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Scarlet Forest

Page 15

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  Caden scooted over to me and held me from the side while I fell apart. “Kitten, he’s gone.” He whispered when the war noises reverberated louder in the background. “It’s time to end this.”

  The heat I felt earlier gripped my muscles. I leaned forward and kissed Ryn’s forehead. I laid his head on the ground and Caden helped me to my feet. My wolf wrapped herself in my turbulent magic. She gazed back at the others past my irises and coaxed the white light forward.

  “For Ryn.” My wolf mourned his loss with my fae side.

  My Guardians repeated my words and accepted the push of energy I sent them. Caden and Phobos stood beside me while Austin, Linc, Curtis, and Zander encircled us. We stared over the battlefield and a restless itch spread under my skin like a million bugs digging for a way out.

  The white gleam pulsed inside my body and my mind connected to the others. Each yearned to end Aelfric’s reign of terror and that of anyone else who wanted to take his place. I found my cousin in the crowd and watched him throw his own people in front of him while he was under attack. My teeth ground together, and I floated above our circle with my eyes fixed on Aelfric.

  Snowy vines stretched between us and pulsed. I continued to rise higher and soon Caden and Phobos lifted into the air. They stopped a foot below me, creating a tower with the others. The war below stopped, and everyone was engrossed in our pyramid.

  Aelfric commanded his followers to kill our army, but no one moved as they continued to watch the glow around us build. Aelfric ranted and raved, stabbing a few of his Dark Ones when they ignored him. I’d seen enough and closed my eyes while my wolf pulled more of the foreign power forth.

  The tethers between the seven of us solidified and we were encased in a radiant brilliance. The pressure built until the glow outshone the sun. One last pulse blinded me behind my lids. We couldn’t hold it any longer and released the energy across the field in all directions. My soul sang and I descended to the grass with the others.

  Well done, my children. The Creator’s voice whispered before the magic fizzled out. The weapon had been used.

  Chapter 24


  I OPENED MY EYES TO utter destruction. The trees surrounding the field were blown over and motionless bodies littered the trenches and hills. Sections of the ground still bore scars from being ripped apart and sewn back together. I held my breath. Only my Guardians and I were unaffected by the blast.

  My legs weakened, and my heartbeat thrashed in my ears. Did we kill everyone? My knees were close to buckling until I saw movement.

  Uncle Kalen groaned on the next hillside. The right side of his face was covered in dried blood and he struggled to sit up. I searched for any wounds and released my breath when I didn’t find any. I watched as Amara helped him to his feet. She turned towards me and I gasped. Her fangs caught the afternoon sunlight. She was drenched in red from head to toe. Several feet away Lilly used her sword to stand. A tourniquet around her right thigh slowed the flow of blood from a nasty gash. Brannon limped to her side in tattered clothing and put her arm over his shoulder.

  Slowly, our allies crawled to their feet while Aelfric and his Dark Ones laid motionless. Caden, Linc, and Zander assisted some of those still on the ground with their wounds. Behind me, Curtis cradled Allie in his arms, and I rushed to them. In the distance, Austin collided into a disheveled Gwen as she staggered up the hill.

  “Is she alive?” I grabbed my friend’s hand. Her pulse beat steady in her wrist and I slumped.

  Her eyes fluttered open. “What happened?”

  “We used the weapon.” Curtis ran his hands over her. “Are you hurt?”

  “I don’t think so.” Allie shook her head, and we helped her stand. “The blast only knocked me unconscious.” She gazed at the unmoving figures. “What’s wrong with them.”

  “I don’t know.” I bit my lip. “I think they’re dead.”

  A noise from a robed heap reached my ears. I stumbled down the hill and found my cousin with his face partially covered. As I approached, he whimpered and curled up on his side in the fetal position. Soon, his followers writhed on the ground with him.

  “W… what did you do to me?” Aelfric grunted and pulled his knees tighter against his chest. Red crusted over his lips.

  “I gave you what you deserve.” My wolf growled her agreement. “You’re done. You can’t hurt anyone else.”

