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Tribute for the Viking (reluctant gay erotica)

Page 2

by Calandra Hunter

  The rest of the morning he did chores for Dagmaer, helping her with the animals and the house. She had also finally taken the rope from around his neck, much to his relief. Bjarni had gone into the village, and didn’t return until it was midday. He went into the house briefly, then returned with two blankets. Eadwulf wondered what those were for.

  “Thrall, come here,” the Viking said.

  Eadwulf came running over. “Yes?”

  Bjarni shook his head. “Yes, who?”

  Of course. Eadwulf gritted his teeth. “Yes, master.”

  “Much better,” Bjarni told him. “Tell me, how often do your people wash or bathe?”

  Eadwulf shrugged. “When necessary, so maybe once a month, or once every two months. Master,” he added, after a slight pause.

  The Viking frowned. “How do you live?” he muttered. “You will clean yourself more often than that while you sleep under my roof. Come, I will take you to the lake.”

  So that was what the blankets were for. “But it’s cold,” he argued. Bjarni didn’t really think Eadwulf would happily strip off his clothes with this weather?”

  “And you are filthy,” Bjarni replied, and pulled him up by the scruff of his tunic. “And my thrall. So stop disobeying before I make you sleep outside.”

  Forced on his toes, Eadwulf struggled to keep standing. “Y-yes, master,” he replied quickly.

  Bjarni shoved the blankets at him. “Then let’s go.”

  Eadwulf turned to look at Dagmaer, who gestured for him to follow her husband, smiling to herself. He sighed, and ran off after the bigger man. He supposed washing couldn’t be all that bad.

  The walk towards the lake was quiet, Eadwulf looking around keenly. There were no other people around, so if he ever wanted to escape, this might be a good route. Although where would he go? How would he survive? There were plants he didn’t recognise, and he knew no one in this land. For now, he had to stay with Bjarni.

  They arrived at the forest lake, which was bigger than Eadwulf had expected. He had thought it would be maybe one or two feet deep, but this looked like a lake where a man might drown. Had Bjarni brought him here for that purpose? For some reason, Eadwulf didn’t think Bjarni was the type to do that. If he wanted to kill Eadwulf, he would have done so at the house, in front of Dagmaer.

  He turned to Bjarni to ask where to drop the blankets, but his mind turned blank when he saw that the Viking had already taken his tunic off, revealing his muscular back and arms to Eadwulf, who could only stare. The man’s biceps were as thick as Eadwulf’s thighs, probably thicker. Some part of Eadwulf longed to reach out and touch him, to feel the ripple of muscles underneath his fingers.

  Bjarni turned to look at Eadwulf expectantly. “You too, thrall, unless you want me to drag you in with your clothes on.” He smirked.

  Eadwulf was too busy looking at Bjarni’s chest to take in his words. The Viking was as hairy as he had expected, thick dark hairs covering his chest and turning into a thinner trail further down, ending at the Viking’s belt. “What?”

  Bjarni’s laugh snapped Eadwulf out of it. “Your clothes, thrall,” he said, amused. “Take them off before I throw you in the lake.”

  That had Eadwulf drop the blankets to take his own clothes off immediately. As cold as he was now, it would be worse if he had to walk back in wet clothes. He felt embarrassed by his own body as he stripped off, more aware than ever that he was scrawny and smaller than the Viking.

  He hopped around to get his boots off, finding it hard to focus with Bjarni standing there, also getting naked. The few glances he got were enough to make him nearly fall over, much to Bjarni’s amusement. Eadwulf cursed himself. What had got into him? Why couldn’t he stop staring at Bjarni? It was probably because he had never seen a man that broad and tall before, he told himself. That was it. He was simply curious, and the novelty would soon wear off.

  Eadwulf managed to disrobe himself without further incidents, and looked up expectantly at the Viking. His eyes couldn’t help but follow the trail of thick hair from Bjarni’s chest to his stomach and down to his groin, landing on the biggest cock Eadwulf had ever seen. Even soft it was impressive.

  “If you have looked your fill, thrall, there’s the lake,” Bjarni told him, smiling smugly. “I will help you get clean.”

  That had Eadwulf hesitating before taking another step towards the lake. “Help?” he asked.

  Bjarni nodded, taking Eadwulf by the arm and leading them to the shore. “You are clearly not very good at cleaning yourself,” he said, nodding at the streaks of old mud on Eadwulf’s bare and hairless chest. “I will teach you.”

