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Mistress Karin

Page 6

by Constance Pennington Smythe

  Brent Saunders, six-foot five; as the Corporate Trainer he easily took command of a room. Despite his powerful physical presence he had the ability to put people at ease, yet retain total control. Karin smiled, He’s reputed to be quite the ladies man.

  She moved across the room, exchanging a few pleasantries here and there, accepting condolences about Steven’s ‘breakdown’ and compliments on how well she had stepped in to fill the breach as CEO. Karin though about the pictures: Suzette serving coffee to Sharon, stuffing ice cubes up his ass, kneeling and signing his life away. Steven is gone; say hello to Sissy Maid Suzette.

  The bench press machine, not far from the squat rack, was her destination. She dropped her towel over the handles and then fiddled, rather loudly, with the weight adjustment mechanism. Before she heard him, or felt his touch, she felt his presence; there was something about him…

  “Need some help?” His hand touched her shoulder, gently, but it sent a pulse through her.

  “I’m not used to this machine.”

  “Let me help you.” His voice was smooth and rich, like an aged Cognac, and his eyes had the same deep amber color. “Lay down and scoot back until your hands are under the grips – a little more – good.”

  She licked her lips: an invitation, to make them shine? “I didn’t want to take you away from your workout.”

  “No problem, I finished the squats, today I’m doing legs and back. You ever work on this machine?”

  “No, I usually work out elsewhere, but since I’m back at the company.”

  “Yea, I’m sorry about Steven, the breakdown and all. He didn’t seem like the type – if you know what I mean.”

  “Thank you, yes, it’s all been rather hard on him.”

  “He hired me; Steven was the one who brought me into the company. I hope you’re doing OK, if there’s ever anything I can do…”

  “Thank you,” Karin’s eyes met his, “I’ll certainly keep that in mind.”

  Brent studied the woman prone below him, the face slightly flushed, the wisps of scarlet hair peeking out from the headband, and those emerald green eyes. “OK, we’ll start easy – and work our way up.”

  Karin pushed up on the handles and felt his hands lightly below hers.

  “All right, hold it at the top for a second and slowly let it down.”

  As she let the handles descend she thrust out her chest, the movement made even more pronounced as her elbows lowered. Her nipples strained against the thin Lycra top, and she saw that Mr. Brent Saunders was taking it all in.

  “Good, good, let’s try a couple more and then we’ll do some negative reps.”

  They repeated the most sensuous chest press ever performed in the company gym, both working up a sweat from the ‘intensity’.

  “Here, I’m gonna add more weight and lift it up for you and you s-l-o-w-l-y let it back down. These are negative reps.”

  The weight was, indeed, heavier, and it made even more demands on Karin. When she was finished she sat up, took the towel offered by Brent and dabbed at her face. She dropped the towel in her lap and slowly ran her hands over her breasts, “Yes, oh – I can feel that exercise, here – and here.” She extended her right leg. “What about calves, can you recommend something to help my calves – so I look sexy in my highest heels?”

  “I’d never imagine you wearing really high heels? Aren’t you actually taller than Steven.”

  She continued to move her ankle in small circles, the faceted, gold chains casting their ‘come hither’ gleam. “I’m five eight, Steven is five seven. But I like to wear heels and Steven didn’t mind me being taller. I bet that’s a problem you never had.” She ran a finger down his chest. “We could wear our highest heels and still feel like we’re with a real man with you.”

  He pulled her hand to his lips and gave it a little kiss. “The calf machine is over here.” He led her to the machine, never releasing her hand. “Sit down; slide your knees under the pads.”

  Brent took her through a calf workout, his eyes paying special attention to the gold anklets. When they were through he escorted her to the juice bar.

  “Thank you for the help.” She wrapped her lips seductively around a straw. “I enjoyed it.”

  “My pleasure, I noticed your anklets.”

  She held up her leg, pointed her toe and gave the lithesome limb a shake. “You like?”

  “Very much; do you know what it means, to some people? Wearing an anklet on the right ankle?

