Book Read Free


Page 7

by Bonnie Watson

  “Trust me, Ashpin. Lord Gracie’s one of the few individuals that manages his time very well.”

  As the group settled into their new surroundings, the smell of food peaked their interest along some back tables. The main floor was accessible by descending a few steps, as the room’s entrance was shared on either side by a grand staircase leading to a second floor balcony. A small alcove off to the side had been arranged for servants accompanying their masters, with the same treats as offered to the wealthy. Dark tablecloths presented a pleasant contrast to the colorful arrangements on each and drew many a curious gaze.

  One of the tables contained the main course. Upon further inspection, the prince took in the menu’s finest: turkey, stuffed hog with an apple in its mouth, rabbit, venison, and quail. Everything had been garnished to perfection, though it was the vegetables that held his fancy: steamed potatoes, peeled and sliced, surrounded by steamed broccoli, with carrots and onions all mixed together. There was cauliflower and several cabbages, zucchini, squash with a mix of lettuces, turnips, and spinach. Further down the table was bread, along with several jams and crackers. Then there were the desserts, all waiting in cake-sized servings. Already, individuals were making use of their time before the crowds hit to sample a few items.

  “How will I know Lord Gracie is here?”

  “Hmmm?” Wisdom’s concentration snapped to the boy. “Oh, you’ll know! Lord Gracie has a knack for drawing the most attention.”

  The boy grinned.

  “I’m sure he’ll be awhile to let all the guests arrive. Least, that’s what he did last time. Why don’t you take some time to look around? Who knows? Might get lucky and see your father here.” That piqued the boy’s attention. While he immediately began scanning the room, Wisdom offered Glory a drink.

  While the rest of the group mingled with other guests, the two walked arm and arm over to one of the tables where a sweet smelling punch was being served. The red color swirled in a glass dish while he ladled some into a cup and handed it to her. Thinly sliced pieces of fruit floating within the bowl gave it a slight citrus flavor when they took a sip.

  “This is better than before,” he said.

  “How so?”

  “That I’m not bound to this place, and you don’t have to run home.”

  Glory laughed. “I remember that! Every time we met in this room, I was always called away.”

  A tap to the shoulder turned their attention to a familiar figure decked in crimson. A gold band kept his wavy gray and brown hair in place while matching rings adorned his fingers.

  “I do hope to have first dance this evening.” Shafari, headmaster to the once infamous slave compound of Castle Mire, greeted them with a slight nod. His usual crimson and gold appearance was a memory in itself, as it brought instant flashbacks to when Wisdom had been in slavery.

  “Can magic-users dance?” Wisdom teased.

  Shafari smirked. “You’d be surprised. How’re things now that you’re Prince? No trouble from the ports, I take it.”

  Wisdom shook his head. “Not that I’m aware of.”

  Glory, however, frowned at the comment. “You don’t think Valor would show tonight, do you?”

  Shafari rubbed his curling goatee in thought. “Quite possible. But he should know better than start anything, especially here.” He flashed a crooked smile. “Besides, I’d hate to think of the panic two magic-users might cause if such happened.”

  “So your curses returned,” Wisdom guessed.

  “Pah! Wishful thinking on my part,” Shafari muttered. “No, my lad. The fire ordeal sealed away what was left of any magic I once had – something even Jenario would be quite glad of now. You know, he was once quite jealous of me.”

  “Of you? Can’t imagine why.” He grinned when Glory elbowed his side.

  “Well, I hope you two have resolved any differences. And I sincerely hope Valor doesn’t show, because he’ll be dealing with my curses if he even thinks about confronting me again.”

  “Sounds formidable!” Shafari inclined his head and backed away. “But I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

  That look of swift anger in Glory’s eye, with the slight protrusion of her bottom lip, and Wisdom knew she was about start a fit.

  “I think you can forget about that dance,” he said to the departing headmaster, receiving a cheeky grin. Then to Glory said, “He didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “I’m not worried about him!” Glory whispered harshly as they turned away from the drink section and headed across the room for the outside balcony. The doors had been propped open to allow a breath of fresh air into the ballroom. Though the space was constantly being filled, the room never felt overcrowded.

