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Love Inspired Historical November 2014

Page 51

by Danica Favorite

  “Why don’t you drink your coffee?” Mrs. Frontz offered, indicating with her hand that Leah should return to the table.

  Leah looked to Molly. The little girl had finished her apple cider and simply sat watching the adults. If she could talk, Leah wondered what she’d say.

  Not wanting to reveal Molly’s true identity until Jake was ready, Leah declined Mrs. Frontz’s invitation with a shake of her head. “Thank you for the coffee, Mrs. Frontz, but if Molly is finished, I’d like to rest for a little while.”

  Molly hurried to her side. The little girl placed her hand within Leah’s as if offering her support.

  Mrs. Frontz nodded but the disappointment in her face remained. Was she disappointed because she wanted to get to know Leah better? Or that Leah wouldn’t be sticking around to answer her questions regarding Jake?

  “Will placed your bags in the first room to your left at the top of the stairs.” Mrs. Frontz pushed her chair back and gathered up the cups.

  Leah smiled. “Thank you.” At the other woman’s nod, she took Molly’s hand and climbed the stairs. What would she and the little girl do once they were behind closed doors? Leah sighed as she opened the door to their room. It was chilly and the quilt looked warm and cozy on the top of the bed. A nap sounded good to Leah but she didn’t think she could sleep, knowing that Jake was somewhere hurting over the loss of his brother.

  Molly entered the bed chamber, laid her doll on the quilt and crossed to the window. She clapped her little hands and pointed past the frost-covered glass. Snow drifted lazily to the ground. The little girl dug in her pockets and pulled out her hat and gloves. She ran toward the door and waited.

  A quick glance about the room told Leah it was clean and had been well tended, but she’d look more closely later. “And where do you think you are going, young lady?” Leah asked, reaching for her coat.

  Molly pointed back to the window.

  “I see.” Leah crossed the room to help the little girl get the hat and gloves on her head and hands. A smile graced the child’s face as she tried to see out the window. It was as if Molly was afraid the snow would stop falling and she’d miss her chance to play in it.

  Once she had Molly dressed and her own coat, gloves and hat on, Leah laid a finger over her lips. “Let’s be real quiet as we go outside. We don’t want to disturb Mrs. Frontz, do we?”

  Molly nodded her head in agreement. Leah knew it was cowardly to sneak out of the house but she just wasn’t ready to face the woman’s questions again. Also, she wanted to spend a little more time with Molly, alone, having fun and not facing the future. Cowardly, maybe, but at least for a little while she’d be happy.

  The little girl tugged on her arm, drawing her attention. Leah scooped the child up and opened the door. She looked both right and left. Not seeing anyone she closed the door behind them and hurried to the stairs. The main rooms were empty and they managed to escape out the front without Mrs. Frontz seeing them.

  Leah sighed as she lowered the child to the ground. Now what? They couldn’t stand in the front yard, because who knew when one of those pony express riders would come swooping in. She grabbed Molly’s hand and headed to the side of the house, away from the barn and the possibility of being seen from the kitchen.

  It was quiet on this side of the house. Apple trees formed a small orchard and Leah smiled. Snow was already piling up against the house and Molly danced around trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue.

  “How about we build a snowman?”

  Molly rushed back to her and nodded.

  They worked together as the snow fell swiftly. The call of “Rider coming in fast!” carried to them but neither paid any mind.

  Leah knew they were far enough away from the front of the house that they didn’t need to worry about the rider. The snow was a wet snow and packed well. It continued to come down and both she and Molly were wet. They stepped back to study their snowman. Molly pointed to the smallest snowball on top of the other two. She then pointed to her eyes, nose and mouth. Her small head cocked sideways as she looked up at Leah.

  “Yes, he needs a face,” Leah agreed.

  The little girl nodded and then pointed to her own hat-covered head. Now where would she find a hat? Leah wondered. “I agree. He needs a hat.”

  Leah recognized Jake’s voice before she turned around to see him leaning against the house.

  “That’s a nice-looking snowman you have there, Molly.”

  She nodded and pointed again at the place where its face should be. As if she thought that wasn’t enough, Molly also pointed at her face.

