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Dreamspinner Press Year Three Greatest Hits

Page 38

by Jenna Hilary Sinclair

  Geoff listened while they talked. Some of what Eli was telling Raine, they hadn’t talked about, and he found it interesting to hear how Eli grew up.

  “I’m an okay carpenter, not anywhere as skilled as Papa, so I also work with my uncle at the bakery. I’m much better at that than carpentry. What is it like in Chicago?”

  Geoff half-listened as Raine told Eli about Chicago, his attention focusing instead on the pasture. Large black dots moved across the field of green, grazing on the grasses. Geoff watched the cattle as they grazed and then took out his cell phone.

  “Pete, it’s Geoff. Get out to the northeast pasture and bring two rifles with scopes right now!” Geoff watched as a black dot lumbered around the edge of the woods, away from the herd.

  “Is that a bear?” Raine was pointing at the spot, almost shaking.

  “Exactly. Get off the horse and lead her back down the path.” Raine followed Geoff’s instructions, climbing down and leading her in the direction indicated.

  Geoff got off Kirk and saw that Eli was already standing next to Twilight. “I’ll walk the horses back down the path and stay with Raine.”

  “Thank you.” Eli got the horses away, and soon Geoff heard a car door and then saw Pete hurrying toward him. “I’ll take the first shot; you be ready with a second.” Geoff took the rifle and steadied it against a fence post, aiming carefully, using the scope to line up the shot. Gently he squeezed the trigger, and the shot exploded. Almost immediately, the bear reared onto its hind legs, and Pete’s gun went off. The cattle began to move away, and the bear went back down and stopped moving.

  “Good shot, Pete. Excellent!” Geoff clapped the man on the back.

  “You want me to make sure it’s dead?”

  “If you would, and, uh… you killed it, so it’s yours. I’ll call Fish and Game as soon as I get back to the house.”

  “What if there’s a fine?”

  “I’ll pay it, don’t you worry. Whatever it is, it’s cheaper than a bear making lunch out of my herd.”

  “Okay… I’ll call the guys to help get it loaded.”

  “Thanks.” Geoff handed Pete the rifle and walked back down the path to where Eli and Raine waited with the horses.

  “Did you shoot it?” Geoff nodded as he helped Raine get back on his horse, and then he and Eli mounted as well, and they headed back toward the house. Raine and Eli continued talking, but Geoff remained quiet. He hated killing animals like bears. He knew it was necessary when they threatened the cattle, but he still hated doing it.

  Back at the barn, Eli helped Raine off Belle and led her to her stall while Geoff led Kirk to his. “I’ll unsaddle them with Raine; you call who you need to.”

  Geoff nodded and kissed Eli gently before heading into the house. He called the authorities and explained the incident and that there were independent witnesses. They said they’d send someone out tomorrow morning.

  He heard the back door open and then Eli and Raine came in. “Hey guys, I’m in the office.” He got up and met them in the living room. “Are you ready for a swim?” Geoff sure as hell was.

  Eli and Raine both nodded and went upstairs to change. Geoff heard the back door again and saw Len rush inside. Geoff explained what happened and that he’d already called it in.

  “Are you okay? I know how you feel about things like this.”

  “Actually, I am. It threatened the cattle, and it had to be done. By the way, when you see him, tell Pete to expect a bonus. That was one hell of a shot.” Len smiled and nodded. “We’re going swimming in the channel. You want to join us?”

  “No, I’m gonna relax tonight.”

  Geoff nodded and went upstairs, meeting Eli in his room.

  “Are you okay? You’ve been really quiet.” Eli was there right next to him, and he took advantage, kissing Geoff hard. Then, remembering what he should be doing, Eli offered, “I’ll load the truck while you change.”

  “Thanks, Tiger.” The door closed after Eli, and Geoff changed quickly and headed downstairs. The three of them piled into the truck, and they headed to the park.

  Geoff parked the truck just outside the park entrance where the Au Sable River meets Lake Michigan. The water was usually warm, and there was a nice current to swim in. Unloading their beach stuff and the picnic basket, they dumped their things on the sand and got ready to swim.

  Eli had borrowed a pair of Geoff’s board shorts. Raine pulled off his shirt and dropped his shorts, revealing his pink micro-bikini bathing suit, and then he tested the water before wading in.

