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Mistress Karin

Page 4

by Constance Pennington Smythe

  “Yes, Miss Remington,” Suzette said.

  Sheila stepped in front of the maid and, with an elegantly manicured nail, lifted the maid’s chin. “Why Suzette, you’re wearing makeup!”

  Suzette’s lips were a crimson red and the eyes highlighted with blue eye shadow and extremely long false eyelashes. A short black wig and long dangling earrings completed maid’s look.

  “Yes, Suzette, you’re turning into quite the lovely little thing. I bet Karin’s male guests can’t keep their hands off you.” Sheila smiled at the pained look that came over the maid’s face. “Run along and put my things away.”

  Suzette took the gloves, hat, and coat of Mistress Remington and teetered off to put them away. As she walked away Sheila slipped her hand under the maid’s dress and pinched her ass. “Remember dear, small, dainty steps.” Sheila laughed as she walked into the living room.

  Karin Calloway rose from her chair to greet her guest as Sheila entered the room. “Sheila, you look stunning! Are you ready for some shopping?”

  “Karin dear, of course, and you also look wonderful. And your shoes! Are those new Manolos?”

  The two women lightly embraced then stepped back. Karin Calloway extended her right foot to display a stylish sling-back pump with a stiletto heel. “Yes, these are new. Aren’t they divine?”

  “Oh yes,” Sheila replied. “I must look for some today.”

  The women seated themselves on the couch in Karin’s tastefully decorated living room. Karin was also in her mid-forties, tall, and still with a decent figure. Her medium length red hair framed an oval face with features that could, at times, be stern and taciturn. But her expertly applied makeup and tasteful jewelry softened those features and gave her an attractive, almost aristocratic air. She wore a well fitted Chanel suit that flattered her long legs, ending in the stiletto heels. The overall effect would surely catch the eye of many, men and women alike, when she entered a room.

  “Would you like some wine?” Karin asked.

  “Yes, that would be lovely, thank you.”

  Karin picked up a small crystal bell from the table and gave it a couple of quick rings. The two women looked at each other and exchanged wicked smiles. A few seconds later Suzette entered the room, approached with the required short, dainty steps, and stopped, executing a deep curtsey before the two women. “Suzette, we’d like some white wine before we go shopping and bring me a cigarette.”

  Suzette quickly retrieved the cigarette holder from the wooden box on the table, inserted a dark, European cigarillo and handed Karin the cigarette holder, bending over deeply at the waist to expose her ass. Sheila nodded approvingly at the submissive display.

  Karin took the cigarette holder from her maid and waited while the Suzette proffered a light. Suzette remained bent over while Karin lit her cigarette and then exhaled a stream of smoke into Suzette’s face. “Perhaps our guest would also like a cigarette,” Karin said. Suzette turned to face Mistress Remington who had already removed her own cigarette holder from her purse. The cigarette lighting procedure was repeated for Mistress Remington and then Suzette was dismissed to fetch the wine. The women laughed.

  “Karin, you’ve done a wonderful job. He’s becoming extremely obedient, docile and feminine.”

  “Yes, everything a proper husband should be.”

  After Suzette served the wine Karin said, “You may dust in here while we talk.”

  Suzette curtsied and returned with the feather duster. In preparation for Mistress Remington’s visit Suzette had cleaned and dusted the room the night before and again that morning. She knew that the room didn’t need any cleaning. The damned room is spotless! I’m just dusting to entertain the ladies. With the duster in her right hand and her left hand placed sexily on her left hip, Suzette proceeded to mince around the room with short dainty steps. When dusting low objects she made it a point to bend low, at the waist, to show the frilly panties that Karin made her wear. The two women continued to sit on the sofa, drink their wine and make small talk. They hardly seemed to pay attention to Suzette’s chores. But Suzette knew that the slightest dereliction in her duties would be noticed and would earn her immediate punishment.

  “I noticed that Suzette was wearing makeup, that’s rather new, isn’t it?” Sheila asked.

  “Yes, it’s something we just started a few days ago. And it hasn’t been easy.”


  “Oh you should have seen it,” Karin explained, “Suzette threw such a little hissy fit.”