  Jake’s chuckle warmed Leah’s insides. How long had he been standing there? His eyes still held a hint of sorrow but she saw affection for Molly in them, too. That was good. Leah had been afraid he’d tell her he couldn’t or wouldn’t take his niece.

  She watched as he walked forward with two stones and placed them where the snowman’s eyes should be. Molly tapped her nose with a gloved finger.

  He nodded. “Yep, still needs a nose.” He took Molly’s gloved hand and walked over to the trees where he broke off a small stick and returned. Jake held it out for Molly to take and then lifted her to put it into place.

  When he returned her to the ground, Molly looked up at him and grinned. Did she realize that Jake was her uncle? Did he resemble her father enough for the little girl to put the two together? Leah didn’t know.

  Molly’s brown eyes turned on her and she pointed to her lips.

  “I’m not sure what we can use for his mouth,” Leah confessed, looking about. The ground was covered in snow. Maybe they could dig and find a few stones to create the lips.

  The little girl frowned. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she ran for the house.

  Leah started to follow her but Jake’s warm hand on her arm stopped her.

  “She’s just going into the house.”

  She turned to face him. “How can you be so sure?”

  Jake laughed. “Didn’t you see the look on her face? She thought of something she has and went to get it.”

  “Oh.” Leah rubbed her cold hands together. Earlier she’d been too busy to notice the cold but now with Molly gone, and aware she was alone with a stranger, Leah began to feel uneasy. With the thin gloves and even thinner coat she was beginning to feel chilled to the bone, too.

  “I hope Mrs. Frontz didn’t give you a hard time after I left,” Jake said, blowing on his own gloves to warm his hands.

  Leah felt a moment of embarrassment. “No, I didn’t give her the chance. Molly and I went up to our room after you left and then we sneaked outside while she was in the kitchen.”

  “I’m sorry. I should have stayed and explained to her what was happening.” Sorrow filled his warm eyes again.

  Leah reached out and touched his arm. “It’s all right. She didn’t come right out and ask me what we’d discussed. I wouldn’t have told her if she had. She’ll understand soon enough.” She didn’t need to tell him that it was his responsibility to tell his employers about Molly, not hers.

  Jake nodded. “Yes, I plan on telling everyone this evening before supper. But, I’d like to talk to Molly about it first.”

  “That would be best.”

  He seemed pleased at her response. “I hope you don’t mind but I’ve asked Mrs. Frontz if we can have lunch in private.”

  Leah turned big eyes on him. “I’m not sure that is such a good idea.” She rushed on before he could stop her. “I know you mean well but I want to be with you both when you tell Molly who you are. Right now, I’m the only person she trusts. I’m not comfortable sending her off alone with you. She might think I’ve abandoned her and I can’t have that.”

  Leah heard the conviction in her voice and realized she’d not let Molly face her future alone. She squared her shoulders and waited for Jake to argue.

  A grin filled his face. “I’m glad you care so much about her.”

  “I do.” Leah’s stomach growled just as Molly came running a
round the corner.

  He leaned close to her and his warm breath caressed her cheek. “It sounds like it’s a good thing I asked for an early lunch for three.”

  Jake turned from her to see what the little girl was waving in the air. Leah tilted her head and looked around him to see, too. Her heart sank. Molly had found Leah’s favorite pink ribbon.

  Jake bent at the waist to take it from her. His gaze moved to Leah’s face and he turned back to Molly. “Is this your pretty ribbon?” he asked.

  She shook her head and pointed to Leah.

  “Did you ask if we can use it?”

  Again, Molly shook her head. Her eyes beseeched Leah.

  Jake stood to his full height. For a moment Leah was worried he was going to scold the little girl. Jake surprised her by saying, “Well, I think it’s too pretty for a snowman. After lunch we’ll see what else we can find.” He handed the ribbon back to Molly. “Perhaps you should give this back to Miss Hollister.”

  Molly did as she was told but didn’t look too pleased.

  “Thank you, Molly.” Leah took the ribbon and then knelt down in front of the little girl. “From now on, you must ask me before you go through my things and take what you want.” Once the little girl had nodded sadly, Leah stood.