  “Is he allowed to wear something like that?” Eli sounded almost scandalized, and Geoff could understand why. There wasn’t much to that bathing suit.

  “Yes, he can.”

  “Isn’t it a little small?”

  “Probably, and if I know Raine, he wore it to see how people were going to react. He likes the attention.” Geoff leaned close. “But I bet you’d look good in it.” Now Eli really was scandalized, and he looked at Geoff like he’d lost his mind. “Not here, Tiger. But maybe at home, in my bedroom. You’d look real good one of those… or out of one of those.”

  Raine was getting a lot of stares, which he completely ignored. Geoff knew that was whole reason he wore the suit in the first place—that and the fact that he was out, proud, and man enough to wear pink.

  “Come on, let’s swim.” Geoff needed to get his mind off the bear and his earlier worries and just relax. Raine was right, he definitely needed to stop worrying about things he couldn’t control. Eli was here with him. That was enough, and he was going to enjoy it while it lasted.

  He ran into the water with Eli right behind him, letting the current carry them toward the lake.

  “I know that killing the bear was hard for you,” Eli said. Geoff nodded as Eli’s foot rubbed his leg. “I love that about you.”

  Geoff turned, definitely confused. “What, that I’m a wuss?” He sure felt like one right now.

  Eli shook his head. “That you feel remorse for killing the bear. It means you care, even for the bear you had to kill to protect the cattle. It shows you have a kind heart, and I love that about you. It’s sexy.”

  Geoff did a double take. “It is? You do?” He’d always considered himself a wuss. Growing up he’d never gone hunting and only learned to shoot because his dad and Len had made him learn. He’d gotten quite good shooting at targets but had always refused to shoot anything living. Today was only the second or third time he’d ever aimed a gun at a living thing. And to find out that Eli thought what he’d always considered a weakness was admirable only made him love him more, if that was possible. Suddenly this was the last place Geoff wanted to be, and he wondered how quickly he could get them home and upstairs into his bedroom.

  “Geoff, you ready to eat?” Raine called from shore. God, the man was a shameless hussy—standing on the shore, wearing almost nothing. A group of teenage girls sat nearby, looking at him and giggling. Boy, were they barking up the wrong tree. Geoff followed Eli out of the water, his eyes on Eli’s clingy-wet-bathing-suit butt.

  They spread their towels and the picnic blanket on the sand. Geoff put out the food while Eli slipped on his shirt, and Raine reclined on his towel, giving everyone who wanted one a good look.

  “You’re a shameless queen, you know that?” Geoff commented.

  “Well, duh. I could have worn a thong, you know.” Raine propped himself up on his elbows.

  “You’d probably get arrested.”

  Eli looked shocked, to say the least. “What’s a thong, and is it smaller than that?”

  “Yeah. Basically there’s no back, and your butt hangs out.”

  Geoff was shaking his head. Eli actually shivered. “Not in a million years.” He threw a towel at Raine. “Cover yourself before we eat.” Raine looked at Eli and wrapped the towel around his waist. “Thank you,” Eli said.

  “Bossy, isn’t he?” Raine looked a little miffed.

  “I don’t call him Tiger for nothing.” Geoff ha
nded out the plates and cans of soda. They ate and talked until nearly sunset. Then, after a final swim, they packed up their stuff and walked back to the truck. Geoff drove back to the farm, stopping for ice cream along the way.

  The house was quiet when they arrived. Saying good-night, Raine went right upstairs. Geoff put away the picnic things, and after talking to Len for a while, headed upstairs himself. Walking into his room, he was greeted by a thing of beauty: Eli, naked, lying on his bed. The only problem was that his Tiger was already asleep. Geoff stripped down and quietly cleaned up before climbing into bed. Eli barely moved as Geoff kissed him softly before easily sliding into sleep.

  Chapter 15

  GEOFF WOKE to heaven—he must have been in heaven. The morning light bounced off a head of dark hair resting on his chest as hands slowly roamed over his skin and lips teased one of his nipples. Geoff moaned softly, kissing Eli on the head as he ran his fingers through the soft hair. Eli’s head shifted until his eyes locked on Geoff’s. Then their lips met, and Eli shifted, straddling Geoff’s hips. “I want you, Geoff. I want you so bad.”