  “I’m not healing.” A female Dark One cried out as another spasm wracked her tiny frame. “Why won’t my wolf heal me? She’s gone! I can’t find her!” Her wails quieted as she shook again.

  Aelfric’s arm shot out in my direction and he roared, but nothing came from his empty palm. His brows drew together while he studied his hand. A tremor shook his lean physique, and I noticed he appeared smaller than before. All the Dark Ones did.

  Aelfric tried to get to his feet, but all he managed was to sit up. He fell backward when more tremors ravaged his body. His face screwed up as veins strained against his neck. He panted, and another groan escaped his lips. He clenched his fists and tried to form magical orbs again.

  “My magic is gone.” Aelfric’s voice was shrill, and his lids blinked rapidly. A light sheen covered his pale forehead. “It’s not inside me anymore.” His chin wobbled. “What’s happening to me?”

  “You’re human.” Allie squatted near Aelfric. Curtis stood over them with his hand on the hilt of his sword in case she needed him. “You and your followers are the things you despise most.” Mottled green fissures appeared on his skin. “You’re dying Aelfric.”

  “Help me!” Pieces of his flesh drifted into the wind. “Please make it stop!” He patted his arms and at any other exposed skin.

  Even after all the pain, he'd caused me and all the loss I had suffered because of him, my first instinct was to go to him. I clutched his raised hands, and he squeezed mine.

  “I’ll stay with you until the end.” Aelfric’s eyes misted over at my words.

  “W… why?” He shivered and his eyes clamped shut.

  “Because everyone deserves kindness at the end. Even when they’ve hurt you.” He nodded but didn't apologize for his actions.

  The rest of my friends and family joined me in comforting those who were dying. They spoke gentle words to our enemies in their time of need and my heart swelled. This was what life was supposed to be like. A world where you treated others as you wanted to be treated. A world of mutual respect. Aelfric and the Dark Ones missed this.

  It looks like those who have lived past a normal human lifespan are dying. Austin sat with the female shifter who spoke earlier. Her feeble hands wrinkled before my eyes. Others are aging to their appropriate human age.

  This is difficult to watch. My gaze fell back to Aelfric when he squeezed my hand again.

  Pieces of my cousin’s face flaked away. He didn't utter another word as the weapon destroyed his body. I don’t know how long I sat with him while the others who weren’t dying were rounded up. Eventually, Aelfric breathed his last breath, but I still held onto him until his hands were dust in my palms.

  Uncle Kalen wrapped me in his arms when I stood and sighed. “I can’t believe this is what the weapon does.” His chin rested on the top of my head.

  An hour later, elderly dark ones remained at the base of the hill to the Gate of Aramath. The huddled group gazed off in the distance and shuddered under their giant cloaks. I didn’t know how to feel over their circumstances. My thoughts bounced back and forth until they felt numb. Elder Dylan crouched near them, speaking in a soft voice but they didn’t acknowledge his existence.

  Then, I searched for Lira and found her helping Austin while he patched up Lilly’s leg. I still had one more job to do. A presence behind me caused me to turn.

  “What do we do with them?” Amara crossed her arms.

  “I say we imprison them at the Council Estate.” Brannon joined us. “They’re harmless now, but I don’t want to free them.”

  Amara huffed. “I say we kill them
now so they’re not a burden to us anymore.”

  A dark ember in my heart agreed with Amara, but I wouldn’t let her or anyone else kill them.

  “Then we’d be no different from them if we slaughter them.” I looked between Brannon and Amara. “Brannon’s right. They’re harmless.”

  A commotion rose behind me. Aerolynn and members of the Council’s regiment forced my friends and family towards me. The rest of our army took up arms behind us. Aerolynn stepped forward.

  “Stand down.” My allies sheathed their weapons at my command.

  “What’s the meaning of this Aerolynn?” Uncle Kalen stepped closer to me and Caden tucked me into his side. “You’re attacking our own army?”

  “I’m looking out for our world.” She gulped at the number of soldiers standing behind us. “The Council will take the remaining Dark Ones to our prison.” Several more metal blades pointed at us while she spoke. “But I can’t let this weapon move about our world freely. It’s too dangerous. No one should hold that type of power. Kitra should turn herself over to our care.”