  “Who’s hungry?” Jake asked.

  Molly jumped up and down. She crossed to Jake and took his hand. Leah followed. It was obvious that Molly was already accepting Jake. The little girl wouldn’t need her here much longer.


  Heat filled Jake’s face as he saw his room through Leah and Molly’s eyes. It was a tack room within the barn. Bridles, saddles and other riding equipment stood against the walls or hung on the walls. A bed, small wood stove and a little wooden table were all that stood in the room. A shirt hung on a makeshift clothesline but other than that, the room was tidy.

  Curiosity laced Molly’s expression while mild amusement seemed to fill Leah’s. He set the picnic basket on the table. “I know it’s not much, but stock tenders don’t normally require much.”

  In all honesty, he’d been surprised that Mrs. Frontz had agreed to let him bring Leah and Molly to his room. But, with some fast talking he’d convinced her that Molly would make the perfect chaperon and that they needed privacy to explain to Molly that he was her uncle, an uncle she’d never met.

  Leah’s voice pulled him back to the present. “It’s very nice.” Leah took off Molly’s wet gloves and coat.

  He almost snorted his amusement at her politeness but decided she wouldn’t take the action well. Instead, he pulled a chair up to the table. “I’m sorry. I only have the two chairs. You ladies may have them.”

  Molly scrambled onto the closest one and smiled up at him. Her brown eyes, so much like his brother’s, tore into his heart.

  “Molly and I can share.” Leah scooped the little girl up and sat down. The little girl squirmed in her lap and smiled across at him.

  Jake opened the basket. He wasn’t sure how to tell Molly that he was her uncle. Bitterness clawed at the back of his throat. What right did he have to raise his niece? He’d cut her parents out of his life five years ago. Sadness filled him because, without meaning to, he’d also cut this sweet little girl from his life.

  He placed sliced bread and ham wrapped in a towel on the table, followed by a jar of pickles and sugar cookies. He also pulled out three plates and a fork for the pickles. It wasn’t a large lunch but it was all that Mrs. Frontz had had time to pull together for them. Lastly he placed a jar of milk and three glasses on the table.

  “This looks wonderful.” Leah made a quick sandwich from the bread and ham. She placed it on one of the plates while he opened the pickle jar.

  As they worked together to prepare the simple meal, Molly watched. Jake felt as if her big eyes followed his every move. Was this what it felt like to be a parent?

  Once they each had a sandwich sitting in front of them, Jake sat down and blessed the food. It had been a while since he’d said grace because Mr. Frontz normally said the blessing. He kept it simple and said a quick amen.

  Molly reached for the sugar cookie on her plate.

  In a soft voice, Leah reminded her, “You have to eat half your sandwich and drink half your milk and then you can have the cookie.”

  The little girl looked to Jake. Was she asking him to intervene? What harm would it do if she ate the cookie first? His gaze moved up to Leah’s. The look on her face warned him that now wasn’t the time to dispute her words.

  He grinned at Molly. “Eat up. If I finish my sandwich first I might be tempted to eat your cookie, too.” Jake took a big bite from his sandwich.

  A twinkle filled Leah’s eyes as Molly grabbed her own ham and bread and began to eat at a fast pace. “Remember, ladies thoroughly chew their food before they swallow,” Leah reminded the little girl.

  Molly nodded and her eyes danced with pleasure as she ate and drank her milk. Leah picked at her sandwich and looked about the room.

  Leah seemed to know exactly what the little girl needed to know to grow up into a young woman with manners and healthy eating habits. How was he going to be both mother and father to the child? To take his mind from the scary thought, Jake glanced around his room.

  He was thankful he’d stopped long enough this morning to make the cot up. “I hope you don’t mind eating here. Other than the main dining hall there was no other place, and I wanted to talk to Molly before I spoke to Mr. and Mrs. Frontz.”

  “This is fine,” Leah assured him.

  Molly’s stopped chewing and looked at him. He read the question in her eyes. She wanted to know why he’d want to talk to her.

