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Modern Arrangements: Complete Trilogy (Modern Arrangements #1-3)

Page 36

by Sadie Grubor

  "Please apologize." Viola demanded.

  "I apologize, Lilli." Anne cleared her throat. "I simply worry about AIS a little too much and let it get the best of me." She walked away from the table and went to sit down.

  Phoebe, Celia and Maggie were at my side quickly, pity and concern written on all of their faces.

  "I'm fine." I forced a smile. "At least now I know why she despises me so much." I forced a chuckle, sucking down half of my mimosa in one gulp.

  "I am so sorry, Lilli." Elora stood on the verge of tears.

  "Oh hush, you are having a baby. Congratulations!" I hugged her tightly.

  "You have to let me plan the baby shower!" Phoebe bounced.

  "I'll babysit!" Maggie added and for the next fifteen minutes we talked about pregnancy and babies. Even though they didn't realize it, I felt more like crap as the conversation continued. I truly was jeopardizing the security of AIS. I just wasn't sure that I could provide a child and feel okay about it. I was starting to wonder why Aidan hadn't chosen someone else who was more willing when Phoebe pushed Celia into the changing area.

  I sat in the chair farthest from Anne as we waited for Celia to appear.

  Now Celia, being her swimsuit model curved to perfection self, was in a tight halter gown with a black and white pinwheel effect. The neckline plunged to just below her sternum where a group of crystals and beading formed and flared slightly at her hips until it reached the floor. She wrapped the unattached black satin sash around her arms and stood in front of the mirrors.

  "Gorgeous as usual," I said in a teasingly sarcastic manor.

  "Thank you, thank you," Celia did a little turn and swayed her hips at me. I laughed.

  "Good lord you have a body!" Viola blurted out to Celia. I started to notice the familiar glaze in her eyes.

  "Uh oh, here comes naughty Viola," I shouted out with a giggle.

  "If I had these curves I would run the world!" Viola giggled. We all laughed. "Dixon is definitely a happy, happy man, I'm sure." She winked at Celia.

  "You know it," Celia winked back.

  "This mask is perfect for your dress," Phoebe was trying not to giggle from Viola's behavior.

  Celia's mask was half black and half white satin. That was all there was to it. It was simple and not extravagant; but Phoebe explained that with curves like Celia's, she didn't need anything extravagant on her face. She was right.

  "Okay, Mrs. Iverson..." Phoebe looked at Anne as she spoke to me, "your turn."

  Madeline handed me my dress and I went behind the curtain to change. Once I had slipped off my clothes and zipped myself into the dress, I walked out to the mirrors.

  "Oh, Lilli," Viola gasped, giving me the same prideful look she had given Maggie.

  “I knew this dress would be perfect! All it needed was the small altercations.” Phoebe bounced with excitement as she circled me.

  My dress was a very fitting column dress, entirely black except for the wide solid wide stripe down the front and the red ribbon around the empire waist, turning into a small bow under my left breast.

  I had to smile at my own appearance. Phoebe was right, it really did compliment my figure and the slit to just above my left knee gave it a hint of sexiness.

  "Lilli, I never realized how phenomenal your legs are." Viola was pulling back the slit and getting a very up close and personal view of my leg. I laughed and tried to pull the dress back down.

  "I would prefer not to show my underwear off to everyone." I laughed.

  "You mean your lack of underwear," Viola smirked and then laughed. I blushed until I turned tomato red.

  "Lilli!" Maggie snorted out loudly in hysterics.

  "It's good that you aren't," Phoebe informed the room "This dress will show panty lines. That means that we are going to have to go lingerie shopping." Phoebe's eyes sparkled.

  "Not today!" I warned her.

  "But the ball is next weekend," she pouted.

  "Oooh, can I go?" Viola chimed in excitedly. "You know what, after the fittings, let's all go." She turned to me before I could object. "The guys are going to be at the tux shop for hours this afternoon, we can get it all taken care of today and then have dinner." Viola smiled proudly.

  "Fine," I growled.

  "Yeah!" Phoebe sang. I huffed. "Here, try this mask" Phoebe handed me the mask and I put it on.

  The mask was pretty elaborate.