  Weapons were drawn again, and my own hand reached for my katana.

  “I know you’re frightened, Aerolynn.” Elder Dylan moved to the front of our crowd. “But Kitra isn’t the weapon.” Aerolynn tried to argue, but Elder Dylan’s voice rose. “She’s not. You witnessed the same thing we did.” He pointed to me and my Guardians. “She carries the essence of the weapon, but it takes all of them to weld it.”

  Aerolynn stared at each of us and her lips trembled. “If they turn against us, our fate will be the same as the Dark Ones.”

  “I hate to break it to you.” Linc tilted his head. “But we used the weapon on everyone.” Several of them gasped, including Aerolynn. “You just passed its test. We were focused on ending evil, and it destroyed everyone who was corrupted with its dark taint.”

  “This is treason!” Aerolynn’s hand rose to her throat. “Take them prisoner!”

  No! Her soldiers paused in their approach when a familiar voice resonated through the air. They will not be touched.

  “W… who said that?” Aerolynn spun in a circle, searching for a person.

  “Aerolynn.” She stared at me and I took a step forward. “You have nothing to fear from us. I’m the Creator’s Champion. I.” I pointed to my Guardians and amended my next statement. “We fight for the good side. We won’t hurt you.”

  “The Creator’s Champion?” She backed away from us. “I…I don’t believe you.”

  “They’re the world’s protectors.” Elder Dylan encompassed us with a wave of his hand. “The Creator deemed it so, and you heard his command.” He took a step towards her as she looked up. “Will you disobey his command?”

  Chapter 25


  A EROLYNN’S MOUTH FLAPPED, AND a squeak left her lips. Lira stepped from behind me. Her white hair was stained copper and stuck to both sides of her neck. She rested her palm on the hilt of a sword even though she didn’t need it. I’d seen the power she kept hidden. She could end us all with one sweep of her lean arms. Instead of joining the Council’s leader, she smiled at me and I knew she was following through on her vow to me.

  “I know you’re a smart woman, Aerolynn.” Her arms dropped to her side. “Most of my life, you’ve taught me how to be a leader and I’ve always looked up to you.” Lira took another step towards the Council leader. “Kitra and her Guardians are not our enemies.”

  “How can you be so sure?” Aerolynn’s fingers twitched and her eyes bore holes into my head.

  “Because I have watched from the background these past few days and what I witnessed moved me.” Lira now stood halfway between both groups. Her hands barely moved, but her voice rang out over the crowd. “I’ve never seen such compassion from one person towards the entire world.” Lira’s head dipped and her eyes hardened. “You even witnessed it today as she tried to comfort our enemies and you still ask their intentions?”

  “I’m worried about our future.” Aerolynn’s nose raised in the air. “She was betrayed by two of her own. It could happen again.”

  Caden’s growl rumbled against my back. I reached behind me and entwined our fingers.

  “And you haven’t made a wrong decision in your life? Without Kitra, you wouldn’t have a future. Open your eyes, Aerolynn.” A blast of energy from Lira’s opened palm made the Council leader unsteady on her feet. “This young woman, her friends, and her family have protected us when we turned a blind eye. They guarded this gate when we believed the whispered rumors we heard in the Council halls.” Lira spun in a circle to look out over the sea of faces. “We hoped Aelfric and the Dark Ones would fade away while we sat in our gilded castles, but Kitra and the others heard the Creator’s call. Shame on us for being complacent while we lived in our bubbles.” Lira stared at Aerolynn. “Shame on you for letting your position make you their judge and jury.”

  “As Queen of Faerie and Luna of the Dire Wolf Pack, Kitra inherits a Council seat.” Brannon limped towards Lira. “And Caden now holds Lucian’s seat.”

  Amara glided to the other side of Lira. “Remember the oath you made after John and Meghan Frost begged for our assistance and it wasn’t given because they broke the Order.” Amara flashed her fangs. “You swore you’d never turn against another upstanding Council member. Our institution does not have room for hypocrisy.”

  “Will you honor your agreement with Kitra?” Lira’s palms spread in front of her. “Or will you declare war?”

