck with the image of the massive, chain smoking, tattooed wolf, trying to creep up on a tiny white bunny in a field full of pink flowers.

  Arching his brow, Ignacio regarded her with an amused smirk. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

  “Glad to see you’re enjoying yourselves.” Vincent’s voice broke in as he exited the stairs onto the platform. Approaching the table where his men had left the bag containing the head, he gestured toward it. “May I?”

  Senka nodded.

  Making quick work of the cord, he pulled the bag open and lifted the head from inside. “How do I know it is really him?” he asked studying the gaping face carefully.

  “Don’t you know what the man you have been hunting for decades looks like?”

  “Of course I do.” He answered a little too quickly.

  Though he said the words, Senka picked up on a hint of uncertainty. He did however do exactly the one thing she had expected him to do and had therefore prepared for when they had taken the ex-con’s head to the Mage to alter. Biting her lip to hide her smile, she watched as he lifted open one of the lids to reveal a bright amber eye.

  Seeming satisfied with what he saw, Vincent dropped the head back into the bag. Then, with a cocky smirk, approached them. “Seems like all is in order. But I must insist the both of you stay for the next fight, it’s the best matchup we have had at Lobo’s all year.”

  “I don’t think so. Just give me my sister and the others and we will be on our way.”

  Stopping a few feet away, Vincent allowed the heat of his gaze to roam freely over her body, making her feel naked despite the black tank she was wearing. Recalling the way his hands had hungrily groped her, she instinctively stepped back and tucked herself behind Ignacio’s brooding form.

  “Awww sweetness, don’t be that way. Thought you’d be happy to see me after the all the fun we had together on your last visit.”

  A few of the men on the platform chuckled but quickly fell silent as Ignacio’s glare fell upon them. Turning his attention back to Vincent he narrowed his gaze. “Touch her and I’ll throw your ass over the rail before you can blink.”

  Brow arched, Vincent regarded Ignacio with an amused expression. “Don’t worry friend, I have no need for the whore. I prefer women who don’t throw themselves at three different men in less than twenty-four hours.” Eyes focusing in on Ignacio’s exposed markings, Vincent extended his hand. “I don’t think we have had the pleasure. I’m Vincent St. Michael.”

  Running his tongue over his teeth, Ignacio dropped his cigarette on the floor and mashed it out with the toe of his boot. Face dead pan, he then took Vincent’s hand into his own. “Ignacio Martinez.”

  “You a fighter Ignacio?” he asked gesturing to the markings on their clasped hands.

  Tightening his grasp on Vincent’s hand, Ignacio pinned him with his gaze. “Not anymore.”

  Tucked safely behind Ignacio, Senka watched as Vincent’s face became strained as Ignacio continued to increase the pressure of his grasp. To his credit, Vincent held on longer than most would have, but eventually he succumbed to the might of the seasoned fighter and pulled away. “Shame, I’m always looking for new fighters. If you ever decide to get back into the business, come find me.”

  Before Ignacio could respond, the roar of the crowd pulled all their attention to the Cage, where a man in a suit had stepped inside to announce the next fight.

  “Ahhh, perfect timing. Shall we have a seat and enjoy the show?” Vincent asked, gesturing to the large chairs a little further down the platform.

  Glancing over at the high backed leather chairs, Senka huffed. “Yeah, no thanks, we’ll pass. I prefer to see my strangler before he hooks the garrote around my neck.”

  “Have it your way.”

  Taking a seat in one of the chairs, Vincent pulled a cigar from a wood box and offered it to Ignacio. Desire filled his eyes for a brief second, but Ignacio turned down the offer and instead reached into his pocket and pulled out yet another of his cigarettes.

  “Listen Vincent, we didn’t come all this way to…”

  With a single finger held in the air, Vincent cut her off. “Hold that thought, they are about to announce the fighters.”

  Infuriated at his dismissal, Senka was about to tell him where he could shove his finger when something the announcer said caught her attention.

  “…the Butcher’ Kane. Former assassin and bounty hunter, he foolishly betrayed the Horde over twenty years ago. Now an Alpha, he has returned to try and take over the empire we have all worked so hard to build.”

  “No.” the words barely above a whisper escaped her as she rushed to the rail and peered down into the metal confines of the Cage. Below her a chorus of boos rose from the angry crowd.

  The instant her eyes fell upon her old friend, Senka’s heart broke. With a blocking collar around his neck and his hands chained behind his back, he stood unsteadily between the two men with only a thin cloth around his waist to maintain his dignity.

  Surprisingly his skin appeared clean, showing no signs of injuries or abuse, but from the way he held himself Senka could tell right away something was not right.

  “They have done something to him.” Barely above a whisper, her voice strained beneath the building anger and threatening tears.

  “Hobbled him.” Ignacio snarled. “Pussies are too afraid to face him in top form so they worked him over to guarantee their fighter wins.”