  Wisdom remembered Nicolas’ description of Luxor. While being No’va’s only floating castle, it was the only building that took on a life of its own by expanding rooms as necessary. And somewhere within, he knew several portals concealed sections of Lord Gracie’s private studies, bedrooms, and more.

  “I wonder if my grandfather is here,” he thought aloud, prompting a quick shift of conversation.

  “Oh, that’s right!” Glory remembered. “You said he stays here, doesn’t he? Maybe I’ll get to finally meet a member of your family. You’ll be able to thank him for the outfit. And such a handsome choice, too!”

  At this, Wisdom felt his own cheeks warm at her compliment. “Thank you.”

  “Now if we could just see what your brother was so late over, we could...” Her voice trailed off as her gaze drifted past her fiancé in disbelief.

  Concerned, Wisdom at once turned to find himself mirroring the same look.

  Shy strolled up to the two and nodded. “Brethusus,” he greeted, then looked down upon his rich clothing: a dark green vest trimmed in black over a high-collared shirt. The sleeves were long and airy, contrasting to his dark pants and boots. To finish the look, a wide leather belt hugged his waist. “Is it a bit much?”

  “It’s perfect.” Wisdom took note of his hair pulled back in a ponytail. “You’ve been studying human fashion, I see.”

  Shy just rolled his eyes. “Don’t get me wrong; I still prefer our traditional style. But…this’ll do for now.”

  “It suites you,” Glory said. She gestured toward several young women admiring Shy’s appearance. “And apparently others think so, too. Might even find someone special tonight.”

  Shy sighed, and Wisdom caught a faint memory of Katherine passing through his thoughts.

  “Seems he already has.”

  Glory’s eyes lit up. “Really? Do tell!”

  “Vistom!” Shy growled, but the conversation was cut short when the surrounding crowd’s attention was directed toward the front of the room. Amidst the growing attendees, Ashpin could be seen picking his way around guests to get a good look at the approaching Grand Master.

  Thomas Gracie was not one to call handsome, nor had he seen days of good looks in the past. His round face and body fit well with his deep voice as he greeted everyone in a pleasant manner. Wisdom kept a smile hidden upon remembering his first encounter with the Grand Master. Instead of appearing dressed to entertain, his garments had reflected a mere gardener, complete with patches sewn at the knees and elbows. Now, Lord Gracie reflected the master he had become over Luxor and its winged inhabitants with a royal green and black velvet robe.

  His announcement ceased all other chat as he stood upon the top step to welcome his guests. While speaking, his gaze drifted over each one, and Wisdom noticed that they seemed to pause every so often when recognizing certain individuals. When that gaze fell to the prince, they held each other in check. While Wisdom could easily read thoughts, Lord Gracie had his Foreseers. The prince was certain one was roaming not far from the open corridors when a multicolored feather fluttered inside one of the doorways.

  He recalled his first encounter with a large marmalade Foreseer. The winged feline had a way of pulling her wings around in order to reveal images of past, present, or future. It
was in this way Wisdom was able to keep tabs on Castle Mire when he was still in slavery. It was also how Lord Gracie knew things beforehand, and always managed to impress others by keeping one step ahead.

  I’ll be meeting with you soon, he heard a passing thought.

  It was only after the speech was given, followed by a round of applause, that Lord Gracie descended the steps to mingle with the crowd. Casually, Wisdom led Glory back to his small band of clan members. While Ashpin anxiously tried to keep from fidgeting, the prince could not help but say, “Be patient. He knows you’re waiting.” Then, to Glory, asked, “Any sign of your parents?”

  “No sign of my stepmother.” Her sarcastic tone received a chuckle.

  “And no sign of Valor,” Shafari joined the group. “Nick, you’re looking quite your age these days. Why haven’t you utilized this Healer’s abilities?”

  Nickademis just laughed, his long, gray whispers jiggling against his chest. “I doubt there’s a cure for age.”