  He put his sandwich down and placed his elbows on the table, one on each side of his plate. Molly continued to stare at him. She cocked her head to the side and waited.

  Jake took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. Lord, please help me say the right thing. “Molly, did your daddy ever tell you he had a brother?”

  The little girl shook her head.

  John and Sally had never told Molly about him. What had he expected? He’d abandoned his family. Only, where did he go from here?

  Jake continued to hold her gaze. She looked so much like Sally, with her corn-silk hair, heart-shaped face and rosy cheeks. The only difference was her eyes. She had John’s expressive brown eyes.

  Seeing John’s eyes looking back at him tore into his very soul. Over the years he’d missed his brother and realized that his memories of Sally were fading, but he’d never forgotten his brother.

  Molly slid off Leah’s lap and came around the table. Jake turned so that he could still face her. The little girl reached her arms upward and he pulled her onto his lap. She stretched her small hand up and touched Jake’s hair and then ran her fingers over his lashes.

  He closed them so she wouldn’t poke him in the eye. Was she searching for similarities between him and his brother? Or was she simply curious about him? When he felt her hand on his head again, he looked into her face.

  Leah said in a soft, encouraging voice, “Go ahead and tell her.”

  Molly looked from him to Leah and back to him again. She placed her hand on his heart and leaned her head against his shoulder.

  “I’m your Uncle Jake, Molly. I’m your daddy’s brother.”

  She raised her head and smiled at him. Had she already guessed? “Your daddy sent me a letter and in it he said you can live with me now. Would you like that?”

  Molly nodded and then pointed to Leah.

  Was she asking if Leah could live with them, too? Jake looked to the young woman. Her cheeks were turning a lovely shade of pink. It wasn’t his place to tell Molly that her friend would soon be leaving to marry Mr. Harris.

  Jake found himself holding his breath as he waited to see what Leah would say. Molly climbed down from his lap. She hurried back to Leah and waited to be picked up. Molly was small for her age and weighed very little.

  “Molly, you will be staying here with your uncle Jake,
and I will continue on to meet my new husband. Remember? I told you that I was coming out here to get married.”

  Tears filled Molly’s eyes. She wrapped her arms around Leah’s neck and hid her face. Leah’s sorrow-filled gaze searched out Jake’s. He wanted to help them but didn’t know how. His experience with heartache hadn’t prepared him for raising a child who had lost so much already. Or helping a young woman who seemed to be looking at him for reassurance—or something else that he knew he’d never be able to give her.

  Leah gently pulled Molly back. “I’m not leaving right now, little one. We have a few days to be together. Let’s not be sad during the rest of our time together. All right?”

  Molly wiped the tears from her cheeks and offered Leah a wobbly smile. She patted Leah’s face as if to say, I’m all right. Her sad eyes seemed to say that it wasn’t fair and that she felt as if she were losing her best friend.


  Later that evening, cold air swept through the room, announcing that Jake had entered the parlor. Leah glanced his way and then faced Mr. Frontz once more. With her hands planted firmly on her hips, she protested, “I don’t understand why a pony express rider can’t take me on his next run and drop me off at the Harris ranch.”

  The old man shook his head. “Send him a letter. I won’t risk sending you out to him.”

  Exasperation and weariness filled her. “But I’ve already told you. I sent a letter last week and haven’t received an answer.” Fear crept up her spine, sending chills down her back. The letter should have gotten to him days ago. Why hadn’t he come? Had Thomas changed his mind?

  Two pony express riders, Cole and Timothy, sat on the settee, snickering. Leah scowled at them. Didn’t they realize this wasn’t funny? This was about her future. Her new home. The older man snorted and she turned her glare back on him.

  Molly tugged her small fingers free of Leah’s and hurried to Jake. The little girl grabbed his hand. Her big brown eyes took in the scene that was unfolding before them. His seemed to be doing the same.

  Leah and Molly had kept their distance from each other. Truth be told, Leah had pretty much isolated herself from everyone because she didn’t want to see the questions in their eyes. But, even so, she’d sensed he wanted no part of being around her. He’d come inside and play with Molly or take her out to the barn to ride the horse but he’d said very few words to Leah over the past week.


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