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Scarlet Forest

Page 8

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  Sable, Allie, Gwen, and I divided the girls up into four groups. Each of us took a group and started the exercise. My group had two older shifters and a handful of teenagers. They hung on to everything I said and demonstrated each fall I showed them. Then, I paired them in groups of two and showed them the stance for fighting. After that, we worked on a few defensive and offensive techniques before the boys showed up. I critiqued arm motions and footwork and before long dinner was announced.

  Each female had a giant smile on her face, and they chattered about how they couldn’t wait for the next session. They gathered their belongings, and we made our way to the deck. Seeing their hope increased mine and for the first time in a while, my spirits were lifted.

  Chapter 11


  A FTER DINNER AND ANOTHER round of cleaning, we heard a commotion in front of the main house. I sprinted around the cabin and skidded to a stop in front of a beat-up tan station wagon. Julia opened her door as growls from the pack joined the symphony of crickets. I hugged her and thanked her for coming. I wasn’t sure of her entire story or why the Dire Wolves were uneasy around her, but once the rest of the pack heard she was under my protection, they settled and went back home. If they were so easily thrown off-kilter by the appearance of the former Human Ambassador to the Council, I wondered how they’d react once I set the rest of my plans into motion. Moon Stone Ranch was about to see guests from all walks of life.

  Later that night, my invitations to the others were answered, and they promised to meet us by noon. Lilly helped Julia find her room, and I yawned before trudging upstairs. I wanted nothing more than to fall on top of Caden’s blankets and forget the world, but my muscles screamed for the healing touch of heat after training the women for so long. I turned the facets to the highest temperature I could stand and waited until steam filled the glass shower. Once the water hit the bunched knots near my neck, I adjusted the setting and let the droplets do their magic. I stayed in the shower until the water-cooled. I put on my comfiest pajamas and finally flopped into bed on my stomach.

  It felt like as soon as my head hit the pillow and sleep took me hostage, a knock rapped on the door and Allie announced it was time to head to breakfast. I huffed and waited until my lifeless limbs could lift my body weight. The heaviness of the past few weeks finally caught up to me and I wanted nothing more than to play hooky today, but my responsibility to the pack, Caden, and Faerie overshadowed my feelings. I glanced back at the blankets with a sigh and walked out the door.

  After breakfast and cleaning, I had a couple of hours to work with the women. They performed what we’d taught them yesterday without many corrections and we let them spar for a while. When I felt they were ready to move on, we taught a few more techniques. Soon Sable warned me of the time and I excused myself to get ready while she, Allie, and Gwen stayed behind to finish the lesson. I took the quickest shower of my life and stood in front of my suitcase. What did one wear to a meeting between Supernatural leaders? Most of my clothing was jeans and t-shirts with snarky sayings etched on their fronts; nothing suitable for the meeting I’d planned. I could’ve worn the dress I had from Lucian’s funeral, but the loss was still raw, and I never wanted to see that dress again, so I shrugged and picked up clothing from the top of the stack.

  My jeans were dark washed, and my shirt was pastel pink with the words Books Before Boys wrote across the front. When I opened the bedroom door, Phobos sat outside.

  Is everything okay, Princess? Phobos’s tail swished in the air while he followed me to the office.

  I’m a little nervous. I want to get this right. Too many people are depending on me. I shook my hands out and opened the door.

  You’re doing a fine job. Trust your instincts. Phobos took his usual place at my feet when I sat down in my normal chair.

  His advice was a lot harder to put into practice. What else could I do though? I only had one plan and if it didn’t work, then I was back to square one. I opened the desk drawer to my right, grabbing one of the pens. I almost pulled out some post-its, but I wanted more to write on and opened the drawer below the one I just closed. When I pushed it back in place, I noticed a subtle indention on the wooden desk leg right below it. Linc rapped against the open doorway and I jerked upright.

  “What are you doing?” He failed to hide his smile.

  “Grabbing a notebook.” I held up the object in question. “I wanted to write down some talking points and take notes during the meeting.”

