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Dreamspinner Press Year Three Greatest Hits

Page 42

by Jenna Hilary Sinclair

  Geoff turned his head, kissing his lover tenderly. “Not only are you the kindest, sweetest, most giving person I’ve ever met, you’re the bravest too.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are. It takes a brave person to give up everything for love.” Eli’d given up his family and the only life he’d ever known for him. Geoff just hoped he could live up to that.

  “I didn’t give up anything.” Eli rolled onto his side. “Instead, I have everything, because I have you.”

  Geoff faced his lover. “Then we’re both lucky, because we have each other.” Geoff leaned in for another kiss and pulled Eli to him, his body responding immediately.

  Eli stopped him gently. “I have to get to work. Don’t want the boss unhappy.”

  “I know him; he can be a real pain in the butt.”

  Eli got off the bed, walking gingerly. “Don’t I know it.” Geoff tried to swat the butt in question, but Eli dodged away, laughing as he began picking up his clothes. Eli held up his shirt. “Don’t think I can wear this again.”

  “I put your clothes in the dresser in your old room.” Geoff pulled on his pants and began buttoning his shirt.

  “Old room. You don’t want me to stay here? But I thought—”

  “Eli, I want you to stay here in this room, with me. When I asked you if you were staying, I meant with me, here in this room, sharing this bed, forever.”

  Eli broke into a smile and jumped into Geoff’s arms. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” They began kissing again, and despite their earlier efforts, their clothes ended up scattered back on the floor. Chores could wait, the world could wait—right now, right here, it was just them.


  GEOFF WOKE early, really early. He had things to do, and he didn’t want Eli to know. Gingerly getting out of bed, he slipped out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, where he’d hidden his clothes. Somehow he managed to dress in the dark without killing himself. Opening the door slowly, he tiptoed through the room and out the bedroom door. Carefully walking down the stairs, he slipped into his insulated pants, boots, coat, gloves, and hat. Dressed like an Eskimo, he quietly headed outside through the fresh snow to the barn.

  Geoff went right to the tack room and dug out part of Eli’s Christmas present, putting it near the door so he’d remember to take it back inside. Then he made his way to each stall, filling mangers with hay and checking water buckets. Long, regal heads poked out of every stall. For years the lower portion of the barn had been bigger than they needed. The farm just didn’t need twenty horses. But since Eli returned and began teaching riding with Len’s help and blessing, he and Geoff had decided to fill fourteen of the stalls with boarders for Eli’s riding students. They’d advertised briefly, but word had quickly spread in horse circles, and Eli earned a reputation as an excellent riding teacher. After two months, his classes were full, and he had a waiting list of students.

  As he worked, Geoff began to get warm, so he pulled off his coat. Within an hour, all the horses were fed and watered. He checked on each horse, giving each a treat and making sure they were okay. Then he made sure the two steers were fed and watered. Joey had faithfully taken care of his two charges, and they were growing nicely. Geoff had specifically told Joey not to come to the barn today. His last stop was the stall of the colt. He was stunning, and soon there’d be two more. The colt’s mother and Twilight were both expecting Kirk’s foals, and Geoff was hoping one of them would have the stallion’s rich, black coloring. He made sure all the doors were secure before heading back to the house with his surprise.

  As he walked through the snow, he stopped in the middle of the yard, taking a minute to look around. The last several months had been both happy and sad. Losing his father had been hard, but he would never have found Eli without his father’s passing. It was definitely a bittersweet thought. The purchase of the Winters’ farm had gone off without a hitch. Frank had already planned all of the acreage for the next year, and they were making plans for future years. He’d even taken to puttering around the barn, helping with repairs. There was also the possibility of purchasing some additional hayfields, but that was for the future. Geoff couldn’t stop himself from looking all around him. The farm was profitable, and much of the money he’d used to buy land had been replaced. Life was indeed good.

  Geoff began to feel the cold starting to seep through his clothes, so he headed toward the house, filling his arms with firewood before opening the back door.