  The Council’s soldiers stepped back from Aerolynn and her face paled. The lines were drawn, and she wasn’t on the winning side. I wished I could do something to reassure her and gain her trust, but ultimately the choice was hers alone.

  “Aerolynn?” Everyone’s attention fell on me. “I will protect this world and Faerie until I take my last breath. I’m not your enemy.” I walked away from my group. “I know you’re scared. I am too, but I want a future without having to look over my shoulder. Let us destroy the gate and honor our agreement. I will work as a Council member and prove my loyalty.”

  I didn’t dare to breathe while she contemplated how this would end. I understood her worries and why she saw us as dangerous. I’d feel the same way if the roles were reversed, but where she only saw destruction, I saw a tool for justice. When word spread about the weapon and what it did, no one would attempt to commit Aelfric’s crimes again.

  “You and your Guardians will answer the Council’s call when our world needs you?” Aerolynn’s cheeks regained some color.

  “Yes, we promise.” The others nodded behind me.

  “Then, destroy the gate.” Aerolynn turned to a female dressed in a gray blood-spattered tunic and brown pants. “Give me the Order.” The woman passed her an orange glowing scroll.

  Brannon and Amara stayed between us and Aerolynn. We waited for Lilly to join us before Lira and I walked to the Gate of Aramath. I tried not to glance in the direction where Ryn had died, but I couldn’t help myself. Someone had removed Ryn’s blue cape and covered his body. Lilly put her arm around me, and Lira gave me time to mourn his loss.

  Only, I didn’t mourn for Ryn alone. I mourned all the ones I had loved and lost because of this gate and Aelfric. When my tears ran dry and the hiccups stopped, my jaw set, and a flutter filled my chest. The Gate of Aramath wouldn’t rip apart any more families. My muscles tightened, and I marched to the middle of the arch.

  “What do we need to do?” My nails left marks in my palms.

  “Stand here.” Lira moved me to where I needed to stand. “Lilly will go here.” Lira stood across from me with a three-foot gap between us. “And I stay here.”

  I looked at the diamond formation we made and waited for more instructions for Lira. She dug around in a leather pouch tied to her hip. She retrieved a bundle of black velvet. Lira unfolded the ends and revealed a deep blue gem shaped like a diamond with specks of gold throughout. A sense of purity washed over me when she uncovered the stone.

t you feel is its power.” She kept her gaze on the lapis lazuli. “The special properties of the gem will nullify the gate and seal it off forever.”

  “Julia said nothing of the gate can remain.” I noticed the crowd moving closer to the base of the hill. “What happens if every piece isn’t destroyed?”

  “Then, there would still be a chance of it being opened in the future.” Lira lifted her gaze. “So, I need you to follow all of my instructions to ensure we get it all. Understood?” Lilly, and I both agreed. “Okay, I have four dances to perform. When I finish each one, take a step forward. We will meet in the center after the last motion and touch the stone simultaneously. Ready?”

  I looked at the entwined arch with black leaves and remembered Abaddon and my nightmare. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Lira raised the stone above her head and spun in one circle. Her right hand swooped downward in an arc and raised to meet her left hand above her head. Each of us took a step forward, and Lilly and I watched her next motion. Then, Lira raised to the tips of her toes. Her left leg lifted waist high and curved back to meet her feet again. She bent over and swayed her body as if she heard silent music.

  We stepped towards each other again. Next, Lira’s body popped and dipped while her arms moved in intricate fluid motions over her head before she kicked a leg into the air. We took another step and waited on the last dance sequence. Lira’s arms continued to sweep through the air, and she spun with one leg pointed out, dipping as she bent forward into a full rotation until she stood in place again. Her upper body quieted, and the stone was held in one outstretched hand. We took our last step and touched the stone.

  A golden beam shot out of the stone directly into the center of the Gate of Aramath. The leaves fell and withered to ash before they landed on the ground. Gnarled trees untwisted and straightened. Flames engulfed the bark, and the wind picked up.

  “Don’t move your hands from the stone!” Golden light shone behind Lira’s irises and the lapis lazuli grew warmer.


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