  “Understandable.” He shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “Kalen sent me to fetch you. He said you should wait for the guests with us outside.”

  “All right.” I stood, setting down the notebook and pen.

  “Are you ready for this?” Linc waited for me to join him.

  “No.” I glanced back and saw Phobos following us. “I just hope I get this right.”

  “I hope we do too.” He bumped my shoulder. “Remember, you’re not in this alone. We’re here for you. Don’t leave us in the dark when you need something or want to discuss what’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours.”

  “Duly noted.” When we were near the front door, I hugged him. “Thanks, Linc.”

  “You’re welcome.” He kissed the top of my head. “Now go get them, Luna.”

  We didn’t have to wait long before a red Chevy Silverado with a crew cab rumbled down the driveway. The tinted windows hid the occupants inside and my palms began to sweat. This was it. I had several hurdles to clear before we took on Aelfric, but this was the first and I doubted if I could get them to agree with my leadership.

  The back-passenger side door opened and Dannick stepped out, stretching with his tree trunk sized arms over his head. His beard had been trimmed, but he still resembled the menacing lumberjack I remembered. His molten gold eyes met mine and a warm grin stretched across his face. The next figure to exit elicited a gasp from Sable. Tree bark-like skin came into view and I ran forward when I saw orange hair braided into pigtails.

  “Hattie!” I wrapped my arms around the small brownie. “What are you doing here?” I was excited to see her, but wondered if this was Ryn’s doing? Part of me expected he’d send someone to spy on me. “Did Ryn send you?”

  “No, Your Highness.” Hattie patted my back and pulled out of my arms to curtsy. “The Commander has kept to himself since his return home. I asked Dannick if I could accompany them to help with the Queen. Is that okay? Should I have contacted you first?” She twisted her hands in front of her and dropped her head.

  “Them?” I turned and noticed the others who had exited the truck.

  Amara stood over my slight stature looking like a goddess kissed by moonlight. Her long dark hair was swept over one shoulder and rested near her hip. Her pale skin was covered in a cashmere sweater dress with brown leather knee-high boots. She tipped her designer sunglasses and winked with one icy blue eye. Next to her, Brannon Bishop dipped his head and his red shoulder-length hair fell in front of his face. One last figure walked around the back of the truck. Ebony skin and stark white hair and eyes greeted me. Moonbeam was even more ethereal than the last time I saw her. My heart missed a beat as I remembered my first official date with Ryn. I still missed him even after what he did, but the surrounding noises pulled my focus back to the present.

  “Dad!” Gwen charged Brannon and Lilly quickly followed.

  I turned back to Hattie. “You’re always welcome here and never need an invitation.” Tears filled her eyes as she flung herself into my arms while the others greeted each other.

  “You truly are a miracle, Princess.” She wiped her eyes. “I need to tend to the Queen.” A peaceful look crossed her face moments before she disappeared.

  Shrieks came from the girl’s dorm and I remembered how I’d almost screamed when I saw Hattie’s razor-sharp teeth. I shook my head and asked Sable to have the pack gather in front of the main house. After the screaming stopped, I announced our visitors were under my protection
and everyone was to treat them with respect. We spent more time saying our hellos and then retired to the office.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Uncle Kalen’s grumpy voice made an appearance.

  I slid around him and walked back to my seat but couldn’t keep the grin off my face. Julia lounged across the couch with one of the books from the shelves open in her hands. Her silver hair was tightly curled into ringlets. She wore black slacks, and a blouse covered in small black cats. She blew me a kiss and sat up as the rest of our group squeezed into the room.

  “Don’t get your fur twisted, wolf.” She closed the book but didn’t put it back on the shelf. “I was doing some light reading. The packs’ history is riddled with tragedy, but I guess that’s why we’re all here.”

  Everyone looked at me and I took a deep breath. “I’ve asked you all here today because of Aelfric. We have to stop him.” I stared at my lap. “I have to rescue Caden. I need your help.”