  Oblivious to the farce he was promoting, the announcer continued his introductions. “Now his opponent, a man who needs no introduction, and holds the record for the most wins in Lobos’ history. Our current undefeated champion Josiah, the Widower, McCall.”

  The roar of the crowd rose to an unprecedented level as a man, every bit as tall as Duncan, though lacking some of the bulk, entered the ring. Dressed in a loin cloth similar to the one Duncan sported, the blond hair, fair skinned man held his hands high in the air greeting the crowd as he proudly displayed the collection of marks covering his bare back.

  With the announcements complete the man in a suit scurried from the Cage as the men on either side of Du
ncan released the bonds from his hands. Once finished with him, one of the men motioned to Josiah who moved closer and allowed a blocking collar to be fastened around his neck.

  “We’ll let them go for three rounds in man form before we switch to beast form.” Vincent proceeded to explain as he poured himself a drink. Rising to his feet, he came to stand beside Senka. “I predict if he lives to beast round, Duncan has a ten to one chance of pulling this off.”

  If he makes it. The words echoed in her head over and over again as she watched Duncan brace himself against the spiked walls of the Cage.

  “But this isn’t necessary. I brought you the head of Marchand as promised.” Senka argued. Forcing her gaze away from the ring, she shifted her attention to Vincent. “You gave me your word that if I delivered on my end of the bargain you would release Duncan and the girls.”

  “No guarantees were made for Duncan.” Vincent huffed, exhaling a huge plume of smoke. “But if you would like to strike up another deal, I think we can come up with something. Say, your pretty little sister in exchange for your boyfriend?”

  Senka paled. There was no way she was going to strike that deal and Vincent knew it. As if reading her mind he smirked. “Don’t fret about it sweetness. Actually think of it as me doing you a favor.”

  Gesturing to the Cage just as the bell rang to start the fight, he continued. “Duncan has lied to us both. It was just a matter of time before he betrayed you like he did me. Who knows, once he got tired of you, who’s to say his old habits wouldn’t kick in and he’d take your head for the bounty.”

  “Son of a…”

  Infuriated by his words, Ignacio lunged for Vincent’s neck but stopped when she placed her hand on his chest. “Duncan would never do that to her.” He growled.

  “Believe what you want to believe, but no man with that much blood on his hands can just walk away. There will always be a part of him that feels like something is missing: a deep desire and carnal need that can’t be fulfilled with mundane life.” Pausing, Vincent narrowed his gaze on Ignacio. “And I’d wager you know exactly what I’m talking about, Santo Muerte.”

  Ignacio immediately froze.

  “Tell me you don’t miss the ring. The thrill of the crowd chanting your name.” Gesturing to the Cage below, Vincent continued. “Tell me if given the opportunity to relive your life, that you wouldn’t jump right back in the ring and do it all over again.”

  Ignacio clenched his jaw, but thankfully was saved from answering by the roar of the crowd below. Casting her gaze over the rail, Senka watched in terror as Josiah charged Duncan and pinned him to the bars, just narrowly missing one of the long spikes. Landing several hard blows to his torso and ribs, Josiah pulled back his fist for an apparent hook shot but in doing so opened himself up for Duncan to land a direct hit to his gut. Instantly the young Shifter doubled over as all the wind was expelled from his lungs. Not one to let an opportunity go to waste, Duncan followed up with a well-aimed upper cut.

  Dazed, Josiah fell to the floor. Unfortunately, so did Duncan. Having spent what little energy he had left on that combination, he sank to his knees. Terrified he was going to give up, Senka rushed toward the stairs, but was blocked by the wall of security.

  “Just let me go talk to him.” She pleaded, as she watched Josiah pull himself back to his feet. Shaking his head, he headed across the Cage and lifted Duncan off the floor by his neck.

  Too tired to fight back, Duncan dangled limp in his grasp, and was once again pinned against the bars, this time however, his upper arm was impaled on one of the spikes. Crying out, Duncan struggled to free himself of Josiah’s grasp, but to no avail.

  “Sorry sweetness, you and your large friend are staying up here where the light can ensure you don’t use your powers.” Pausing, Vincent made a circling motion with his hand. In the blink of an eye, every Shifter on the platform produced a weapon from inside their suit jackets. Tips pointed at her, the males herded her back to chairs where another group of men had already forced Ignacio into a seat.

  “That’s better. Now sit back and enjoy the end of the fight. And when it’s all over we can renegotiate a few of the terms of our previous agreement.”

  “You bastard! We had a deal.” Senka snapped, as one of the men shoved her forcefully down into the chair.

  Pissed at seeing her man-handled, Ignacio rose to confront the asshole, when another of the men hit him hard across the head with the blunt end of his sword.

  “Hey, easy there. I want that one alive.” Vincent chastised his man. “I can get a small fortune for him in the black market… that is after I’ve pitted him in a few fights of my own.”