  Did that mean the Viking would touch him? Run his big hands all over Eadwulf’s body? A part of him liked the idea of that, of having the Viking that close. Eadwulf tried to suppress the thoughts and allowed himself to be dragged into the water, swearing when his feet and calves hit the cold water. “No!” he yelled, trying to pull back, but Bjarni was merciless.

  “Y will get used to it,” the Viking told him, and waded further into the lake, forcing Eadwulf with him.

  He yelped again when the water hit his own soft cock and balls, shivering at the sudden cold. “How do you stand it?” he yelled, as Bjarni led him on.

  “You get used to it,” Bjarni repeated, but even he hissed when the cold water lapped at his balls. Eadwulf took some satisfaction in that. Bjarni might be strong, but he was still a man. “This is far enough,” he concluded, once the water was up to his hips.

  For Eadwulf, it meant the water was well above his belly button, and he was relieved they weren’t going to go much deeper. “Good,” he grumbled. He had to admit that the cold water wasn’t as bad now as it had been at first, but he wasn’t going to tell Bjarni that.

  Bjarni pulled Eadwulf closer, forcing him to stand with his back to Bjarni’s chest, one big arm holding him there. “Let’s get you clean, thrall,” the Viking murmured into Eadwulf’s ear.

  The resulting shiver had nothing to do with the cold. He could feel Bjarni’s soft cock against his lower back, the strong muscles of the Viking’s arm easily keeping him trapped. But escape was the last thing on Eadwulf’s mind, as he felt surprisingly safe, and also warm being held this close. His own arms hung useless by his side. “Yes, master,” he whispered, a small part of him wanting nothing more than to lean against Bjarni, but he made himself stand up straight. This was about getting clean.

  The hand of Bjarni’s free arm ran across Eadwulf side, slow and gentle, rubbing against his stomach and pressing down firmly. Eadwulf gasped at the touch, forcing him closer to Bjarni. The Viking’s exploration of Eadwulf’s slender body continued, across his chest and hardened nipples, and Eadwulf bit his lip to keep quiet. He didn’t want to sigh or moan in pleasure at the tender touches, and he tried to keep still. “You’re so smooth,” Bjarni said quietly into his ear, his fingers circling around Eadwulf’s left nipple.

  He was glad that Bjarni didn’t seem to care about his lack of hair, that the Viking appeared to like it, even. “It’s warmer where we live,” he replied.

  The Viking laughed, and Eadwulf felt it against his back, a huff of warm breath across his cold shoulder. “It can be warm here too, my little wolf, especially at night.”

  There was an invitation there, and Eadwulf felt himself blush as Bjarni poured water down his back and over his head, making him wince when the cold droplets from his curls dripped down his neck. The water took dark mud with it, leaving Eadwulf’s skin paler and clean. The Viking then went to rub Eadwulf’s arms in slow, long strokes until those were clean as well, but Eadwulf felt himself sigh with relief when one strong arm went around his waist again to hold him close.

  “Don’t you feel better now?” Bjarni asked, nuzzling Eadwulf’s cheek. The rasp of the Viking’s beard against his neck made Eadwulf gasp and tilt his head back to give Bjarni more space. “Cleaner?” the Viking murmured, his voice low in Eadwulf’s ear.

  Eadwulf stared up at the bright blue sky, im
mensely grateful that the cold water kept his cock from hardening. He had never felt the stirrings of lust so strongly before. “Yes,” he gasped.

  “Good.” Suddenly, he felt Bjarni’s arm wrap tighter around his waist, and with a grunt from the Viking, Eadwulf was lifted up, his feet and legs dangling uselessly in the water.

  “Hey,” Eadwulf spluttered, kicking his feet back against Bjarni’s strong legs. “Put me down!”

  Bjarni ignored his protests, and his free hand started to rub Eadwulf’s hips and thighs. “I have to clean you properly, thrall.” The new position meant Bjarni’s soft cock was nestled between Eadwulf’s cheeks, and Eadwulf’s struggles only made him more aware of that fact.

  He stopped struggling, panting to catch his breath. It was useless, Bjarni was far stronger than him, so it was better to save his strength and enjoy being clean. He wondered if this would be a regular occurrence, if Bjarni would drag him to the lake and make him strip down more often.