  Eli’s lips were driving him wild, and Geoff hugged him close, their kisses becoming more urgent, more needy. “What do you want, Tiger?” Geoff let his hands slide down Eli’s back, cupping that incredible butt.

  “That. I want that!” Eli’s back arched as Geoff slid a finger down his crease. “Yes… that’s what I want… you!” Eli’s lips crashed down onto Geoff, tongue sliding in, his Tiger taking what he wanted.

  “You sure?” Geoff asked when he broke free. This would be Eli’s first time, and Geoff needed to make sure that was what he truly wanted. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Eli or push him into something he wasn’t ready for, but his answer came in the way Eli was vibrating against his skin every time he touched him.

  “Oh yes. I want you to love me.”

  Geoff hugged him hard, bringing as much skin into contact as possible. “I already do.” Slowly, lazily, Geoff rolled them over on the bed, Eli’s legs circling around his waist, leaving no doubt whatsoever as to what Eli was asking. Geoff reached to the bedside table, slicking his fingers with lube, using them to tease Eli’s tight opening.

  Eli moaned softly as Geoff felt the puckered skin, making small circles as he worked his finger inside. “Geoff….”

  He loved it when Eli moaned his name—that he was making such incredible noises for him. Geoff pushed his finger deeper. “Feel good?” He curled his finger, rubbing slowly.

  “Yes!” Eli cried out and pushed back against Geoff’s hand, driving him deeper into that hot, tight body. Geoff pulled his finger away and added a second, scissoring them and slowly twisting. Eli started moaning louder, whimpering whenever he pulled out, mewling softly as Geoff pushed back inside.

  Eli’s body was so hot and tight, Geoff didn’t know if he’d be able to last. The heat coming off him was almost too much. “You make me crazy for you.” Slowly he withdrew his fingers and looked down at Eli, whose eyes were wide with desire, body shaking slightly, legs spread in invitation.

  “Geoff, hurry, please.” Eli’s were so deep, so full of passion; it was the singular most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. Geoff leaned forward and kissed his lover hard as he slowly entered his body, watching his expression for signs of discomfort.

  Eli’s eyes widened further as his guardian muscle stretched for the first time. Geoff stopped moving. “Are you okay?” Eli didn’t move right away, and Geoff began to pull out.

  “No, I’m fine. So full.”

  With a small sigh, Geoff began pushing back inside, Eli’s heat drawing him in, the draw so forceful he couldn’t have stopped himself even if he wanted to. After what felt like a blissful eternity, his hips rested against Eli’s body.

  “Geoff, I can almost feel your heart beating inside me.” Geoff smiled and tensed his muscles. “Geoff… you danced in me.”

  Slowly, Geoff pulled out, Eli’s body tugging on him as he moved. Eli whimpered softly and then groaned deeply as Geoff pushed back in deep.

  “You look so hot right now,” Geoff said.

  “I feel hot right now, like I’m on fire… for you.” Eli reached out, his fingers sliding down Geoff’s chest and stomach. “I want you, Geoff. I want to feel you.”

  “You’ll feel me.” Geoff continued his pace, slow and steady, making every stroke count. “You’ll feel me when you’re riding, when you’re walking, when you’re sitting at the table.”

  “Gosh….” Eli’s breathing was deep and heavy, his eyes full. Geoff wrapped his hand around Eli’s length and began stroking, moving to the tempo of their lovemaking.

  “Geoff!” He felt Eli pulse in his hand as he cried out and came, body throbbing on the mattress as Geoff followed right behind, pulled into his own release by the near vise grip of Eli’s body.

  Slowly, reluctantly, Geoff pulled out of Eli’s body, breaking the physical connection. After a quick cleanup, Geoff pulled Eli close. “Love you.”

  Eli rolled over, kissing him. “Love you too.” Eli’s eyes drifted shut, and soon he’d drifted off, with Geoff not far behind him.

  Geoff woke to the morning sounds of the farm. He heard movement in the house and slowly extricated himself from his still sleeping lover’s embrace. Dressing quietly, he left the room, letting Eli sleep. Downstairs, he found Len in the kitchen.

  “Raine’s going home tomorrow?” Len asked. Geoff nodded as he poured a cup of coffee. “What’s planned for today?”