  “What’s your plan, Kitra?” Amara sat in front of me beside Moonbeam.

  “Julia knows how to close the gate.” Shocked silence turned into many voices talking at once and I held up one hand. “I know this comes as a shock. I’ll turn this part over to her to explain.”

  Julia described how a human and hybrid create a conduit between each other through the lapis lazuli stone while the Spell Dancer performs a set of intricate steps to strengthen the link. Then the energy is thrown at the center of the gate, destroying the doorway to the prison and locking it forever.

  “But what if it doesn’t work?” Brannon pulled Lilly and Gwen closer. “What if this spell opens it forever and we can’t shut it again?”

  “Meghan and I studied this for over a year. Before she was killed, we were sure this spell was correct”

  “Are we supposed to trust the traitor who stole secrets from us in order to keep her own neck safe?” Amara stared daggers at Julia. “Kitra, how can you trust the woman who told Aerolynn about your mother’s pregnancy. She put you and your family in danger.”

  “That was before I knew of the corruption in the Council. I was following the orders given to me.” Julia threw her hands up. “Meghan never faulted me on that, and I paid my dues to win back her trust. She helped me when no one else would.”

  “Excuses.” Death danced in Amara’s eyes. “Again.” She cut her laser gaze to me. “I ask how you can trust her?”

  “The same way I’m trusting two Council members when the same said institution put a bounty out on my head.”

  Amara’s face fell. “Brannon and I were never a part of that vote.”

  “She’s right, Kitra.” Brannon kissed Lilly’s forehead. “We would’ve stopped it if we had been called to the meeting.” Brannon kissed Gwen’s forehead as well. “You have protected my family. I would never deceive you. What do you need from us?”

  “I need you both and your people. I need all of Faerie.” I stood and placed both palms on the desktop.

  “I’m overseeing the abandoned Unseelie Court.” Moonbeam pursed her lips. “The people were under enslavement under Roland and Aelfric. I’m sure they’ll fight to protect their new freedom.”

  I knew my uncle and cousin were demented, but their evil never ceased to amaze me. I had to stop them both.

  “I want us to set up near the gate and lure Aelfric out. Then, I want to rescue Caden and make Aelfric and Roland watch me destroy the only hope they have of ruling over our worlds.” Agreements joined my declaration, but I interrupted them. “Still, we can’t do this on our own. I hate to say this, but we need the Council’s help.”

  Growls and shouts of disagreement filled the air. We spent another hour in the room hashing out how to get by without the Council, but truth be told, we needed a Spell Dancer. It also wouldn’t hurt to have Elementals beside us. Finally, we decided for Amara to tell the Council I would turn myself in that afternoon.

  “All of us can’t go.” Brannon motioned to the room.

  We went around and around, deciding who would go and who would stay. Those being left behind weren’t happy, and I didn’t blame them. We all had things at stake. What if this plan fell through? Even if my surrender came apart at the seams, I was confident that Sable, Curtis, Zander, Lilly, Gwen, and Allie would do everything in their power to rescue Caden and keep the pack safe.

  I need you to stay with the others. I scratched behind Phobos’s ears.

  Phobos’s hackles rose. No. I will not leave you. I did that once, and you were almost killed.

  Please, do this for me. I can’t let the Council members see you. They’ll be more than frightened, and I can’t bear to think about what they’ll do to you, Phobos. You’ve become too important to us. To me. I held his canine face in one hand and rubbed my thumb over the purple crescent moon on his forehead.

  He stared into my eyes as I pushed my feelings towards him. He was a part of our family now. I will stay, Princess. What will you have me to do while we wait for your return?

  Protect your family. Our family. I kissed his wet nose. Keep them safe.

  “Ready?” Amara stood.

  “Almost.” I hugged the others and asked to speak with Dannick alone. “How is he?”

  “The Commander isn’t himself. I’ve never seen him like this.” Dannick grabbed my chin when water filled my eyes and I dropped my head. “You did nothing wrong, Princess. He’s getting less than what he deserves for what he did to you if you ask me.”