  Bjarni’s hands wandered from Eadwulf’s thighs to his cock, and the first touch made Eadwulf struggle again. No one else had ever touched him there, and the feeling of those big fingers increased the lust whirling inside of Eadwulf. It was a lust he didn’t want to feel for this Viking, not for any man who had taken him from his home. “You must be cleaned everywhere,” Bjarni told him, his mouth only a few inches away from Eadwulf’s ear. His hand was now closed around Eadwulf’s cock, moving up and down slowly. Eadwulf had no doubt that if he wasn’t in cold water, his cock would be hard right now. As it was, he could barely keep himself from thrusting into the Viking’s grip.

  As he squirmed, Eadwulf felt Bjarni’s cock rub against his arse, and part of him liked it and wanted more. Wanted to feel what it would be like if Bjarni’s cock was hard. “Please,” he gasped, more confused than ever by his new desires. “I can’t –”

  “Can’t what, thrall?” Bjarni whispered, his fist still pumping Eadwulf’s cock lazily. “Get hard?”

  He flushed, embarrassed that the Viking knew what he was feeling. “Let go,” he pleaded. It was too much.

  To his surprise, Bjarni did release his cock. Eadwulf’s relief was short, as Bjarni’s fingers slid over his hips only to end up on his cheeks, giving the flesh a firm squeeze.

  Eadwulf yelped, and Bjarni chuckled in his ear. “How is that supposed to get me clean?” Eadwulf grumbled, embarrassed again. This Viking kept touching his body like he owned it, and Eadwulf hated himself for remembering that that was true.

  “Good point,” Bjarni admitted. Two of his fingers slid between Eadwulf’s cheeks where Bjarni’s cock had just rested. The two fingers moved all the way down, just behind Eadwulf’s balls, before slowly making their way up to the top. They pressed against the sensitive flesh firmly, and Eadwulf let out a soft whine. Why did that feel so good? How did this Viking know where to touch him to make his body feel hot and his mind out of control?

  Bjarni kept moving his fingers up and down slowly, tenderly stroking and rubbing the skin. Eadwulf found his own hips moving back against Bjarni’s fingers, wanting more. He didn’t know what ‘more’ was, only that he needed it.

  The Viking seemed to know, and he used his hand to spread Eadwulf’s cheeks and slid one finger into Eadwulf’s hole. Eadwulf swore at the unexpected intrusion. Though he knew Bjarni’s finger was only one knuckle in, it felt like more. “Do you like that, thrall?” the Viking asked.

  Eadwulf refused to reply, knowing that the only thing that would come out was a needy gasp, and he didn’t want to give Bjarni the satisfaction. Instead, he squirmed to get the finger out. It felt surprisingly good, but what he needed was a clear head.

  “I said,” Bjarni repeated, tightening his hold on Eadwulf and stopping his struggles, “do you like that, thrall?” The Viking pushed his finger in further, then started to carefully move it in and out of Eadwulf’s hole. “Because I think you do.”

  He moaned, because the feeling of that rough finger sliding in and out felt good, and once again his hips betrayed him. They found a rhythm that drove Bjarni’s finger deeper and Eadwulf moaned again, letting his head fall back against the Viking’s shoulder.

  They stayed like that for some time, and Eadwulf began to wish for another finger, or perhaps something even bigger to fill him. He told himself he shouldn’t think such things, that men shouldn’t want to be fucked by other men. But with the Viking holding him so close and making him feel so good, Eadwulf couldn’t think of one reason why he shouldn’t want that. “I think you’re clean enough now, thrall,” Bjarni told him, and pulled out his finger and lowered Eadwulf until he could stand on his own.

  Oh, right, because the Viking was a smug bastard who had enslaved him. A hot feeling of shame coursed through Eadwulf’s body.

  Bjarni had already grabbed his arm and led them to the shore as Eadwulf told himself he was grateful it was over. “Time to get dry,” the Viking announced, as he threw Eadwulf one of the dry blankets.

  Eadwulf began to pat himself down, starting with his head.

  “No, thrall, you are supposed to dry me.”

  He lowered the blanket to find Bjarni glaring at him, arms crossed. “You want me to –”

  “Dry me, yes.” Bjarni took a step forward, and held out his arms.

  Eadwulf gritted his teeth as he covered Bjarni’s left arm with the blanket and started to rub him dry. Bjarni’s smile turned smug, and Eadwulf kept his eyes on the blanket and tried not to think of the feeling of Bjarni’s muscles underneath his fingertips. He could feel how hard they were, how they shifted as Bjarni moved to give Eadwulf space to work. Part of him wanted to touch the Viking’s skin with his bare hands, but he quickly suppressed that thought, and reached up to dry Bjarni’s hair. Thankfully, the Viking leaned down to make it easier on Eadwulf.