  She pulled off her headband, shook her hair and licked her lips. “Why don’t you explain it to me, over drinks and dinner?”


  “I’m wondering if Steven really had a breakdown.” Brent leaned over to refill Karin’s wine glass, “Although you seem in need of consoling…of some sort.”

  Beneath the table, the pointed toe of Karin’s high heel traced a line up his leg. “I have…needs…yes.” She rubbed the heel against his leg, using the leverage to slide her foot from the shoe. Her foot snaked up his leg, and into his crotch, her toes exploring, feeling his reaction. “Mmm, needs you seem to be able to fill.”

  He signaled the waiter for a Scotch. “I’ll do whatever I can for you, and the company.”

  “Will you – really? I’ll see if I have any openings you can fill.”

  Karin picked up her cigarette case and Bent was ready with a light.

  “Yes, you seem most capable.”

  Brent returned the lighter to his pocket and took a sip of Scotch. “Tell me about Steven. Are you getting a divorce?”

  “Not,” she chuckled, “in the conventional sense. But our relationship has changed.”

  “He didn’t have a breakdown?”

  “Oh, he did; I saw to that, orchestrated it, and watched it happen. And now, I own him—and the company. It’s all mine.” She gave him an appraising look, weighing how much to reveal. Are the things they say about him true? “People, certain people, say you have a reputation”

  He sat back, toyed with his drink, and watched the ravishing redhead finish her cigarette. “I help wives, and husbands, when they need it.”

  “A specialist of sorts? I understand that – and appreciate it. And would you help me?”

  He leaned in, a smile creeping across his lips. “You need a Bull? You want to cuckold Steven?”

  “I want what I want, when I want it. And right now that means you in my bed. Steven will do what he’s told. He’s…changed…different.”

  “Changed? How?”

  “Come home with me…you’ll see.” She picked up her cell phone and placed a call. Her sudden and harsh tone intrigued Brent. “I’m coming home, with a friend, be ready for us, dressed – and ready to serve.”


  Suzette closed the cell phone and literally ran to her room. She was surprised, and yet not, by this sudden visitation by another outsider. First it had been Sharon and Laurel, and now Mistress Karin was bringing home someone else…a man, a woman? In her room she quickly put on her stockings, maid’s dress and heels. Mistress hadn’t given very detailed instructions, but Suzette left nothing to chance and added the long earrings and heavy makeup that Mistress preferred on her slut.

  A quick house cleaning was in order and Suzette grabbed her feather duster and attacked all the likely flat surfaces that a visitor may encounter. She double-checked the refrigerator to ensure that chilled white wine, one of Mistress’s favorites, and Champagne were available.

  The sound of the car in the driveway and the automatic garage door opener signaled that Mistress and her guest had arrived.

  The footfalls that resounded through the foyer sent a chill through Suzette. She recognized the distinctive clicks of Mistress’s designer heels, but the other steps had the heavy sound of a male.

  Suzette was waiting, and when they entered the room she gave her best curtsey.

  “Sweet, isn’t she?” Karin said.

  “So this is what happened to Steven, interesting.” Brent’s arm snaked around Karin
and pulled her to him.

  Karin didn’t resist, and let her body melt into his. She felt his warmth, his strength, his authority. “You don’t seem surprised.”

  “No, not at all, I’ve seen others, many others.” Still holding Karin close he circled the nervous sissy maid. “I’ve seen some with breast implants, reconstructive surgery, undergoing hormonal therapy. Yours has potential.”

  Suzette’s stomach knotted to her about being discussed as if she were some experiment. She was on display, being observed…evaluated.

  “Yes, much potential here Karin; he never was very tall was he? And I don’t ever remember him wearing a beard or moustache.”

  “No, it’s quite easy to keep him hairless, and you’re right, I’ve always been taller.” She snuggled closer to Brent and looked up at him. “It’s nice to be able to wear heels and still look up at a man.”