  “Don’t know. I thought we’d probably stay close, ride some, let him take it easy before he drives home. It’s been nice having him here.”

  Len sipped from his mug. “I could tell. All three of you seem to be having a good time.” He finished his coffee and put the mug in the sink. “Have fun today.”

  Geoff sat at the table and smiled to himself, sipping from his mug. He heard footsteps, and Eli came in, pouring himself a mug from the pot. “Why didn’t you get me up with you?”

  “You were sleeping so soundly, I didn’t want to wake you.”

  Eli leaned to him, kissing his lips softly.

  “I thought we’d take it easy today, maybe go out for dinner tonight, just relax,” Geoff said. Eli sat gingerly at the table, and Geoff smiled. “You okay?”

  Eli returned the smile. “A little sore, but it feels sort of good—like I can still feel you.”

  Geoff hid a grin behind his coffee cup. He liked that Eli could still feel him and would still feel him for most of the day.

  “How in the hell can you get up so godawful early every day?” Raine yawned as he plopped in a chair. “God, the sun isn’t even awake yet.” Geoff got up and poured Raine a mug of coffee, handing it to him between yawns.

  “I thought we’d take it easy today, maybe ride some and you can relax. Tonight we’ll go out.” Geoff stood up. “We’ve got a few chores to do. You can relax for a while if you want.” Raine nodded and sipped his coffee while Geoff and Eli headed to the barn.

  They spent the next couple of hours cleaning stalls. When they were done, they put their tools away and headed back toward the house. To their surprise, they found Raine leaning against the paddock fence watching the colt and his mother.

  “How old is he again?” Raine asked.

  “About two months.”

  “He sure is beautiful.”

  Geoff leaned against the fence, putting an arm around Eli’s waist. “Kirk’s his sire.” They watched as the young colt ran and played around his mother. “I never knew how wonderful it could be outside the city.” Raine turned to face Geoff. “I thought you were nuts for leaving Chicago, but I can see you were the smart one. You’re really happy here, and you weren’t there.” Geoff tried to argue, but Raine stopped him. “Not like you are here.”

  Geoff’s stomach rumbled loudly, and they took that as a sign, heading inside to eat.

  After lunch, they spent the afternoon riding and relaxing until it was time to get ready for dinner.

  “Are you two read
y to go?” Geoff found Eli and Raine both in the living room.

  “We’ve been waiting for you.” Geoff rolled his eyes at Raine and led the way outside and to the truck, and they headed toward town, laughing and enjoying themselves. Geoff knew he was going to be sad to see Raine leave. He drove through town and pulled up to a familiar restaurant that had a view of the lake. After telling the hostess his name, they were seated at a table near the windows.

  “Geoff, this is so nice.” Eli was wide-eyed as he looked around the restaurant and took the menu from the hostess. “I’ve never been to any place like this before.”

  Geoff squeezed Eli’s knee to reassure him. “Just have fun and be yourself.” Eli smiled and opened his menu. Their server stopped by the table, explained the specials, and took their drink orders. Raine and Geoff ordered a glass of wine, and Eli ordered a soda.

  They talked and laughed while they looked over the menu. Raine was the first to set his down. “I’m having the perch.”

  “I can’t decide between the salmon or the duck. What about you, Eli?”

  Eli put his menu down. “I don’t really know.” He seemed a little overwhelmed.

  Geoff leaned close. “Do you want me to order for you?”

  Eli shook his head. “I just don’t want to embarrass you if I do something wrong.”

  “You won’t, Tiger. Just relax and enjoy.” Geoff leaned close. “There is nothing you could do to embarrass me as long as you just be you. Okay?”

  Eli nodded and returned his attention to the menu. “I’m going to try the duck.”

  “Then I’ll have the salmon,” Geoff said.

  The server came over and took their orders, returning a few minutes later with their drinks and salads. They talked and laughed together. Geoff kept an eye on Eli, who just seemed uncomfortable in an “out of his element, not sure of himself” kind of way.

  “Eli, look over there.” Geoff indicated a table with children. “If they can eat here, spilling food everywhere, you have nothing to worry about.” Geoff squeezed Eli’s leg again, and Eli finally seemed to relax.


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