  I sucked in a breath and my lips trembled. “Why did he betray me?”

  “Ryn is a hopeless romantic and believes you were his first so that makes him the only choice. He sees you, the woman the Creator made for him, bound to another.” Dannick took a step back. “I understand his selfishness and confusion in this situation, but he had no right to keep the choice from you. He’s trying to find a way to fix it.”

  “I don’t know if he can.” I looked at my feet. “He sees my wolf as something lesser. Something beneath the fae. I can’t have a relationship with him if he doesn’t see me as his equal.” I swallowed a sob. “His deception hurts almost as much as when we lost Lucian.”

  “Give it time, Princess.” Dannick patted my shoulder and opened the door. “He has more redeemable qualities than he’s shown and he’s loyal to a fault. Sometimes, his loyalty makes him do stupid things. Don’t lose hope. I’ll help Moonbeam with the Unseelie. Keep us updated, so we know when to bring both armies through the portal.” Dannick left me standing with my thoughts.

  I wiped my face and joined the small group outside who were going to the Council’s estate with me. No matter how hard the next hurdle of my plan would be, I promised to cross it. I whispered a small prayer to the Creator and climbed into Uncle Kalen’s Range Rover.

  Chapter 12


  M USTY DAMPNESS FILLED MY nostrils as I raised my face to the small window above my head. A sliver of light chased away the darkness and revealed my new prison. A muscle cramp snaked across my shoulders and my fingertips tingled one last time before I couldn’t feel them any longer. How long had I been chained to the small basement wall?

  Muffled footsteps drifted out of hearing range and I tried to grasp the chain above me with my useless hands. Ever since Aelfric gave me a small glimpse of hope that Kitra was still alive, I attempted to escape. I couldn’t think of her name or visualize her though. If I did, my manacles flared to life and brought Aelfric and his needle of poison. Instead, I thought of the nickname I’d given her and pictured a tiny feisty kitten swiping at its opponents.

  Sweat beaded on my forehead. I didn’t know if it was from the stuffy room or from what little energy I had left. I managed to climb to my knees when footsteps stomped overhead again and stopped at the door. I grunted as I dropped back into a sitting position. The door creaked, and I let my head fall to the side with my eyes shut. The steps groaned under the weight of whoever joined me.

  “I know he’s fighting you.” King Roland’s voice echoed over the empty basement. “He�
�s strong like his father. You’re not even close to breaking him.”

  “I’m working on it,” Aelfric hissed at his father. “I enjoy drawing out the pain before I make them mine.”

  “You’re being a fool.” I stayed as still as possible when they drew closer. “It won’t be long before she comes for him.” I visualized the fierce kitten again. “If he learns the truth, it’ll be harder to break his mind.”

  “He knows the truth.” I heard a scuffle but stayed stoic. “I told you, Father. I like to play with my victims first.” Aelfric’s pungent odor invaded my space. “I know you’re awake little alpha.”

  I waited for the pinch of the needle in my skin, but it never came. I growled and opened my eyes. “You’ll never get away with this!”

  “I already have.” Aelfric’s palm glowed black with swirls of green in the center. “Now, your true nightmare starts.”

  I screamed and struggled against my bindings when he touched the side of my face. Nothing I did, kept the black spots from my vision. My body shut down under the oppressive pain rupturing my brain and I lost consciousness.


  “Hello?” I called in the blackness and rubbed my free wrists. The skin was tender, but soon I’d heal. I searched the abyss without finding anyone or anything. If I moved, would I fall off an edge? Where had Aelfric dumped me?

  I had to find my way back to Kitten and the others. Which direction did I take? The area stretched out in all directions in inky shadows. I called my wolf, but he didn’t answer. I tried again and again, but he was gone. I grasped my hair and spun around. Which way?

  I couldn’t just stand here the entire time, but I didn’t want to travel in circles either. With nothing to use as a focal point, I knew this was a hopeless venture, but I was never one to give up so easily and took off in a sprint.


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