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To Serve Is Divine

Page 20

by Hargrave, R. E.


  Erin Meets the Family

  Catherine would never admit it, but she was freaking out on the inside. She had understood having to meet Master’s parents if they’d come to the Villa for his birthday, but flying with him to meet them and his sister’s family seemed a bit above and beyond. If she could figure out what his motive for doing this was, she might be calmer. Without daring to hope that he was beginning to return the feelings she had for him, she’d concluded that he was pushing for her to reach out to her Da.

  She would take the trip at face value. It would be a weekend of role play where she’d get to play her dream role: Jayden’s love, instead of just his lover. Catherine was going to trust that Master had his reasons for wanting to put on the act. If the last nine months had taught her anything, she knew he had nothing but her best interests at heart.

  She would follow where he led, even if it was to a family reunion. Jayden had asked her to be informal with him around his family, and in the end Erin had a fantastic time.

  His sister Ronnie was a riot to be around. She was a female version of Jayden in looks; sharing the silky dark hair, chocolate eyes, and bronze skin. Where Ronnie’s hair was cropped short and stylish near her ears, her partner Steph had long, flaxen strands and a paler complexion. The two of them made a striking, adorable couple, and there were no words to describe just how adorable the twins were – Benny and June, so named apparently because it was the girls’ favorite movie.

  Nor could Erin describe how she’d felt each time Jayden had held one of the twins. He’d looked amazing with a babe cradled in his arms. So much so that every time he did Catherine was hard pressed not to imagine him doing the same sometime in the future with a baby of their own, but she always squelched those thoughts at once.

  After spending the weekend with his parents Jillian and Malcolm, and his sisters she figured out why Jayden was a natural with the babies – the Masterson’s could be a poster family for happiness. The number of times they completed each other’s sentences was a little eerie. Everyone chipped in on meals and the laundry that piled up despite it only being a four-day weekend. Steph and Ronnie swore they were on vacation with all the help they were getting, but the rest of them were more than happy to do it. The family values were inspirational.

  Malcolm was weather-worn with a permanent sparkle in his brown eyes that spoke of his love for his wife and family. Jillian had the weathered tan to match her husband’s – both hard-earned from years of running their ranch out in West Texas – but where Malcolm had accepted his silver hair with grace Jillian’s was almost as red as Erin’s and her eyes just as green.

  During the day Jayden and Erin played house and happy family with the Mastersons, and when they reached the hotel room at night, Catherine and Master came out for their turn. It surprised Erin how easy it was to balance both.

  That knowledge might have even put silly notions in her head.

  In saying their farewells, Erin stood by while Jillian insisted that Jayden bring her out to the ranch before the year was out. Jayden didn’t make any promises, but assured her that they would try.

  In the car on the way to the airfield, where the corporate jet waited, Jayden revealed that he was thrilled the weekend had gone so well, and Erin was able to admit that she was sad to leave.

  They passed the hour long flight back up to Dallas continuing to talk about the visit since Jayden was obviously bursting at the seams to find out what Erin had thought of his family.

  “So, what did you think?” His eyes sparkled with boyish charm.

  “About what?”

  “My family, the weekend . . . just being us,” he added the last part almost too low for her to hear.

  Erin’s breath stuttered before she recovered enough to answer with some decorum. “Well, Jillian has to be the Mrs. Cleaver of the twenty-first century.”

  Jayden beamed at her words. “She is pretty great, isn’t she?”

  Erin laughed, and nodded. This was a whole new side to Jayden, and she liked it. He really was meant to be a family man. She sobered a bit when the thought occurred to her that he was going to make some woman very lucky one day. Chances were it wouldn’t be her; she probably couldn't even have babies.

  “Dad didn’t scare you, did he? I know he can get a little excited when he gets going on his horses.”

  Malcolm Masterson had made his place in the world by breeding and racing thoroughbred stallions. He was quite proud of his charter membership in the Texas Thoroughbred Association and how many of his stallions had made the top five on the state’s Sire List. Jayden was right, his dad did like to talk about them, but he was harmless – he just loved what he did.

  “What? No. Malcolm was great. I got to see where you get your good looks and talent for being in control,” she teased Jayden, trying to change the direction her mood was heading after imagining Jayden in a future without her.

  “So now you know I’ve got staying power,” Jayden teased right back, throwing in a smirk.

  His lips were hovering over her mouth while his eyes bored into hers.

  When did he get so close? Erin thought while seeing her wide-eyed reflection in his shiny, brown eyes.

  Lowering his voice again, his next words didn’t help the already hazy soup her brain was turning into under the intensity of his gaze.

  “And us?”

  She didn’t get a chance to answer because the plane hit some turbulence at that moment and bounced them together. The moment their lips smashed together all talk ceased, and she became complacent in his arms. They spent the remainder of the flight making out like teenagers.

  Miraculously, all of their clothes stayed on. When they exited the plane and descended to the tarmac at Love Field, Micah waited with the car. His presence reminded them of the intricate dynamics of the relationship they had and there was an unspoken agreement that while Jayden and Erin could keep the memory of the weekend, they wouldn’t speak of what had transpired on the plane just then. It was too raw, too risky.