  "It's perfect, Lilli" Phoebe smiled and motioned for me to look in the mirror. It was all white, except for around the eyes where it was black with silver swirls. The outside of the mask was lined with silver threading and crystals that reflected green and red. A lone black gem encased in a silver triangle rested at the center. On the right side was a large, black, lace flower with black netting.

  "Everyone get together," I motioned to everyone.

  We all stood together in the mirror. It was a sea of curves wrapped in black and white. A group of beautiful gowns, masks and women.

  "Superb!" Madeline chimed in and smiled at us all.

  "Okay...time to shop!" Phoebe ran to the changing area.

  After everyone was changed, we headed to the lingerie shop. Viola had called ahead, making arrangements, while we ate. Once we entered, curtains were pulled over the windows and the ‘closed’ sign was flipped.

  "Juliette, thank you so much for doing this on such short notice." Viola leaned in and kissed a very tall, slender woman on each cheek.

  "Anything for you, my dear." She smiled warmly at Viola while holding onto her shoulders. Then she looked over at Maggie. "Ahh...Maggie, you are getting more and more beautiful every time I see you!" She moved quickly to Maggie and hugged her tightly.

  "Thanks, Juliette." Maggie blushed slightly.

  "And, Anne, it is always a pleasure to see you," Juliette briefly hugged her and moved back.

  "As it is to see you," Anne smiled back politely. "You know, Elora" Anne motioned to Lor who was standing just on my left.

  "Of course I remember Elora. Congratulations on your marriage." Juliette briefly hugged her.

  "This is Lilli," Viola moved next to me and pulled me forward toward Juliette, "Aidan's wife."

  Juliette's face lit up.

  "Mrs. Iverson," she squeezed me tightly "It is a pleasure to meet you." She wrapped her arm in mine and pulled us towards full length mirrors and a large rack of lingerie. "We have some great things selected for you." I smiled, a little unsure. I was just starting to realize the full reaction people had to me being 'Aidan's wife'.

  Phoebe moved quickly to the rack of lingerie.

  "We need something sexy, seamless, and definitely a thong."

  "Ah...I do believe that you will find some matching sets in this portion of the rack." Juliette motioned to the section and Phoebe went to work.

  "Lilli, this is perfect" Phoebe pulled out a smooth, nude strapless bra with matching seamless thong.

  I shrugged.

  "Works for me." I turned around to everyone. "I'm done." Smiling, I sat down in a chair.

  "Oh, come on," Viola pulled me out of the chair. "Let's try on some 'fun' stuff."

  As she pulled me toward the changing rooms I looked over my shoulder to Phoebe and Celia.

  "Help me."

  They both laughed as Viola pushed me into a room.

  "Here, try these first." She shoved a couple of different risqué and lacy get-ups. "Does Aidan have a color preference?" Viola shouted through the store.

  Even though I was alone in the dressing room, I covered my face and blushed.

  “I'm sure he prefers nothing at all," Celia giggled.

  "Nah, I bet Aidan likes black," Phoebe giggled. "He strikes me as a guy who likes the bad girl look."

  "Oh God," I groaned, hearing their laughter pick up.

  "Maybe he likes costumes like his Uncle Liam," Viola tossed out there.

  "Eww...Mom! No!" I heard Maggie shout and now I was the one laughing. Maggie barged into the changing room. "Save me from having to listen to that,"
she pleaded.

  I shook my head.

  "Sorry, you can still hear them from here." I held my stomach and laughed.

  "Viola," Anne was stifling her laughter. "Costumes? Really?"

  "Oh, come on, Anne," Viola sounded astounded. "Do I need to remind you of last New Year when you told me about a certain Henry who has a thing for 1940's lingerie."

  "Viola!" Anne shouted, horrified. The rest of us were in hysterics, I even heard Maggie snort loudly.

  "Viola, you have never changed." Juliette giggled.

  "Oh, don't be shy." Viola scolded. "There is no shame in a costume or vintage lingerie." Everyone became silent. Breaking the silence, "So, Lilli, crotchless?"

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  Lilli looked as if she were almost running from me this morning to meet the ladies. I was nervous, wondering if she had overheard my phone call. That would not be that good at all. The afternoon arrived and I was finishing dressing before heading to the Tux shop to meet up with the guys, as well as my uncles.