  “Go to hell.” Ignacio cursed, bracing his head as blood gushed from the open wound in his temple. “I’ll die before I fight any matches for you.”

  “That can be arranged, but I doubt it’s necessary. I have good resources, I am bound to find something that can be used to encourage you to see things my way.” Leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees Vincent grinned. “Tell me Santo Muerte, do you have any sisters?”

  Ignacio’s eyes narrowed, making Vincent’s smile widen even more. “That’s what I thought.” Leaning back in his chair Vincent poured himself another drink. “I’m done with them. Chain them up and take them downstairs. Once they are secured below escort the girls and our foreign guests up so we can begin the bidding.”

  Chuckling, the men moved in to shackle Senka and Ignacio when suddenly a large bang rattled the building. Now it was her turn to smile. Taking advantage of their distraction, Senka kicked out her leg and swiped the man closest to her off his feet. Leaping on top of him, she then snagged his long knife and rammed it into his chest. Next to her, Ignacio followed her lead, taking down two more of Vincent’s men.

  Another bang rattled from a different part of the building causing a large part of the ceiling to come collapsing down onto the crowd below. Full blown panic ensued as people pushed and shoved each other trying to scramble for the door. Springing back to her feet, Senka turned her attention back to the chair Vincent had been seated in only moments ago and cursed when she found it abandoned.

  “Senka! Watch out!” Ignacio called to her just as a giant grey wolf fell to her feet with a dagger protruding from his side. Nodding her thanks, Senka braced as a third blast knocked out the power and enveloped the entire building in darkness.

  “Now were talking.”

  Wrapping herself in the cold tendril of her power, Senka flashed to where the goons had stored their weapons. As she gathered her things and rearmed herself, Senka heard the commotion as the first of their ranks breached the front door and began taking out goons.

  Using her power to block a blade that flew her direction, she sent one of her own back at the sender and watched satisfied as he fell to the ground. Looking around, she spotted Ignacio in the corner, fighting off a pack of about three wolves.

  Aiming carefully, Senka sent a pair of knives flying his direction. “Ignacio!”

  Glancing her direction, he moved just in time to allow the blades to be buried in the wall behind him. Jerking them free, he slit the throat of one wolf, while stabbing another in the neck with his free hand. The third wolf however, managed to get ahold of him and clamped down on his arm with his teeth. Rushing forward, to save him, Senka froze when he waved her off. In a blur of magic he shifted into a solid white wolf. After quickly handling the other wolf, the large white animal trotted up to her and nuzzled her hand with his snout.

  “Really, white?”

  Growling low, he released a snort and rushed off down the stairs to join the fray. Not one to stay behind and miss all the fun, Senka flashed to the bottom of the stairs where she took out several more of Vincent’s men, before being joined seconds later by her father and Jericho.

  “Vincent got away.”

  “It’s ok. For now we git the girl’s out of here. We can worry ‘bout Vincent later.” Without even looking in its direction, her father buried a knife into a snarling
fox charging their direction.

  Frowning, Senka took in all the animals around her. “How do you know which are friends and which are foe?”

  “Simple. The ones who tryin’ to bite ya are the bad ones.”

  “Great, thanks for the advice.” Senka huffed, rolling her eyes before addressing Jericho. “There is a door over there that leads into a basement. I think that is where they are keeping the girls.” She directed, gesturing in the general direction. “Would you mind checking it out while I check on my friend?”

  “On it.” Jericho said, disappearing from sight.

  Satisfied that her sister would be safe under Jericho’s protection, Senka turned her attention to the Cage. “I need to get in there Pa, he’s hurt bad.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  Without waiting for her answer, her father flashed inside the Cage. Following his lead, she materialized in the center of the steel Cage and immediately spotted Duncan face down next to an unmoving Josiah. The both of them were buried beneath a large piece of the ceiling, but it was more than apparent from the large portion of his skull that was missing that Josiah had taken the worst of the blow.

  Panicked by the sight, she rushed forward and fell to her knees. Aided by her father, they tossed pieces of rock and cement every which way and managed to free him of the rubble. Immediately turning him over, Senka gasped as she took in the gaping wound the spike had made in his upper arm.

  Outside the cell, men and women started celebrating their victory as the last of Vincent’s remaining men fled into the street and disappeared into the night. But Senka could not join in their revelry. Heart breaking, she knelt by Duncan’s limp body.

  “Duncan?” she pleaded, her voice cracking as she pressed down on the bleeding wound. “Come on old man, talk to me.”

  Kneeling beside her, her father pulled off his shirt and offered it over as a bandage. Gladly accepting the offer she wrapped it around the wound and pressed down, desperately trying to stop the bleeding.

  “Senka.” Andria knelt next to her. Dressed in a simple pull over dress she had put on after shifting back, she dipped her finger into his fresh blood and sniffed. “He’s been injected with Wolf’s bane.”


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