  Her words were like a dagger to Suzette’s heart, but in spite of it all her flaccid cock was trying to erect in its plastic cage. I’m a cuckold — and a sissy maid.

  Brent pulled Karin in front of him, his massive chest pressed into her back. His strong hands traced a line down her hips and then back up to cup her breasts. “Lift up your dress,” he ordered Suzette.

  Suzette daintily grabbed the hem of her black maid’s dress and lifted it up. Both Karin and Brent laughed at the sight of the pitiful sissy cock trying to erect.

  “It turns her on,” purred Karin, “to see me in the arms of a real man...and enjoying it.”

  Brent’s fingers gently settled on Karin’s nipples; when he squeezed - she sighed. He bent down to whisper in her ear, but not so quietly that Suzette couldn’t hear every word. “It would be my distinct honor to make him an official cuckold.”

  “Cream pies and all?” Karin teased.

  “The first of many.”

  Suzette trembled with fear and excitement and felt the drool of sissy pre-cum fall from her chastity device onto her stocking.


  About the Author

  Constance Pennington Smythe is an erotic author. She is retired from the corporate world, has lived abroad, and possesses multiple degrees.


  What can be better than a Mistress and her submissive male? How about two Mistresses and their submissive males - and their Alpha Male friends? What happens when Karin meets and mentors Joanna? It surely can't be good for their hapless maids, Suzette and Donna. Fun will be had by all, or maybe not. Follow the further adventures of Dominant Women and their submissive males in:

  The Breaking Cage


  Constance Pennington Smythe

  Karin Calloway relaxed in her chair and absently turned the pages of a magazine as the warm water and heated stones in the footbath soaked away the stresses of her day. Scents of vanilla and lavender filled the air; sconces on the wall gave the room a muted amber glow. The New Age music in the background, harps and flutes, that was something she could do without. Some vintage Sinatra, Old Blue Eyes with the Nelson Riddle Orchestra, or maybe even some Harry Connick Jr. would be more to her liking; elegant and classy as herself.

  She watched a petite spa technician in a too-tight, too-short white dress administer a pedicure to another customer. She’d noted the girl’s name badge, Tammy, when she’d started the footbath. Karin's eyes couldn't help but linger on the taut fabric as it stretched over those young, firm hips. VPL, a fashion no-no, but there’s something about her.

  The woman receiving Tammy’s attentions was close to Karin's age and quite striking. Their eyes met when Karin entered the room and they exchanged polite smiles and nods in silent greeting. Then they both went back to their magazines and moments of selfish indulgence and pampering.

  "Almost finished, Ma'am, your feet didn't need that much work. You're very fortunate to have a husband who takes care of them," Tammy said.

  Karin raised her eyes and glanced over the top of her magazine, intrigued by the conversation.

  Tammy turned to Karin. "I'll be right with you Ms. Calloway." She gathered up her things and prepared to move to Karin when the other woman spoke.


  Tammy turned to face her client, who silently pointed to her feet.

  Karin dropped the magazine, her terrycloth robe enfolding the pages. Something was going to happen and she didn’t want to miss it.

  Tammy stepped before her customer, knelt and reverently placed a tender kiss on the top of each foot. She released the feet and looked up to see the woman smiling down at her, but silently demanding more. Tammy picked up the pan of water from the footbath, brought it to her lips and took a drink, her pink tongue licking the residue from her lips. The woman in the chair nodded approvingly. The ritual act of obeisance completed, Tammy rose, set the pan on a shelf and gathered her things. She cast an embarrassed look at Karin, "I'll be right with you Ms. Calloway."

  Karin's eyes followed Tammy as she left, then she turned her gaze to the woman across the room.

  The woman rose, tightened her robe, and walked to Karin. "I hope I didn't shock you".

  Karin smiled and shrugged her shoulders, "actually, not at all."

  "Really? Some would be shocked at such an overt and submissive display."

  Karin’s green eyes narrowed and she pursed her lips as if to consider. "Some would, ones who don’t understand the desperate needs and nature of those who would be submissive. She said your husband does your feet?"