  The house was still quiet as he put the wood near the stove and began peeling off his winter gear. Opening the back cupboard in the laundry room, he pulled out the rest of the presents, placing them under the tree. With a sneaky smile, he went back upstairs, undressed, and crawled back into bed.

  Eli curled up to him and then jerked away. “Geez, where have you been? I’m not cuddling up to an ice cube.”

  “This ice cube just fed and watered all the horses so you don’t have to get out of bed.”

  Eli gingerly kissed Geoff. “Thank you, but don’t put your cold parts on me.” Eli shifted away again, nearly falling off the mattress as Geoff started rubbing his butt. “No fair, you’re too cold.”

  Geoff slunk away. “That’s not cold.” He reached over and pulled Eli to him. “This is cold.” Eli shivered and tried to get away, but Geoff held him close.

  “You’re nice and warm.”

  Eli slapped him playfully. “And you’re mean.” Then he settled next to Geoff, finally cuddling close as he warmed up. “Just don’t put your feet on me.”

  “I love you too much for that.” Geoff’s feet were like ice, even to him. “Merry Christmas, Tiger.” He nuzzled Eli’s neck, sucking gently on the warm skin.

  “Merry Christmas.” Eli rolled over, pressing close to Geoff. “Love you.” Eli leaned close, nibbling on Geoff’s ear. “Is it time for presents?” Before Geoff could react, Eli was out of bed running for the bathroom, laughing like a kid the entire way.

  Shaking his head, Geoff got out of bed and pulled on some sweats and socks before going downstairs. Eli had gone a little nuts with the Christmas decorations. There were pine boughs strung everywhere. The house smelled like a forest. Eli had never had a Christmas tree before, so Len had taken him along when he looked for one to cut. Len said Eli had insisted on this tree—the top of it touched the ceiling. Geoff plugged in the lights on the tree and stood back. Eli had insisted on using only homemade ornaments, and they’d spent a lot of evenings making paper stars, painting wooden cutouts, and stringing popcorn and cranberries. Geoff turned around and saw Eli coming down the stairs.

  “I thought you were crazy, but this is the best Christmas tree I’ve ever seen.” It was stunning, covered in the ornaments they’d made together.

  Eli moved into his arms. “Who’s coming for dinner?”

  “My Aunt Mari, Aunt Vicki and the family, along with Frank and Penny Winters.”

  “Maybe I should ask the really important question—who’s cooking all the food? And don’t you dare say you are.”

  Geoff laughed. “Aunt Mari and Aunt Vicki are actually doing the cooking. Well, most of it other than all the stuff you’ve baked for the last three days.” Eli had filled the house with the scent of enough baking cookies, fresh bread, candy, and sweets to delight even Scrooge. “You’ve really made this Christmas special in so many ways. I know it’s been hard for you being away from your family.”

  “You’re my family, and it has been special, very special.” They leaned together, kissing softly in the glow of the twinkling lights on the tree.

  “You’re so beautiful and handsome. I love you so much.” Geoff tilted Eli’s head gently and kissed him again, their bodies pressed together on their own, each finding the other. Geoff was tempted—how wonderful would it be to make love right here under the tree? But Len would be down soon. “Do you want your big present now or later?”

  “What did you do?” Eli watched Geoff shrug and smirk. “I’ll wait ’til later.”

ff put another log in the stove and went to the kitchen, brewing coffee and starting a light breakfast. As he expected, the scent brought Len downstairs, yawning. “What is it with you two? It’s a day off, and you’re still up with the cows.” Len yawned again. “You’re worse now than you were as a kid.”

  “It’s Christmas!” Geoff and Eli replied, and they laughed. Len’s only reply was to shake his head and pad into the kitchen, returning with a steaming mug.

  Len sat in his chair while Eli and Geoff went to the tree and started handing out presents. Eli went first, handing Geoff a wrapped box. Geoff opened it and gasped. Inside was a beautiful wooden desk set Eli had obviously made himself. “Thank you.” Geoff pulled Eli to him for a hug.

  “I thought you could use it when you do the accounts.”

  Geoff handed Eli the package he’d brought in from the barn that morning. “This is for you from both Dad and I.” Geoff looked at Len and smiled.