  In the car I got a call from Viola who had decided that we would all go out to dinner tonight. I called the house to inform Rachel that dinner would be unnecessary. In fact, I told her to have a good weekend off, we would fend for ourselves.

  Once I pulled up to the Tux shop and entered, Geoffrey greeted me. Geoffrey ran the shop and was very familiar with my family.

  "Aidan, it's a pleasure as always," he greeted me with a firm handshake. "Your uncles and friends have already arrived."

  I was trying to be cordial, but the whole Lilli practically running away from me was still bothering me.

  "Thank you, Geoffrey."

  "Oh, congratulations on your marriage," he smiled wide and gestured for me to follow him.

  Entering the back dressing area, I could hear them all before I joined them.

  "Congratulations!" I heard Liam stating in happy tone.

  "Yes, if only Aidan would be providing us with such news." Uncle Henry's tone, as usual, was annoyed.

  "What news should I be providing, Uncle?" I stood with my arms across my chest.

  "Aidan, let's just get fitted—"

  "James and Elora are having a child." Uncle Henry cut Liam off. "Elora is already three months along."

  "Ah...we are back at this again." I ran my hand through my hair and sighed, turning to James. "Congratulations! I am so happy for you and Elora." I smiled to him, genuinely happy for them.

  "Thanks man," James looked slightly ashamed. "Um...let's start with—"

  "So, I don't suppose that you have any news to share with us?" Uncle Henry was really crossing a boundary line, he knew better.

  "No, uncle, no news from me, yet," I narrowed my eyes at him. "I told you that it is being taken care of."

  "You've been saying that, but when will it be taken care of?" Henry was almost shouting.

  "Henry, another time," Liam replied in warning.

  "It is taken care of!" I snapped back at my Uncle Henry, walking passed the shocked faces of Oscar and James. Then, I caught Dixon's face, part shock and part anger.

  Before I sat down, Dixon made his concerns known.

  "I don't know what you mean by that, but, if you do anything stupid to Lilli, I will beat the shit out of you." He glared and then stalked off to a changing room.

  I sighed and put my head in my hands.

  "It will all work out fine." I felt Liam pat my back as he sat next to me. I sighed again and sat back.

  "Well, let's get on with this," I announced and Geoffrey appeared with multiple garments hanging on a rolling rack.

  "Okay, Viola called and gave me the information and guidelines for each of you."

  "Wait, Viola chose our tuxes?" Dixon reappeared behind Geoffrey.

  "Oh no. She simply provided me the descriptions of each dress so that I could coordinate you with your wives and girlfriends." Geoffrey smiled, eying up Dixon.

  Dixon shifted uncomfortably under his stare.

  "Umm…what?" he rubbed the back of his head.

  "It's just that I may need to go and get a size larger for you. I wasn't fully aware of your build." Geoffrey looked Dixon over again and disappeared from the room.

  James burst out laughing. Dixon scowled at him.


  "You totally thought he was checking you out!" James' hysterics caused the rest of us to start laughing.

  "Shut up," Dixon chuckled out. "I was just a little uncomfortable. I didn't know what the hell he was doing." He shrugged. "Who could help but check this out?" Dixon started giving some poses and we laughed harder.

  Geoffrey came back with a few more garment bags and hung them up. He also had two more men with him, apparently assistants.

  "Let's start with Liam," Geoffrey turned to him. "Viola was very specific for you and she has excellent taste."

  "Of course she does, she chose me didn't she?" Liam winked at Dixon who, in turn, gave Liam a high five.

  "A man after my own heart," Dixon chuckled.

  Aunt Viola had selected a very traditional Armani suite for Liam; black suite, white shirt with black buttons, black satin collar and bow tie. He was classic and handsome.

  Bravo Viola.

  "She really knows your body, Liam. Her measurements were exact." Geoffrey stated as he measured and checked the fit.

  "Oh, she knows his body alright," Dixon blurted out in a chuckle.

  Liam, James and Oscar chuckled. I scowled.

  "Don't start," I pointed at him. He put his hands up in surrender.