  “Yes, quite well in fact. But I also enjoy the pampering here. And," she said, casting her eyes to the door, "Tammy is such a treasure."

  "I quite agree, she is —special," Karin said, extending a hand. "My name is Karin Calloway."

  "Joanna, Joanna Barnes," said the other woman, taking Karin's hand and smiling. "We really must get together."


  Joanna added cream to her coffee. “I’ve not seen you at the spa before.”

  Karin dabbed at her lips with a napkin and returned it to the table. ”Yes, I usually go to Giovanni’s, but they’re remodeling. Based on the performance of your lovely little Tammy I may consider switching locations. You noticed her submissive nature right off?”

  “Not immediately, but even at the first appointment there was definitely something about the way she touched my feet, almost a, reverence.”

  Karin nodded. “Not surprising, someone with a strong submissive need couldn’t help but exhibit some of that on the job, kneeling, giving pedicures, serving and waiting. She probably chose that vocation specifically for those reasons. How far have you taken her?”

  “Only what you witnessed, foot kissing and drinking my footbath.”

  “Still, it makes for a wonderfully entertaining afternoon.”

  “Most entertaining.”

  Karin leaned back and considered her next question. “You said your husband does your feet. Is he submissive?”

  “He likes to be dominated.” Joanna paused, unsure how much to reveal to her new-found friend. “Get tied up and spanked. It was a bit of a shock at first, but as I got more comfortable with it I began to see it in more places. I saw the same look in Tammy’s eyes that I’d seen in my husband’s and out of curiosity I pushed it to see how far she’d go. I enjoy it: the power of having someone submit to me.”

  “How far have you gone with your husband?”

  “Some bondage, foot kissing, he’s bought crops, whips and paddles that I use on him.”

  “Uh-huh, sounds typical.” Karin studied Joanna for a moment and leaned forward; here was new blood, a potential convert to the sisterhood. “How far would you like it to go?”

  Joanna shrugged, having never considered the question. “I don’t know. How far is there - to go, I mean?”

  Karin’s lips curled into a demonic smile, time to seal another submissive’s fate. “All the way, complete submission to you, 24/7, or whenever you desire, complete service, absolute obedience. Admittedly it’s not for everyone, but there can be some adv
antages - for you.”

  “I’m not sure.” Joanna drummed her nails on the table nervously. “I can’t imagine what that would be like. Even if it’s something that I wanted – I mean; would Gary want to go that far?”

  “That’s your first mistake...” Karin settled back in her chair allowing Joanna some space, “allowing him a choice in the matter.”

  Joanna hesitated. “I don’t know, up until now it’s been…”

  “Would you like to see how it can be, how far it can go?”

  Joanna silently nodded.

  “Come see me on Friday...alone.”

  Also by Constance Pennington Smythe

  Mistress Karin

  What happens when a man gets his wish to be submisisve? What happens when a woman embraces her dominant self? For Karin Calloway and her hapless husband, otherwise known as her maid Suzette, it becomes an erotic power exchange that gives them both what they desire. Is Suzette destined to become a cuckolded sissy maid? What new humiliations and torments will Karin and her evil friends, Trudi the German dance instructor and socialite Sheila Remington, visit on poor Suzette?

  ISBN: 978-1-934446-11-9 (Print)

  ISBN: 978-1-934446-12-6 (E-Book)

  The Breaking Cage

  What can be better than a Mistress and her submissive male? How about two Mistresses and their submissive males - and their Alpha Male friends? What happens when Karin meets and mentors Joanna? It surely can't be good for their hapless maids, Suzette and Donna. Fun will be had by all, or maybe not. Follow the further adventures of Dominant Women and their submissive males in: The Breaking Cage

  ISBN: 978-1-934446-25-6 (Print)

  ISBN: 978-1-934446-27-0 (E-Book)

  The Corporate Slave Series

  Corporate Slaves - The Women

  1. Recruitment


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