  Eli opened the package and looked at both of them, confused. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”

  Geoff explained. “That’s one of the name tags we use on the stalls.”

  “I see that, but why does it say Tiger on it?”

  Geoff leaned real close. “I know I call you Tiger, but what else on this farm has that name?”

  Eli’s eyes went wide. “You’re giving me the colt?” Eli sat on the floor, a tear rolling down that beautiful face.

  “Merry Christmas.”

  Eli jumped up and gave Len a huge hug before throwing himself into Geoff’s arms, hugging him tightly. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Love.”

  Len got up and finished making breakfast, with Geoff and Eli joining him a few minutes later.

  AFTER ALL the festivities, the huge dinner, and the house full of relatives, the late afternoon quiet was wonderfully refreshing. “Thank you for a wonderful Christmas,” Eli said, looking at the glowing Christmas tree. “Where did Len say he was going?”

  “To Chris’s for a few hours.”

  Eli moved closer. “How do you feel about him dating?”

  “I’m thrilled for him, actually. He went through a lot with Dad’s cancer, and if he’s ready to date again, then I’m happy. Besides, Chris is a great guy and really seems to like him. To tell you the truth, I’m just so in love, I want the world to be in love.” Geoff had hired Chris toward the end of summer. He and Len had gotten along great from the start but had only started dating about a month ago. “Dad says that they’re taking it slow.”

  Eli snuggled close. “That’s what he says, but I see how he lights up whenever they’re together.” Eli smiled up at Geoff. Oh, he knew that lit-up look well. He’d seen Eli light up often enough over the last few months.

  “Look.” Geoff pointed out the window. Light snow had just started to fall in the fading twilight. “It’s so beautiful.” They stood together watching the snow, holding each other, but soon progressed to hot, slow, kissing. “I’ve got one more present for you, but this one’s different. It’s something we can work on together.” Eli’s eyes locked on Geoff’s. “Frank has an old carriage in his garage. It’ll need some work, but I thought we could do it together. We’d have to train one of the horses to pull it, but I thought it would be a fun project for us.”

  Eli’s eyes widened. “Is it plain?”

  Geoff shook his head. “It’s really fancy, black with gold scrollwork and red upholstery. It’ll be some work, but I thought we could take it to the fair next year if we get it done.”

  “You take such good care of me.” Eli moved closer, as if that were possible. “Yes, I’d love to work on the carriage with you. When can I see it?” Eli’s eyes were bright with excitement.

  “We’ll take the truck tomorrow and bring it back.” The light outside was fading, the room getting darker, with only the tree for light.

  Eli led him to the sofa, and when Geoff sat, Eli straddled his legs, pushing him back against the cushions before taking his lips in a smoldering kiss. “Love you.”

  Geoff’s head lolled back against the cushions as Eli’s hands pulled at the hem of his sweatshirt, pulling it up and off. “Love you too, Tiger. More than anything or anyone.” He could feel a shudder travel through Eli. “When you were gone, I shut down, stopped feeling, stopped thinking—wanted only you.”

  Eli stood up, pulling off his shirt and slipping his pants down his legs. Without speaking, he tapped Geoff’s hip. Geoff lifted up, and Eli tugged away the sweatpants. Then Eli was back, straddling his hips, that hot, hard cock rubbing against his stomach. Eli’s lips kissed him hard, demanding, taking. “Never want to be without you again.” Eli’s hands roamed over Geoff’s chest. “I need you, like I need to breathe.”

  Geoff’s hands caressed Eli’s shoulders, sliding down his back before cupping the firm butt. Their kisses became more urgent and needy. Hands became greedy, needing to touch. Geoff pulled Eli to him, pressing their chests together. Eli whimpered softly as Geoff’s hand slid beneath him, fingers sliding across his opening. “Geoff, your hands; need more.” Bringing a hand to Eli’s lips, he slipped two fingers into his mouth. Eli sucked them deep, swirling his tongue around the digits. Then Geoff slipped his fingers from Eli’s lips before pressing them to his lover’s opening, swirling one against the muscle. Eli whined softly as Geoff’s finger pressed into him, first to one knuckle and then two.