  The rest of the summer days passed in a blur while they were caught up in everyday life. Jayden was busy with work. He’d explained to her that contract reviews and purchase orders in finalizing the China steel arrangement had to be done in addition to gearing up for the inevitable holiday orders that would put his craftsmen into overtime. Erin had also caught him mumbling a few times about a side project that was also coming along, and how Jayden was almost ready to take the next step on it.

  Erin found herself working five days a week. The summer was when most people took time off for vacations with their kids thereby increasing the need for temps. By the time she had done her work shift, exercised, and journaled each day, she fell into bed. Maintaining the six hours of sleep a night minimum that Master required of her hadn’t been a problem.

  With their busier schedules, playroom scenes took on a certain intensity. Erin believed her weekends with Master were the reason she survived the weeks. Monday never looked too bad after a good flogging. Jayden concurred.

  The playroom became their secret retreat.

  Climbing Texas temperatures had limited their field trip options, but the trips along with visits to Dungeons and Dreams seemed to have taken a backseat. They had come to an unspoken agreement that they’d had enough of large crowds during the week and their limited time together should be reserved for just the two of them.

  It was how they coped and got by until life began to calm down in the early days of September.

  ~~~Chapter 21~~~

  Demon Night Introductions

  Over the last couple of months since returning from his sister’s, Jayden had been returning the canes to their spot on the playroom wall. To date, three now hung out of the ten that he owned – all of various materials and sizes. If Catherine had noticed them, then she’d accepted them with no noticeable reaction.

  Great was the magnitude with which this pleased Jayden. He felt that she was ready to take another s
tep toward accepting. Since the whip and the cane could leave the same kind of sting – and even marks if done with care – Jayden planned to test the waters to see if he could use the whip as an entry point into her mental wall of canes.

  A long-time friend was coming into town – one who specialized in whips. Dallas was the next stop on Jonathan Walter’s traveling instruction course. He would be here for the next year or so. Jonathan had called Jayden to let him know he’d booked a night at D & D to announce that he was in town with a demo, and to see if the rumors that he’d heard were true – that Jayden Masterson had finally collared a sub.

  Jonathan had been after Jayden for years to take his course so that Jayden could add to the skills he had to offer a submissive. Jayden had never been too keen to learn the whip, afraid it would be too addicting, too easy to get lost in. He was afraid of hurting the person who had trusted him not to do permanent damage to their body so Jayden had never pursued the skill.

  Jayden was curious to see how Catherine would react to the whip. She didn’t have it listed as a hard-limit, but she did have it marked as ‘hesitant to try’ under her soft-limits. If the night went well, he would be signing up for Jonathan’s class.

  His phone vibrated with a notification of the front gate being opened so he shut down his laptop and moved to meet Catherine in the foyer. They didn’t have time to do the playroom greeting tonight if they were going to make the demo on schedule. He had chosen a special outfit for her for tonight, and she still needed to get ready.

  Catherine entered the house moments later flushed from the hot September afternoon and unaware that Jayden stood to the side. He hid his smile behind his hand while he watched her mumbling to herself while closing the door. A twinge in his chest caught him off guard when she stopped, closed her eyes, and took a deep cleansing breath. He didn’t think there was anything more beautiful than his jewel at peace.

  When Catherine turned to head up the stairs, Jayden spoke.

  “A moment, Catherine.”

  Her surprise at his presence showed in the small jerk of her body when his voice filled the foyer, yet in perfect form, she turned around and melted to her knees, where she assumed a waiting position.

  “Of course, Master.”

  “You were waxed today, yes?” He waited for her confirmation nod. “Good. I’ve decided we’re going to the club tonight. It’s been too long and an old friend of mine is in from out of town with a special demo I’d like you to watch.”

  “Anything you wish, Master. What is this girl to wear?”

  “Your outfit is on your bed. I’d like your hair up so that I can see your neck tonight. We don’t have a lot of time so please hurry.”

  “Aye, Master.”


  Thirty minutes later Jayden was waiting for Catherine in the foyer once again. He’d used the time to get in a call to his mom so that she wouldn’t bother him this weekend. She had also needed to be updated on where he was in the planning stages for their visit in October at the ranch.

  The visit was to be a surprise for Catherine in celebration of their upcoming one-year collaring anniversary.

  Her heels echoed on the wood floor. Glancing up, the breath was knocked out of him when Catherine came into view, and the blood raced to his cock. She was a stunning vision of fire and creamy exposed flesh.

  The dress Jayden had chosen was a stretchy, slinky red number that sparkled. It molded around her hips and ass like a second skin while the top half of the dress was held to her body by a strap around her neck. The fabric gathered and draped over her tits, sitting to the outer sides of them, just covering her nipples and baring a long line of skin from her neck to right above her pubic mound. It would take but a flick of his hand to have her tits bared for his pleasure.

  “You are gorgeous, Catherine. Come kneel before me, I must adorn you before we leave.”


  Catherine Witnesses True Beauty