  He continued to work quietly, rubbing the blanket over Bjarni’s back and resisting the urge to glance down and admire the Viking’s firm arse. As he rubbed, he felt Bjarni’s skin become warmer under his hands, a sharp contrast to how cold he felt. He should work faster, he decided, as he made swift work of Bjarni’s right arm and chest, although Eadwulf’s hands lingered when he dried Bjarni’s chest and his eyes followed a droplet of water down the Viking’s stomach and towards his groin.

  Eadwulf quickly looked up when he realised what his staring must look like, and found Bjarni smirking at him.

  “You’re not done yet, thrall,” the Viking reminded him.

  He knelt down to wrap the blanket around Bjarni’s thighs, careful not to touch the soft cock as he rubbed Bjarni’s legs dry, then leaned back. “Done,” he declared, and wrapped the blanket around himself. Even though it was damp, it was better than nothing. He started to get up, but Bjarni’s hand suddenly landed on his head and pressed him down.

  “Done?” Bjarni repeated, frowning. “I think there’s an important part of me you have forgotten.” He turned Eadwulf’s head up, forcing him to look at Bjarni’s soft cock, still wet.

  The Viking couldn’t be serious, and Eadwulf looked up at Bjarni’s grey eyes. He didn’t seem to be joking. He really wanted Eadwulf to dry his cock as well.

  “Be thorough, thrall,” Bjarni ordered him.

  Eadwulf bit his lip as he removed the blanket from around his shoulders and reached out. He had never touched another man’s cock before, and he felt anxious even with the blanket as a barrier. He wrapped one hand around it, immediately reminded of what Bjarni had done to him earlier. Slowly, he moved it up and down, surprised at how warm it felt even through the blanket. His other hand he used to pat down Bjarni’s balls and the thick hair covering his groin.

  Above him, Bjarni let out a low groan of pleasure, and Eadwulf felt himself flush. Underneath his hand, he felt the cock harden and jerk in response to his touches. “Very good, my little wolf,” Bjarni grunted, looking pleased.

  Eadwulf wanted to look away, but the strong hand on his head forced him to look at Bjarni’s groin. He released Bjarni’s cock and balls, holding the blanket to his
chest. His eyes were glued to Bjarni’s half-hard cock, already bigger and redder than before, and he tried to imagine how big it would be if it were fully hard.

  “And now for my arse, thrall,” the Viking above him said, still keeping Eadwulf down on his knees.

  This was unfair. Eadwulf was shivering, clutching the blanket. The only way for him to dry the Viking’s arse without moving was by wrapping the blanket around Bjarni’s waist. This would put Eadwulf’s face right in front of Bjarni’s cock. He glanced up, and judging from Bjarni’s smirk, the Viking had the same idea.

  He sighed, then leaned up a little so he could wrap the blanket around Bjarni’s body. He tried not to look at Bjarni’s groin, but the Viking’s impressive cock was so close it was unavoidable. Bjarni would only have to move Eadwulf’s head a few inches to make him kiss or lick it. He rubbed Bjarni’s cheeks dry, his fingers pressing against the Viking’s muscular arse and moving his groin even closer to his face. He let out another sigh, and watched the cock jerk in response to the warm air. “That’s enough for now,” Bjarni said, pushing Eadwulf away.

  Eadwulf fell back, but was grateful to be done. He grabbed the other, dry blanket, and set to drying himself off while Bjarni put his clothes back on. What was it about the Viking and his touches that turned Eadwulf into some helpless and desperate maid? He resolved not to let Bjarni get to him like that again, no matter how good it felt or how strong the lust inside of him was. He wasn’t as strong as the Viking physically, but Eadwulf had a mental strength. The Viking would soon realise that.


  Bjarni was feeling very pleased that evening. His trip to the lake to clean Eadwulf had gone very well, and he had enjoyed all of Eadwulf’s gasps and the moans he had tried to suppress. But Eadwulf’s body had betrayed him every time, leaning into Bjarni’s touch hungrily.

  The sight of Eadwulf on his knees, the way he had looked up at Bjarni pleadingly as he had clutched the blanket was one Bjarni would not soon forget. He had been tempted to take Eadwulf there and then. It wouldn’t have been difficult, not with the lust Bjarni could see in Eadwulf’s eyes, no matter how much the smaller man tried to avoid Bjarni’s gaze.


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