  Karin snapped her fingers. “Suzette!”

  Suzette immediately assumed her position. “Turn around and show Sheila your ass,” Karin ordered.

  Suzette turned and bent at the waist. She lifted her maid’s dress and petticoats and pulled down the pretty panties to reveal an ass covered with purple welts.

  “Your crop?” Sheila asked.

  “Yes, after an extended session with the crop, Suzette became more amenable to the idea of makeup, didn’t you dear?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Suzette replied.

  “Come closer,” Mistress Remington ordered.

  Suzette backed up, tottering precariously on her heels.

  Sheila used one long and exquisite fingernail and slowly traced a line over one of the welts. Suzette flinched, the area was quite tender. Karin picked up the ever-present crop from the table, quickly and expertly striking a blow directly over one of the welts.

  “Don’t fidget!” Karin barked. “My guest wants to examine you.”

  Sheila continued her wicked examination of Suzette’s ass. “You know I had to ring three times today.”

  “Yes, I’m sorry about that,” Karin replied. “Of course you may punish her for that.”

  “Thank you, I’d enjoy that. I think I’d like to redden that little ass with a paddle. Perhaps Suzette can fetch the wooden paddle?”

  Karin clapped her hands. Suzette stood up, straightened her dress, and curtsied to the women on the way to her errand.

  “Karin, darling, she’s an absolute jewel! You’ve done a wonderful job.”

  “Well, some parts of the training have been easier than others. Strict discipline and punishment had to be used. A lot of submissive men like that, up to a point. Taking them past that point, to the unknown and unfamiliar is where we really break them and begin to control them completely. And yet... Suzette was easier than most; as a husband he worshipped and was devoted to me. So it was really only a matter of reinforcing those submissive tendencies and then feminizing him into Suzette the maid.”

  “But don’t you miss men?”

  Karin laughed. “Darling, I intend having lovers whenever I want them, but always on my terms. I’ve already picked out the first one. And of course when they come to call Suzette will greet them and wait on them. She’ll prepare me for my dates, bathe me, do my feet, and shine my shoes. It will torment and humiliate her so. But she knows it will please me so she’ll accept it, not that the little bitch really has any choice in the matter. Of course many of my lovers will want oral sex, but I simply abhor the idea of taking a man’s cock into my mouth. But men do seem to like it don’t they? I’ve considered relegating those duties to Suzette.”

  “You’d have your husband suck your lover’s cock!”

  “Suzette, my maid, would perform those services for my lovers. I don’t imagine they really care who it is sucking them off as long as they get to shoot their load into the pert, soft mouth of some slut. I’d dress Suzette in a short, tight skirt and fuck-me pumps so my dates could get sucked off by a real slut. I’ve had her practice on a dildo. I do want her to be proficient at it. Oh, here’s our little slut now, with the paddle.”

  Suzette returned with the paddle, stood in front of the two women and curtsied.

  “Miss Remington, I apologize for my poor performance in answering the door today and beg you to administer discipline with this paddle.” Suzette bowed low, and extended the long wooden paddle to Sheila.

  “Thank you Suzette,
depending on how well you accept my beating I may accept your apology.” Sheila took the paddle. “How many strokes do you recommend?” she asked Suzette.

  “Perhaps six would be sufficient, Miss Remington?” Suzette’s voice was halting, with a trace of fear and trepidation.

  “No my dear. I shall deliver twelve of the best, and expect you to earnestly beg for more when I’m done.” She and Karin exchanged wicked smiles and laughed.

  “Thank you, Miss Remington.” Suzette’s reply was resigned and fearful. Twelve with the wooden paddle across my crop-marked ass is going to hurt. And Mistress Remington is expecting me to beg, and beg sincerely, for more. Shit!

  “You marked her up with your crop Karin, I’m afraid the paddle is only going to make things worse.”

  Karin idly shrugged her shoulders in a ‘so what’ gesture. If they do what they’re told they won’t get beaten, well, most of the time.