  Until Master had told her they were going to the club, she hadn’t realized how much she’d missed it. Her spirit continued to lift when she arrived at her room and saw the outfit Master had provided for her.

  While there wasn’t much to the dress, it was sexy and alluring to her, and the feel of the material was sinful. With the dress on, she knew she was covered, but it fit so well and moved with her body such that she could have been wearing nothing. Catherine loved it.

  It didn’t take her long to get ready. She’d worn her hair down, but it was a simple matter to style it in a sexy pile of crimson curls on top of her head. Her accessories were black – austere yet elegant – a satin thong and strappy shoes that buckled around her ankle with thick bands.

  The shoes reminded Catherine of her leather play collar. She had a feeling Master would be trading her pearls out for them before they left.

  Her hunch turned out correct. They exchanged the words, and her pearls were replaced by leather, but Master took it one step further. Once the collar had been seen to, he pushed her dress back so he could get at her nipples to decorate them. The jewelry had interlocking clasps that encircled and squeezed her nipple with a delicious low pain that thrummed through Catherine and excited her. Hanging from each loop was a crude stamped piece of metal – much like military dog tags – embedded with the word ‘SLUT’.

  Catherine had almost been disappointed when he pulled the dress back over her breasts thus hiding the trinkets. When Master clipped the leash to her collar, led her to the car, and proceeded to keep his hand inside her dress plucking on her for the duration of the ride, her disappointment dissolved, though.

  Master edged her in the car with his touch and his lewd words, and then left her lingering on another dimensional plane where craving and horniness ruled once they arrived at Dungeons and Dreams and they had to exit the vehicle to go inside.

  Catherine behaved like the good girl she was while Master led her inside by her leash. They checked-in with Angelique, who looked ravishing in burgundy. Master reserved a room for later while they made small talk about the club Halloween party being planned for next month. Soon enough, Master tugged on her leash and guided her into the club’s belly.

  She was expecting to be led to the back where the larger conference rooms. They were often used for meetings or special occasions where a larger audience was expected. Master didn’t do what Catherine had expected, however. Since her eyes had been on the ground while they walked, Catherine wasn’t paying attention to where they were going; she just knew when it got dark.

  Master had dragged her into a dark room. After the latch clicked, a dim light came on and she flooded her panties at the command he issued.

  “On your knees right now, slut.”

  Oh, yes.

  By the time Catherine was where he told her to be, Master had pulled his cock out of his pants. It was hard and turning a reddish-purple color when he gripped it and rubbed it along her cheek.

  He dropped her leash and his hand snaked out and pushed her dress back.

  “Hold your tits up for me and open your mouth. You’re a naughty slut getting your Master so worked up that he can’t control his own dick. Give me some relief now.”

  Catherine moaned at the sensation of her cool hands on her breasts. She squeezed while she proffered them to him. The SLUT tags dug into her nipples tighter. When she relaxed so did the sharp pinch. Her mouth dropped open and Master’s cock slid home without preamble.

  They both knew he wasn’t seeking a long, drawn out, sensual blow job. Master wanted to get off and get back to the business of why they’d come here tonight. He wanted to fuck her mouth — simple as that.

  She was more than happy to indulge him. In addition to the usual flicking and swirling of her tongue around his shaft, Catherine made sure to keep her breasts held high while Master jerked on the tags which evoked loud moans from her.

  Master’s length slid in and out of her mouth becoming slicker with drool the faster and deeper he pushed. The sounds of pleasure he was emitting under
her attentions were almost enough to make Catherine giggle with happiness, and she might have, if the sounds hadn’t been so damn sexy, too.

  Not to mention that it also would have been rude for her to laugh with her mouth full of Master’s cock. So she sucked for everything she was worth and five minutes later, Catherine was swallowing Master’s come, and gloating on the inside for a job well done.

  He collapsed against the wall behind him, his cock pulling out of her mouth with a wet sound. Before he righted her dress and grabbed her leash to take her to see the mysterious demo, he did up his pants and kissed her followed by a whispered, “Good girl” that made her heart sing.

  The demo turned out to be a whipping and they were late. The demonstration had already begun while they took their little detour. Master led her around the outer edge of the room toward the front to where a recliner sat with a reserved sign on top of the small table next to it. He dropped into the seat. With a snap of his fingers and a tug of the leash, he had Catherine straddle his thigh.

  While he stroked the bare skin of her back, Catherine turned her attention to the scene taking place.

  A submissive was suspended by her wrists with chains hanging from the ceiling. Likewise, a spreader bar between her ankles, which were chained to the floor, forced her legs wide. Her eyes were closed and her head was thrown back in rapture. Red lines crisscrossed her nude body giving the appearance that she was wearing a fish-net bodysuit.

  With a resounding crack, Catherine watched the long tail of braided leather wrap around from behind the sub, the tip landing on the woman’s nipple with a snap.

  The sub shuddered and whispered, “Thank you, Master.”

  It was obvious by her demeanor and the perfect diamond pattern over her skin that the man wielding the whip was in complete control and quite good at what he did.


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