  They shared conversation until the merry voice of Lord Gracie caught up to them.

  “The proud prince!” He greeted Wisdom. “And the Lady Elite, lovely as always.” He bowed to Glory. “And welcome, welcome all of you to Luxor! Now here’s a face I haven’t seen in a while.”

  “Thomas Gracie.” Nickademis stepped up to his friend to exchange warm greetings.

  “How have you been, my old friend?” Lord Gracie asked.

  As the two continued their conversation, Wisdom glanced between his companions. A smile slid across his face when he realized his clan was in the presence of the first three humans to enter No’va.

  “Now if only Jenario was here, the First Four would be complete.”

  Shafari’s expression soured. “He wouldn’t come even if his home was flooded with letters. In any case,” he glared at Lord Grace, “I hope you didn’t bother sending one.”

  Lord Gracie shook his head. “I only attempted to reach his son.”

  “Probably one in the same,” Nickademis said.

  “Abraham is not like his father,” Wisdom said sharply.

  “In any case,” Lord Gracie turned his attention to Ashpin, whose expression twisted in puzzlement as he tried to comprehend the current conversation. There came a chuckle. “No use trying, lad! Matters beyond our control. Now then, I believe I owe you an answer, don’t I? You’re looking for your father.”

  Mind-reader? Mididus asked in thought, but Wisdom only held a finger to his lips for secrecy.

  “Do you know where I can find him?” Ashpin’s face lit up with hope.

  An eyebrow raised in that all-knowing way. For an instant the Grand Master’s gaze locked with the prince’s, and Wisdom knew his answer would hold back more than it would give.

  “Your father was a successful hunter and fur trader,” he said. “Some of the furs you see in this building were purchased directly from him. But that was years ago. I’m afraid the Agecroft name is carried only with you now.”

  Disappointment crushed all excitement. A dull haze seemed to drift over his eyes as they stared, unfocused, into the crowd of unknown faces. Still, Ashpin managed to dip his head in silent thanks.

  Lord Gracie patted him gently on the shoulder. “I’m sorry I couldn’t provide a better answer for you.”

  “I didn’t really know much about him other than my mother’s stories,” Ashpin said softly. “Guess I just wanted to know why he left.”

  “So if he’s the only one carrying that name, then...” Shy glanced to Shafari, who tugged on his goatee.

  “Then it means he’s an orphan,” Shafari finished.” I’m sure the guards of Lexington will love a new thief on the streets. Unless someone takes him in.”

  “I already have,” Wisdom said. “I can provide what he needs for the time being.”

  “Another responsibility?” Shafari raised an eyebrow.

  Ashpin looked up at the prince, who returned his questioning stare with a grin.

  “I don’t see it as another responsibility.” Wisdom nodded to Glory. “Ashpin’s made it on his own long before finding the clan.”

  “Perhaps he could be an apprentice,” Glory suggested. “Father used to have one.”

  “An apprentice?” Excitement soon returned. “Under you?”

  “Yes, I’m quite curious on that one as well.” Shy crossed his arms. Though his ears were disguised to resemble a human’s, Wisdom could tell they were laid back in annoyance. What do you teach a human?

  “There is plenty to teach,” Wisdom returned, a slight edge to his tone. “Look at Nickademis. Half of what he knows about using herbal medicines was learned from Healers.”

  Ashpin glanced between the two brothers. “Can you teach me to heal?”

  “Are you serious?” Shy breathed.

  “Well, maybe not magic-wise.” Wisdom ignored a grumble from his brother. “But there are things you can learn that would help in the process.”

  A wave of music started in the background. As violins ripened the mood of surrounding guests, people began moving toward the melody. Couples joined together in dance, swaying and sliding across a prepared dance floor in the next room.

  “I’d still like that first dance, my dear.” Shafari offered his hand to Glory.

  “You should enjoy this evening.” Lord Gracie drew the two brothers’ attention. “She’ll be fine. In the meantime, there’s something I want to show you two.”