  Sheila rose from the sofa and led Suzette to the center of the living room. Suzette bent over, pulled down her panties and held up her dress and petticoats, exposing her ass. Sheila raked her nails over the welts and Suzette flinched. Sheila smiled and cooed, “So tender, poor baby.”

  The first blow landed on the right ass cheek directly over the welts from Karin’s crop. The second blow landed in exactly the same place, as did the third. Suzette’s knees were shaking. Not fair, not fair! Suzette moaned to herself, they’re supposed to distribute the blows, move them around.

  Sheila stopped to rake her nails over the reddening ass and purple welts before delivering a fourth blow to the same place.

  Suzette’s ass was on fire, her knees shaking uncontrollably. She wanted to use her hands to protect her ass, but to do that was to invite a worse and longer punishment.

  Sheila continued her assault, placing the remaining blows in different places, but always over the red crop welts. The sixth blow landed, mercifully enough, lower, on the back of the right thigh. Sheila walked in front of Suzette and held the paddle to Suzette’s face. Suzette kissed the paddle, “Thank you Miss Remington.”

  Sheila delivered the last six blows, alternating them between the left and right ass cheeks.

  When finished, she walked in front of Suzette and lifted her chin with the paddle. Tears were streaming down Suzette’s face. Sheila smiled, “Well?”

  “Thank you, Miss Remington,” Suzette stammered between sobs, “May I please have six more?”

  Sheila reached around and raked her nails across Suzette’s sore and reddened ass. “SIX!” Sheila yelled. “You think I should waste my time with another measly six!?!” Sheila brutally pinched Suzette’s ass.

  “Please, oh please Mistress, another seven… please?”

  “Bitch!” Sheila slapped Suzette’s face, and Karin nodded approvingly.

  Suzette was beside herself. “Please Mistress, another ten, please I beg you.”

  Sheila stood silently before Suzette, idly and menacingly slapping the paddle against her thigh.

  Resignedly, Suzette, her voice near breaking, pleaded, “Please, Mistress, please, another twelve, I beg you, please.” She was near panic and desperate at the thought of begging for twelve more, but to refuse, to refuse, that would only invite something worse. Suzette was going to have to dig down and find a way to get through it.

  “Yes”, Sheila nodded, “yes, I believe you do beg me. Stay bitch!”

  Suzette remained bent, holding up her dress and petticoats. Her back and legs hurt from holding the position, her ass was a sea of pain, and yet there was more to come. She was in despair. She could hear the women behind her talking in hushed tones and laughing. Then she heard a ripping sound.

  Sheila walked in front of Suzette and showed her two pieces of duct tape, each piece about two inches by six inches. Smiling, Sheila walked behind Suzette and roughly applied a piece of tape to each tender, swollen and red buttock.

  The next twelve blows with the dreaded wooden paddle were applied evenly, six to each piece of tape. After the last blow Suzette was sobbing and shaking, but she’d held her position.

  Sheila once again appeared in front of Suzette and held the paddle before Suzette’s trembling lips. Through her tears Suzette kissed the paddle. “Thank you, Mistress.”

  Sheila laughed. “I accept your apology, Suzette, and now we must remove the tape.”

  Suzette felt hands probing her bruised and battered ass and sharp fingernails digging in the tender flesh around the tape. Mistress Remington finally got an edge of the tape loose and started to s-l-o-w-l-y pull it off.

  “You may cry and wail and beg me to stop, Suzette. In fact it would please me to hear you do so.” Sheila continued to slowly remove the tape, using her free hand and her elegant fingernails to scratch and pinch the bruised and raw flesh.

  “No! Stop! Please stop, no, no, please stop,” wailed Suzette. After the first piece of tape was removed Sheila gave the exposed flesh a stinging slap with her hand. Suzette shuddered. The entire process was repeated on the other ass cheek, the tape slowly removed and the exposed flesh violated.

  Finally finished administering the punishment, Sheila Remington returned to the couch. “I need a cigarette.”

  Karin clapped her hands. “Suzette, bring us more wine and a cigarette!”

  Suzette stood up, straightened her dress, petticoats and apron, put cigarettes in ladies holders, and then lit the cigarettes. She curtsied, rather clumsily, and left to fetch the wine.