  James was asked to follow one of the assistants into a changing room to begin getting ready. Once done, he emerged.

  "Look at pimp daddy James!" Dixon laughed loudly.

  "Don't hate the player, hate the game," James strutted past Dixon laughing.

  James was in a completely white tux; white jacket, white shirt, white pants, complete with white buttons and tie. He looked like a large bottle of white out. It worked for him.

  Oscar was next to be pulled back. While he was changing, one of the assistants passed out drinks. I got bourbon, of course. As I sipped my drink, I was fully aware of the looks Uncle Henry was giving me.

  Oscar was almost the opposite of James. He was in solid black except for the white shirt only visible at the collar and cuffs. The jacket did not have a collar or buttons. His suited him as well.

  Uncle Henry came from the back and was in a full traditional suit; black and white. However, it was as sharp as Liam's tux. Still, he looked very handsome.

  I told Dixon to go next so I could finish my much needed drink.

  Dixon's tux was matte black with a silver collar and buttons. He wore a white dress shirt and silver tie. The suit was perfect for Dixon's build.

  "Ah, see, now that is much better than what I had originally pulled for you." Geoffrey walked around Dixon taking measurements and making adjustments, just as he had with everyone else.

  "Mr. Iverson?" I looked up to see an assistant gesturing for me to follow him. I finished off my drink and followed him to my changing area.

  I changed into the tux. It was all black with very thin white pinstripes. I had a white shirt and tie with a red handkerchief in the breast pocket, which I found a little odd.

  Entering the room, I could hear the group laughing. When I saw Geoffrey's hand at Dixon's crotch, I understood why. Dixon's face was different this time. Instead of uncomfortable it was smug.

  "He's had to measure Dixon twice" James chuckled.

  "Hey, it's hard to get accurate measurements when you have a package such as mine." Dixon boasted. Geoffrey blushed.

  "Please, Dixon, we all know that big steroid users have small dicks," James chuckled.

  "See, that's steroid users." Dixon looked at James seriously. "I am all natural baby!" Dixon flexed. The sound of ripping material quieted the room.

  "Oh my!" Geoffrey ran up quickly and started to look over the ripped seam in back of his jacket.

  James and I were almost on the fl
oor in hysterics. It took us twenty minutes to calm down.

  I paced impatiently at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Lilli to be ready. She'd been repeatedly groaning and arguing with the make-up artist and hair stylist Phoebe arranged for her. I kind of felt sorry for the two women. But, hearing Lilli’s reactions, I couldn’t help but laugh.

  "You want to pull the hair out by the root?" was one shout I heard from her and then, "Isn’t that the color hookers typically wear?" Ah, yes, that last one had me in tears. My Lilli was feisty and I loved her for it.

  Speaking of love, I'd been playing it over it my head over and over. I needed to tell her, wanted to tell her. I was going to tell her, tonight. I was nervous, anxious, worried and plain terrified of her reaction, but I needed to honest with her.

  In the middle of my internal pep-talk I heard movement on the stairs. I looked up and saw Lilli coming down the stairs. I took a quick intake of breath at the sight of her. I couldn't speak. The tight dress was perfectly crafted to her body, the red high heels that I pictured being the only thing on her in the middle of our bed. Then, there was her hair. The top had been pulled back, away from her face, and gathered at the crown of head. The rest flowed down her back in large curls. She was breathtaking.

  She finally met me at the bottom of the stairs.

  "You look beautiful," I almost whispered as I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her red tinted lips to mine.

  Her lips parted from mine too quickly and I groaned.

  "Watch the make-up, Iverson," she laughed, "there is no way I’m going back into that beautification hell." She gave a stern nod and then headed toward the door.

  We wrapped up in our coats and headed to the waiting car. My willpower was fully tested when she sat down, the slit in her dress parted, revealing her thigh.

  I wonder if there are any empty rooms at the Grand Prospect.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  Reaching the top step, I noticed Aiden. He looked completely deep in his own thoughts, but that wasn't what made me pause. He made me pause. The tux that Aidan was wearing was unbelievable. It made his broad shoulders look like they were chiseled by Angels and his hair, Jesus. His hair was in its normal state of messy disarray, though it looked as if he had tried to tame it for the evening.


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