  “Us?” Shy indicated to himself and his brother.

  “Don’t worry.” The Grand Master began making his way through the crowd. “We’ll be back before the next dance begins.”

  Wisdom caught Glory’s questioning gaze, but he nodded for her to join Shafari while Ashpin and the rest mingled with their current company.

  “I do hope you enjoy the Waltz.” Shafari led Glory by the arm into the dance area where several others causally twirled past.

  “It was my mother’s favorite kind.” Her gaze still followed her fiancé through the crowd until losing sight of him. “My stepmother doesn’t particularly care for it, though.”

  Shafari guided her into a slow spin before pulling her close. With her hand resting on his left side, and his to her back, they began a causal side step, forward, then back. The move was repeated while joining a slow circle of couples. Occasionally, he would lean her back in a simple dip that deepened those already rosy cheeks. She laughed giddily and enjoyed a twirl that ruffled the edges of her gown.

  “You dance well,” she said.

  “And you keep up with me,” Shafari teased. “How did you find such a fortunate young man?”

  “More like he found me!”

  There came a tap to Shafari’s shoulder, and he turned to offer Glory to the next interested suitor. He hesitated a moment before stepping to the side. “I’ll be close by if you need me,” he whispered.

  “My Lady,” a blond-haired male addressed as he led her into the next dance. They made quite a pair, with Glory’s fair looks complementing her partner’s dashing burnished and gold-trimmed outfit. His curly locks had been pulled back in a small ponytail with just enough wave left around the forehead to avoid a slicked appearance.

  Glory kept an eye open for a way out as she looked him over with vacant expression.



  “I’m pleased you decided to join us this evening, Master Lorcán.”

  The use of their father’s surname made both brothers uneasy. After a brief period of silence, Shy answered, “I appreciate your hospitality, but Shy will do.”

  Wisdom eyed his brother a moment before turning his attention back to Lord Gracie, who led the two down the back corridor. The warm glow of light flowing between walls yielded to several hanging tapestries. These colorful fabrics adorned plain surfaces every few feet, and kept the brightness to a bearable minimum.

  “As you wish.” Lord Gracie’s smile never dimmed. “It was one of your own that helped make this place possible.”

  Wisdom caught t
hat glance of uncertainty from his brother, whose thoughts remained closed when nothing stood out from sight-reading. “Did Chronicles ever mention anything to you or others about his father?” “Providence?” Shy guessed. “We all presumed he had passed.”

  “Huh.” The prince chortled. “He’s…here.”

  “Wha—” Shy’s hushed response held back a throaty growl. When he spoke next, his tone reflected a slight gurgle of annoyance. “Pah! He’s been telling everyone that for years! Such ignorance! Too preoccupied to even bother...” He met his brother’s gaze. “Well, you know how he is.”

  Wisdom nodded. “I know. Everything gets blamed on...” He caught himself, then checked Lord Gracie’s reaction.

  “On humans?” A grin. “I don’t doubt it after what your family’s been through.”

  “And I suppose your history is just as clean?” Shy’s tensed look relaxed, and even offered a crooked smile. “My brother informed me you were one of the first humans in No’va.”

  Lord Gracie held a door open for them to enter at the end of the corridor. “I was, along with our current problem mage.” A hint of sarcasm slipped in his tone. After letting the brothers go first, he followed behind and shut the door.

  “We are well aware of both,” Wisdom corrected. “Jenario should have never touched a unicorn! That in itself has caused so much destruction. First for Nature, then for us.” He looked around the small room they had entered. Most of the furniture had been covered with white sheets, possibly extras pulled from the main ballroom. Having lived at the castle before, he was fairly certain the room contained a passage to a private location, for there were no other entrances besides the one they just used.

  “Definitely us,” Shy muttered, and Wisdom knew what he meant. The encounter with the dark unicorn had temporarily removed itself from his memory, leaving Shy at the mercy of a father believing his son was incompetent.

  While Lord Gracie checked a key ring at his belt, Shy let his attention span around the room, then back to the door.


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