  “Well done,” Karin said.

  “Yes, she won’t be able to sit down tomorrow, but she took it well enough.”

  When the women finished their wine and cigarettes they stood and prepared to leave. Karin rang the bell to summon Suzette.

  Suzette entered and curtsied, crouching so she was shorter than the dominant and superior females who stood before her. Her eyes were red from crying.

  “We’re leaving,” Karin said, “get our things.”

  Suzette curtsied and left to get the women’s coats, hats, gloves and purses. The two women walked into the foyer where Suzette was waiting. As Suzette assisted them with their coats Karin snapped her fingers and pointed to her feet. While the women pulled on their kid leather gloves, Suzette knelt to give their shoes a final cleaning with her tongue.

  The two women made small talk while Suzette lavishly tongued their fashionable pumps clean. Finally satisfied, Karin kicked Suzette away. “Up!” she ordered.

  Suzette rose to her submissive crouch.

  “We’re going shopping, you have your list of chores,” Karin said. “Oh, be sure to practice your dancing. I’m having a party this weekend and I expect my guests to be suitably entertained. I want a lot of hot, slutty moves. Trudi says you’re coming along nicely so we’re expecting quite a show.” Both women turned on the heels of their elegant footwear and walked out.

  Suzette slowly walked to the kitchen to get the list of chores she would perform.


  Karin used a small piece of toast to wipe up the egg yolk on her breakfast plate. Without looking, she held out the morsel of food and felt it gently removed from her hand. She didn’t have to see the scene unfold to know what happened. These small offerings had become valued treats for Suzette.

  On some mornings Karin snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor. Suzette immediately knelt beside her Mistress, hoping that her bland diet might be augmented by those few precious scraps of ‘real’ food. Since her submission her diet had been meager at best. The morning gruel, often flavored with cigarette ashes, Mistress’s ‘nectar’ or spit was supplanted by a wretched concoction called Prison Loaf. Karin discovered the loaf during a web search and it now formed the basis of Suzette’s second meal of the day. The loaf was a mixture of grated carrots, wheat bread, artificial cheese, spinach, beans, and raisins, among other items. It was unappetizing, and purposely meant to be. That’s why Suzette would literally sit and beg for table scraps.

  Karin idly turned the business pages and sipped her coffee. “How long since
you’ve been to the office?”

  “Maybe two months, Mistress?” He phrased it as a question, he truly didn’t know.

  She didn’t press the issue, content with his answer. It was what she wanted, his isolation from the world at large, total focus and dependence on her. He was kept busy all day with chores, tasks, dance lessons, aerobic workouts in cute pink leotards. He was denied computer and television access, she’d locked those out. Newspapers were forbidden to him, but he was allowed women’s magazines: Vogue, Good Housekeeping, and Glamour.

  “Three months,” she said. “It’s been three months since you had your, breakdown, and had to take time off from work. But I’ve been able to fill in nicely for you; after all, Daddy did leave the company to me.”

  “Yes, Mistress, but I thought—”

  “Wrong! You thought wrong, and that’s why I’m doing the thinking now. You thought that the executive with the perfect wife was the ideal. And I agree with you.” She waited, wondering if that statement meant he would think they were going back to the old way; he as the CEO and she as the trophy wife. A slight smile crossed her lips as she watched his eyes light up with that hoped-for realization. She’d grown to love these moments, watching as he rose to the bait and savoring his utter desolation when she pulled out the rug and crushed his hopes. If only his hopes were some kind of living, organic thing that I could crush with my stiletto, feel the spike heel puncture it, watch the life force slowly drain away.

  “One of the girls from the office will be coming by today.” She looked him in the eyes; she wanted to remember this moment – and his reaction. “They’ll be bringing papers for you to sign, your resignation.”

  He started to talk, even though he knew he didn’t have permission. When Karin held up her hand he quickly shut his mouth.

  “You will resign from your position as CEO. You will sign over all of your shares and interests in the company to me. Furthermore, you will sign over all other assets, financial and material, to me.” The shock on his face, the fear, it was priceless. “You will sign a general power of attorney giving me complete control over you.


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