  “You like that, Tiger?” Geoff sure did. Every time he moved his finger Eli rocked against him, that hot body and throbbing length brushing against him.

  “Yeah, do that thing you do.” Eli threw his head back, holding on to Geoff’s shoulders.

  Geoff added another finger, scissoring them inside his lover as he brushed against the spot that made Eli moan and vibrate against him. “Is that what you want?” Eli nodded as his eyes closed. “How about this?” Geoff twisted his fingers deep, and he felt Eli shudder against him, hot skin vibrating against his.

  “Geoff, I need you soon.” Eli’s arms wound around his neck, holding on tight as Geoff continued playing Eli’s body like a fine instrument.

  “I know, Love.” Slowly, Geoff removed his fingers and leaned to the floor next to the sofa to grab the lube. After slicking himself, he slowly slid into his lover. Eli’s face glowed as he pushed inside, joining them together. “You’re so beautiful like this. Love how you feel around me.” Geoff flexed his hips, driving deep.

  Eli threw his head back, crying out as Geoff filled him before pulling out and driving deep again. Geoff set a nice rhythm, and Eli met each movement, every stroke. Their lips came together, heating their passion. “Geoff…. Love you.”

  “Love you too, Tiger.” Eli surprised him by driving down onto Geoff, taking him deep and then lifting off again. “Not gonna last if you keep doing that.” Eli just smiled and kept right on driving Geoff into him. “Stroke yourself, Tiger; want you to come with me.”

  Eli began to move, his hand sliding along his length. Geoff watched as his eyes rolled back, his face a mask of pure pleasure. “That’s it, Love, give it to me. Show me how good it is.” Eli’s eyes popped open, and his head tilted back as he cried out softly. Geoff felt his lover’s hot release paint his stomach. The contractions and the heat were too much. Geoff felt his own release barrel through him, and he poured himself deep in his lover.

  Then he was being held close, lips moving against his, soft kisses soothing him out of his post-orgasmic haze.

  “Love you, love you so much,” Eli whispered as he was kissing him, and his hands petted Geoff’s head as he slowly came down from one of the most intense orgasms of his life. Each time with Eli seemed better than the last, and this was no exception. Eli lifted himself off Geoff’s legs and went to the kitchen, returning with paper towels and carefully wiped them clean. Geoff reclined on the sofa, and Eli nestled against him. Geoff covered them with the blanket, and he held Eli close, his chest pressed to Eli’s back. The light outside continued to fade as they cuddled together.

  “You always say
that I’m beautiful. Will you still love me when I’m old?”

  Geoff’s hand made small circles on his stomach. “Elijah.” Geoff rarely called him that, and he turned his head to look into Geoff’s eyes. “I don’t love you because you’re beautiful. You’re beautiful because I love you.”

  Geoff kissed him softly, and they watched the snow fall in the fading light.

  ANDREW GREY grew up in western Michigan with a father who loved to tell stories and a mother who loved to read them. Since then he has lived all over the country and traveled throughout the world. He has a master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and now works full-time on his writing. Andrew’s hobbies include collecting antiques, gardening, and leaving his dirty dishes anywhere but in the sink (particularly when writing). He considers himself blessed with an accepting family, fantastic friends, and the world’s most supportive and loving husband. Andrew currently lives in beautiful historic Carlisle, Pennsylvania.




  Accompanied by a Waltz

  Crossing Divides

  Dominant Chord

  Dutch Treat

  Eastern Cowboy

  A Heart Without Borders

  In Search of a Story

  North to the Future

  One Good Deed

  The Price

  Shared Revelations

  Stranded • Taken

  Three Fates (Multiple Author Anthology)

  To Have, Hold, and Let Go

  Whipped Cream

  Holiday Stories

  Copping a Sweetest Day Feel • Cruise for Christmas

  A Lion in Tails • Mariah the Christmas Moose

  A Present in Swaddling Clothes • Simple Gifts

  Snowbound in Nowhere • Stardust


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